- Ned gets involved in a fight club
- Yashvi tells one of the fight club to stay away from Ned as he's no longer involved
- Yashvi admits to Ned that she called the cops, leading to the raid on the fight club
- She records her showdown with Kane from the fight club as evidence for the police
- She decides she wants to be a cop
- David and Aaron book Elly in at the spa while they take care of Aster
- But Elly flies into a panic when she returns home and can't find the baby, or David and Aaron
- When they finally return from a picnic, Elly tears strips off them for taking Aster without telling her
- Elly tells David and Aaron, 'You guys need to back off. And you want to be parents?!'
Ramsay Street
David is super-apologetic to Elly about going off the radar with Aster, as the scene continues from where we left off - saying he should have charged his phone properly.
ELLY: I had no idea where she was!
AARON: Elly, you knew she was with us!
Aster starts crying. Elly coldly tells them she's got it, and wheels the pram away from the house and over the road. David and Aaron look worried.
No 30
Yashvi is back from her police boot camp in Sydney, and engaged in a pashing session with Ned. Ned tells her he's missed her loads, which is why he's taken the day off so they can spend time together. His place is empty, he suggests casually, so they could have it to themselves. But Yashvi had already set her heart on spending the day studying for her police entrance exam.
Ned's frustrated and suggests she just take the morning off, but Yashvi tells him she doesn't want to get distracted. Ned offers to help her study instead, so they agree on this compromise. They kiss again briefly and then Yashvi tells Ned, no more!
No 28
An upset Elly has brought Aster to see Auntie Bea and Uncle Finn, and tells them about her row with David and Aaron.
ELLY: I panicked.
BEA: Yeah, well, of course you did!
FINN: They should've checked in with you.
ELLY: Yeah, but I overreacted. I knew she was safe, and I don't know what came over me. I completely lost it.
BEA: Elly, you're a first-time mum. They get that - we all do.
FINN: (...) I'm sure you weren't as intense as you think with Aaron and David.
ELLY: They were pretty shocked. Aaron and David have been amazing, to me and Aster. The reason I wasn't with her is because they bought me a voucher to get a massage. And this is how I say thank you!
BEA: You need to be kinder to yourself.
ELLY: No, I need to go and apologise to them.
BEA: Well, why don't you hang out here with us first, okay?
ELLY: You sure?
FINN: ... Yeah, of course.
No 30
Ned is invigilating while Yashvi finishes up a timed practice exam. She looks down despairingly at a list of areas she still has to get to grips with before the exam.
NED: Oral assessment. I could help you with that.
YASHVI: No, no - there's something I forgot to mention. No fooling around (...) Mishti told me about this cop superstition of holding off on any... fun... until after the exam.
NED: After the exam?!
YASHVI: Well, yeah! Any action before that could make me fail. Athletes do it all the time!
NED: Yeah, but you're not training for the Olympics! Sorry - sorry, I'm not trying to pressure you. I just - I really missed you.
YASHVI: Me too. But this exam is the difference between me getting in or not. I want to give myself the best chance I can.
Ned says that in which case, they should move their study session to the café, where there'll be less temptation to get distracted.
YASHVI: I like your thinking.
NED: You'd better, cos my brain's all you're getting!
No 32
Aaron realises Elly's left Aster's nappy bag here, and wonders if he should run it over to No 28. But a guilty-feeling David thinks they should give Elly some space; she'll come back when she's ready.
DAVID: Unless she decides to move back to Number 28.
AARON: Hey, we didn't stuff up that badly.
DAVID: She was furious. I've never seen her that angry before.
AARON: Yeah, I know - but once she has some time to think about it, she'll realise that we were only trying to help her out.
DAVID: We did take it a bit too far. We got so caught up thinking about Aster, we kind of forgot she's not ours.
AARON: No, no - I don't think we forgot. I think we just imagined a different situation.
DAVID: Maybe our own family plans are clouding our judgement when it comes to Aster.
AARON: Boo, I can't wait to have a baby with you.
DAVID: Me too. But there are hurdles and complications we need to get past before we can even consider it. It could take years.
AARON: Yeah, I know, I know. And we will tackle all of those.
DAVID: If today's proved anything, we're not ready to be parents.
AARON: Listen, that is Elly's voice in your head right now.
DAVID: I'm being realistic. There's so much more we need to learn. We're nowhere near ready.
AARON: Listen - we made a mistake. That does not mean we're not capable of being amazing dads.
But a despondent David doesn't seem convinced, and goes to have a lie down.
Harold's Café
Ned and Yashvi are continuing their study session. A man comes in as they talk, unnoticed by either of them (credited as 'Zenin Alexio'). He sits down at a nearby table with his back to them and overhears them talking about Yashvi's police academy exam, and Mishti pestering her to study.
YASHVI: I swear, she was this close to handcuffing me to the table.
NED: Handcuffs, huh? When do we get to that part of the exam prep?
Zenin gets up and moves across to the other side of the café, where he makes a phone call.
ZENIN: Yeah. I think we might have a problem.
