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Neighbours Episode 8371 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8370 - 8372>>
Episode title: 8371
Australian airdate: 26/05/20
UK airdate:
Writer: Sue Hore
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Andrea Somers/Dee Bliss: Madeleine West
Heather Schilling: Kerry Armstrong
Shaun Watkins: Brad Moller
Aster Conway: Isla Goulas
Finn Kelly: Rob Mills (uncredited)
Summary/Images by: Carly/Graham
- Susan telling Karl they have to learn to trust each other again
- Elly hesitant about taking Aster out of the house for her vaccinations
- Heather telling Andrea they need to leave the people they've hurt alone
- Toadie telling Dee not to speak about his family with Heather
- Toadie explaining to Kyle how manipulative Heather is
- Toadie demanding that Heather stay out of Dee's life
Goodwood Prison
Heather protests to Toadie that "the old me is gone" and the medication and doctors wouldn't have worked on her unless she truly wanted to change. Toadie is frustrated with her response and says he should have realised doing the right thing was beyond her. Heather reiterates that she wants to have a relationship with Dee, but Toadie retorts that Heather doesn't have real relationships because she's toxic. Heather is visibly upset.
Number 28
Shaun gets off the phone with the hospital and tells Elly and Bea that he cancelled Aster's appointment but they can still take her in any time this afternoon if they change their minds. Shaun can see Elly's hesitation and he tells her that he's noticed she's been really reluctant to leave the house lately. Elly says that Aster's her responsibility and she needs to protect her: "In here I can control that, but out there I've got no idea". Bea understands why her sister feels that way after everything she's been through. Shaun reassures Elly she doesn't have to go it alone; he and Bea will come to the hospital with her. Elly smiles at them.
Number 32 Backyard
Aaron checks his emails and is surprised to learn that the foster agency wants to do an assessment with them that afternoon. This sends he and David into a tailspin as the house is in quite a mess and they haven't had time to brush up on everything they've learnt. Aaron panics that they're not going to get everything done in time, but David grabs his phone and says it's time to call in the reinforcements.
Harold's Café
Karl and Susan are having a chat at a table when they notice Toadie walk in looking distressed. They encourage him to sit with them and he explains the ultimatum he delivered to Heather at the prison. Toadie says that Dee is way too trusting of her mother, but the Kennedys remind him that it's Dee's decision to make, not his.
TOADIE: She doesn't understand how dangerous Heather is. Heather will spin some kind of sob story, Dee will fall for it and she's going to end up getting hurt.
KARL: How did Heather seem to you?
TOADIE: (laughing sarcastically) Like she's a changed woman. Like the shrinks and the medication have worked miracles. It's just a load of bull. I know you don't agree.
KARL: A team of doctors signed off on her recovery and she seemed genuine to me.
TOADIE: Yeah. Andrea hoodwinked a team of doctors in Tasmania, so...
KARL: Heather and Andrea are not the same person. I sincerely doubt that Heather could stage a recovery the way her daughter did.
TOADIE: Really? Andrea had to learn from someone.
Susan says they could debate this all day but the most important person here is Dee; Toadie needs to tell her what he did.
Ramsay Street
David is putting out the bin when he notices Elly, Bea and Shaun piling into the car for Aster's hospital appointment. Shaun assures Elly that everything will be all right. He then sees David and goes over for a chat. David says it's great that Shaun's helping Elly so much, but he needs to look after himself as well. Shaun states that he's fine, but David knows that 'fine' is actually code for not really fine at all. He says that whenever Shaun is ready to talk he'll be there to listen.
Lassiters Park
Dee isn't pleased that Toadie went behind her back to Heather. Toadie says he was just trying to protect Dee because Heather's going to break her heart and he can't sit back and let that happen. Dee replies that it's her heart and she can take care of it herself.
TOADIE: You think that she's changed. You don't realise that people like her never change.
DEE: It's a question of trust. If we don't give her a chance we'll never know.
TOADIE: She deserves to be punished and here she is playing happy families with you! This is ridiculous!
DEE: Is that what this is all about? You were pretty happy when she was in the psych ward alone with no hope. You want her to suffer?
TOADIE: She is getting everything that she wants and she has no right!
DEE: Do you understand by taking away her chance you take away mine? I have no one, Toadie. I'm going to get to know my mother.
Toadie's frustration boils over and he gets up and walks away.
Erinsborough Hospital
Bea and Shaun are in the waiting room while Elly's seeing the doctor with Aster. Bea congratulates Shaun for getting Elly out of the house but he says it was a team effort. They then talk about Shaun and his thoughts and feelings while he was trapped in the avalanche. Shaun says he thought about what life would look like with Elly and Aster. When he left he thought there was hope for he and Elly to be a couple, but now...
BEA: Things have changed.
SHAUN: Yeah. I can't quite wrap my head around her falling for Finn. Didn't see that coming.
BEA: Yeah, no one did. Especially me. (She looks troubled) I don't know if I should bring this up...
SHAUN: Tell me and let me decide.
BEA: It's just caused the family a lot of pain, especially Elly.
SHAUN: What is it?
BEA: Finn made these video diaries when his memories came back.
SHAUN: Why am I just finding out about this?
BEA: Because they're disturbing and nobody wants to think about it.
SHAUN: Where are they?
