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Neighbours Episode 8319 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8318 - 8320>>
Episode title: 8319
Australian and UK airdate: 13/03/20
Writer: Peter Mattessi
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Mark Brennan: Scott McGregor
Paige Smith: Olympia Valance
Sky Mangel: Stephanie McIntosh
Aster Conway: Isla Goulas
Keyboardist: Adam Rigley (uncredited)
- "Say What You Want" by Bonnie Anderson
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- A furious Finn blames his father Trent for how he's turned out, and savagely beats him
- Elly comforts a tearful Finn, horrified at how his father abandoned him
- Mark tells Paige everyone wants them to be happy, and so does he; they kiss
- Harlow discovers Prue didn't leave the Order of her own accord, and tells her to level with Gary
- When Prue replies that she'll tell Gary after the wedding, Harlow says she won't be a part of it
- Kyle tells Gary that he's going to eschew his wedding in favour of the island trip
- Kyle says Gary will be the biggest idiot in town if he marries Prue; Gary lunges at him angrily
No 26
Sheila has shepherded Kyle and Gary into the garden, where they're still bickering like children. She tells them to both shut up.
SHEILA: I've seen you argue before, but I've never seen you lay a hand on each other!
KYLE: Oh, and who started that?!
GARY: Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't have started badmouthing my fiancée.
SHEILA: I said shut up! This has gone too far! I am not having it - not in my family! (To Kyle) Now I know you're not happy about your father marrying Prue...
KYLE: Neither are you, Gran!
SHEILA: Well, I'm respecting his decision, and so should you!
KYLE: No, it's the biggest mistake he's made in his life. And that's saying something.
GARY: Yeah? You want to talk about stuff-ups? Let's talk about the bloke who hooked up with Georgia behind Amy's back!
The slanging match continues, until Sheila commands Kyle to go home, and tells Gary to cool off. They both walk off angrily.
No 22
Roxy is trying to convince Harlow that Kyle has it wrong about Prue. But Harlow disagrees.
HARLOW: Everything Kyle said about her was a hundred percent true.
ROXY: You guys have been through some stuff. But Kyle laid it on pretty thick.
HARLOW: Oh, well, if you ask me, he didn't lay it on thick enough. My mother is untrustworthy, flighty, judgemental, dishonest.
ROXY: Harlow, is there anything you want to get off your chest? (!)
Harlow says the fight between Kyle and Gary just got her worked up, but suggests Roxy go and check on Kyle to ensure he's okay. Sensing Harlow's troubled, Roxy offers her tea and biccie before she goes. But Harlow is 'all good', so Roxy leaves her to her thoughts.
Harlow gets her phone out and is about to call Gary, presumably to tell him the truth about Prue's departure from the Restoration Order. But she hesitates, then puts her phone away again.
No 28
Susan, Karl and Bea come into the living area through a seldom-if-ever-seen-before back door! Finn is sitting on the sofa, and Bea asks if Finn wants to go for something to eat at the tram after her Waterhole gig. But Finn says he's got too much foundation work to get through.
FINN: Plus, I've still got to pack for the island.
Bea suggests that if he finishes early, he could come and join her - but Finn, visibly fed up of the conversation, very brusquely interrupts her, saying he'll let her know. His tone surprises Bea, Karl and Susan; and he apologises, before wishing Bea luck with the gig. She looks worried as he leaves.
No 24
Aaron arrives, looking for Mark B - and hears him and Paige talking from in the bedroom.
PAIGE: Found it! I don't even remember taking it off!
MARK: That's because I took them off for you!
Paige appears at the bedroom door.
PAIGE: Mark! Aaron's here, smiling at me like an idiot.
Aaron waves at them cheekily, and gloats about being glad that Mark took his and Chloe's advice.
PAIGE: You went to them for advice?
MARK: I didn't *go* to them. I couldn't get away from them.
AARON: One drink, one straw.
PAIGE (laughing): Oh my god, you got that from them?!
MARK (shoving Aaron out of the door): Thanks for popping round (!)
The Waterhole
Sheila is moaning to Toadie about Gary and Kyle's spat; she doesn't know what to do with the pair of them. Toadie suggests Sheila go and talk with Kyle, while he has a chat with Gary, who's sitting at one of the tables nearby. Sheila agrees to this plan, and Toadie goes to join Gary.
TOADIE: Heard you had a thing with Kyle.
