- Emmett agreeing to stay longer with David and Aaron
- Mackenzie upset with her dad, Dipi and Shane for lying to her
- Grant telling Mackenzie he's proud to be her father
- Ned and Yashvi discovering that Andrea kidnapped Hugo
- Toadie getting angry with Yashvi and Dee
- The police attaching a tracking device to Heather's leg
- Toadie rushing into the school to grab Hugo from Heather and Andrea
- Toadie holding Hugo and looking upset with Dee
Number 30
Shane, Dipi and Yashvi finish up the dinner David and Aaron brought over for them. Toadie emerges after putting Hugo to bed and Yashvi immediately looks guilty. Shane tries to talk to Toadie about seeing Dee earlier, mentioning that she blames herself for everything. Toadie looks like he blames Dee too, and takes his plate of dinner outside to eat to avoid further discussion. Mackenzie walks in and announces to Dipi and Shane that she's off to Richie's house. The Rebecchis clock Mackenzie's frosty tone but Dipi allows her to go, asking her to stick to a curfew of 10.30pm since it's a school night. Shane doesn't know how else to make things better, but Dipi advises him not to push things.
Number 32
David hangs up the phone after speaking with the foster care agency and happily tells Emmett and Aaron that they've agreed to let Emmett stay on with them. There's smiles and high fives all around. There's only one spot of bother, however, where the agency can't supply a driver for Emmett anymore to get him to and from school. This worries Emmett as he doesn't want to leave his friends behind and attend a new school, but Aaron and David promise him they'll rearrange their schedules to drive him themselves. There's a bit of stress when they realise they can't pick Emmett up tomorrow, which makes Emmett feel guilty for troubling them, but David says he'll ring the agency for one more favour.
Number 30
Shane is concerned about Toadie taking all his anger out on Dee, but Dipi can understand Toadie's emotions. Shane's surprised by this and asks if Dipi agrees that Dee's to blame, but Dipi says no and that the main thing is Hugo's back home safe and sound. She's sure that Toadie's head will be clear after a good night's sleep. Shane notes that it's 10.30 just as Dipi receives a text from Mackenzie telling them she's running late. Dipi encourages Shane not to stress about it, but Shane says he's going to wait up until Mackenzie gets home so he knows she's safe.
The Waterhole
The next morning, Paul calls David and Aaron over to where he's having breakfast with Terese and Harlow. He raises a piece of toast in the air to 'toast' the couple on many more rewarding years of foster care.
PAUL: You can have that dad joke for free.
DAVID: Lucky we aren't trying to be Emmett's dads.
AARON: No, lucky for Emmett if that joke is anything to go by.
Terese asks them to stay for a coffee but the duo are getting takeaways since the trip to and from Emmett's school took so long. Aaron admits the bright side of it all was spending more one-on-one time with Emmett in the car. He discovered that Emmett is really into art. David wonders why Harlow isn't at school but she says she has free periods for the rest of the day. She surprises them when she says Paul's taking her to see Robert, but Paul says he'll just be staying in the car till she's done.
Harold's Café
Shane has a chat with Toadie and carefully brings up how "steamed" he was last night at the world. But Toadie says it wasn't at the world - it was at one specific person. Shane says that Dee had the best of intentions, but Toadie knew that all along.
TOADIE: I also knew that she was putting my family in danger. And I was right.
SHANE: You're angry.
TOADIE: Mate I'm furious. At Andrea, at Heather, at Dee, at the lot of them!
SHANE: You haven't spoken to Dee since this all went down have you. (Toadie shakes his head) Thought about how you're going to approach that?
TOADIE: Nup. And if I saw her right now...
SHANE: You'd probably say something you'd regret. You're going to have to think long and hard about what you are going to say to her. You want to get this right.
Toadie looks a bit daunted by the prospect.
The Waterhole
Ned sees that Yashvi's still cut up about what happened with Hugo, but Yashvi can't believe she didn't notice something suss was going on. Ned reassures her that Andrea and Dee look so similar that no one would have picked it, and it's okay since Hugo's home safe and sound. But Yashvi's next comment blindsides him.
