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Neighbours Episode 8336 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8335 - 8337>>
Episode title: 8336
Australian airdate: 10/03/20
UK airdate:
Writer: Paul Gartside
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Claudia Watkins: Kate Raison
Candy Wong: Lorraine Patterson
Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
Sky Mangel: Stephanie McIntosh
Aster Conway: Isla Goulas
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Paul breaks the news to Harlow that her Mum has died
- Harlow listens to Prue's last voicemail
- Sam tells Claudia she's come across the Kennedys before
- Claudia tells Susan that she doesn't have to take responsibility for Finn anymore
- Sheila tells David that he missed the signs about Finn
- Sheila tells Karl she blames Susan for being the driving force behind all this
- Susan tells Sheila how awful she feels and reacted differently
- Karl and Susan return home to find their house has been broken into
The police are gathering evidence as Mark and Sky arrive. They're here as it is connected to the investigation. Bea is compiling a list of what's missing from her room. Both valuables and cash are missing so Sky suggests it could be an ordinary robbery. Susan thinks it's too much of a coincidence and Elly backs her up. Karl thinks someone's got it in for them but Mark reminds them it's possibly not. Sky asks for any names they can think of. Susan admits that Sheila is not being forgiving but doesn't think it's likely it's her. Elly reminds them about the pig's head. Karl doesn't think she would do this though. Mark will investigate this. Elly is hoping that the person isn't dangerous.
Kyle joins Clive on the sofa. Sheila was meant to return ages ago. Kyle thinks she needs to cool down after what happened with David. Clive thinks it's possible she's creating more chaos, Kyle isn't sure but Clive is.
CLIVE: Sheila's unpredictable at the best of times. Add grief, stand back.
Sheila returns, she says she's been for a long walk to cool off. It's due to Susan and Karl coming into The Waterhole as if nothing had happened. She had a go at them and she blames them plus Imogen and David.
CLIVE: You can't hold a doctor responsible for his patient's crimes.
Sheila thinks he's biased as he gets on with David. Sheila plans to go to the medical board the next day to make a complaint as she thinks David should be out of a job. She wants to bring Susan down a peg or two as well.
It's the next day and Harlow arrives home with Paul and Terese. Hendrix follows them in and wants to know how she is. Harlow is a bit wobbly, Terese thinks she'll be ok after resting. Hendrix tries to follow Harlow upstairs but Paul stops him. As Hendrix means so much to Harlow, Paul is letting him be there. Paul doesn't want them to get up to anything and Hendrix taking advantage of her right now. Hendrix can't believe this and Hendrix promises he wasn't thinking that. Paul would rather things stay that way!
Karl has been talking to Mark on the phone about Alfie Sutton. He had an obsession with Finn and it wouldn't be the first time.
Claudia arrives and wants to spend time with Aster. Aster is sleeping well and doing better than the rest of them. Claudia offers to take Aster to the park but Elly would rather stay with Aster right now. Karl explains about the burglary and Susan explains that they don't know why it happened. Claudia suggests a less stressful environment for Aster, Elly thinks she needs to be with family. Elly tells her they'll be just fine!
Harold's Café
Mark and Sky arrive as Susan is at the counter. Mark doesn't think Sheila will like being interviewed but Sky points out it's never a great thing for anyone anyway. There were no fingerprints and Alfie has an alibi. They tell her about the burglary, she's relieved it's not a place close to her but noncommittal when they tell her it's No.28. She realises they want to talk to her. As Karl and Susan arrive she gets defensive and huffy that they want to talk to her. Sheila has a go at Karl and Susan for involving the police in this, Karl decides they'll go home for coffee and Sheila urges them to leave. Sky wants Sheila to cool off but Sheila isn't impressed.
SHEILA: You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Aaron is giving David a massage and notes he has tight muscles. David notes that Sheila's tirade didn't help! Aaron doesn't think she meant it as she's grieving. David thinks she might have been partly right and Aaron wants him to quit blaming himself. Aaron reassures David that he wasn't responsible.
Kyle arrives, he's glad he's welcome after Sheila's outburst. Kyle apologises and doesn't think Sheila is in the right headspace.
KYLE: Feeling like the whole world's moving on and she's not ready to.
He tells them about her tirade at the Kennedys. David plans to distance himself from Sheila until things ease off. Kyle reluctantly admits that Sheila has reported David to the medical board.
