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Neighbours Episode 8427 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8426 - 8428>>
Episode title: 8427
Australian airdate: 12/08/20
UK airdate: 02/09/20
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Chris Adshead and Tony Osicka
Guests: River Hannlon: Andrew Coshan
- "Clean Up The Mess" by Alice Wonder
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Ned tells Terese and Paul that his idea to turn the backpackers' into an art hub is a no- brainer
- Ned gets a message from one of his subscribers on Fandangle
- Shane phones Dipi, telling her that if he fails his uni work, his study buddy River will too
- Dipi tells Yashvi how defensive Shane has been; Yashvi thinks he'll loosen up once uni calms down
- But Roxy warns Shane that people will soon realise his problem is more than uni stress
- Roxy finds drugs in Shane's backpack
- As Bea meets with Levi, Yashvi calls her to warn her that Levi isn't into her after all
- Levi asks Bea to do him a favour and pick up his epilepsy medication; she grudgingly agrees
- But when Yashvi catches them together, Bea makes up the excuse that they're secretly dating
Fitzgerald Motors
An amused Yashvi asks Bea and Levi why they're being so secretive about the fact they're dating.
BEA: Erm... we just didn't want the pressure, just in case it didn't work out.
LEVI: And it's early days. We didn't want the heat from Gran. You know what she's like with Kyle and Roxy.
But Yashvi still feels aggrieved that she wasn't trusted to keep the secret, as Levi's partner and Bea's best friend. Bea claims it was just easier not to say anything.
YASHVI: So all that stuff you were saying this morning was a cover? About needing to move -
BEA: No, no, can we just talk about that later?
Keen for Levi not to know about her earlier conversation with Yashvi, Bea makes the excuse that she has heaps to do before she flies out for her trip to Switzerland. Levi agrees, saying he and Yashvi are still on shift.
YASHVI: Yeah, we're on shift and you ditch work for a date? Who does that?
Levi and Yashvi go to leave, Yashvi saying to Bea that she wants a 'full debrief' before Bea flies out. Bea tells Levi not to forget his 'present', as a cover for handing him the bag with the epilepsy medication in it. Levi looks awkward as he says...
LEVI: Thanks... babe!
Yashvi smiles teasingly at Bea as they go.
Harold's Café
Dipi and Toadie are talking about their plans to go on a fishing trip to honour Gary's memory. Dipi suggests they could go this afternoon; Toadie says he could make that work. His phone rings and he ignores it - he tells her it's been going off all morning, ever since he changed his relationship status on Facebook to single.
DIPI: Wow. That is a huge step, Toad. How are you feeling about it?
TOADIE: Bit weird. Yeah, I know I was going out with Dee, but I mean, that just kind of happened. I wasn't actively looking. But, you know, Harold gave me some words of wisdom. He said that I'll always love Sonya, but there's a whole lot of life that I should be open to, so... this is me being open.
His phone continues to bleep with messages flooding in. Dipi asks who they're from; he says they're mostly single mums at Nell's school. Dipi suggests they should take a raincheck on their fishing trip, and that Toadie should go and have some fun with one of the mums - take them out for coffee. Toadie half-reluctantly agrees.
Dipi goes over to Shane, who's working at a table. She asks if he wants to come fishing with her instead, but Shane says he has a tonne of revision to do, and hastily exits. Dipi looks disappointed. Pierce comes in for a coffee, and gets chatting to Dipi; he says things have been 'challenging' at home with Fay and Nicolette, but otherwise fine.
DIPI: Hey, you wouldn't want to go fishing with me this afternoon, by any chance? (...) Toadie and I were going as a way to remember Gary, but he's busy - and you could maybe do with a break?
PIERCE: It's that obvious, is it?
DIPI: I've already got the rods, I just need the bait. The rains are meant to clear. The great outdoors, maybe a cheeky glass of wine...?
PIERCE: You know what? Why not?
He heads off to get changed for the outing.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Kyle is helping Ned clear out the backpackers' in preparation for its transformation into an art hub. He notices what Ned's doing on his laptop.
KYLE: Are you on Fandangle?!
NED: Uh... yeah. There's potential to make pretty good money on it. I need the extra cash for this place.
KYLE: Isn't it kind of sleazy?
NED (defensive): Doesn't have to be. It depends on the artist.
KYLE: Right. Fandangle, full of artists (!)
To prove his point, Ned shows Kyle a photo he's recently sent to one of his subscribers (a tasteful one, not the cake shot!) Kyle remarks that it's actually pretty good, and is impressed that Ned has already clocked up a bunch of followers. Ned says that between running the art hub and 'hustling on Fandangle', he hopes to make a decent living from his art career.
