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Neighbours Episode 8330 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8329 - 8331>>
Episode title: 8330
Australian and UK airdate: 30/03/20
Writer: Nina Vlahovic
Director: Declan Eames
Guests: Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Amy Williams: Zoe Cramond
Sky Mangel: Stephanie McIntosh
Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
Aster Conway: Isla Goulas
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Paul breaking the news to Harlow that her mum has died.
- Sky trying to figure out why Prue was targeted by Finn.
- Terese working out that the box Prue opened was originally destined for Lucy.
- Mark telling Elly her DNA was found on the rock near Finn's body.
- Sky telling Elly about the video diaries Finn made and in particular how he felt about her.
- Elly thinking that she is down for killing Finn.
- Susan dropping her niece in it when Mark and Sky interview her.
- Elly being arrested.
Ramsay Street
Despite her protestations, and those of Karl and Susan, Elly is lead in cuffs towards the waiting police car. Mark quietly warns Elly not to say anything without Toadie. Susan tells her she will go and call Toadie and they'll meet her at the station.
Number 26/New York
The Canning's and Amy have a very tearful chat with one another via a video call. Amy is cut up that she can't be there to give them a big hug, so Kyle asks that she has "a beer or two" for Gary in New York.
We then hear that the funeral is going to be in Frankston where Xanthe (and Ben) are already waiting there with Naomi.
Police station
Having interviewed Elly, Sky suggests to Mark that if he is finding things tough he should step back from working on the case. "I believe Elly's innocent," he replies as all the evidence is circumstantial and gets a ticking off from Sky for not being objective!
Toadie (and Susan) arrive and he ignores Sky, talking instead to Mark about putting in a bail application or Elly and wanting a full list of the evidence against her. Mark heads off to action that request, and Sky quickly scarpers away too since they're giving her the cold shoulder!
Susan is now regretting what she said in her statement as its proving to be so damning against Elly. "You had to tell the truth," Toadie reminds her with but then reassures Susan that he is on it and is more concerned for her health as she doesn't look too steady on her feet.
Ramsay Street
As they arrive back on the street, Bea is concerned for her sister especially as the bond has been set higher than Elly is likely to be able to afford but Karl is sure they will be able to find the money.
Bea is also somewhat hesitant to go into #28 but Susan reassure her that what the police didn't take, they've thrown the rest out. Karl is trying to get her inside when they spot Clive arriving, dressed sombrely and Susan twigs that it is Gary's funeral today. While it looks, according to Karl, like Bea is trying to delay going inside, she explains her reasoning:
BEA: Gary died trying to save Harlow and I, I can't thank him, but I can go and tell Sheila how much it means to me.
Karl agrees to accompany Bea next door, but Susan cites feeding Aster as an excuse not to go and asks instead for them to pass on her condolences and some meals too.
Number 26
Terese, Roxy, Shane and Dipi are at #26 ahead of the funeral and Sheila looks relived that they will come back to the house for the wake afterwards. She is then very much relieved to see Clive enter the house and while they head into the kitchen, Terese gets confirmation that the reason Toadie is delayed is because he is dealing with Elly. Shane suggests it's not wise to mention it to the Canning's today.
Kyle slipped through to the kitchen with some more flowers the same time as Sheila and Clive, but when they return to the livingroom, Roxy heads through to the kitchen with a care package for Kyle - tissues, eyedrops, a flask of whisky and whoopy cushions!
KYLE: Whoopy cushions?!
ROXY: Ten bucks if you get Paul when he sits down!
That at least helps lift the gloomy atmosphere a little!
Police station
Sky reads out the terms and conditions of Elly getting bail - surrendering her passport and checking in with the police every second day otherwise she will be arrested. Elly is bemused annoyed by the accusation she will flee abroad after Karl and Susan bankrupted themselves to pay her bond! She is grateful for Toadie's services and he says after reviewing the evidence, that there is at least enough there to prove reasonable doubt.
ELLY: Is there any bad news?
TOADIE: It's not going to be easy. It's going to be a high-profile case and a lot of the evidence is going to become public. It won't be long until everyone finds out what happened between you and Finn.
Toadie then subtly tells Elly to tell her sister so she doesn't hear it from anyone else first.
Number 26
"Time to go Gran," Kyle tells Sheila after he (and Clive) come looking for her in the backyard. Before they get going though, Karl and Bea arrive to pass on their condolences.
KARL: Gary was a wonderful man; he will be sorely missed.
SHEILA: Thanks.
BEA: I don't know what to say. If I knew what Finn was up to...
SHEILA: We don't blame you love.
Karl passes on Susan's condolences (and the food), explaining she is babysitting Aster before Clive curtails the chat as its time to go to the "private" funeral.
Kyle quizzes his Gran on her informing Karl and Bea that the funeral was private, and her explanation is that it's in case Susan decides to turn up.
Number 28
Bea is ripping pages out of her song book (songs about Finn) when Elly tentatively enters the house. After checking how each other is doing, Elly leads her sister to the sofa, saying there is something she needs to talk to her about. Bea thinks the chat might be about how Finn died, but Elly ignores that and instead begins.
ELLY: You have always believed in the best in me, even when I haven't deserved it and um that's what makes this really hard to say.
Bea thinks it's so that she can't incriminate her sister later on and reiterates that Finn deserved to die after what he did, indeed adding that she "did us all a favour."
ELLY: I didn't kill Finn... but there was something going on between us.
Lassiters Complex
Once they've finished talking about a few formalities regarding Elly's case (transcribed interviews being emailed to him), Sky asks how Toadie is going. Despite being a victim too, Toadie is feeling guilty about him being the one to let Finn be on the island and trusted him enough to employ Finn at the Foundation too - he is going to go and check that the Foundation isn't implicated at all.
SKY: Should you be taking on this case?
TOADIE: I wanted to. Elly's been through enough and I don't see any reason why she should continue, just because Finn's not around to be held accountable any more. She's a single mother who has been arrested for a murder thar she didn't commit. I would have thought that you, of all people, would be more sympathetic to her situation.
SKY: I do sympathise more than anyone but with the OPP scrutinising this case, we need to act on the evidence.
Toadie is infuriated now, reminding her (and Mark who is also present) that "Elly is the victim in all of this" just like he himself is, but then changes that to "more so." He then curtails the conversation as he has to go to Gary's funeral, but before he leaves he has one last thing to say to Sky.
