- Dipi concerned for her husband.
- Toadie confronting his brother.
- Ritchie showing Mackenzie the drugs he found in Shane's bag.
- Toadie telling his brother to come clean to his wife.
- Kyle explaining to Toadie that the debate is a cover for what is really happening.
- Shane (in a dishevelled mess) arriving at Harold's for his anniversary meal with Dipi.
Harold's café
Dipi is delighted with the surprise meal that Mackenzie has organised as the newly arrived Toadie tries to buy his brother some time (saying he felt car sick on the journey) so that he can at least tidy himself up somewhat. Before they start the meal, Dipi seems to finally notice that Shane isn't exactly at his best and asks if he needs to step outside for some fresh air and at the same time have the chat he mentioned, but he turns both down.
Number 24
As he chats nonchalantly with his son, Pierce now finds out about the anniversary dinner and mentions that the girls have done such a good job that Dipi was sure nothing was planned.
Harold's café
Karl sings away to entertain the couple while they eat... well Dipi is eating, Shane hasn't touched a bit of the food in front of him.
When he finishes, Toadie takes a quick moment to reassure his brother that he has his back when he is at the counter getting some water. Mackenzie wants a quick word with him too, having returned from depositing the plates in the kitchen, but her moment is lost when Karl suggests that it's time for speeches.
Dipi begins by thanking Mackenzie, Ritchie and Karl for their efforts, especially as she'd convinced herself they weren't going to be celebrating their 20th anniversary. "I love you Shane Rebecchi and that's never going to stop," she says to her husband after paraphrasing to him what Jane said to her. Shane starts by apologising for his lack of effort for the evening before he then apologises for the number of times he's "stuffed up" but "having you by my side makes me a better man."
SHANE: I just hope that in another twenty years, I'll finally be the man you deserve.
Number 26
Roxy seems quite impressed at the shade of green Sheila was on coming back into the kitchen to talk to Kyle after seeing to her (and confirming the rest of the quiches are thrown out!). He confirms Toadie didn't know anything about the dinner and seems somewhat confused when she mentions feeling bad for them both. "Does that mean you still want Shane in your life?" he asks her and while admitting it sounds crazy, she confirms that she does, as she feels Shane needs her "and everyone else."
KYLE: He doesn't deserve you.
ROXY: It's not just about him, Vi and Dipi shouldn't have to go through this alone.
KYLE: You've got a big heart, you know that!
Harold's café
Given how Shane looks, Mackenzie and Richie debate whether Shane is or isn't on something as they stand on the sidelines observing him. Neither are sure, so she gets him into the kitchen on the pretence of cutting the cake to have word with him.
Holding one the wee plastic bags in her hands, she confronts him the minute they enter the kitchen to ask if it is his. He's barely got "no" out of his mouth when Dipi walks into the kitchen. "What's going on?" she asks, and Mackenzie ignores Shane wanting to talk later, to tell Dipi about Richie finding the bag in a textbook of Shane's, "the same one they found at the school."
MACKENZIE: Is this yours? Yes or no?!
SHANE: Yes, it's mine.
MACKENZIE: So Richie was right, you are using.
It takes Dipi a few seconds to process everything and Shane tries to explain that he's tried to deal with everything but realising he couldn't.
Commercial break later and Toadie wants everyone to leave, but Dipi asks that he stays back. "Explain this to me," she asks of Shane once Richie, Mackenzie and Karl have left.
SHANE: I wanted to tell you before but...
DIPI: How long have you been taking this stuff?
"Too long," is his eventual answer and adds that Roxy tried to help him kick it. She seems upset at Roxy knowing and demands to know everything.
The Waterhole
Karl and Susan discuss what they think is wrong with Shane when they get a text from Toadie asking to keep the kids overnight (Karl in turn texts Jane to get her to put them to bed).
Meanwhile, Mackenzie is curious to know how Richie knew Shane was using. "Just a guest," he replies but she isn't buying it, so he is forced to admit to being the one that gave Shane "something to use."