YASHVI: I think I'm going to drop out of the Academy.
NED: What? Where's this come from?
YASHVI: I've already drafted the email.
NED: No, Vi, it was one mistake.
YASHVI: I can't make mistakes. In that moment everything I've been taught flew right out of my head and I put my cousin in danger.
NED: You haven't graduated yet, there's still time to learn.
YASHVI: No there isn't! I'm literally at the end of my training. I'm supposed to be better than this. I thought that I had policing instincts.
NED: You do. You were at home, Dee's a family friend, there were no signs. Why would you have your guard up?
YASHVI: A good cop should always have their guard up. I made a bad call. How do I know it won't happen again?
Ned says she won't but that great cops aren't made from instinct alone. He reminds her that she's been so excited to become a cop and urges her not to do something she'll regret.
Harold's Café
Dipi sits with Mackenzie and tries to make conversation but gets short answers in return. She asks what time Mackenzie got in last night, to which Shane, eavesdropping from the table behind them, gruffly pipes in '11.15'. Shane says when they agree on a curfew they have to be able to trust that Mackenzie will stick to it. "Because trust is everything, right?" Mackenzie retorts, before leaving to meet up with her dad. Dipi gets frustrated with Shane, telling him he could have softened his tone, but Shane says he's just trying to set boundaries.
DIPI: At least she's making headway with Grant. Look, at the end of the day he proved me wrong and I couldn't be happier about it.
She goes back to work leaving Shane stewing away.
The Shed/Erinsborough Hospital
David and Aaron speak on the phone with each other, commiserating on how much paperwork they're both trying to get through. Aaron mentions that they should try and take Emmett to some art museums on the weekend. He then gets stressed when he receives an email from one of his employees, letting him know they can't work the afternoon shift because they're sick. David is concerned Aaron won't be home in time to meet Emmett if he covers the afternoon clients, but Aaron says he'll work something out.
AARON: Hey Boo, we're going to get the hang of this, right?
DAVID: Definitely. It's just going to take a bit of time.
Berrington High School
Emmett is the only kid waiting for someone to pick him up at the school gates. It's so late that even the lollipop man has packed up for the afternoon. Emmett glances at the time on his phone, getting worried.
Number 30
Toadie sits down with pen and paper, trying to find the right words to say to Dee. He flashes back to key moments in the whole saga, starting with Dee expressing her curiosity in wanting to get to know Andrea more. Then it's flashbacks of Toadie asking Dee to keep his family out of everything, Dee mentioning Andrea wanted a photo of Hugo, Toadie saying this is how Andrea starts to weasel her way into everything, Dee convincing Toadie to hand over the photo, and then finishing with Elly expressing her concern to Dee and Toadie that Andrea might be plotting something. Toadie opens up the notebook and starts to write his letter to Dee.
Berrington High School
Emmett looks at Aaron's number on his phone. His finger hovers over the call button but he can't bring himself to press it. He continues to wait in vain for someone to pick him up.
Number 30
Toadie finishes writing the letter just as Yashvi walks into the kitchen. Toadie asks her for a chat, but Yashvi jumps in before he can say anything more, telling him that she knows she stuffed up: "I am the worst cousin, and even worse cop, and there's nothing I can ever do that will make any of it up to you." Toadie asks if she's finished and then surprises her by saying that he's sorry.
TOADIE: I shouldn't have lost it at you the other day. I was stressed out and I was scared and I just needed someone to blame.
YASHVI: Yeah I deserve to be blamed.
TOADIE: No you don't. I know how convincing Andrea can be. It would be pretty hypocritical of me to be angry at you for something I've done myself.
YASHVI: A good cop would have known, and I didn't.
TOADIE: Come on, Vi, you're not even on the job yet.
YASHVI: Exactly, and I never will be - I'm quitting the Academy.
TOADIE: What? No, you can't do that!
YASHVI: How can I ever believe in myself when I got it so wrong?
TOADIE: Because you're just starting out and you're going to make mistakes just like everyone else.