TOADIE: Sky, you've lived in the street before. You know how something like this can impact on everyone and now that Elly's been charged, the fallout of this is just going to drag on forever.
Number 28
Tearfully, Elly continues by saying to her sister that the last thing she wanted to do was hurt her.
ELLY: I tried so hard not to feel what I did. That's why I moved out Bea.
Bea reminds he sister that she moved out "months ago!" Elly denies that there was anything going on when Claudia suggested there was, it happened on Christmas day after Robert held them hostage and then Finn helped her give birth.
ELLY: The emotions were high. I...I got confused.
BEA: How confused? How far did this go?!
ELLY: We kissed. It was only once. It was once. It was after Aster's naming day ceremony.
BEA: How could you do this to me?! You're my sister!
Elly tries to touch Bea but is rebuffed and it then dawns on her why Finn tried to get rid of her.
BEA: Elly, you need to get out. GET OUT!
Number 26
Everyone from earlier is back in the house after going to Gary's funeral in Frankston and Dipi and Shane pour everyone a well-deserved drink. Sheila has even got Clive to fetch Frank's ashes and places them in the livingroom so that he too is part of the day.
SHEILA: I know we already toasted Gary at the wake, but now that it's just us, Gary's favourite people. I just want to thank you all for being here and honouring my son's memory.
DIPI: To the best chef on Ramsay Street!
ROXY: To his bravery!
TERESE: And to his beautiful heart!
Terese then puts he hand on Kyle's shoulder and tells him both he and Xanthe "meant the world to him."
KYLE: Dad didn't always make the best choices. Actually most of the time he made the wrong ones! But he was loyal. He was a fighter. He was my best mate. I'm gonna miss him heaps.
Clive then proposes the toast - "to Gary" and everyone raises their glasses.
Number 28
Out in the backyard, Bea is telling her aunt and uncle what Elly said to her earlier. "How did we miss this," Karl wonders and scoffs at Susan's take on it, that Elly was trying to protect her sister.
BEA: You don't protect people by keeping secrets, especially from your family. When Finn turned, I lost the man that I love and now I've lost my sister.
Karl thinks they will be able to work it out, but Bea is adamant they won't, because Elly betrayed her.
BEA: I don't trust her. I don't know who to trust any more.
KARL: You can trust us. Always.
Number 26
Everyone bar Roxy and Kyle (who isn't up to coming out) have relocated themselves to the backyard.
SHEILA: We've heard a lot of stories today, about the kind of man that Gary was. And he loved his family. And he loved his friends. And he really, really loved his birds. He didn't like to be cooped up himself, and so to honour him today, we have decided to let these little guys [Gary's pigeons] free so they could soar, just like Gary's spirit will.
With the aid of Clive, Sheila then lifts the lid and the pigeons fly off into the sky. Terese points out that they are homing pigeons so will come back.
SHEILA: Just like Gary will. Looking over Kyle and I.
As everyone watches the birds soar, Terese praises the eulogy that Toadie delivered at the service. Shane admits he doesn't know what to say at them, he opens his mouth and then gets a dose of "verbal diarrhoea" and just at that, one of the pigeons sends him a little message straight into the bottom of his glass! Terese also gets a little message too on her hair and seconds later, Sheila's clothes have bird poo on them too!
DIPI: Gary always said bird poo was good luck.
And seconds later, everyone is laughing away at what has happened.
Number 28
Susan confides in Elly over knowing the truth about Finn and what the reaction will be if Bea and Karl find out.
ELLY: I never should have put you in that position.
SUSAN: Seems like every time I am honest lately; it turns around and bites me... or bites you.
Karl interrupts their chat to say Ben apologises for not stopping in past, he has to get back to Queensland with Xanthe. He also says he can hear them back from Frankston and without saying it, suggests that they should pay their condolences since he went earlier with Bea. "I'm not sure I could face them," Elly responds with, adding that it is "embarrassing enough facing my own family."
ELLY: You guys must hate me.
KARL: What I hate is you didn't feel like you could talk to us.
Elly then says that they need to look after Bea, but Karl corrects her - they need to look after each other.
KARL: Which includes looking after you.
Despite Karl's concerns, Susan gets up to go over and see Sheila, so that she can "pay her respects" and "apologise."
SUSAN: Gary deserves nothing less.
Harold's Café
Elly is sitting with Aster in the café when Sky arrives. She's spotted that Aster has dropped a toy on the ground and retrieves it and tries to engage Elly in conversation (about kid's toys). Elly would rather they didn't chat without Toadie being present although Sky tries to reassure her it isn't an interview, "simply two mothers talking."
ELLY: I just don't think it's wise.
SKY: Okay, you don't have to talk, just listen. I understand you wanting to protect your child more than ever, there's nothing you wouldn't do for them, especially when they're in danger. You don't want to risk losing her by saying you're guilty but it's not helping her either.
ELLY: I certainly don't need to listen to this!
SKY: Elly, if you plead guilty, the judge will take your circumstances into account and you'll almost certainly get a lighter sentence.
Again, Elly tells here that she already has a lawyer, so "I don't need legal advice from you." Sky isn't finished though, and says that if they go to trial, and given the evidence, "I believe you'll be found guilty" and consequently get a "much harsher" sentence.
SKY: Think about how that will go down for Aster.
ELLY: Don't you dare try and manipulate me with my daughter. I told you, I didn't kill Finn.
SKY: I'm just trying to help you.
ELLY: No, you're trying to ruin my life.
Number 26
Shane, Dipi, Terese, Clive and Sheila are still outside in the garden continuing to reminisce about Gary when Sheila spots some visitors - Karl and Susan arrive.
SUSAN: I'm so sorry. Today...today must have been awful.
SHEILA: It is awful. It's my son's funeral.
SUSAN: And I don't want to make it worse for you.
SHEILA: Well, what are you doing here?!
SUSAN: I want to explain and to apologise. I had no idea that this would happen.
SHEILA: No-one should have to out-live their children... and I wouldn't have to if it wasn't for you. You were the one campaigning to bring Finn back into the street after what he did to my Xanthe and Gary.
SUSAN: If I had any idea that this was going to happen.
SHEILA: If it wasn't for you, I would still have my son. His death is on your hands, and I will never, ever forgive you for it.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Susan repeating to Bea that Sheila is blaming her for what happened to Gary.
- Sheila trying to get Karl's true feelings on Finn.
- Yashvi suggesting that the police look at Finn's video diaries.
- Mark trying to convince Sky that Elly is innocent.
<<8329 - 8331>>
Mark Brennan, Sky Mangel, Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8330
Mark Brennan, Sky Mangel, Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 8330
Amy Williams