Harold's café
Shane explains that he mainly took the drugs at night to help him study and confirms that is why he couldn't sleep... "along with stress." She asks how long it stays in his system and he replies, "a couple of hours" however Toadie interjects to say, "try a day." Dipi is piecing together all the times (in the mornings) that he was potentially still high when he did certain activities like the school run. Much to Toadie's relief, Shane confirms he never drove the kids while high.
She wants to know how he paid for it (used the money Grant paid back) and who he got it from (a bloke at uni). Dipi is just hearing about Shane being in Bourke when Mackenzie and Richie walk in.
MACKENZIE: There's something you need to know.
Shane correctly guesses what is about to be said and tries to protect Richie, but Mackenzie wants him to own up.
RICHIE: Shane was struggling with his course load. It all started at Pride...
With the aid of a flashback, we go back to that point and Shane admitting to Richie that there aren't enough hours in the day. Ritchie suggests to him that there is "stuff out there" he could use to keep his energy up... like his ADHD meds since they keep him focused and goes onto say that to someone without ADHD, they could be "dynamite." Shane is unsure of taking unprescribed meds but is told "kids take it all the time during exams" and Richie offers Shane some of his spares...
"And you took him up on it," Dipi finishes with when we return to the present. Toadie wants to know how Shane got onto the stronger stuff and Richie is quick to say he knows nothing of that!
RICHIE: I gave him the first lot but when he came back for more, I said no.
And back to flashback land we see Dipi walking in on Shane and Richie having words about that.
Shane absolves Richie of any blame when we come back to the present day.
SHANE: I'm the adult here. I'm the one that went looking for harder gear.
Flashback time to Shane and River working on their uni project and the later offering Shane "some chemical assistance" to help pull an all-nighter to do the uni work after Shane admitted he didn't have it in him to do that all-nighter.
RIVER: Just your basic garden variety amphetamines.
Back to the present and Shane admits to buying his first bag (off River) that day. Dipi wants to know when Roxy found out - by accident a while back and she promised not to say anything if he stopped. Shane explains that Roxy tried to get him to go cold turkey (which is where Dipi walked in on them in a flashback) but with the uni work piling up, he couldn't do it.
DIPI: So you kept going back for more.
SHANE: I thought I could control it... I couldn't.
The Waterhole
Richie and Mackenzie pass the leaving K's as they enter the bar. She is well peeved at him but just as they start to chat, Hendrix appears in the bar and asks how the dinner is going.
MACKENZIE: Illuminating! I found out that Richie fancies himself as a pharmacist!
"I didn't think it was going to end up like this," he protests but she is ready for him, telling Richie that he "didn't think at all." She is angry that he "knew the whole-time what Shane was going through and you said nothing."
MACKENZIE: How can I trust anything you say now?!
"We can't all be perfect like you," an exasperated Richie says after trying to defend his actions by pointing out that "loads of people take stuff that they shouldn't," and that Shane "took it too far" although concedes that he shouldn't have handed over his meds.
Realising things have gone a bit too far, Hendrix suggests to his mate that they head to his house. When the pair leave, Mackenzie sends someone a text telling them to meet her in The Waterhole urgently.
Lassiters Complex
And looks like it was Yashvi she sent the text to as she tells Levi she needs to knock off early.
Harold's café
It is Toadie's turn now to explain that he only found out yesterday that Shane was in Bourke, rather than Colac, to try and wean himself off. Dipi is curious to know how Shane planned to do that alone and he explains he planned to do that over a few days "and come back tonight clean" and it "would all be good." Dipi is quick to point out that it didn't happen as planned and is very bitter he went to Roxy instead of her.
DIPI: Are you serious about stopping?
SHANE: Yes! I've never been more serious about anything in my whole life, but I need you to help me.
Tearfully he asks her to forgive him, but she isn't ready to do that and instead asks him to go.
The Waterhole
Yashvi arrives in the bar, wondering why Mackenzie sent her the urgent text.