YASHVI: No that's just it, I didn't make any mistakes throughout my training. I smashed everything.
TOADIE: Which only tells me that you are putting way too much pressure on yourself. The fact that you are this upset tells me that you care, and that is what's going to make you a good cop. Besides, you know, Hugo told me that you're not allowed to quit.
Yashvi breaks into a small smile. Toadie says it's also time for Hugo's nap and asks Yashvi to come and read a story with them. They pass by Dipi and Mackenzie on their way to Hugo's room. Dipi says to Mackenzie that it's nice to see them on good terms again. She then tries to have another conversation with the teen.
DIPI: How'd things go with your dad.
DIPI: Just fine?
MACKENZIE: It really hurt that you and Shane went behind my back.
DIPI: We made the wrong call. But we hoped by Grant being here that it would encourage you two to mend bridges. Shane and I are Team Mackenzie. We need you to know that we are here to support you one hundred per cent.
MACKENZIE: That's good to know. (Smiling) I would have been happy with just ninety-five.
Dipi looks relieved that Mackenzie has forgiven them.
Berrington High School/The Shed/Paul's Car
Emmett notices that his phone is down to 1% battery life, and it's only then that he calls Aaron. He tells Aaron that no one came to pick him up and apologises for interrupting him at work. But Aaron is obviously more concerned about Emmett's safety than anything else and says he can call anytime he needs to. Aaron tells him to hold on while he figures something out, but of course Emmett's phone dies on cue.
Aaron is stressed and leaves a voicemail for David before making another call to Paul. He relays what happened with Emmett and discovers that Paul's out driving to fill in time while Harlow's with Robert. It turns out that Paul's not too far away from Emmett's school and he tells Aaron he'll go and pick him up. Aaron thanks him profusely.
Number 30/Lassiters Park
Toadie finds Mackenzie in the kitchen and asks if Grant filled her in about his work safe claim. Mackenzie says that she heard it was good news, and Toadie explains that Grant's employer is willing to accept fault. Dipi asks what that means and Toadie says they should be able to organise a settlement for him for lost income and also a low-impact job moving forward. Mackenzie thanks Toadie for all his work before heading to her room. Toadie comments to Dipi that it's nice they're getting along better, to which Dipi says the same of Toadie and Yashvi. Toadie then brings up the letter he wrote to Dee, saying he wanted to get a few things off his chest.
DIPI: What did you say?
TOADIE: Just how angry I am. That despite all my pleading and warnings she still got involved with Heather and brought Andrea back into our lives... And, um, I mean I love her. I really do. But I don't think that we can be together after this.
DIPI: How do you think Dee's feeling?
TOADIE: I don't know, I haven't returned her calls.
DIPI: She must be doing a lot of reflecting too.
TOADIE: Maybe. But I have to do what's right for my family.
DIPI: Are you sure?
TOADIE: Yep. Yeah... A letter's not quite going to cut it to say goodbye though, is it?
DIPI: No, you're going to have to do that face-to-face.
TOADIE: (sad) Don't know if I can.
Intercut with this is a scene of Dee sitting alone on a park bench at Lassiters, solemnly thinking over the drama and heartache of the past few days.
Berrington High School/Number 32 Backyard
Paul pulls up in the school driveway, which appears to be completely empty of any students and staff. He gets out the car to look around.
Aaron waits with his phone just as David arrives home from work, none the wiser about Emmett as he didn't see Aaron's missed calls. David's confused as to why Emmett's driver never turned up, but Aaron says the agency got the days mixed up.
AARON: Paul is on his way to get him now, he was nearby after the prison visit.
DAVID: Well did you run that past the agency? He's not on the approved pick-up list.
AARON: It was an emergency!
DAVID: Yeah but you know how strict they are with this kind of stuff. He's got a criminal record!
AARON: It's not like I had any other choice, is it?
His phone starts to ring and he answers a call from Paul, but he doesn't have good news. Paul says he's done a lap of the school but there's no sign of Emmett anywhere. He's missing. Aaron and David's stress levels rise even further.