- Mannix reveals to Paul that he targeted Jane because she was Paul's friend
- Paul fakes a letter from 'Richard' to Jane
- Jane later tells Dipi and Paul that 'Richard' got in touch saying he felt guilty for all the lies
- Finn visits the school late at night, and is exhilarated by memory of his past plans
- He says there are some who deserve to hurt like they hurt him; they'll get what's coming to them
- He starts by contacting his dad, Trent; he tells Elly he's meeting him to learn about Colombia
- Mark Gottlieb asks Lucy to marry him, and she gleefully says yes
No 22
Lucy and Mark Gottlieb have come round to give a shocked Paul and Terese the good news about their engagement.
LUCY: Say something!
TERESE: ... This isn't for the sake of the expo, is it?
LUCY: We were kind of, like, looking for a 'congratulations'?
But she admits they will be one of the first couples to marry at the expo, which will be 'a load off'.
MARK: She's so romantic!
LUCY: No, but this is real, and it just feels so right.
Paul is sceptical, but Lucy tells him she's in love. They'll have a legal ceremony later back in New York, so that her daughter Annie and her dad Chris can be there. Paul is convinced, and enthusiastically welcomes Mark to the family. Everyone hugs, and Terese says they need to organise a celebration. Paul goes to locate a bottle he's been saving for a special occasion.
No 32
In the garden, Elly suggests to Finn that he should call off the meeting with Trent.
FINN: You're worried about me.
ELLY: When... when Bea and I told you about what happened in Colombia, you were devastated. Why bring it up again?
FINN: I need to know the full story.
ELLY: But why?
FINN: I need... I need the closure.
ELLY: So talk to David. Or Bea.
FINN: No, no - I need to keep this contained. I have to deal with it myself. With you.
ELLY: I don't know what I can add that Karl, Bea or Susan can't.
He holds her hand.
FINN: You have already done more than you realise, Elly.
Harold's Café
Jane is showing Dipi the letter from 'Richard'. Dipi's concerned that she's still obsessing over it, as she thought they'd agreed Jane would move on from this.
JANE: Well, I have.
DIPI: But?
JANE: Well, Richard says his feelings for me are genuine. But then he hasn't responded to any of the messages I've sent since. And then, if it wasn't genuine, then why did he send me this?
DIPI: Well, I can't answer that. And it sounds like Richard might never either.
JANE: I just wish he hadn't even sent it now.
Meanwhile, Ned invites Yashvi to the celebration drinks at his place for Mark and Lucy's engagement. Yashvi invites Jane to come along with them, but she says she'll finish her coffee first and see them there. Once they're gone, Dipi asks if Jane's sure she's ready to handle an engagement celebration given all that's gone on with her.
JANE: Lucy and Mark are two of my oldest friends.
Mark? Really? Anyhow, Dipi offers to tag along. Jane objects that she's working, but Shane - who's In This Episode™ - comes over and says that he can look after the café while they go to the party. Dipi says they can go and have some 'cheeky morning bubbles' and forget about Richard. Jane thanks her.
No 22
Ned, Yashvi, Dipi, Paul, Terese and Jane are all raising a toast with Lucy and Mark. We see Jane go over to Terese and show her the letter from 'Richard'; Dipi expresses concern to Paul that Jane is still obsessing over it. Meanwhile, Terese reminds Jane not to forget what the catfish did to her.
DIPI (to Paul): She says she's okay, but I think that letter's only making things worse.
PAUL: Oh, I think what Jane needs is time. And for you to stop making such a fuss.
But Ned and Yashvi express concerns too, saying it seems like 'Richard' is gaslighting Jane on top of everything else.
PAUL: I think this Richard bloke was just... trying to do the right thing, I guess.
DIPI: The right thing would've been to leave her alone.
Later on, Paul finds Jane looking pensively at the letter in the garden.
PAUL: Jane, you've got to stop torturing yourself over this Richard guy. Come on - it's time to move on with your life.
JANE: I have.
PAUL: Really? And that's why you're carrying that thing around like a talisman, is it?
JANE: I really wouldn't expect you to understand, Paul.
PAUL: Jane, the guy was a con man and you fell for it. Now, the sooner you realise that and get over it, the better.