GARY: That wasn't a thing. He's my son, and it was stupid.
TOADIE: Yeah - families. Get the better of us sometimes, don't they?
GARY: Yeah. I just want to get married and I wish people could be happy for me. Is that too much to ask?
TOADIE: No. No, it's not.
But Toadie adds that sometimes people simply aren't going to be happy, and Gary can't control that - so if Kyle doesn't like it...
TOADIE: ... then he just doesn't like it.
GARY: He's my son, Toad.
The 82
Sheila is giving Kyle an ear-bashing over the phone, while he's sitting with Roxy at a table outside the tram. Kyle promises Sheila that the brawl with Gary won't happen again, and hangs up on her. Roxy encourages Kyle to lighten up.
ROXY: Come on! In twenty-four hours, we're gonna be chilling like villains on an island.
KYLE: I don't even want to go anymore.
ROXY: Excuse me! Do not take your frustration with your dad out on the island. The island is just trying to provide the most tropically awesome holiday it can for you.
KYLE: You do know it's not tropical? It's just, like, beach and bush.
ROXY: No, I don't want to hear it. Pierce owns the island, so it's gonna be lit. This is a once-in-a-lifetime trip (...) I need my partner in crime. Are you still in?
KYLE: ... Yeah, I'm in.
Roxy goes to get them cocktails to celebrate, leaving a previously glum Kyle smiling.
Lassiter's Park
Elly is walking through the park with Aster in her pram. For some reason (possibly setting up for the wedding expo?), four extras are arranging giant letters - 'L', 'O', 'V' and 'E' - behind her. Finn is walking towards her, and the sight of Elly prompts a creepy fantasy sequence!
In his daydream, Finn is doing a silly voice as he and Elly fuss over Aster on a picnic mat, and coo at how cute she is.
ELLY: She loves you so much! So do I.
Finn and Elly kiss... until he snaps back into reality. Real Elly says hi, and asks how Finn's doing since the encounter with his dad.
FINN: Okay. Because of you.
As Finn helps with the pram, they get up close - and there's another Moment™.
ELLY: Don't. Not again.
FINN: Elly, doesn't this just feel right?
ELLY: No, we can't - you love Bea.
FINN: No. Not anymore.
ELLY: You serious?
FINN: I have tried to make it work, but all I can think about is... is this. Is us. I love you, Elly.
ELLY: You can't.
FINN: I know you feel the same way. Tell me you don't.
ELLY: I'm sorry. I have to go.
She hurries off, leaving Finn looking dismayed.
Ramsay Street
Elly's arriving home with the pram when she encounters Bea, who's on her way to her Waterhole gig. Bea asks if Elly has a minute.
BEA: I just want to talk about Finn and me. I'm worried about us.
ELLY: Why, what's he said?
BEA: Nothing specifically. It's just - I dunno. He just feels so distant. Like he's going out of his way not to spend any time with me.
Elly suggests it's because he's busy with the foundation, but Bea doesn't think that's it.
BEA: I know he's going through a hard time at the moment.
ELLY: Do you feel like he's taking that out on you?
BEA: Yeah! And I don't even know why. Do you think maybe I'm being paranoid?
ELLY: None of what Finn is going through is your fault. You just have to be there for him, I guess, like you always have been.
BEA: I don't want to lose him. I love him so much.
ELLY: I know you do.
Elly hugs Bea, and says she'll always be here for her. Finn appears at the end of the road, and sees them hugging. He looks conflicted.
Harold's Café
Aaron has accompanied Mark and Paige to the café, and is now on the phone to Chloe, who's Not In This Episode™, filling her in on the fact that Mark and Paige are an item again. Mark then gets a call from their other sibling, Tyler. By the sounds of it, Tyler is struggling to find one of their mum Fay's medicine prescriptions.
PAIGE: He's gonna have to go home soon, isn't he?
AARON: Uh, yeah, I'm not really sure.
PAIGE: Come on, Aaron - Fay needs him. And Tyler and Piper can't do it on their own. His life is in Adelaide now.
AARON: Yeah, I know. But it doesn't mean you can't make it work.
PAIGE: It's not gonna be easy.
The Waterhole
Toadie tells Gary he has to leave to spend time with the kids before he heads off on the island trip. He tells Gary to have a great time (presumably at his wedding!) As Toadie heads off, Sheila approaches.
GARY: Oh, what perfect timing! It's almost as if you sent Toadie to have a talk with me, and now you're coming to see how he went (!)
Sheila begins to object, but Gary tells her he appreciates it, and is feeling better about things. Sheila asks if this means he'll think about talking to Kyle.