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8330
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning

Sky Mangel, Susan Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8330
Sky Mangel, Susan Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8330
Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Kyle Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Roxy Willis, Terese Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8330
Kyle Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Roxy Willis, Terese Willis, Sheila Canning

Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8330
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Elly Conway, Sky Mangel, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8330
Elly Conway, Sky Mangel, Mark Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8330
Toadie Rebecchi, Elly Conway

Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Bea Nilsson, Karl Kennedy, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8330
Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning, Bea Nilsson, Karl Kennedy, Clive Gibbons

Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8330
Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson

Toadie Rebecchi, Sky Mangel, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8330
Toadie Rebecchi, Sky Mangel, Mark Brennan

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8330
Bea Nilsson

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8330
Elly Conway

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8330
Gary Canning

Roxy Willis, Terese Willis, Kyle Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8330
Roxy Willis, Terese Willis, Kyle Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons

Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8330
Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning

Karl Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8330
Karl Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Terese Willis, Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8330
Terese Willis, Sheila Canning, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Clive Gibbons

Terese Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8330
Terese Willis, Sheila Canning

Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8330
Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway

Sky Mangel, Aster Conway, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8330
Sky Mangel, Aster Conway, Elly Conway

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8330
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning, Terese Willis, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8330
Sheila Canning

Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8330
Susan Kennedy, Sheila Canning

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