Terese interrupts and chastises Paul, before apologising to Jane on his behalf. Jane excuses herself to get a glass of water, and Terese demands to know why Paul was humiliating Jane like that.
PAUL: She needs to hear the truth.
TERESE: Jane doesn't need to hear anything from you. The only answers she needs are from Richard (...) I've given her John Wong's phone number.
PAUL: What - my PI? Why on earth would you do that?!
TERESE: So she can take control, and hopefully get the truth!
Terese walks off, leaving Paul looking worried. Indoors, Yashvi is trying to persuade Jane not to pay a PI, when Yashvi could help her for free.
YASHVI: I'm very good at stalking people online.
Jane thanks her, and says she'll have a think about it all. Paul comes back in, and asks to talk alone with Jane - so Yashvi and Ned go outside.
PAUL: Jane, I'm sorry about what I said before.
JANE: You were right. I'm a silly grown woman heartsick for a criminal. But for some reason I just can't get him out of my head. Despite what he did, the connection we had was genuine.
PAUL: No. No, Jane, it wasn't. It was all a sham.
JANE: It wasn't just about the money; he saw a future with me.
PAUL: But he stole from you.
JANE: And he gave it back. I can't give up hope on him. This could be my last chance at finding happiness. Read the letter - you'll understand.
PAUL: I don't need to read the letter, Jane. I know everything that's in it (...) because I wrote it. Richard didn't return your money. I did.
No 28
Bea and Finn are in the garden; she wants to hang out with him for a couple of hours and relax. Finn is still standoffish, saying they'll have plenty of time to relax on the island. Struggling to hide his frustration with her, Finn snaps, then apologises, claiming he has Sonya Foundation work that he needs to finish for Toadie. He tells Bea to 'go and hang out with Yashvi', then leaves. She's worried.
No 22
Paul is explaining to Jane that 'Richard' was really Mannix Foster. She recognises the name from when she was last in town, remembering that he was the man Paul thought he'd killed. She also realises that he targeted her because of Paul.
PAUL: I'm so sorry, Jane.
JANE: You call him.
PAUL: What?
JANE: Call Mannix, and tell him that I want to meet him. I'm in this mess because of you; the least you can do is arrange a meeting.
Paul reluctantly agrees.
Row of Trees
Finn meets up with his dad, Trent, who goes to shake his hand - but Finn isn't willing.
TRENT: I guess we're not there yet... I'm glad you finally returned my calls. I'd been hoping we'd get to see each other again. You know, don't you? The girls told you about Colombia?
FINN: Yeah. They told me you... lost the ransom money.
TRENT: I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you. Elly and Bea asked me not to. I wish they'd let me explain.
FINN: Plenty of people have given me a second chance. I believe everyone deserves one.
TRENT: You have no idea what it means to hear you say that.
FINN: ... I just want to hear the whole story. From you. Every single detail.
There's something menacing in Finn's demeanour...
Ramsay Street
Lucy and Mark are leaving No 22.
MARK: Oh, this street. Brings back more memories than I thought it would.
LUCY: Good memories?
MARK: The best.
LUCY: Are you sure you want to do this? Get married?
MARK: I've never been more sure of anything in my life. And besides, we get a honeymoon paid for by Lassiter's, just to sweeten the deal.
LUCY: (...) I love you, Mark Gottlieb.
MARK: And I love you, Lucy Robinson.
They kiss again.
Row of Trees
Finn isn't impressed with Trent's explanation about the ransom money, and angrily berates him.
FINN: You gambled it! You lost it! All of it! Every last dollar that was meant to save me! You abandoned your own son to die! You're the reason I'm like this! Every bad thing that I've done - every person that I've hurt - is because of you! I went through hell because of you! I could've been different! I could've been happy!
Finn violently pushes Trent to the ground, before giving him a savage and sustained kicking, then punches him in the face for good measure. He's about to punch him again, but freezes.
FINN: Go. And don't call me ever again. Go!
His nose bleeding, Trent gets up and begins to walk away - but not before saying...
TRENT: Get help, son. Before it's too late.
No 22
Dipi is helping Terese clean up after the engagement party. They discuss Jane, both of them wondering if they handled things in the right way. Dipi notices that Jane has left the letter from 'Richard' on the table, and they decide Paul's 'tough love' must've had an effect.