SHEILA: Look, you don't have to agree on everything. I just think a sort of a truce would be good.
GARY: That's not all up to me, Mum.
SHEILA: (...) One of you has to make the first move, and you are the parent.
Gary grudgingly agrees to go and talk to Kyle, which earns him a kiss from Sheila and a lipstick imprint! As Gary leaves, a familiar-looking woman walks into the bar.
SHEILA: Can I help you with something, love?
It's Sky Mangel!
SKY: Oh, hi there. I'm looking for Toadie Rebecchi.
SHEILA: Oh, he just left. And if he's not in his office, then he's gone for the day.
SKY: Okay. I'll catch up with him later. Thank you.
Sky walks out again!
Ramsay Street
Elly stops Finn in the street.
ELLY: We have to talk about what you said to me earlier.
FINN: I meant it.
ELLY: No, you think you did.
FINN: No, I did! And I want to hear the same from you. Tell me there's nothing between us, and I will walk away.
ELLY: You know it can't go anywhere, Finn. I mean that. If you keep saying things like that to me, you're just stringing Bea along. It's not fair - you keep lying to her, you keep ignoring her. It has to stop.
FINN: I know.
ELLY: You have to break up with her.
FINN: I will. I'll do it when we get back from the island.
ELLY: No, no! Why leave it that long?
FINN: Because it's your birthday, and I don't want to ruin this holiday for Bea. I will tell her when we get back. Elly - just tell me this one thing. And I know this can never happen. But if there were no complications, no history between us - do you think we could be together?
Elly nods, but adds...
ELLY: I'd never do that to Bea.
At this point, Harlow appears, asking if Finn has a moment to talk. Irritated by the interruption, he says he and Elly are in the middle of something.
ELLY: It's okay. We're finished now.
Elly heads back inside, leaving Finn exasperated.
On the front lawn next door, Toadie is playing with Nell and Hugo. Mark and Paige walk up the street, hand-in-hand - Mark's telling Paige that Fay's had a stumble in Adelaide, having forgotten to use her walker and lost her balance. Paige asks if Mark needs to get back, but he replies that Tyler's across it. Mark asks if Paige is missing Gabe - she says, 'like crazy', but he's fine with Jack for now.
Toadie spots Mark and Paige holding hands and shouts...
TOADIE: Does this mean what I think it means?
PAIGE: Uh, yeah. I think it does!
TOADIE: Oh, well, good for you guys - congratulations! Now if you'll excuse me -
He reverts to pretending to be a monster and play-fighting with Nell and Hugo. Mark and Paige smile at one another and walk on.
No 22
Harlow is trying to tell Finn about Prue being dishonest to Gary, but he's still annoyed to have been interrupted in his chat with Elly, and barely registers any interest in what she's saying.
HARLOW: If I tell him, he'll probably call off the wedding, and Mum will be miserable and take it out on me forever. But, you know, it is the right thing to do.
FINN (indifferent): Then, tell him.
HARLOW: Yeah, but they love each other. And, say I don't tell him, they get married and move somewhere near here - and I'd actually finally have my mum in my life.
FINN (indifferent): Then, don't tell him.
HARLOW: Yeah, but then the whole marriage will be based on a lie. And what if it comes out in the end?
FINN (indifferent): I dunno.
HARLOW: What, that's it?
FINN: Look, Harlow, I don't really have the headspace for this.
He knocks over a glass of orange juice, and then instantly goes to retrieve a kitchen roll from the cupboard under the barbecue.
HARLOW: How did you know where that was?
FINN: What?
HARLOW: How did you know where to find the paper towels?
FINN: Because I used to live here, I guess.
HARLOW: ... But you don't remember that.
FINN: Maybe I saw someone do it at a party, or a barbecue - probably your party.
HARLOW: Right.
But Harlow looks a bit weirded out.
FINN: There's that look.
HARLOW: What look?
FINN: When someone flat-out thinks you're lying. It happens a lot with a past like mine. I reckon your dad would know what that feels like.
HARLOW: No, no, I don't think you're lying - that's not what it was. I'm sorry.
FINN: it's all good. No drama.
But Harlow still looks worried.
The Waterhole
Karl, Susan and Elly are gathered for the gig, while Bea and the Keyboardist™ set up. Susan tells Bea she can't stay for the whole gig as she has some things to organise for her celebrant stand at the expo. She also reveals she's going to be officiating at Mark Gottlieb and Lucy's wedding.
SUSAN: I know that Lucy and Finn had some issues, but I've known her for such a long time. And Mark. I just couldn't refuse.
