- Kyle trying to try his luck with Roxy but being reminded that they're just mates.
- Roxy kissing Shane.
- Shane confirming he's not told Dipi about the kiss but adding he can't be friends with Roxy now.
- Ned questioning if a week's celibacy will really help Yashvi with her police entry exam?
- The pair then giving into each other!
- Zenin asking Ned questions about fight club then warning him to get Yashvi to keep quiet... or else!
Number 22
Terese (along with Paul and Harlow) are surprised to see Ned sitting in the dark when they return home from having dinner. He is the one then surprised to hear that Roxy is home too, unawares she came home earlier feeling unwell.
Lassiters Complex (next day)
After she comes out of Harold's, Roxy spots Shane at the other side of the complex but other than briefly looking at each other, they don't acknowledge each other.
Terese and Sheila are talking about Roxy when she comes over to them. Sheila asks how she is (the same) and then informs her that Shane is covering her shift. Roxy floors them both when she suddenly announces that she is resigning her position, citing that she wants to work in a different industry. Sheila tries to talk her out of it, suggesting she waits until she is better before making a final decision, which Roxy agrees to do.
Number 22
Harlow is surprised to see Roxy arrive home as she should be working but since she isn't, wants to enlist her help in getting supplies for the Australia Day party she is arranging for friends and family.
Harold's Café
Ned isn't too amused, but doesn't say anything, when he hears that Yashvi was out training alone by the lake this morning as she'd energy needing burned off. He's also told that the intimacy ban is back on after yesterday's slip up!
Harlow and Roxy arrive in the café and immediately invite Ned and Yashvi to the party, although as Roxy points out given he stays at #22 he can't really avoid it!
The pair then spot Terese and Paul and both try to talk Roxy out of quitting her job, at least until she's got another one lined up.
The Waterhole (veranda)
As they are finishing off their coffees, Gary asks if Kyle wants to accompany him on a fishing trip that he is planning next week, but the lad isn't interested.
Dipi comes to meet Shane after he's finished his shift. Sheila sincerely thanks him for covering and then mentions that Roxy is planning on quitting her job. The ladies think there must be something behind Roxy's actions and Shane desperately tries not to give the game away! Dipi plans on quizzing the lass at the party, which sets the alarm bells ringing for Shane and he desperately tries to get out of going, but his wife puts her foot down and informs him he is going!
Number 22
As they set up in the backyard for the party, Harlow is determined to get to the bottom of why Roxy is behaving strangely, including quitting the job she love. Harlow eventually guesses that it has something to do with Shane and Roxy blurts out the reason:
ROXY: I kissed him okay. I kissed Shane.
Commercial break later, the brain has caught up with what Harlow heard and she's now got the big guns ready to fight back with.
HARLOW: He's got a wife and kids; how could you do that?!
"I know," is the only thing Roxy can reply back with but tries to rationalise things by adding that she wasn't thinking, simply "did it."
ROXY: And he looked at me like I'd slapped him in the face.
Roxy confirms that she doesn't have any feelings for Shane, their relationship is purely friends... "until I mucked that up." It now dawns on Harlow, why Roxy is quitting her job and asks if Dipi knows (no). Harlow then really lays into Roxy over what she's done, but the lassie has already said the same things to herself "a million times."
ROXY: I hate myself.
Number 30
Yashvi has finished her theory work for the day and is about to go get ready (despite Ned thinking she's okay as is in her workout gear) for the party when he receives a text from an unknown contact. On opening it, it's a picture of #30, but he lies when Yashvi asks about the text, and says it was a message from Harlow wondering when they will be arriving.
When Yashvi goes to get a shower, Ned walks over to the window and has a squizz outside but can see nobody there.
Number 22
Harlow leaves Gary to cook his kangaroo sausages on the BBQ to go and apologise to the newly arrived Roxy for what she said earlier. "I just wish I could take it all back," Roxy admits so that she can "make things better again." Harlow is sure time will work its magic... except Shane and Dipi have just arrived for the party and once Shane and Roxy's eyes meet, the lass quickly runs back inside the house.
Harlow is in the kitchen for more supplies when Ned and Yashvi arrive. "As you can see I've brought security," Yashvi says to Harlow after Ned quizzes her on who is coming (she confirms no gate crashers) and that Paul is here too. Ned explains that he is simply making sure Harlow's party "doesn't get out of hand" and takes a good look at the guests (through one of the windows) when the ladies head back outside.
Back out in the garden, there are a few more guests (Susan, Elly, and Kyle) as Harlow does her 'hostess with the mostest' routine offering them some nibbles.
Susan has a quiet word to let Elly know she's heard about what happened with the boys. She then admits that under different circumstances, she'd tell her niece to come home but knows that isn't possible as we cut to seeing Finn watch the pair chatting from inside the house.
