- Hendrix kissing Chloe
- Pierce and Chloe getting married
- Hendrix getting a letter and photo from his dad
- Finn asking Bea to give Elly her ballet ticket
- Finn confessing to Claudia he has feelings for Elly
Number 28
Finn insists to Claudia that he loves Bea and nothing is ever going to change that, not even Feelings™, but Claudia reminds him he has a history with Elly. There's also the fact that Finn is oblivious to Elly's flaws and is constantly defending her. Finn squirms and says nothing is going to happen so they should keep their conversation under wraps. Claudia wants to keep talking but Finn shushes her when Bea walks in. Bea is puzzled when Finn practically shoves his mother out the door, insisting she's too tired to stay.
Community Centre
Terese tells Paul he doesn't need to stick around and keep an eye on her, but Paul wants to give Aaron and David some space at the hospital. Toadie gets a fright when he walks into his office, not expecting to see anyone until the morning. They soon get down to business, however, with Toadie floating the idea of a Christmas concert fundraiser in Sonya's name. Terese and Paul seem keen and Paul says he'll run it by Chloe and Pierce when they're back from Adelaide.
Number 28
Karl and Susan discuss the oddness of Claudia's abrupt exit. They then try and entice Hendrix into eating some leftover pizza since he didn't join them for dinner. Susan gets frustrated with Hendrix when she realises he's not pulling his weight with the chores (I.e. emptying the dishwasher), but Hendrix is too mopey over Chloe to be a constructive member of the household.
Lassiters Hotel
Paul bumps into Claudia having a drink in the hotel foyer and stops for a chat. She invites him to sit with her and Paul confesses he has a meeting with the National Donor Registry tomorrow in the hope they'll move David up the donation list. Claudia asks if that will be likely but Paul says he's willing to do whatever it takes for his son. He asks Claudia what the system is like in Europe - it could be an option if things don't work out in Australia.
CLAUDIA: I haven't had much experience in that area. Have you considered finding a kidney through less... official means?
PAUL: Yeah, the thought had occurred to me.
CLAUDIA: I'll make some calls. See what the system is like back home.
Paul thanks her and offers to buy another drink. Claudia accepts, as long as Paul also buys one for himself.
Harold's Café
Hendrix sees Pierce at the counter and awkwardly makes his way over. They have a stilted catch up session, but Hendrix softens somewhat when Pierce brings up the photo he gifted his son. Chloe emerges from the bathroom, all smiles, but when she and Pierce invite Hendrix to have dinner with them he clams up and makes a hasty exit. Chloe decides to skip dinner herself and heads off to catch up on work emails. Pierce reminds her to send one to Paul about the idea they've come up with for the hotel.
Lassiters Hotel
Paul asks Claudia if she's looking forward to the arrival of her grandchild. Claudia says she supposes so and then asks Paul if he knows Elly well.
PAUL: Well enough to be across the trouble she's found herself in lately.
CLAUDIA: Then it won't surprise you if I said I don't trust her.
PAUL: She's the mother of your grandchild.
CLAUDIA: And she has a shocking track record. I mean she seems to draw men in like moths to a flame. First Shaun and now...
PAUL: What, she's seeing someone else?
Claudia falters before saying no, but she can't help adding that Finn has been swept up in her charm. She thinks he can't see that Elly is incapable of being a good mother and it worries her. Paul suggests there may be a way Claudia can use Finn's loyalty to her advantage.
Number 28
Karl, Susan, Elly and Bea are having a nice time chatting and laughing about the trip to the ballet. Elly smiles at Finn and says she's really glad they got to go. Finn looks uncomfortable and says Susan was the one who got the last minute tickets. He quickly leaves the table. Bea notices the weird vibe and joins her boyfriend at the kitchen counter, asking if he's okay. Finn insists he's fine and then has to escape another awkward moment when Elly asks if either of them want to go Christmas shopping in the morning. Bea has to work and Finn pretends he's already finished.
