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Neighbours Episode 8316 from 2020 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8315 - 8317>>
Episode title: 8316
Australian and UK airdate: 10/03/20
Writer: Kate Bradley
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Lucy Robinson: Melissa Bell
Mark Gottlieb: Bruce Samazan
Aster Conway: Isla Goulas
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Elly doubts whether Finn should go to the Island but Finn still wants to
- Mark wants to enjoy the moment with Lucy
- Finn tells David he wants to contact Harry as he knew him originally
- Finn asks Harry where the storage locker is,
- Finn claims he wants that part of his life to be over
- Finn finds maps, laboratory equipment and Patrick's wheelchair in the storage locker
Storage Locker
As the light flickers Finn is looking at a map in his hands and one of Erinsborough High on the wall. He opens a bottle, sniffs it and recoils and puts the lid back on. He sits in the wheelchair and looks around.
Lassiter's Office
Chloe is telling that she and Terese have looked into celebrants and porters on hand. Lucy wants to know more about the wedding couples. The three couples so far are Prue and Gary, Tom and Ian plus another interstate couple who used to live in Erinsborough. Chloe shows them to Lucy on her iPad. Lucy recognises them and tells her and Pierce that she kind of knows them. Lucy reminds Chloe that it's only a few days away and they still need two couples. Chloe thinks numbers will go up when they advertise the honeymoon boxes. The boxes will have the honeymoon destination and luxury goodies and be available after the wedding. The destinations include Rome, Paris and the Maldives. Lucy looks impressed!
Ned arrives with a hot drink for Lucy. When asked Ned tells Lucy he isn't thinking about marrying Yashvi as Shane would hit the roof!
Foundation Trust
Toadie is chatting to Kyle about the trip as they arrive and are surprised to see Finn who is looking at the wedding dresses. Finn is sorting out the dresses for tomorrow when they will be picked up. Toadie broaches the subject of the trip happening at the same time as Gary's wedding. Kyle is in two minds at the moment about whether to stay or go. He knows it won't be a legal ceremony. Toadie can't be there as he's chaperoning Finn. Kyle thinks it's a crazy idea as they've rushed all this. Toadie thinks Gary will be devastated.
KYLE: I doubt he's even thinking about me.
Kyle doesn't think he can stay. Finn thinks he shouldn't have to just stay as Gary is messing up.
David arrives with something Finn left behind. He broaches the subject of Finn feeling shaken up. Finn brushes it off. Finn hasn't mentioned his prison visit to Karl and Susan. David thinks they could be there for Finn but Finn plans to tell them the same day. Finn calmly rejects David's offer to go with him but changes his mind when David suggests they might ask awkward questions.
No.28 Backyard
Elly is stunned that Finn went to see Harry. Finn explains that he had questions for Harry. Karl doesn't think Finn made a wise decision but Finn felt like he had no other option. He is freaking about this when Trent rings him. Finn wanted to gain control on his terms. He doesn't plan to return to the Prison.
Lassiter's Office
Mark G has brought Lucy a gift. He has brought her dinner as he realised she would be busy. She is touched by his Bento box and thanks him. He massages her shoulders as she relates she has been too busy today to think about food. She's had lots of meetings and she still has a lot of work. She relaxes into Mark G who suggests a break for mischief! Lucy is tempted but they both agree not right to do it in the Office again. They agree to meet for a drink when she's finished work. Lucy opens the package to find a card. 'Roses are red, mousabi is green and yours is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.' Lucy seems really touched by his words.
As Finn watches TV Susan is searching through her bag for her reading glasses. Karl hands them over as they were needed for a recipe. Susan thinks as they broke over a month ago he should get his frames repaired. Karl plans to do this when the time is right for the benefit from the insurance. He thinks her glasses are almost what he needs! Susan is heading to bed but Finn is staying up for some downtime. Karl suggests Bea might be waiting for him. Finn explains that due to an early start she's probably asleep. Finn politely rejects Karl's offer to talk as Karl heads to bed.
Finn heads over to Susan's bag and grabs her keys. He looks around and heads out the front door.
Erinsborough High
Finn walks into the classroom and looks around it. He lets himself into Susan's office.
The Waterhole
The staff are closing up. Mark G is touched that the staff let himself and Lucy in to have a drink after closing time.
LUCY: If they hadn't I would have fired them.
Mark G notes Lucy's phone doesn't shut down when it beeps. Lucy's assistant has confirmed her flights back to the US for the next week. Mark G is surprised she plans to leave so soon. Lassiter's is going to have a hotel in Vegas. That is what she is trying to organise. Mark G realises she'd mentioned it but looks disappointed. He points out that they first met at the pool table right here. Lucy remembers that happened at Helen's birthday party. Annalise left very fast with Mark G once she spotted Lucy! Mark G thinks she was a minx then and now! Mark G tells her he's enjoying having fun. Lucy is as well but needs to confirm what's happening between them asap. She has to do a lot of planning and isn't happy go lucky now. Mark G reminds her about the romance side. She points out that she is a Mum and is extremely busy. It's possible Mark G might go into the background in future.
