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Neighbours Episode 8387 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8386 - 8388>>
Episode title: 8387
Australian airdate: 17/06/20
UK airdate: 08/07/20
Writer: Jo Kasch
Director: Kate Kendall and Deborra-lee Furness
Guests: Andrea Somers / Dee Bliss: Madeleine West
Heather Schilling: Kerry Armstrong
Emmett Donaldson: Ezra Justin
Dax Braddock: Dean Kirkright
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Emmett goes missing after hearing that David and Aaron were hoping for a younger foster kid
- Hendrix encourages Emmett to give David and Aaron another chance
- Later, David and Aaron invite Emmett to stay longer than a week, but he's unconvinced
- Andrea switches places with Dee in order to escape from prison
- Yashvi and Ned realise that Andrea has taken Hugo after posing as Dee
- An irate Toadie shouts at Levi, telling him to find his son
- Dee tells Toadie none of them could have known Andrea was capable of this; he says he did
- Heather phones Andrea on a phone she left for her in the prison garden
- Levi tells Toadie of Heather's plan to retrieve Hugo; it may be their only chance
Goodwood Prison / Somewhere
In the recreation room, Heather gets a call from Andrea on the phone that she left for her. She puts it on speakerphone. Andrea is outdoors somewhere with Hugo, who's playing on the grass.
ANDREA: You alone?
HEATHER: Yeah. You alright?
ANDREA: Yeah, yeah. Living my best life.
Heather ascertains that Hugo is okay, and Andrea asks whether she's contacted her friends in Mildura to organise for Andrea to stay with them. Heather says she hasn't yet, and Andrea becomes tearful and desperate, saying she needs somewhere to sleep.
HEATHER: I've got a plan, Andie. You shouldn't have to do this all by yourself.
ANDREA: You reckon I don't know that?
HEATHER: I'm coming with you.
HEATHER: Yeah. I've got an appointment with a psych off-site later today. I've been to the clinic a few times. And I saw that there's a service entrance round at the back, and there's never a guard near there.
ANDREA: Are you off your meds?!
HEATHER: I can just pretend I need to go to the loo, and I'll just skip away.
Andrea says that's impossible, but Heather insists she can and will. She tells Andrea to meet her at Erinsborough High School, at four o'clock. Then the three of them can 'hightail it to Mildura'. Andrea thinks it's weird that Heather has changed her tune.
ANDREA: What happened to my goody-two-shoes mum, huh? The one who wouldn't do anything wrong?
HEATHER: Well, yeah, I've spent all me life letting you down, so this is my chance to make it right and, yeah, just do the right thing by you.
ANDREA: And what about Dee, huh? You're gonna leave her for me?
HEATHER: Yeah, I care deeply about Dee - but you're my daughter that I've grown up with, so... I love you. And Hugo is my only grandson. He's our chance to get this right.
Andrea agrees to meet Heather at four, and Heather hangs up. We then see that Levi has been sitting in the room with Heather the whole time.
LEVI: Good job.
HEATHER: ... Yeah. So what's next?
Heather looks deeply upset about what she's just done.
No 24
Hendrix and Emmett are playing a video game on the sofa, while Aaron hangs out with Chloe and Pierce in the kitchen. Aaron remarks that Emmett seems to be really enjoying himself. The fostering agency hasn't found Emmett another placement yet, and Pierce suggests he might change his mind and decide to stay.
AARON: Yeah. Look, we'd be up for that, but the decision remains Emmett's. The agency will only allow it if he agrees, and he seemed pretty keen on going.
Aaron goes on to explain that Emmett's school is over an hour away, which is 'a bit of a pain'; while the agency employs a driver to ferry him there, if his foster placement was closer to the school, it would be easier on him.
Aaron decides he wants to give Emmett a proper send-off, and Chloe offers to help. Aaron shouts over to Emmett to sound him out about the prospect of a family barbecue this afternoon.
EMMETT: Sure, whatever.
CHLOE: I'm pretty sure that's teen for 'can't wait!'
Erinsborough Police Station
Toadie, Dee, Shane and Kyle arrive at the station. A fraught Toadie hesitates before going in, as Heather is in the interview room. Shane suggests Toadie doesn't have to go in, and Kyle says the cops can handle Heather on their own.
TOADIE: No. They don't know her the way that I do. I need to look Heather in the eye and see if this is just another one of her lies.
Toadie takes a deep breath and walks into the room, where Heather is sitting with Levi and his boss, Sergeant Dax Braddock. Dax tries to assure Toadie that he and a number of officers will be hidden out of sight around Erinsborough High, so there will be no opportunity for Andrea to escape with Hugo.
As Dax goes out to take a call, Levi explains he'll be in the police car communicating with Heather; she'll be wearing a wire and a GPS tracker. But Heather suddenly objects, saying that Andrea will know in second if she's wired - and also casts doubt on the wisdom of having police in the building, saying Andrea will bolt if she catches sight of them.
LEVI: We can't let you go in there alone.
HEATHER: No, you have to, because Andie's not stupid.
TOADIE: Neither am I! This is her trying to set things up so she can do a runner.
HEATHER: I would never do that to you and Hugo!
Heather suggests the cops should stay out of sight, allowing her to approach Andrea and get a hold of Hugo - at which point they could come in. Levi says he'll have to talk to Dax about it.
TOADIE: This is a con! Pull the pin!