Harlow and Hendrix are relaxing on the sofa individually with their phones. ,Paul doesn't think it's the greatest of ideas! Terese thinks it's ok after everything that's happened. Terese mentions Prue's Memorial to Harlow who tells her it's been sorted out. Terese wants to help but Roxy is dealing with it. This surprises Terese. Harlow explains she thought it made sense as Roxy was close to Prue. Harlow goes back to llistening to her music.
Hendrix comes over to talk to Paul and Terese in the kitchen. He thinks that Harlow isn't ready to talk. Terese notes that being around Hendrix is making Harlow happy.
The Waterhole
Sheila is making a drink and Clive thinks it's too early. Sheila needs it for her nerves. It wasn't too bad at the Police Station but Sheila doesn't think it was necessary. They're making a thing of it as the burglary happened after Sheila lost her temper with them. The police want proof from her bank statements that she didn't pay someone else to burgle No.28. She knows there's nothing to steal as Karl is a miser! Clive mentions the complaint. The board aren't pursuing it as they haven't found any problems. Clive points out that David didn't do anything. Sheila agrees that David didn't realise what was going on. Clive wants to head off. Sheila wants Clive to sack David!
Harold's Café
Claudia wants to know if Sky has arrested anyone over the burglary, they haven't. Claudia thinks they are taking their time over this as well as over Finn's murder! Sky is surprised that Claudia used the word 'murder'. Claudia wants the professionals to work out whether Elly did this. It's possible that Sky or Mark will need to testify during the court case. Claudia prefers how Sky handles this to Mark's approach.
Mark arrives and Claudia decides to go and sit down. Nobody is able to vouch Sheila behind The Waterhole and home the night before. Mark doesn't think she is capable of this as she wouldn't get anything out of it. As Mark is talking Sky watches Claudia fiddle with the menu.
Susan has come over to tell the family about the burglary. Some valuables were possible but nothing that can't be replaced. She tells them that they're not sure if someone was targeting them. Susan heads off.
Terese wants to help with the Memorial, Paul wants Hendrix to head home. Harlow is going to head off to her room. Harlow drops her phone and the voicemail plays, Terese picks it up. Harlow tells them that it's private and takes it back from Terese. Paul realises that Harlow has been listening to the voicemail all this time. Harlow wants to be by herself and heads off.
The Waterhole
Sheila and Clive are sitting at a table. Clive thinks helping people as a doctor will help David. It's not the same as killing someone during an operation which Sheila thinks it is.
SHEILA: If you really loved me you'd fire him.
Clive will ignore what he sees as emotional blackmail. He reminds Sheila that he wasn't the one assessing Finn later on.
SHEILA: I don't understand why nobody is on my side.
Clive reassures and hugs her.
Aaron and David arrive and realise Clive is comforting Sheila about what the board decided. David wants to help Sheila. Aaron knows it wasn't easy for Toadie after losing Sonya. Losing your own child is undescribable. David agrees that he's seen parents go through this at the hospital. Aaron wants to know how how he helped the parents.
No.22 Backyard
Harlow is still listening to the voicemail. Paul and Terese join her. Paul apologises for going OTT. It surprised and worried them. Paul wants to know if it is helping her at all.
HARLOW: Nothing is going to make me feel better so why does it matter?
She asks them to stop exchanging glances as if to mean she's not with it. They deny this and want her to handle this correctly, she wants to know how she should handle this? She's dealing with this her own way. Paul and Terese still look worried.
The Waterhole
Paul comes over to Clive and Sheila's table. Paul comes over and offers his assistance if she needs him. Clive thinks they'll be ok. Paul offers to ask Claudia to go. They don't recognise her so Paul explains who she is.
Paul goes over to Claudia who wants to pass a condolence message onto Harlow. Sheila isn't impressed at what Finn did to Gary! Claudia realises who she is and offers her condolences. Sheila points out that Finn needed to be jailed a year ago instead of being in the community. Claudia says she agrees but nobody listened to what she had to say. Sheila tells her that herself and Gary were ignored as well and they didn't want Finn in Erinsborough. Claudia agrees that a lot of people were taken in by Finn. Sheila's convinced that Susan will accuse Claudia about the burglary next! Sheila thinks that Susan accuses other people so that she won't be blamed for all this. She's convinced Karl blames Susan as well and Susan is unaware.
No.22 Backyard
Harlow has taken off the headphones and is watering a plant. She's glad that it got watered whilst she was hospitalised. Hendrix tells her he was responsible for watering it by hopped over the fence. Hendrix had realised she was listening to the voicemail by hearing it nearby. He hadn't told anyone as he realised if it was what she needed then she should use it to help her. She's thinking about the voicemail even when she hasn't got her headphones on. She thinks it's different on each listen, Prue's love and care for her, another time caring for herself, that is hurtful for Harlow. Things weren't easy with Prue! What she needs to do is remember the good things, what Prue made Harlow go through. Prue seems to still be here through the voicemail. Hendrix takes Harlow's hand.