MARK G: Ok. Good to know where I stand.
LUCY: Part of me has always loved you.
MARK G: Lucy I feel the same way.
She doesn't want things to end so wants to consider the logistics of all this. Mark G nods.
Susan's Office
FINN: It's all clicking into place. Before today I remember the things that I did and the people that I've hurt. I went to that storage case thinking I was just going to destroy everything. But after seeing all that stuff.,, I remember what it felt like to do those things, to punish the people who thought that they had control over me, who betrayed me. It felt... wonderful. I'm not a bad person. I don't want to hurt everyone. Just the ones who deserve it. After Mum abandoned me, I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone have that power over me ever again. No one stands in the way of what I want. Just this past year I have been pathetic, at everyone's mercy. But not any more. I know who I am. Who I've always been. There are still some people out there who deserve to hurt as much as they've hurt me and get what's coming to them. And I know where I have to start.
Ramsay Street
It's now the next day. Mark G is enthusiasing about the place as they exit Toadie's house. He thinks it's an improvement to when Mark G lived in the house! Toadie is pleased that Mark G has returned the history book. Mark has enjoyed it and has enjoyed the nostalgia. Toadie tells Mark G that Stonie is well, married to Chantelle and on the straight and narrow, Mark is pleased. Mark G hasn't managed to settle down yet, Toadie suggests he hasn't found the one. Mark G mentions what's happened with Lucy, Toadie is happy for them. They're trying to work out the logistics. The idea of being with Lucy does appeal to him but he's made impulsive decisions before now. They didn't work out! Toadie mentions Sonya's passing. He tells Mark G that he'll regret what he didn't do instead of what he did. It's not always possible to have another chance.
No.28 Backyard
Finn has prepared pancakes and bacon on the barbie and Karl and Susan are impressed. Susan notes he seems more cheerful, he is after a good sleep. He apologises for being quiet the day before but Susan brushes it off.
FINN: I've finally made peace with who I was.
Delving into his past has helped. Finn is heading off as he's already eaten with Bea. It's his way of thanking them for all they've done. Karl agrees it's been challenging. Finn tells them they're the best. Finn heads off. Susan thinks that the prison visit has helped Finn.
The Waterhole
Mark G arrives as Lucy is working at a table. She tells him she is always working and carries on as she talks to him. He tries to talk to him about the chat the night before.
Lucy cuts him off to go and talk to Pierce, Ned and Chloe who have just arrived. Chloe admits she hasn't had any more wedding applications. Lucy has realised there's nobody for the first day to start the celebrations. Ned suggests moving a couple forward to the first day. Pierce explains the problem with that is everyone has organised things for their particular day. Lucy wants this to be the focus of the day. She tells them that they can sort the fifth wedding later on. As she is talking, Mark G gets up and leaves.
No.32 Backyard
Kyle has got a box of beer for the trip, Toadie thinks it will be enough as there isn't a huge number of people going. Kyle is still undecided and needs to speak to Gary first. Toadie enthuses about the trip to Elly, she agrees but seems distracted as Kyle and Toadie head indoors.
David isn't fooled. Elly explains that with everything Finn is going through she is worried for him. She questions whether the trip is the best idea right now. David disagrees, Finn can relax with Elly to support him. Elly points out Toadie is going too. David agrees but Toadie is returning after one night. David suggests that Elly has a quiet word with Finn. Elly would prefer it if David and Bea did that!
Lassiter's Office
Mark G arrives with a dish he's prepared, Lucy wondered where he went. He has brought some chilli chocolate fondant which apparently is a popular dessert. Lucy notes he thinks chocolate is the answer! He tries to feed her but she tells him how crazily busy she is. He manages to convince her and she is impressed. He tries to persuade her to take more and drops it on her outfit. She isn't impressed as apparently the chocolate won't come out and then realises he is holding a ring. Mark G wants them to be the first couple to get married at the expo.
MARK G: Lucy I love you. Will you marry me?
LUCY: Yes!
They kiss and she doesn't mind when he gets more chocolate on her outfit! The ring fits perfectly.
Harold's Café
Elly and Susan are sitting at a table. Elly is pleased that Finn seemed sweet at breakfast. Susan would prefer though that Finn rather than doing them in secret talked to them first. Susan apologises but Elly understood.