Shortly afterwards, Ned and Yashvi head towards the counter to pay up, as Zenin exits; Ned makes eye-contact with Zenin as he leaves, and looks troubled. But he's quickly distracted by Yashvi talking about heading to hers for a workout, and takes it the wrong way - she swiftly corrects him.
YASHVI: Enough with the innuendos.
NED: You really think remaining celibate for a week is gonna help you get through the entry exam?
YASHVI: I need all the help I can get.
NED: Yeah, by using your brain - not following some stupid rule your auntie probably made up!
YASHVI: You said you'd support me. That doesn't mean just reading out questions and answers.
NED: I've been one hundred percent behind you applying for the police. And coming from me, that's saying a lot.
YASHVI: Yeah. As long as I don't follow some dumb superstition that stops you from getting any action.
NED: That's not true. I just want us to be close.
But Yashvi's unimpressed, and heads off to do her workout alone.
No 28
Bea is taking photos of baby Aster on her phone. Elly's feeling guilty about even being there, and says she'll leave shortly - but Bea says there's no rush.
ELLY: I have to face David and Aaron at some point. Can't hide here forever.
BEA: Or you could move back in here with us.
ELLY: ...
BEA: Yeah, I know that's not gonna happen.
ELLY: Even if I wanted to, it would only make things worse with the boys. I've already done so much damage to our friendship.
BEA: You haven't damaged anything. This is like a little scratch.
ELLY: Yeah, but those little scratches have been forming since I moved in. David and Aaron wanted to help, so I let them - but I didn't realise it'd make me feel like such a failure.
FINN: You're not a failure.
BEA: No way! You're doing a great job. It sounds like you need to just set some boundaries with them.
ELLY: Oh, I don't even know where to start.
Elly realises Aaron still has the nappy bag, but Bea remembers they have some spares here, so Finn goes to fetch them. Meanwhile, Bea says she and Elly can workshop what she's going to say to David and Aaron when she gets back.
Ramsay Street
Zenin watches from a car as Ned walks towards No 30. Sinister music.
No 30
Yashvi is still annoyed with Ned.
YASHVI: Come to try it on with me again?
NED: No, I've come to apologise. I was a tool.
YASHVI: Yep, you were.
NED: I get how much passing this entrance exam means to you. I shouldn't have paid you out for that superstition. And if anyone wasn't using their brain, it was me. I know it's no excuse, but I've been really wanting you to get home.
YASHVI: Letting my life be ruled by a superstition might sound dumb -
NED: But it's your choice. And I should respect that.
YASHVI: Everything's riding on this exam. I need to pass. Otherwise I'm back to having no clue what to do with my life again.
NED: Hey, that's not gonna happen, alright? You are smart, you're incredibly brave; I mean, you're the exact kind of person that they need in the police force. They'd be mad not to snap you up.
With this, all is forgiven, and Yashvi gives Ned a hug - then asks him to monitor her while she does a beep test.
No 28
Elly and Bea are discussing an action plan of what Elly should say to David and Aaron, when Finn returns with the nappies. Bea volunteers to change Aster and Elly is happy for her to; but Bea tells Elly to always let her know if she feels she's overstepping. Once Bea's left the room with Aster...
FINN: This is my fault. You wouldn't be living down the street if it wasn't for my court order.
ELLY: There's no point thinking like that!
FINN: But this is your family - your home. You should be here.
ELLY: Yes, but this is not just your fault. I have a part in all this as well, remember? As bad as this situation with David and Aaron is, it'd be far worse if I had to stay here and deal with this.
FINN: Yeah. But maybe we could... try and live together.
ELLY: No! That's not an option! I'm not talking about this, okay? All you need to know is I'd never do anything to hurt Bea.
No 30
Ned and Yashvi have finished with the workout session. Yashvi shows Ned the workout schedule Mishti's recommended; he suggests she run it by Aaron for some more ideas.
YASHVI: I'm sorry that I said you don't support me. You're a very good boyfriend.
She kisses him.
YASHVI: And a very hot one, too. Super-hot.
They kiss some more.
NED: We should stop.
YASHVI: I don't want to stop.
NED: What about your superstition?
YASHVI: I'll make my own luck.
They start getting frisky on the kitchen cabinet!
No 32
Elly comes in with Aster, and the awkwardness with David and Aaron is palpable. They offer to give her some space, but she says that's not necessary.
ELLY: I want to apologise for the way I handled things earlier.
DAVID: You had every reason to be upset. It's okay.
ELLY: I dunno about that.
AARON: No, look, Aster's your baby. We get it.
DAVID: We made a bad assumption that we could take her out. We should've stayed in the house. And my battery running flat - I feel awful.
ELLY: Maybe next time you can both take your phones with you?
DAVID: There'll be a next time?
ELLY: Yeah, of course! You guys have been so amazing to me - giving me somewhere to stay, helping me out with a newborn. I feel very lucky.
AARON: Elly, you know we didn't mind any of that, right?
ELLY: I know that, and I'm so grateful for you guys. Being away from Aster - I just missed her so much. And it made me realise that being a single mum is hard, but I need to learn how to do these things on my own, without the help of you guys constantly.
