- Sheila tells Roxy that she had Levi had a real moment together, and it was all because of Gary.
- Bea fancies Levi
- Yashvi tells Bea that Levi isn't in to her.
- Ned wants to set up a co- working arts space at the former Backpackers'
- Terese wants to go away for a while
- Fay is agitated
- Nicolette tells Pierce to have more faith in Chloe
- Pierce tells Nicolette to stay out of his business
Apparently Emmett is fine, so Aaron is free to take Fay out. He suggests they take Chloe's 4 wheel drive to the lake and pop in to the Waterhole too.
When they've gone, Nicolette says she'll take a few hours off too if Fay's going out, pointedly saying to Pierce, "if it's allowed".
When she's gone, Pierce speaks up.
PIERCE: I don't think Nicolette's the right fit for us.
CHLOE:(surprised) ...
Sheila is ironing everything Levi owns and has polished his shoes too! Kyle is not impressed at her favouritism, especially when Levi himself comes in and she fusses over him.
Chloe tells Pierce that Nicolette has been a god-send and she trusts her judgement. Pierce is not happy, but swallows his mis-givings.
Outside Lassiter's
Ned is showing Paul his proposal for the backpackers (Terese is there too) Ned presents a good case, Paul says he'll think about it and then abruptly walks off. Terese assures Ned that Paul is just having a bit of a bad day.
When she's gone, Ned gets a notification that he has a new subscriber.
Bea is trying to get everything done before she goes to Switzerland. She tells Yashvi that she can't stop thinking about him.
Harold's Café
Nicolette is sitting at a table looking furious. Jane sees her and goes over.
NICOLETTE: I had a run in with Pierce.
JANE: Oh, Nicolette, what have you done?
NICOLETTE: Wow. It was his fault actually, but well done on winning the Most Predictable Mother award(!)
JANE: Well, I'll match you for Most Predictable Daughter award! One for speaking without thinking and upsetting someone as per usual, I'm sure. No...I'm sorry, I take that back. Let me try again. What happened with Pierce?
NICOLETTE: We had a disagreement.
JANE: About the job.
NICOLETTE: Yes...and no...I completely stand by what I said but...I might have let my feelings get in the way. You were right...I may not have been 100% professional in the way that I expressed myself, but if I'd known that this job was going to come with a hovering He-man questioning my every judgement every five minutes then I wouldn't have taken it! I should just move back to Canberra.
JANE: Oh, no, no, no, don't, that's rather extreme. I mean, may I suggest you just wait until everyone calms down and simply focus on the job and try to put your personal feelings about the situation to one side.
Yashvi has come to meet Levi to go to work. They are chatting when Kyle comes out. He tells Levi off for leaving a tissue in his washing. Then he stomps off.
Levi says he'll meet Yashvi at work. He looks closer at the washed tissue and sighs.
Pierce is telling Hendrix that he's fed up of Nicolette trying to get between him and Chloe. Hendrix says that she is an employee after all, but Pierce says Chloe is her "boss". So he's going to try to get past it for Fay's sake.
Ramsay Street
Pierce and Hendrix head out for a run.
Terese tells Paul that Ned put a lot of work into his business plan. Paul surprises her and says that he agrees - it's a good proposal. So he's going to accept it. She tells him to let Ned know soon.
Levi rushes up and asks Bea to help him - his epilepsy medication has gone through the wash. Now he doesn't have any medication. Bea protests that she's not free - she's going to Switzerland today. Eventually she relents and agrees to go to the pharmacy for him.
BEA: This wouldn't be such a big deal if you just told your family and you wouldn't be sneaking around and getting me to do your dirty work.
Levi just makes excuses. Bea rolls her eyes when she hears the pharmacy is in Patterson Hills.
BEA: You owe me. Big time.
Fay is telling Sheila that Tyler and Piper will have so much fun in LA. She is glad for them to have a break after spending so long looking after her - she hates being a burden.
Sheila asks after Mark and Paige - apparently their baby is due on December 23rd. It'll be Fay's first grandchild.
FAY: I hope I'm around long enough to meet the little bundle.
AARON: Mum, of course you will be.
FAY: Not necessarily, darling.
On the other side of the pub, Nicolette tells Chloe that she wants to quit her position. Chloe says it's fine - Pierce has calmed down now.
They go over to Fay. Fay tells Nicolette that she's relying on her to watch "Good Times, Bad Times" with her. Nicolette looks unsure.
Harold's Café
Jane sees Pierce and Hendrix and chats to them. She says Nicolette is very blunt and forthright, but only because she has the best interests of her patients at heart. Pierce says he's not sure it's any of Jane's business.
Lassiter's (outside police station)
Kyle comes over and moans at Levi that he's burnt himself with the iron (rather than Sheila doing his ironing!) Yashvi says it's embarrassing that Sheila does ironing for either of them!
Levi is texting Bea for an update, but has to go into work.
Paul rings Ned and says he's impressed with his pitch.
PAUL: So, how soon before you can get your art supplies out of this house.
Ned is very pleased - he's got the contract!
Paul tells Terese that they need to get their relationship back on track and he doesn't want her going to LA to get away from him. She says it's not that - she just needs some time to work on her own alcohol recovery after the stuff with Jenna. Paul sits down and tells her that she's very strong, and he's there to support her.
Lassiter's Car Park
Levi is about to go on a call-out when he gets a text from Bea. He makes an excuse to Yashvi and heads off.
Pierce and Hendrix arrive back from their run. Nicolette has apparently decided to stay and is plumping Fay's pillows. Suddenly Chloe comes over with nausea. Fay is a bit worried, but Chloe says it's just something she ate.
When they rest have gone, Pierce tells Nicolette that he'd like to be taken into consideration as a member of the family. Nicolette says that's fine.
Bea gives Levi his meds. Just then, Yashvi comes in, having followed him (the call-out was cancelled) She looks at Levi suspiciously and an awkward silence descends.
BEA:(covering) We're...on a date. We're secretly dating.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Levi says to Bea, "Thanks...babe(!)"
- Yashvi can't believe Bea and Levi are together.
- Ned tells Yashvi that he can make his online fans page work.
- Roxy tells Shane that he has a problem.
- Shane tells Roxy that she's making a big deal out of nothing.
- Shane getting some drugs out of a bag.