Pierce and Chloe arrive. Chloe greets Aster who blinks at her. Susan tells her that she's been booked for two of the expos but has no info on the couples. Chloe promises to let her know the details asap. Chloe gets a text from Hendrix wanting to come on the trip, Chloe still refuses. Pierce thinks it could be possible.
PIERCE: What's going to happen when we leave him on his own?
Susan offers to look out for Hendrix which Pierce appreciates. Chloe enthuses about the glamping tents. To try and sort out sleeping arrangements, Chloe suggests that Bea shares with Elly and Toadie shares with Finn for the night. Elly thinks that Finn should share with Bea and is happy to share with Toadie. He won't mind Aster!
No.32 Backyard
Elly arrives pushing Aster and sees Finn rolling his head side to side on the table. She alerts him and he apologises. He isn't here for David and admits to not being fine. He's looking for someone to chat with but refuses Bea or David. He feels she's the only person he is able to talk to. Before moving on he needed to talk to Trent as well as Harry. Finn wants to know the truth about Columbia. He wants to know the full truth from Trent himself. Karl and Susan wouldn't understand this, Bea has been underhand before. He needs to sort things out and see Trent.
Next Week
- We see the RSRs going to the island travelling there by speedboat.
- Karl's voice talking about Finn's memory being back.
- Elly concerned for Finn as we see him run through the bush.
- Paul declaring that there is a psychopath on the loose before getting into a vehicle.
- Finn asking someone of they are still alive!
- Finn throwing a rock at someone in a hole in the ground.
- 3 DEATHS appears onscreen as we see Finn running through the bush before then padding in the sea.
- Finn saying that this person has been good to him and that he didn't want to hurt them but gave him no choice.
- WHO appears onscreen next to a shot of Elly.
- Toadie commenting to Finn that he is more worried about Bea.
- WILL appears onscreen next to a shot of Toadie.
- Karl asking Susan if she's heard from Bea yet.
- Susan replying no, she's not been able to get through to anyone.
- Paul driving a car.
- DIE appears onscreen next to a shot of Finn having a bow and arrow in his hands and ready to fire the arrow!
- "This is the only way," we hear Finn then say.
- Finn walking behind Bea.
- Shots of Kyle, Pierce, Chloe before we see Paul come down a sand dune.
- 5 WEDDINGS appears onscreen as we see rings being exchanged on different hands as Terese welcomes everyone to the Lassiters wedding expo.
- Yashvi and Ned looking like they are dressed up for a wedding.
- Jane telling Sky that she's drawn to the realisation that not everyone gets a happy ending.
- Finn walking determinedly.
- A bomb attached to a bottle of bubbly explodes and ONE EXPLOSIVE WEEK appears onscreen.
- Mark telling Lucy (dressed in a bridal gown) that he can't do this!
- Dylan suggesting to Sky that they get married!
- Prue telling Gary that he is her jackpot.
- A snake being thrown into a hole in the ground.
- Finn kissing Bea... but then the image changes so it's now Elly!
- Further shots of Finn before 'Neighbours END GAME' appears onscreen.
<<8315 - 8317>>
Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8316
Finn Kelly

Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson in Neighbours Episode 8316
Chloe Brennan, Pierce Greyson

Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8316
Lucy Robinson

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8316
Ned Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8316
Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8316
David Tanaka

Finn Kelly, David Tanaka, Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8316
Finn Kelly, David Tanaka, Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Mark Gottlieb, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8316
Mark Gottlieb, Lucy Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8316
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8316
Finn Kelly

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8316
Finn Kelly

Lucy Robinson, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 8316
Lucy Robinson, Mark Gottlieb

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8316
Finn Kelly

Toadie Rebecchi, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 8316
Toadie Rebecchi, Mark Gottlieb

Karl Kennedy, Finn Kelly, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8316
Karl Kennedy, Finn Kelly, Susan Kennedy

Lucy Robinson, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8316
Lucy Robinson, Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan, Ned Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8316
Toadie Rebecchi, Kyle Canning

David Tanaka, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8316
David Tanaka, Elly Conway

Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 8316
Mark Gottlieb

Mark Gottlieb, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8316
Mark Gottlieb, Lucy Robinson

Aster Conway in Neighbours Episode 8316
Aster Conway

Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8316
Susan Kennedy, Elly Conway

Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8316
Pierce Greyson, Chloe Brennan

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8316
Elly Conway

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8316
Finn Kelly

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