BEA: They're on a USB. I kept them because they made me realise that Elly wasn't the bad guy. Just in case I needed reminding.
Bea says Shaun has the right to watch the videos but warns him once he does, he can't un-see them.
Harold's Café
Karl and Susan have a brief chat about their plans for the rest of the day before Susan heads home. She passes Toadie on her way out, who makes a beeline for Karl. Toadie apologises to Karl for hijacking his lunch with Susan before, he knows they probably wanted some alone time.
TOADIE: How are things with you two?
KARL: We put everything on the table. We just have to keep communicating.
TOADIE: Well if you and Susan can't work it out, what hope have the rest of us got?
Karl asks how things are with Dee, and Toadie admits they're not good. They can't agree on how to proceed with Heather and Toadie's worried he can't see a way through it all. Karl sagely says if he doesn't tackle the problem now it'll just get bigger.
Number 32 Backyard
Kyle was the person David called in for reinforcements and he's done a bang-up job of baby-proofing the house for them. He lists off all the stuff he's done then jokingly adds he's ordered a big dome to go over the house to protect the kid from alien invasion too. Aaron frets about the leftover home brew in the shed but Kyle says he'll take it as payment. David then asks Aaron if he's listened to the podcast on a child's first day of school, and also encourages him to read the colour-coded notes on parenting tactics he's made. Kyle's confused: he doesn't understand why he's baby-proofed the house if they're expecting a school-aged child.
DAVID: We've registered for any age up to five.
AARON: So we're just going to cover all our bases.
KYLE: Guys, you can't wrap your kid in cotton wool. He's bound to get into some strife. I remember one Christmas, when Kyle was a little tacker, I ran up the chimney to see if Santa was coming.
AARON: Did you get stuck?
KYLE: Nah. Woke up the possum, though, and he peed all over me.
DAVID: Ohhh, I did not need to know that.
KYLE: There was this other time when I was throwin' bricks around the backyard.
KYLE: Just 'cause. Anyway, I threw one of the bricks over the neighbour's fence and it broke their windscreen.
DAVID: You were an exceptional child.
KYLE: Ah, thank you, Dave-o.
AARON: Look, as great and helpful as your story was about the possum - and it really was, thank you - I think the colour-coded notes should do just the trick.
David says while Aaron's doing that he's going to go over some child psychology journals. Kyle tells them they need to chill out, but Aaron retorts that this assessment means a lot to them and they can't stuff it up. But while the boys are busy, Kyle makes a phone call for his own reinforcements.
Number 28
Bea and Elly bring Aster back from her appointment and sit down at the table with Susan. Elly admits to Susan that she's been struggling to leave the house, which is news to Susan. Bea says that everything turned all right in the end though. Susan asks where Shaun is and Bea says he called in to see David. Elly points out how quiet Shaun was on the way home and Bea fesses up that she told him about Finn's video diaries. Elly is concerned and says that watching the videos might not be the best thing for Shaun right now. Susan agrees that he could find them very confronting.
BEA: He wants to understand.
SUSAN: Fair enough. If he watches them I hope he gets the answers he's looking for.
BEA: Well, he shared some stuff with me too. (She looks at Elly) He said he thought about you while he was trapped. About building a life with you and Aster.
SUSAN: He's obviously enjoyed being here with you both. That's very apparent.
ELLY: We haven't discussed where we left things before he went away. But yeah, I like having him here too.
Goodwood Prison
Andrea finds Heather sitting by herself outside and chirpily says she heard about Toadie's visit. But Heather's in a downcast mood and tells Andrea about Toadie demanding she stay away from Dee. Andrea says he's got no right to do that and gets angry when Heather starts to say that maybe she is being selfish wanting to be part of Dee's life.
ANDREA: Mum, your relationship with your daughter Dee has got nothing to do with him.
HEATHER: Yeah but they're close. He cares about her a lot.
ANDREA: But you do too!
HEATHER: I tried to convince him that I have changed but he just will not believe me.
ANDREA: Yeah but Dee does, doesn't she. And that's the point. You can't give up on her.
HEATHER: I don't know what to do.
ANDREA: Well you realise that if you put a stop to these visits, she's going to think that you don't want to know anything about her.
Heather bursts into tears so Andrea comforts her. She encourages her mum to go and meditate. Heather gives her a small smile and says "what would I do without you?" Andrea sends her back inside with a reassuring smile, but looks mighty miffed at Toadie's interference once Heather's back is turned.
Number 32 Backyard
Shaun is upset that no one told him about Finn's video diaries, but David says he was going to tell him once he was in a better headspace. Shaun asks what David thought when he watched them. David replies that he only read the transcripts - some people think Finn faked them, but he doesn't; "He was deeply disturbed." Aaron interrupts their conversation when he wanders outside to complain about the drawers, or more to the point, he can get past all the baby-proofing. David ushers Aaron back inside so he can keep talking to Shaun. He offers to watch the videos with him, but Shaun says it's something he needs to do alone.
Goodwood Prison
Heather's in a better mood when she finds Andrea in the rec room for a chat. She says she called Dee after her meditation and it turns out she was upset about what Toadie did too. Now Dee's more determined than ever to come and visit her. Andrea is quite gleeful about Toadie not getting what he wanted.
HEATHER: Dee's no pushover. She's a smart girl who knows her own mind.