NED: I am trying to keep it on the down-low, though - so if you could not tell everyone, I'd appreciate it.
KYLE: Mate, tell me Yashvi knows?
Ned says she does; he's not stupid enough to keep it from her. He admits that a couple of his subscribers have 'tried to cross the line', but backed off when he told them what he's about.
KYLE: If you say so, da Vinci!
No 30
Shane is working in the corner while Toadie is at the table. Mackenzie comes in, and Toadie asks for her advice on modern dating etiquette! She has brought in a box of muffins, which she explains were on his office doorstep, with a card from 'Brinda'. Mackenzie asks who she is. Toadie explains she's Nell's kindergarten teacher.
MACKENZIE: Oh, she's not mucking around, is she? Heading straight for the sweet spot.
TOADIE: Well played, Brinda. Well played.
Mackenzie shouts over to Shane that she's seen a Gilbert and Sullivan production advertised in The City™, and suggests he take Dipi for their anniversary.
SHANE: Nah, we talked about it and we agreed we're not gonna do anything.
TOADIE: Mate, it's twenty years!
SHANE: Yeah, and I've wasted every single one of 'em. Now I'm trying to make something of myself, and I need to study to do that.
MACKENZIE: But Dipi bought a fancy dress ages ago. Don't you think it'd be fun?
SHANE: Can I just get some peace and quiet, please?
Toadie says he should study in his room if he wants quiet, but Shane grumpily says it wouldn't be an issue if everyone showed him some consideration, before walking out. Mackenzie says Shane's just 'under the pump' and suggests to Toadie that they give him some space. Toadie agrees, and they head out for a walk so that Mackenzie can help Toadie with his dating strategy!
In the kitchen, Shane looks shifty. He takes a bag of drugs from his pocket and twitchily opens it...
Harold's Café
Pierce has returned, and Dipi has packed a picnic hamper for their fishing trip. He asks how things are with Shane.
DIPI: I am focusing on the positives. Three more months until he's finished.
PIERCE: That bad?
She says she and Shane will be able to go back to normal then, and asks Pierce how things are with Fay. He admits that Nicolette is the issue - they've had a few 'teething problems' and a difference of opinion about who's in charge! They get back to talking about their trip, and Dipi admits she's hopeless at fishing. Pierce laughs.
DIPI: What's so funny?
PIERCE: I can't bait a hook to save my life. I was relying on you!
DIPI: How are we supposed to go fishing if neither of us know how? (...) Maybe there's another way we can honour Gary...
The Waterhole / No 28
Yashvi and Levi are having a drink; Yashvi admits she still can't get her head around the revelation that he and Bea are an item. But she says it rather loudly, and Sheila, who's behind the bar, immediately starts earwigging!
YASHVI: There's no way she heard.
LEVI: All Canning women have ears like bats. That's a known fact.
Yashvi admits that she felt bad the other night when Bea was keen to go out with Levi, but he said he wasn't into her. He looks surprised.
LEVI: I guess we just got our wires crossed.
YASHVI: So when did this all start happening?
LEVI: Pretty much the other night.
Yashvi says it's a 'bummer' that Bea has to go to Switzerland straight away. She continues to grill Levi about Bea, but he makes an excuse to leave, keen to avoid further questioning.
The moment Levi's gone, Sheila calls Susan, who's at home with Karl!
SHEILA: I just heard something really interesting (...) Bea and Levi are dating!
SUSAN: Bea and Levi are dating? ... No, we didn't know - it's news to us (...) Thank you for letting us know!
Harold's Café
Dipi and Pierce are at a table. Dipi is telling him all about Gary's legendary desserts, one of which he only used to make for 'birthdays and anniversaries'.
DIPI: Are you an anniversary person?
PIERCE: You mean, do I celebrate them? Yeah.
DIPI: Shane and I will be married twenty years Friday week (...) Normally, we go for dinner and a movie. No gifts or anything fancy. But Shane doesn't want to do anything this year.
PIERCE: Nothing?
DIPI: ... We've agreed to take a pass. I don't expect him to whisk me away to Paris or anything, but we could go away for the weekend, or have dinner somewhere nice.
PIERCE: Well, have you told him how you feel?
DIPI: I've made a few suggestions, but he's so stressed, it's not worth it.
PIERCE: If Chloe was this unhappy about something, I would want to know.
DIPI: ... Maybe I could give it another try.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Ned is on the phone to Terese. He tells her to have a great time in LA and say hi to his half-sister Imogen for him. We hear Terese promise that she will. Yashvi comes in as he finishes the call; she tells him his latest Fandangle post has a lot of 'likes'. Ned agrees; it's his most popular so far.