DEE: Toadie, Heather convinced the guards that I wasn't Andrea. Why would she do that if she was on Andrea's side?
HEATHER: Yeah. I know you've never had any reason to trust me, but you can now. Please, Jarrod. I love that little boy. I would do anything for him.
TOADIE: You are using my son to manipulate everyone.
HEATHER (upset): I'm not! I'm his grandmother - I'm worried about him!
TOADIE (furious): Don't you dare make this about yourself!
LEVI: Jarrod, this could be our only shot to stop Andrea. We need Heather, and we need you to stay calm. This is about finding your son.
A worried Andrea is still hanging out with Hugo. She kisses him.
ANDREA: What do you reckon, little man? Can we trust Nan? We could just go it alone.
Andrea looks indecisive.
No 32
Terese and Paul are with David, Aaron and Emmett; they've been invited to join them for the barbecue. When they offer to bring something along, Emmett mentions that his mum would always make mac and cheese when they had a barbie - but he daren't ask for it directly, and leaves the room.
Paul asks Aaron and David how they're coping, knowing Emmett is leaving.
DAVID: Not great.
AARON: Yeah. We really wish he could stay. I mean, it'd be great for him to have a little bit of stability for a while, you know?
DAVID: He's been happy here the last few days.
Terese points out that at least they can channel all they've learned with Emmett into future fostering experiences; Paul says they're proving they are great foster parents.
Paul and Terese leave, promising to return for the barbie later, just as Emmett comes back in, looking for his shoes. David and Aaron present him with a brand new pair of trainers. Emmett doesn't look quite as excited as they are!
DAVID: Do you like them?
EMMETT: Umm... yeah, thanks. Where are my other ones?
AARON: Oh, buddy, they were looking pretty sketchy, so we chucked 'em out.
DAVID: Leila said some kids were making fun of them. So we thought we'd get you some new ones.
EMMETT: Err, yeah, totally - they were super old.
But Emmett doesn't look happy. Nonetheless, he goes to try on the new shoes as instructed.
Erinsborough Police Station
Levi is fixing a GPS tracker to Heather's leg, so the police can keep tabs on her location.
LEVI: That means if you run, I'll know about it.
HEATHER: Yeah, no - you've got nothing to worry about.
Levi, Dax and their colleagues leave with Heather, while Dee comforts an anxious Toadie.
Erinsborough High School
In the car park, Toadie and Dee have joined Levi and Heather. Levi explains to Heather that all the school exits will be blocked, and they'll have sight of her the whole time. Heather still seems nervous about there being so many cops involved, but Levi insists they're good at their jobs and won't be seen by Andrea. Dee assures Heather she's got this.
HEATHER: Do you reckon she'll ever forgive me? I mean, you know, once she stops being angry and finds out I was doing the right thing?
DEE: Of course she will.
TOADIE: As long as you *do* do the right thing.
HEATHER: Yeah, I promise.
Heather heads towards the school, while a nervous Toadie gets into the car to wait.
Ramsay Street
Harlow, Hendrix and Ned are walking across the street - Hendrix asks why Ned got him soft drinks, instead of the six-pack he asked for.
NED: Well, I can think of seventeen pretty good reasons.
They notice that Emmett is rifling through the bin at the front of No 32. He finds what he's been looking for - the old shoes that David and Aaron threw out.
HENDRIX: You want to keep those?!
NED: Yeah, they do look a bit past their use-by date, buddy (...)
EMMETT: I know they're old, but... I like 'em.
NED: Look, I can probably fix 'em for you, if you like? I've got some glue I use on art projects. Works on everything.
Emmett is holding onto the shoes defensively, but Harlow assures him the shoes would be in good hands with Ned, so he reluctantly hands them over.
Erinsborough High School
Levi is tracking Heather's position at the school (on Herbison Road!) from his phone in the police car; Toadie and Dee are with him. Toadie is already twitchy about Heather potentially absconding, but Dee reminds him she's only been gone five minutes.
DEE: Think of Hugo. He'll be back in your arms before you know it.
Meanwhile, Heather cautiously descends the steps and walks into the school building.
In the car, Levi assures Toadie there's no way Heather could take off her tracker, 'even if she had diamond bolt cutters'.
Inside the school, Heather walks past a row of lockers.
HEATHER (to herself): Oh, please turn up, Andie. Please...
At that moment, Andrea comes down the stairs, holding Hugo.
HEATHER: Oh, Pumpkin!
ANDREA: Stay back. Are you wearing a wire?
HEATHER: What? No!
ANDREA: Prove it!
Heather lifts her top, and sure enough, there is no wire visible.
In the car, a restless Toadie grabs the door handle, but Levi stops him from getting out. He encourages him to take some breaths.
LEVI: Now pull yourself together. You do something stupid, and you risk losing your son. Is that what you want?
TOADIE: ... No.
Inside the school...
HEATHER: Do you trust me now, Pumpkin?
ANDREA (tearful): I don't know!
She hugs Hugo close to her.
No 32
Hendrix is showing Emmett ostrich videos on his phone, while Paul and Terese help David and Aaron prepare the food for the barbecue. Aaron whispers to David that it sucks how Emmett has to leave just as he's getting comfortable. They reflect that they could have to say goodbye to lots of foster kids like this, so had better get used to it.
Pierce and Chloe come in from the garden, to take some plates outside; and then Ned arrives from the front, with Emmett's old shoes, newly fixed up with his art glue.