ANDREA: Sounds like she's made quite the impression on you.
HEATHER: Oh she has. She's so kind and she's just got such a lovely nature.
The smile slowly fades from Andrea's face and something resembling jealousy takes over.
HEATHER: I'm so lucky to have her in my life.
ANDREA: Let's hope she doesn't, you know, disappoint you.
HEATHER: No, the more I get to spend time with her, the more I know we can have a good relationship.
ANDREA: (scoffing) Even with you in here?
HEATHER: Yeah, even so. All the hard work I've done on myself, it'll just be so worth it if I can get your sister back in my life.
ANDREA: ... Good.
By the look on Andrea's face, though, things are indeed not good.
Number 32 Backyard
David checks the pool gate and confirms the latches are working but Aaron says they'll still buy pool floaties just to make sure. Kyle saunters out and says there's no problem with the drawer. Aaron asks why he couldn't open it then, to which Kyle replies that Aaron has trouble working a can opener. Karl and Susan arrive for a visit after receiving a call from Kyle, who soon makes himself scarce so the two couples can chat. Aaron and David explain they have an assessor from the foster care agency coming over soon and, while they've done a lot of research, they're worried about how so much of the information is conflicting. Karl and Susan share a knowing look and a smile and let the boys vent for a while before putting their two cents in.
KARL: I admire your commitment but sometimes it just comes down to common sense.
SUSAN: The trick is to understand that every child's different.
KARL: They're all special, there's no one clear-cut set of rules.
SUSAN: And when it comes to babies you're not complete novices. You got some practice with Aster.
DAVID: But this time we'll have full responsibility of a baby, it's a whole new ball game.
SUSAN: There's a lot of love in this house. You're a happy couple. You're warm and you're caring. Your child is going to feel that.
KARL: Try not to worry, you've got this.
David and Aaron do their best to try and look reassured.
Lassiters Complex
Toadie and Dee have a coffee together outside The Waterhole. Toadie apologises for going behind Dee's back to see Heather, but it doesn't mean he's comfortable with Dee getting to know her. He wishes he could be because he knows how much it means to Dee.
DEE: Maybe with time?
TOADIE: No. Not after what she did to Sonya. I will never be happy with her getting what she wants out of life. Being happy.
DEE: I know it's not fair Heather getting a second chance after what she did. I know how much this hurts you but I can't walk away from it.
TOADIE: Then I'd like to propose a compromise. I'll go along with it as long as you promise to keep your guard up. And there is to be no discussion about Hugo and me, we are off limits.
DEE: That sounds fair.
They share a kiss but Toadie still doesn't look too pleased despite the compromise.
Harold's Café
Aaron's trying to be the optimistic one now about their chances of getting a foster child. David's still worried about being rejected but Aaron says they're prepared in every way. "As a matter of fact, I have never felt more certain," he states. David hopes the assessor likes them. Aaron says they're in a stable relationship, financially secure but most importantly, they can provide a loving home for someone who needs it.
DAVID: (conceding) We are two dads devoted to giving a child the best life possible.
AARON: Yeah exactly. See? What's not to love.
He gives David a kiss on the cheek.
Number 28 Backyard
Shaun has decided to watch the videos. He becomes more and more distressed as Finn's more sinister intentions come to the forefront and the brother he knew disappears before his eyes. Angry, Shaun picks up the laptop and throws it at the shed, just as Elly comes outside to check on him. She's shocked by his outburst.
<<8370 - 8372>>
Toadie Rebecchi, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8371
Toadie Rebecchi, Heather Schilling

Toadie Rebecchi, Heather Schilling in Neighbours Episode 8371
Toadie Rebecchi, Heather Schilling

Bea Nilsson, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8371
Bea Nilsson, Shaun Watkins

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8371
Elly Conway

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8371
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8371
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Shaun Watkins, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8371
Shaun Watkins, David Tanaka

Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8371
Dee Bliss, Toadie Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8371
Bea Nilsson, Shaun Watkins

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8371
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8371
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8371
Kyle Canning

Elly Conway, Aster Conway, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8371
Elly Conway, Aster Conway, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Heather Schilling, Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 8371
Heather Schilling, Andrea Somers

Shaun Watkins, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8371
Shaun Watkins, David Tanaka

Heather Schilling, Andrea Somers in Neighbours Episode 8371
Heather Schilling, Andrea Somers

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8371
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Kyle Canning

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8371
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8371
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 8371
Toadie Rebecchi, Dee Bliss

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8371
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8371
Shaun Watkins

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8371
Finn Kelly

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8371
Elly Conway

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