Harold's café/Number 30/Number 22
As 'Broken two' starts to play, its music montage time beginning with Dipi sitting alone in the café. Next, it's to #30 where we see Shane rush to the kitchen sink and relieving his stomach of its contents. We then see a shell-shocked Yashvi make her way to #22 and the waiting Ned. It's back to Dipi blowing the candles out at the café before we hear Toadie telling Shane to calm down at #30 as he works himself up in frustration. "How could he do this to himself, how could he do it to mum?" we hear Yashvi ask before seeing a crying Shane now sitting on the sofa at #30 and Dipi clearing more stuff away at the café before she sits down on a crate and breaks down crying.
Number 22 (next day)
"I'm not ready to see dad yet," Yashvi says to Ned when he joins her out in the garden. She starts to go through the 'what if' questions including how it will affect her work given the case they've just handed over to the drugs squad.
YASHVI: It's all too much. I don't know how we're going to get through this.
Harold's café
Pierce enters the café and is surprised to see it empty. He makes is way through to the kitchen where he sees Dipi still in her dress from last night, sitting on the same crate. Of course he asks the stupid question - is she okay and silently Dipi shakes her head.
Number 26
Once they finished having a laugh at their Gran (she is still throwing up!) Kyle wonders why Levi is up already, but he explains about wanting to check on Yashvi. "Why?" Roxy asks but he isn't sure other than she was weird after getting a text message, so plans to give her a call to check up on her. The pair know what it is about and try to warn him off of calling, saying Yashvi will contact him if it's important.
However the conversation is sidetracked when the boys notice that Roxy is crying. "It's okay," Kyle says to her, but she thinks otherwise and is blaming herself... while Levi looks confused as hell wondering what is going on!
Harold's café
"I can't believe I was so blind," Dipi admits to Pierce but he reassures her that she wasn't, that her instincts "told you something bigger was going on." "Why didn't I listen to them," she wonders, and his reply is that its because she "loves Shane and you wanted to believe him."
DIPI: Everything makes sense now. All the anger, stuff with Roxy. How could I have been so stupid?
PIERCE: Don't blame yourself alright. He did everything he could to hide this from you.
DIPI: I keep going over things, trying to figure it all out, trying to empathise, forgive him.
"Maybe its too soon," he suggests because she "needs time to be angry" but assures her that once she is through that, "you'll be able to make the right decision."
The Waterhole
Kyle isn't surprised to hear from Toadie that Dipi didn't come home and Yashvi spending the night at Ned's. Toadie admits it wasn't fun dealing with Shane on his own but is thankfully the kids weren't around to witness it. He is also kicking himself for putting his kids in danger too, however Kyle is quick to reassure him that they are both safe.
TOADIE: I just wish I'd read the signs.
KYLE: You've had enough on your plate mate; you've had plenty to deal with. Roxy knew and she didn't even know how bad it was.
Toad asks how she is doing and Kyle replies, "pretty cut up" and "feeling responsible."
TOADIE: Mmm, I get that.
Number 30
Mackenzie ignores Richie's text asking to talk with her as she 'babysits' the sleeping Shane who is asleep on the sofa. She quickly gets to her feet on hearing the door open - it's Dipi and the lass admits that they were "so worried" before asking where Dipi slept. "I didn't," she replies and thanks the lass for the efforts she made last night.
At this point, Shane wakes up and Dipi informs him that he looks awful before asking Mackenzie to leave, so she can speak to Shane. Mackenzie readily agrees and heads to her room leaving the pair to talk.
Shane begins by asking if she is okay but is told that is a question he hasn't the right to ask right now.
SHANE: This is the worst thing I have ever done in my life, but I love you.
DIPI: Shane...
SHANE: And if you meant what you said last night, maybe this is just another rollercoaster, another one of our wild rides.
DIPI: (interrupting) I know what I said. I just don't know if you're the person I thought you were.
He doesn't get a chance to respond before she cuts him off and adds "for weeks you said nothing was wrong."
DIPI: You made me feel like I was being paranoid.
SHANE: And I'll never forgive myself for that, but come on, it's us, we could work through this, I love you.
DIPI: I love you too... I... I just don't know if that is enough anymore.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Yashvi annoyed at being stonewalled by Dax.
- Shane making a promise to Yashvi.
- Nicolette spelling things out to her mum.
- Paul telling Nicolette a few home truths.