EMMETT: They look almost new! (...) They're awesome - thanks heaps.
Aaron whispers to David that Emmett wasn't half as excited by the new shoes they bought him.
DAVID: We stuffed up here again, didn't we?
AARON: Yeah. I guess we threw out the only thing he's ever actually owned.
DAVID: We've got a lot to learn.
Aaron tells David how, when he and Emmett were coming home with the shopping, they ran into Heather and the police outside the police station - and one of the officers mistook him for Emmett's dad.
DAVID: He must have assumed.
AARON: Yeah, and it felt good. It felt good. For a second. And then, uh... then I just felt like a fraud. Cos, hey, I'm not Emmett's dad, and he's leaving us. And his last memory's gonna be us throwing out his stuff like rubbish.
Erinsborough High School
Levi, Dee and an increasingly anxious Toadie are still waiting in the car. Meanwhile, indoors, Heather assures Andrea that she's organised an interim hideout in Geelong, followed by a stay with her friends in Mildura. The three of them can finally be a family, Heather says, just like they always talked about. Andrea becomes tearful again.
ANDREA: You've got to promise me this isn't a trick, Mum!
HEATHER: No, Andie. I promise... I - I'm just here to help ya.
Heather tells Andrea she managed to get them a car, but they have to go now. Andrea's shaking with emotion, and so Heather offers to hold Hugo while she takes a breath. But at this moment, there's a blip with the GPS which means the location dot disappears from Levi's phone. Unable to handle it any longer, Toadie leaves the car and rushes into the school.
Levi alerts his colleagues via radio, then chases Toadie - but he's already entered the building. Toadie takes Hugo from Heather, despite Andrea's objections. Seeing Levi, Andrea makes a dash for it, but he dives on her, pulling her to the ground, amidst Heather's pleas for him not to hurt Andrea. Andrea starts to struggle.
HEATHER: Andie! I'm sorry!
ANDREA: Hugo! I love you, baby!
But Toadie and Hugo are already long gone. Andrea's grief turns to fury as she glares at Heather.
ANDREA: I hate you!
While the police officers take Andrea away, Toadie and Dee share an emotional reunion with Hugo outside the school.
TOADIE: It's okay, mate. It's okay. You're safe now. You're safe.
Toadie kisses Hugo.
No 32
David and Aaron sit Emmett down, and tell him they owe him an apology.
AARON: We shouldn't have thrown away your shoes like that.
EMMETT: Oh, it's fine. I really -
DAVID: No. We should've asked you what you wanted, instead of assuming we know best.
AARON: Yeah. It was insensitive. And it won't happen again, okay?
EMMETT: Okay. Thanks.
Pierce comes in with sausages, which Paul - who is behind him - declares are overcooked.
PIERCE: The term is lightly charred, I think you'll find.
Pierce joins Chloe, who's been sitting at the table watching David and Aaron with Emmett. She admits she's a little jealous of how 'cute' they are with him.
PIERCE: I didn't think you were keen on fostering?
CHLOE: Maybe I was a little bit hasty.
PIERCE: You, hasty? (!)
CHLOE: It's just... seeing fostering in action, I think it's something more people should do.
PIERCE: People like us?
CHLOE: Maybe.
They agree to talk about it later. Meanwhile, Paul produces some mac and cheese from the oven. It's only store-bought, but will 'hopefully hit the spot'.
EMMETT: You got it for me?
PAUL: Yeah. Well, I had to, didn't I? It's my favourite, too.
Emmett smiles, seemingly a little bewildered by all the kind gestures towards him.
Later on, as Aaron and David are cleaning up, they get a call from Shane telling them that Hugo has been checked over and given the all-clear. They save some leftovers for Toadie. Emmett comes in and asks if the agency has found him a new placement yet. Aaron says they haven't yet. Emmett, affecting a teenage nonchalance, says...
EMMETT: Well, I... I don't mind if I *have* to stay longer.
AARON: Oh, you don't?
EMMETT: No, it's cool.
AARON: Is that right? I mean, it's cool with me. Is it cool with you?
DAVID: Oh, I guess it's *fine*.
AARON: You're welcome to stay as long as you like.
Emmett smiles and goes to sit on the couch. A thrilled Aaron and David celebrate silently in the kitchen!
Lassiter's Complex
Toadie has Hugo in his arms and is ready to head home. Shane, Kyle and Dee are with him. They run into Levi and some of his colleagues, who are preparing to transport Heather back to Goodwood Prison.
HEATHER: I'm guessing it won't be much of a reception once Andie sees me.
DEE: Yeah. I'll come and see you really soon.
HEATHER: Oh, that'd be great.
An emotional Dee gives Heather a hug. Heather asks Toadie if it would be okay for her to say goodbye to Hugo. He doesn't object, and moves towards her.
HEATHER (to Hugo): See you later, gorgeous boy. You be good - be good for Daddy, alright?
Heather becomes tearful and thanks Toadie.
TOADIE: Thank *you*. I know you went out on a limb for us.
HEATHER: Yeah. Oh, well, it was the least I could do.
The police take Heather away, while a conflicted-looking Toadie holds Hugo tightly.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Grant tells Shane he hasn't been upfront about something; Shane asks what
- Mackenzie asks Grant why he hasn't said anything
- Hendrix tells Pierce he's answered him, but that Pierce just doesn't want to believe him
- Roxy tells Harlow she's going to get back on the horse; Harlow asks, 'With who?'
- Elly tells someone on the phone not to call back. Bea asks what it was about
- Shaun is back, and asks Elly what's going on
<<8386 - 8388>>
Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8387
Heather Schilling