YASHVI: I can see why - check out the mirror in the background.
Ned looks closely at the photo, which is a topless shot, and realises he's neglected to crop out a mirror which is reflecting an image of his bare bum! Ned declares he's deleting the post.
YASHVI: What about all those new creepy subscribers?
NED: Well, they'll disappear once they know that's not what the page is about.
YASHVI: Or you could get rid of the page altogether.
NED: But Vee, I'm just starting to make money. That is the whole reason I'm doing this.
YASHVI: Yeah, but between this, and... the cake... I don't know anymore. I just got all these new case files about cyber stuff going wrong.
NED: I'm not taking any risks. It's a fake name, and I'm hiding my face.
YASHVI: You're flashing everything else.
NED: I won't stuff up like this again. Trust me, I can make this work.
Harold's Café / No 30
It seems that Dipi and Pierce are honouring Gary by cooking his 'famous roo stew with native herb dumplings'. Pierce suggests that Dipi could share it with Shane for a romantic dinner, as an opportunity to talk about the wedding anniversary, pointing out that it will eat away at her if she doesn't mention it. Dipi agrees to take Pierce's advice and goes to call Shane.
At No 30, Shane is working in the corner (again), while Karl and Toadie talk about Toadie's plans to start dating again.
KARL: From what I've gleaned from Love Capsule, you need to work on your 'bants'.
TOADIE: Is that some new muscle I've never heard of, mate?
Karl thinks romance must be in the air - first Bea and Levi, and now Toadie. Toadie's surprised to learn Bea and Levi are dating. Karl suggests Toadie should 'go with the muffin lady', as he tucks into one of the lemon muffins, some of which is stuck to his cheek.
Shane, who is already stressed, is further perturbed when Dipi's call comes through. She suggests they have a quiet dinner together later; he tries to fob her off by saying he needs to revise, but Toadie intervenes, shouting so that Dipi can hear that she has herself a deal.
SHANE (to Toadie): What are you doing?
TOADIE: Eat dinner with your wife, you idiot. An hour isn't gonna change your results.
Shane goes back to speaking to Dipi, and agrees to dinner, but says he has to duck off to the library first, to pick up a book. They agree to meet at seven; but with Toadie and Karl having left the room, we see Shane retrieve his pill bag from his backpack. However, it's now empty.
No 28
Karl comes in, still eating the muffin, and joins Susan in the living area.
SUSAN: You've got goop on your face.
They get down to discussing Bea's new romantic interest, following the news from Sheila; Karl is surprised that Bea didn't mention it to them.
KARL: Hey, do you think that's why she suggested Levi move in with us?
But Susan thinks that was too long ago to be related. Karl decides to pop over to No 26 and 'say hello' to Levi, but Susan tells him no - they need to let Bea tell them in her own time. However, Karl says that they can't pretend they don't know, so they agree to talk to Bea when she gets back.
SUSAN: But you - you will stay away from Levi.
We cut to the garden, where Levi finds Bea slaving over the pizza oven; apparently, Karl has already defied Susan's instructions and invited Levi to dinner!
LEVI: He flagged me down on the street. I think he was hiding behind the bin, waiting for me to walk past.
He asks Bea how Karl and Susan reacted to the news; she isn't sure, she says, as she ran out here as soon as they told her they knew!
LEVI: Hey, can I ask you something? (...) Last week, when we went out - were you hoping something might happen between us?
BEA (defensive): What? No! Wh-where's this coming from?
LEVI: Oh, something Yashvi said.
BEA: Really? That's... weird. Come on, we're just friends.
LEVI: Yeah, that's what I thought. Awesome. But that still leaves us in a fake relationship that both of our families know about.
BEA: Hmm. Yeah, well, that's an easy fix - we'll just say that it fizzled out when I was away. Done.
LEVI: Yeah. Cool. Done.
They both smile, but Bea looks slightly awkward/disappointed.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Ned is preparing to do some painting, when he gets a message from one of his Fandangle subscribers, Scavenger_King35, asking what his address is. He replies, saying, 'Sorry, I don't hand that out.' A reply comes back quickly, saying, 'Pity. I was going to send you something to wear for your next post. I'll pay $600.' Ned looks conflicted.
No 28
Levi and Bea are still in the garden after dinner. Yashvi has come to say goodbye to Bea before she goes on her trip, so Levi takes the dishes inside. Bea tells Yashvi that Sheila overheard Yashvi talking to Levi, and so now the whole world knows about them dating.