BEA: Yeah. I guess that makes sense. Besides, Finn and I will be on an island, and I'm going to get to the bottom of what's been going on with him, and just make sure that we're on the same page again.
Elly, who is listening from the bar, looks worried.
The 82
Roxy brings out cocktails for herself and Kyle, and tells him to close his eyes.
ROXY: Can you hear the breeze in the trees? The crash of the waves? Ignore the smell from Grease Monkeys' fryer.
KYLE: Oh, I can't ignore it now!
ROXY: It's like we're already on the island. Cheers!
KYLE: Cheers. Thanks for talking me round.
ROXY: That's what having a hot mess for a friend is for.
KYLE: Ah, you're not that hot.
ROXY: Hey! I'll cut you! Wait, do you snore?
KYLE: Why?
ROXY: Because we're sharing a tent.
KYLE: You know when you slept in the sunroom? I could hear you through the wall.
ROXY: Shut up.
KYLE: Walls. Like, three of them.
ROXY: I do not snore!
KYLE: Nah, you're right. You're far beyond snoring. It's like a broken-down piece of farm machinery.
He starts making snorting noises, which makes Roxy laugh. Unseen by them, Gary approaches, having been planning on burying the hatchet with Kyle as he promised to Sheila - but when he sees Roxy and Kyle messing about, he changes his mind and walks off the other way.
No 28
Finn is pacing in the back yard, looking agitated. He records another video diary.
FINN: Elly told me we can't be together because of Bea. And she's right - Bea wouldn't cope with Elly and me as a couple. But I know that Elly feels the same way that I do. So, if Bea's the obstacle...
Finn looks like he's setting a plan in motion...
No 24
Paige has been talking to Jack and Gabe on the phone, and rejoins Mark B in the living area. She reports that Jack has taken the news of her reunion with Mark pretty well. Paige asks if Mark spoke to Fay, but he says she was asleep.
MARK: Paige, how are we gonna make this work? I mean, this is amazing - it's perfect, and it's easy, but it's not gonna stay like that, is it?
MARK: I mean, you've got Gabe. And obviously, he has to be near his dad. But I've got Mum in Adelaide, and I have to be there.
PAIGE: Of course you do.
MARK: I guess what I'm saying is, are we kidding ourselves this is gonna work?
PAIGE: We can make it work.
MARK: How do we do that?
PAIGE: We just do. You keep living in Adelaide, and I'll keep living in the Goldie. And we'll see each other when we can.
MARK: Long-distance?
PAIGE: Yeah. Why not? I mean, Jack will have Gabe for half the time, so I can come and see you for a bit. And then you can come and see me when you can. And there's a direct flight.
MARK: You think you can do that?
PAIGE: Absolutely.
MARK: You're not scared?
PAIGE: Terrified.
MARK: Me too. But I guess it just feels...
PAIGE: ... right?
MARK: Yeah.
The Waterhole
Bea is about to begin her set, and is giving the Lassiter's wedding expo a plug. She's going to start with 'a song about love and trust', to get into the romantic spirit. Elly looks pensive as she listens to the Keyboardist's intro.
Storage Locker 28
Finn is at the evil storage locker, looking at a map of what is presumably Pierce's island on his laptop. One of the features marked on the map is 'Old Watson Mine'. Finn smiles evilly.
The Waterhole
Bea starts to sing 'Say What You Want', while Elly, Karl and Susan listen.
Storage Locker 28
Finn looks apprehensive as the lights flicker - a final flicker of his conscience, maybe? He's now printed out a copy of the map.
The Waterhole
More singing, as Elly continues to look conflicted.
Storage Locker 28
Ominous incidental music imposes on Bea's soundtrack, as Finn takes a red marker pen and draws an equally ominous circle around Old Watson Mine on the map. Another evil smile.
Next Week
- A coterie of Neighbours, among them Roxy and Chloe, are sunbathing on a speedboat
- Finn is also on the boat, smiling; a male voice says, 'your memory's back'
- Chloe says 'Finn' to Elly; she says she's worried about his state of mind; something's off
- Finn pulling debris off what looks like an old mine shaft
- Finn running through the bush
- Paul gets into a car, telling someone, 'there's a psychopath on the loose!'
- Finn his phone torch downwards, shouting, 'you still alive down there?'
- Finn hurling things into the mine shaft
- '3 DEATHS', announces a caption, as we see a shot of a deserted beach
- Finn running through the bush again
- Finn wading in the sea
- Finn tells someone, 'You've always been good to me - I didn't want to hurt you!'
- He picks up a rock as he says, 'you gave me no choice'
- We see him apparently battering someone with the rock!