DIPI: I mean, honestly - what kind of lunatic preys on a woman for her money, then sends her a love letter about the life he wishes they had together?
TERESE: Well, the parts that she read to me were as romantic as anything I've heard.
DIPI: No, the whole thing is. Listen to this - 'I lie awake at night and dream of what could've been. You spark my intellect, my joy and my desire.'
Terese is suddenly struck by this phrasing, and realises she's heard it somewhere before. She takes the letter from Dipi.
DIPI: What is it?
Lassiter's Complex
Bea and Yashvi are outside the café. Bea admits that Finn has been 'really weird' of late.
BEA: It's like he's going out of his way not to spend time with me (...) You know he went and saw Harry Sinclair in prison, and didn't even tell me? And he's just been in these serious mood swings all day.
YASHVI: Well, that must've been pretty full-on.
BEA: Yeah, but he can usually talk to me about that kind of stuff. I feel like it's because I'm still doing gigs at The Waterhole, after Lucy kicked him out.
YASHVI: What? No, he knows you love your gigs.
BEA: Yeah, but maybe he thinks I love them more than him.
YASHVI: Maybe you're being paranoid.
BEA: Well, I am! I just can't get us to this island fast enough.
YASHVI: See, there you go! You think he'd go to an island if he didn't want to spend time with you, when all you'll do is sip cocktails, talk and pash?
BEA: Pash?!
YASHVI: Yeah, I'm just channelling my inner Year 10 for you. Point is, this trip might be exactly what you two need.
Erinsborough Greenway
Finn is filling in Elly on his meeting with Trent, and tells her about him gambling the ransom money away.
ELLY: I didn't think things could get any worse. I'm so sorry.
FINN: Don't be. I knew there was more to it (...) Just a feeling. He's been letting me down my whole life.
ELLY: Well, now you know everything you can move past it, right?
FINN: I'll try to.
ELLY: Finn, you are so resilient.
FINN: I'm really not.
He starts crying.
FINN: How could my own father do this to me?
ELLY: it's okay. It's alright. You don't have to hold it in.
Elly hugs him as he sobs.
FINN: Elly...
He's about to say more, but she hugs him again.
The Pavilion
Paul is lurking by the coffee hut, watching Jane who's sitting at one of the tables. Presently, Mannix arrives.
MANNIX: Hello, Jane.
JANE: That voice. It's you, isn't it? You're Richard?
MANNIX: Mannix. Paul told you everything?
JANE: I don't even know what I'm doing here, or what I thought I would get out of meeting you.
MANNIX: You must hate me.
JANE: Yes. I should. I think I'm more angry at myself for believing all of the things you said. None of it was true.
MANNIX: I'm sorry about the money.
JANE: It's not even about the money. I trusted you, I... I formed a connection with you like I've never had with anyone. You've hurt me more than anyone ever has.
He takes her hand, but she pulls away. Paul is still watching, just out of view.
MANNIX: We did have a connection.
JANE: Please don't.
MANNIX: It was real. It became real. Yes, I did it to get back at Paul; but then we got to know each other. I told you things I've never told anyone. My name isn't Richard, but... do you honestly think I could fake what we had?
JANE: I really don't know what you want me to say to that.
He takes her hands again. Paul looks concerned.
MANNIX: I like you, Janey. I know you. You know me. I'm asking for another chance.
Jane looks as if she's considering it, then...
JANE: No. No.
She gets up and walks away.
MANNIX: Jane, wait!
JANE: What?! Do you honestly think that I am desperate enough to pursue a relationship with a con artist who's young enough to be my son?!
MANNIX: You fell for it once before!
JANE: And that's the real you, isn't it?
MANNIX: The same guy you were desperate enough to think you were in love with online.
JANE: I don't need to hear this.
MANNIX: Most of the time, you banged on about that ex that you're still hung up on.
JANE: I beg your pardon?!
MANNIX: Maybe you should've called him, instead of letting yourself get sucked in by me.
JANE: I won't be taking advice from a catfish.
MANNIX: Are you gonna go to the police about what I did?
JANE: You're in debt to Paul Robinson. He'll put you through more hell than the police ever would.
Jane walks away, and Paul smiles as he rejoins her.