YASHVI: Sorry. But it had to come out sooner or later, right?
BEA: I would've preferred it be later. Anyway, enough of that - why did you tell Levi that I was into him?
YASHVI: You had a crush on him, and he thought you were too much baggage. You guys are together - that's all that counts.
BEA: What did you just say?
YASHVI: ... Nothing.
BEA: Vee?
YASHVI: Well, he may've said something before your date (...) He said that your past was too much drama. But he obviously doesn't think that, because he's been secretly seeing you!
Bea looks disappointed, as Levi returns. He tells Bea that Karl is stressing about making her plane on time, and wants Bea in the car pronto. Yashvi quietly apologises for upsetting Bea, and tells her to have a great trip. Bea says it's okay. Levi says he'll get out of her hair.
YASHVI: Aren't you going to see her off?
BEA: No! You don't have to.
LEVI: I don't mind.
BEA: Karl and Susan are enough.
LEVI: Well, I guess I'll see you when you get back, then.
But Bea just walks inside, leaving him looking confused.
No 30
Dipi sits down at the candlelit dining table, waiting for Shane to show up for their meal. She's sent him a message saying that dinner is getting cold. He replies, apologising and saying he's on his way. 'How soon?' she replies, but doesn't hear back. Looking thoughtful, she picks up a nearby iPad and uses it to track the location of Shane's phone. On seeing his location, she looks confused.
A street somewhere
Shane is hanging around on a random street, waiting anxiously for someone to show up. It's his study buddy, River, who turns up later than arranged.
SHANE: Where've you been?
RIVER: Hey, I'm doing you a favour being here, alright?
SHANE: Yeah, sorry. Have you got it?
RIVER: Have you got the money?
Shane hands River a wad of cash, in exchange for a fresh bag of pills. River departs again as Shane puts the pills in his bag. Unbeknownst to Shane, Dipi has arrived nearby, and is tracking him with the 'Find My Phone' app. She finally sees him, just standing in the road looking twitchy.
Dipi looks worried; but rather than letting Shane know she's there, she backs off again and leaves. We close in on Shane looking very troubled.
No 30
Dipi is back home by the time Shane arrives outside. She sits at the table, looking confused and concerned by what she's seen. When Shane comes in, he's all wired. He makes an excuse, saying he got locked in the library by accident, and says the food smells delicious. Dipi doesn't reply, not letting on that she knows he's lying to her...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Pierce tells Nicolette that she was hired to look after Fay, nothing more
- Jenna tells David she's Emmett's mother and knows what's best for him; he replies that it's not true
- An angry Kyle asks Shane, in front of Dipi, whether he's told her what kind of man he is yet
- A tearful Dipi pleads with Shane to tell her what's really going on
- We see Shane himself breaking down in tears
<<8426 - 8428>>
Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Bea Nilsson, Levi Canning, Yashvi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Dipi Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8427
Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson

Kyle Canning, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8427
Kyle Canning, Ned Willis

Shane Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Shane Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves, Toadie Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8427
Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson

Yashvi Rebecchi, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8427
Yashvi Rebecchi, Levi Canning

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8427
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8427
Sheila Canning

Pierce Greyson, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Pierce Greyson, Dipi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8427
Dipi Rebecchi, Pierce Greyson

Shane Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Shane Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8427
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8427
Levi Canning, Bea Nilsson

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8427
Bea Nilsson

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8427
Ned Willis

Yashvi Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8427
Yashvi Rebecchi, Bea Nilsson

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Dipi Rebecchi

River Hanlon in Neighbours Episode 8427
River Hanlon

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Dipi Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Shane Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Shane Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8427
Dipi Rebecchi

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