- 'WHO' says the caption, overlaid on a shot of Elly looking worried
- Toadie tells Finn, 'I'm more worried about Bea'
- 'WILL', says the next caption, as Toadie is seen in front of a vista of trees
- Karl asks Susan if she's heard from Bea; she replies that she can't get through to anyone
- Paul driving a car
- 'DIE?' says the third caption, as Finn draws a bow and arrow; 'it's the only way,' we hear him say
- Finn looking sinister as he walks behind an oblivious Bea
- Kyle looking worried next to a tent
- Pierce walking through the bush
- Chloe looking worried
- Paul rushing down some sand dunes
- '5 WEDDINGS', says a new caption, as we see hands of several brides and grooms swapping rings
- We hear Terese welcoming everyone to the Lassiter's wedding expo
- Ned and Yashvi look happy together as they walk through the grounds
- Jane tells Sky she's come to the realisation that not everyone gets a 'happy ever after'
- Finn marching away from what looks like a marquee
- A close- up of a wedding present - but inside is what appears to be a bomb!
- One of the brides is opening the present...
- We cut to a huge explosion and the caption, 'ONE EXPLOSIVE WEEK'
- At their wedding ceremony, Mark Gottlieb tells Lucy, 'I can't do this' - she asks, 'what?'
- Dylan Timmins is back! He tells an uncertain- looking Sky, 'let's get married!'
- Prue tells Gary he's her jackpot
- '3 DEATHS, 5 WEDDINGS' says the caption overlaid on what appear to be glamping tents
- The '3' and the '5' come together to form the next caption, '35 YEARS'
- Finn dropping a snake into the mine shaft!
- Finn apparently in an intimate moment with Bea - but the image of her flickers and turns into Elly
- Another explosion shot
- Finn looking sinister
- Finn walks towards the camera as flames bellow behind him
- 'Neighbours END GAME,' says the final caption
<<8318 - 8320>>
Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8319
Kyle Canning, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Harlow Robinson, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8319
Harlow Robinson, Roxy Willis

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8319
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8319
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8319
Aaron Brennan

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 8319
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Toadie Rebecchi, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8319
Toadie Rebecchi, Sheila Canning

Gary Canning, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8319
Gary Canning, Toadie Rebecchi

Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8319
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Aster Conway in Neighbours Episode 8319
Aster Conway

Finn Kelly, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8319
Finn Kelly, Elly Conway

Elly Conway, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8319
Elly Conway, Finn Kelly

Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8319
Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8319
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith, Aaron Brennan

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8319
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Sheila Canning, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 8319
Sheila Canning, Sky Mangel

Finn Kelly, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8319
Finn Kelly, Elly Conway

Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8319
Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 8319
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Somers, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8319
Toadie Rebecchi, Hugo Somers, Nell Rebecchi

Harlow Robinson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8319
Harlow Robinson, Finn Kelly

Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8319
Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway

Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8319
Roxy Willis, Kyle Canning

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8319
Finn Kelly

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 8319
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Bea Nilsson, Keyboardist, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8319
Bea Nilsson, Keyboardist, Elly Conway

Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8319
Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway, Karl Kennedy

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8319
Finn Kelly

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