Andrea Somers, Hugo Somers in Neighbours Episode 8387
Andrea Somers, Hugo Somers

Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8387
Levi Canning

Hendrix Greyson, Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8387
Hendrix Greyson, Emmett Donaldson

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8387
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Aaron Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8387
Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Kyle Canning

Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling, Toadie Rebecchi, Dax Braddock, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8387
Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling, Toadie Rebecchi, Dax Braddock, Levi Canning

Dax Braddock, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8387
Dax Braddock, Levi Canning

Andrea Somers, Hugo Somers in Neighbours Episode 8387
Andrea Somers, Hugo Somers

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8387
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Emmett Donaldson

Emmett Donaldson, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8387
Emmett Donaldson, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss, Levi Canning, Dax Braddock, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8387
Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss, Levi Canning, Dax Braddock, Heather Schilling

Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8387
Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss, Heather Schilling, Levi Canning

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8387
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Ned Willis

Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8387
Emmett Donaldson

Levi Canning, Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8387
Levi Canning, Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi

Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8387
Heather Schilling

Andrea Somers, Hugo Somers in Neighbours Episode 8387
Andrea Somers, Hugo Somers

Levi Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8387
Levi Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Ned Willis, David Tanaka, Hendrix Greyson, Aaron Brennan, Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8387
Ned Willis, David Tanaka, Hendrix Greyson, Aaron Brennan, Emmett Donaldson

Levi Canning, Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8387
Levi Canning, Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi

Hugo Somers, Andrea Somers, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8387
Hugo Somers, Andrea Somers, Heather Schilling

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8387
Toadie Rebecchi

Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8387
Levi Canning

Andrea Somers, Levi Canning in Neighbours Episode 8387
Andrea Somers, Levi Canning

Levi Canning, Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 8387
Levi Canning, Andrea Somers

Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Somers in Neighbours Episode 8387
Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Somers

David Tanaka, Emmett Donaldson, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8387
David Tanaka, Emmett Donaldson, Aaron Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8387
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson, Paul Robinson

Emmett Donaldson in Neighbours Episode 8387
Emmett Donaldson

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8387
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Levi Canning, Heather Schilling, Dee Bliss, Hugo Somers, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8387
Levi Canning, Heather Schilling, Dee Bliss, Hugo Somers, Toadie Rebecchi

Kyle Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Hugo Somers, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8387
Kyle Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Hugo Somers, Toadie Rebecchi

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