Susan is weighing up two evils, seeing Sheila all the time or being burgled. Karl tries to reassure her. Mark and Sky arrive. Mark apologises but they haven't got anywhere, the burglars were careful. Sheila has no alibi but there is no evidence either. Claudia who is holding Aster suggests that Elly and herself take Aster out for a walk, Elly agrees. Claudia tells Aster she will be safe which saddens Susan even more.
Lassiter's Complex
Sheila heads over to where Aaron, David and Kyle are standing and wants to know what's going on. She walks away when she finds out David has planned this. Kyle tells her that there's a grief support group inside the Community Centre. They want to give her the chance to talk and listen to others going through the same. Kyle thinks it's the right thing for her.
Community Centre
Kyle has come as well as Sheila and they're invited to join the circle of people sitting down. Candy introduces herself and tells them that it is just her since her husband has gone (I think that is who she's talking about) and she is lonely. Sheila tells them that she's lost her boy Gary though she explains he's not a boy. She talks about him and gets teary.
Paul and Terese are talking about Sheila and Susan as they notice that Harlow and Hendrix seem to be listening to the voicemail together. Paul asks Harlow to give him her phone. Hendrix asks Paul to drop the subject. Harlow doesn't want to hand it over as he tries to take it off her. As this happens he happens to press a button and the message is deleted.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Kyle suggests going out to dinner to Roxy
- Roxy and Kyle get passionate on the sofa
- Paul thinks Hendrix took advantage, Hendrix wants him to stop interfering
- No matter what Paul says, Harlow is determined to see Hendrix
- Harlow doesn't like others controlling her
<<8335 - 8337>>
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Elly Conway, Sky Mangel, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8336
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Elly Conway, Sky Mangel, Mark Brennan

Clive Gibbons, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8336
Clive Gibbons, Kyle Canning

Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8336
Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8336
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Hendrix Greyson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8336
Hendrix Greyson, Paul Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway, Karl Kennedy, Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8336
Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway, Karl Kennedy, Claudia Watkins

Sheila Canning, Mark Brennan, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 8336
Sheila Canning, Mark Brennan, Sky Mangel

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8336
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka, Kyle Canning

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8336
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Hendrix Greyson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8336
Hendrix Greyson, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8336
Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons

Sky Mangel, Mark Brennan, Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8336
Sky Mangel, Mark Brennan, Claudia Watkins

Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8336
Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8336
Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8336
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8336
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Harlow Robinson

Claudia Watkins, Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8336
Claudia Watkins, Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8336
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Sky Mangel, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8336
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Sky Mangel, Elly Conway

Aster Conway, Claudia Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8336
Aster Conway, Claudia Watkins

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8336
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Sheila Canning, Candy Wong in Neighbours Episode 8336
Sheila Canning, Candy Wong

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Candy Wong in Neighbours Episode 8336
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Candy Wong

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8336
Sheila Canning

Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8336
Hendrix Greyson, Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8336
Paul Robinson

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