Kyle (having brought a slab of beer) tries to tempt Roxy into having one with him when she appears outside. Initially she rejects his offer, but after trying not to watch Shane teaching Dipi how to play cricket, has her quickly taking one from him and retreating back indoors!
Paul is thrilled at the job Harlow has done for the party as she continues her 'hostess with the mostest' routine. Ned pulls him aside wanting a word... something that can't wait!
Ramsay Street
Ned and Paul have retreated to the street to ensure nobody overhears the conversation. Ned explains all that has happened and can only conclude that they must think he saw something, which he is more than sure he didn't. Paul wards him off going to the police because "they're just small time thugs with empty threats" and instead wants Ned to retaliate by pushing back - "make a threat against them greater than the one they made against you."
PAUL: It's called powerplay.
NED: But I don't have any power?
PAUL: So bluff.
Number 22
Gary is surprised to see his mum at the party as she should be working, but she's nicked off during her lunchbreak to attend and compliments her son on how good his sausages are. After Kyle turned him down, Gary asks his mum instead if she wants to go on a fishing trip, but she isn't interested either.
Shane tries not to choke on his beer as he spots his wife chatting to Roxy! Dipi is genuinely concerned for the lass, especially so once she then gets emotional on how Shane comes to her rescue after she screws up.
DIPI: Hey, don't get upset. It's okay, he's got teenage daughters, this is second nature to him.
Roxy hopes their friendship hasn't made things uncomfortable for her "because you really don't deserve it." That comment leaves Dipi rather bemused, especially when Roxy then about turns and heads back into the house, telling her to "enjoy the party."
Ramsay Street
Ned thanks Paul for the advice he's given him, however Paul has one other bit of advice - keeping it quiet from the family for now, which Ned plans to uphold and not tell Yashvi either. The pair are forced to lie about that last bit when Terese joins them after overhearing them on her walk down the driveway.
After Paul and Terese head back towards the house, Ned enacts his plan - he gets out his phone and makes a call to Warrinor Prison to request a visit to see the previous villain of the week, Kane Jones!
Number 22
Back with the party and Gary is very impressed at the pavlova Harlow has made for the day and she is thankfully for the advice he gave her about her mum. She adds that the party has done something else for her - proven that she's also got a lot of wonderful people in her life right now.
As they too munch on their pavlova, Finn quizzes Susan on whether Elly was telling the truth earlier during their chat... and if they should take her home. "Finn, you know why that can't work," she replies while sending him daggered looks at the same time!
Meanwhile, Dipi is telling Shane about the strange conversation she had with Roxy. He confirms that he told the lass that she was upset about their friendship, which then has Dipi feeling guilty about Roxy having a hard time and feeling guilty about her! Shane reassures her that the lass will be alright while equally trying not to give away anything more from the guilty look on his face.
The Waterhole
Sheila thinks there is another ulterior motive for Roxy spending time at The Waterhole and not being the life and soul of the party at #22 - she doesn't want to quit her job at the bar!
ROXY: I'm not sure that the job's right for me anymore.
SHEILA: Look, wiping tables and cleaning toilets can be a real drag but there is one thing I know for sure.
ROXY: What's that?
SHEILA: This is your world, just like its mine and it's important that we are honest with ourselves about who we are.
ROXY: What if I really don't want to be me right now?
SHEILA: You're a real sad sack today aren't you?!
That gets a laugh out of Roxy and Sheila suggests that since it is quiet at the pub, they both head back to #22 together.
ROXY: Do you ever take no for an answer?!
SHEILA: I never do! So get ready girlfriend!
Number 22
The party is in full swing when we return, and Gary is still trying to find someone to go fishing with him and in the end receives the sympathy vote from Dipi - she will go if he can't find anyone else.
And it can't be Australia Day without a friendly game of cricket, although its just about over (no pun intended!) when Roxy makes an appearance. She explains to Kyle that she needed a time out and thanks him for looking out for her (he was about to come searching for her when they ran into each other) and the pair hug each other.
Dipi reads the hug wrongly (she can tell Roxy is upset) and demands to know what is going on. "Nothing," is Kyle's immediate reply and gets Dipi's inquisition as to whether he's been hassling Roxy again?
KYLE: Oh Dipi you don't know what you're talking about.
DIPI: She rejected you once before, take the hint Kyle!
Both Harlow and Sheila have meandered up to where the trio are standing as Harlow tries to interrupt the standoff by suggesting to Dipi they go get more dips, but Dipi is standing put until she knows Roxy is okay. Roxy reassures Dipi "that Kyle hasn't done anything wrong, we're just hanging out."
ROXY: If someone's done something wrong, it's me!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Pierce talking to Chloe about a decision taken.
- Lisa telling Hendrix that Chloe is on board.
- Hendrix confronting Chloe about her decision.
- Toadie telling Shane he knows something is going on between him and Roxy.
- Kane wanting to know why Ned is visiting him in prison.