PAUL: That looked cathartic.
JANE: Yeah, it was. Just what I needed to do. I cannot believe that I got so caught up in that man; I'm such a fool.
PAUL: Oh, no, you're not.
JANE: But I needed to understand how it was that I was so taken in by him.
PAUL: So, do you understand now?
JANE: Yeah. I think so. I think I... I think I got so invested in Richard as some sort of a distraction for... things that have happened in my past.
PAUL: Jane, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you the truth.
JANE: And why didn't you?
PAUL: As you said, you were so invested in his story that I... I couldn't.
JANE: So you made it look like he returned the money on his own, and then you wrote me an apology letter which made it even more so, and... grrrrr!
She laughs.
JANE: Your heart was in the right place, wasn't it? But I can't take your money.
PAUL: Uh, yes you can.
JANE: No. This was my mistake; it's only right that I should pay for it.
PAUL: Jane, the guy only preyed on you because of me, alright? And besides, he's gonna pay me back, so I'm not gonna be out-of-pocket (...) Honestly, Jane, look - you are one of my dearest and oldest friends. I'm gonna find it hard enough living with the guilt of what I did to you as it is. So please, just - keep the money, alright?
Jane realises Paul won't take no for an answer, and they head off for a coffee together.
No 22
Terese has the letter from 'Richard' on the table, and gets out a photo album from her and Paul's wedding. She compares the phrasing from the letter - 'you have sparked my intellect, my joy and my desire' - to exactly the same line from Paul's wedding vows in the order of service! Terese is raging!
Next Week
- A coterie of Neighbours, among them Roxy and Chloe, are sunbathing on a speedboat
- Finn is also on the boat, smiling; a male voice says, 'your memory's back'
- Chloe says 'Finn' to Elly; she says she's worried about his state of mind; something's off
- Finn pulling debris off what looks like an old mine shaft
- Finn running through the bush
- Paul gets into a car, telling someone, 'there's a psychopath on the loose!'
- Finn his phone torch downwards, shouting, 'you still alive down there?'
- Finn hurling things into the mine shaft
- '3 DEATHS', announces a caption, as we see a shot of a deserted beach
- Finn running through the bush again
- Finn wading in the sea
- Finn tells someone, 'You've always been good to me - I didn't want to hurt you!'
- He picks up a rock as he says, 'you gave me no choice'
- We see him apparently battering someone with the rock!
- 'WHO' says the caption, overlaid on a shot of Elly looking worried
- Toadie tells Finn, 'I'm more worried about Bea'
- 'WILL', says the next caption, as Toadie is seen in front of a vista of trees
- Karl asks Susan if she's heard from Bea; she replies that she can't get through to anyone
- Paul driving a car
- 'DIE?' says the third caption, as Finn draws a bow and arrow; 'it's the only way,' we hear him say
- Finn looking sinister as he walks behind an oblivious Bea
- Kyle looking worried next to a tent
- Pierce walking through the bush
- Chloe looking worried
- Paul rushing down some sand dunes
- '5 WEDDINGS', says a new caption, as we see hands of several brides and grooms swapping rings
- We hear Terese welcoming everyone to the Lassiter's wedding expo
- Ned and Yashvi look happy together as they walk through the grounds
- Jane tells Sky she's come to the realisation that not everyone gets a 'happy ever after'
- Finn marching away from what looks like a marquee
- A close- up of a wedding present - but inside is what appears to be a bomb!
- One of the brides is opening the present...
- We cut to a huge explosion and the caption, 'ONE EXPLOSIVE WEEK'
- At their wedding ceremony, Mark Gottlieb tells Lucy, 'I can't do this' - she asks, 'what?'
- Dylan Timmins is back! He tells an uncertain- looking Sky, 'let's get married!'
- Prue tells Gary he's her jackpot
- '3 DEATHS, 5 WEDDINGS' says the caption overlaid on what appear to be glamping tents
- The '3' and the '5' come together to form the next caption, '35 YEARS'
- Finn dropping a snake into the mine shaft!
- Finn apparently in an intimate moment with Bea - but the image of her flickers and turns into Elly
- Another explosion shot
- Finn looking sinister
- Finn walks towards the camera as flames bellow behind him
- 'Neighbours END GAME,' says the final caption