AARON: Okay. So does that mean you're gonna move out?
ELLY: No! Well, I wasn't planning on it, unless you want me to?
DAVID: Absolutely not. We love having you both here.
ELLY: And we love being here. Maybe we should just set some boundaries, and it'll help everything work (...) I know most new mums need the extra help. But maybe if... I need it, I'll ask for it.
David seems relieved and willing to go along with this, saying they'll also offer help where they feel she might need it, and she can choose whether to take it up. Elly says this sounds perfect - but Aaron looks less thrilled with the situation, and Elly notices he's still awkward with her.
No 30
Yashvi and Ned emerge from the bedroom, having broken her celibacy attempt. She's feeling guilty for having given in to the temptation.
YASHVI: Maybe we could just... pretend it never happened.
NED: Yeah, but it did.
YASHVI: (...) It's fine. Just, no sexy time, starting from now.
Ned sighs with frustration again, but says he'll go along with whatever she wants.
YASHVI: Thank you. Also... if I get in...
NED: *When* you get in...
YASHVI: Yeah. The academy offers live-in residences for trainees, and I want to apply for a spot.
NED: How often would we see each other?
YASHVI: I dunno. The schedule's full-on - days and nights. But it's not like I'm going to a convent. And I have to get in.
NED: Which you will.
Ned's visibly disappointed, but tells Yashvi that he's with her all the way, whatever she needs.
NED: We'll work it out, whatever happens.
No 32
Elly is sleeping on the couch. Aaron catches David making Elly a snack in case she wants one when she wakes up, but Aaron reminds him they're supposed to be letting her do her own thing. We then hear Aster crying over the baby monitor; Elly doesn't wake up, so David wants to go and check on the baby. But Aaron reminds him that wasn't part of the deal.
Instead, Aaron picks up the baby monitor and takes it over to Elly, holding it next to her ear. When she still doesn't wake up, Aaron says her name until she does!
ELLY: Okay. Yep. Onto it.
David and Aaron look awkward as she leaves the room to deal with the baby.
No 22
Ned arrives home, but is surprised that there's a light on - and slowly turns around to see the man from the café, Zenin Alexio, sitting in the lounge.
NED: Who the hell are you?
ZENIN: You don't remember me? That hurts, mate.
NED: I'm calling the police.
He takes his phone out, but Zenin stands up and approaches him.
ZENIN: No, no, no - put that away. I'm just here for a little chat. How's your right hook? Or was it an uppercut?
NED: You were at the fights?
ZENIN: That's right.
NED: Why are you following me?
ZENIN: Well, I need to know what you saw when you were there.
NED: Saw a bunch of guys fighting.
ZENIN (laughs): Don't be cute. You know exactly what I'm talking about. If you don't start sharing, we're gonna have a problem.
No 32
Aaron is loading the dishwasher when Elly comes in. It's still awkward.
ELLY: Hey, I might be overthinking this, but it felt like you gave me the cold shoulder before.
AARON: Oh, really? And you wonder why. (!)
ELLY: Okay. So you are angry with me.
AARON: Listen, Elly - it was a big thing for us, welcoming you and Aster into our home. And all we've ever done since you got here is try to make your life easier, right? But the way you acted - you acted like we stole your baby, like we were complete strangers!
ELLY: I'm so sorry - I completely overreacted.
AARON: No, it's not me, it's David. He took that so personally. And you know what? It made him question whether he wants to be a parent at all - and that breaks my heart!
ELLY: Look, I am so grateful to you guys, and you've really connected with Aster.
AARON: Yeah, we have, I know - and we love Aster! And we love having her here. But if you're not comfortable with that...
ELLY: Maybe it's just better if I move out?
AARON: No, that's not what we want, Elly.
ELLY: How do I fix this, then?
AARON: ... Look, don't worry about it. I'll get over it.
Aaron walks out, leaving Elly looking worried.
No 22
Zenin is still waiting for an answer from Ned, and standing right up close.
NED: I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
ZENIN: That girlfriend of yours - she was the one that got the ring shut down.
NED: Yeah...
ZENIN: And now she wants to be a cop?
NED: So?
ZENIN: Well, the cops are sniffing round, mate.
NED: Sniffing round what? There is no fight club.
ZENIN: True. But yet, there they are. So, what exactly did you see, and then tell your girlfriend about?
NED: My girlfriend has no idea about any of this. And neither do I.
ZENIN: Convince her to keep her mouth shut. Or it's gonna get real ugly.
Zenin walks out of the front door. Ned looks shaken.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Shane begs Roxy not to dump him in it
- Harlow asks Roxy what's wrong - she's been a pain all morning
- Shane looks worried as Dipi and Roxy talk
- Finn tells Susan he saw her talking to Elly, and asks if she thinks she's telling the truth
- Chloe tells Pierce they need to stop skating around this, and come to a decision
- Yashvi asks a nervous Ned what's wrong; we see Ned looking out of the window
- Ned tells Paul it can't wait; he needs his help right now