Lassiters Park/Ramsay Street
The next morning, Pierce jogs through the complex before returning home and stopping to have a chat with Karl. Pierce is concerned when Karl tells him Hendrix has been isolating himself lately. Hendrix walks out of #28 to ask Karl for the Wi-Fi password and Karl tells him to look under the router. When the sullen teen returns indoors, Pierce and Karl discuss how downtrodden Hendrix is about Chloe and how he can't even be in the same room as her. Karl tells Pierce he may have an idea on how to move things along with Hendrix.
Number 28
The #28 residents get narky at Hendrix when they realise the Wi-Fi outage is on him because he's been streaming too many things. Susan has a quiet word with Finn and says he made the right decision turning Elly down last night. Finn nods and says he's going to put Bea first. Susan knows Finn doesn't like disappointing Elly but it was the right choice. The atmosphere gets tense when Karl walks in with Claudia who has popped by to see if Elly wants to spend the day with her. Elly thinks she has a get out of jail free card when she says she'll already be busy with Christmas shopping, but can't say no when Claudia invites herself along. Finn looks stressed.
Community Centre
Toadie is impressed with Terese's organisational skills - the concert planning is already going great guns. Terese admits it's nice to be busy again. Paul and Chloe arrive and Terese asks how David is. Paul says "holding on but no better" and that he'll go back to the hospital after he's finished up at their meeting. Terese asks Chloe if her and Pierce think the Christmas concert is a good idea. Chloe says it was so good they'd actually thought of it themselves - they were hoping to put on a concert to repair the hotel's image. Toadie despairs that the Lassiters concert is going to trump Sonya's, but Terese suggests they could combine the events. Chloe and Paul seem enthused but Toadie less so.
Number 28 Backyard
Finn tells Claudia that she's most definitely not going shopping with Elly. Claudia knows her son feels anxious but promises him he's got nothing to worry about. Finn scoffs at her but Claudia says she's just trying to get to know Elly better and maybe she'll start to see what he does.
FINN: I'm meant to believe that am I?
CLAUDIA: This is about a relationship with my grandchild.
FINN: I have heard that before.
CLAUDIA: And I'm thinking of moving here. (Finn is shocked) You could live with me if the court is open to it. We could make a home together like you always wanted. Haven't heard that before have you.
Finn is trying not to get his hopes up too much and asks his mum what's really going on. But Claudia simply states that if Finn's committed to changing the way he feels about Elly, then she's going to do the same. She'll also keep quiet about Finn's secret.
Number 28
Karl and Susan look on with a smile when Pierce calls by to ask Hendrix to go on a bike ride with him. He has riding clothes for his son, and a brand new bike waiting outside. Hendrix smiles and says his old man has to buy him lunch too, which Pierce readily agrees to.
HENDRIX: Fine, but there is no way I'm wearing that thing. You look like a wannabe superhero.
KARL: Hey, it's aerodynamic! You'll get up to top speed in no time at all.
HENDRIX: Oh have you got a cape too? That might make you go even faster.
PIERCE: You're just cut because you know you couldn't pull this look off as well as your old man.
HENDRIX: Is that a challenge? All right, I can make anything look good.
KARL: I'll grab some cable ties for your helmets.
PIERCE & HENDRIX: Yeah, nah.
Karl gives them both a fed up look.
The City
Claudia and Elly take a stroll through the city. Claudia says Elly should visit Switzerland sometime as she has a home there now. Elly hesitantly thanks her and says she'll keep the offer in mind.
CLAUDIA: It must seem strange me asking to spend time with you. But we do have an extraordinary thing bringing us together. Elly I owe you an apology. I judged you as a mother when I don't have a leg to stand on.
ELLY: We might have our differences but I'm really happy that you're back in Finn's life.
CLAUDIA: I'm grateful he's given me a second chance. It took a while but you were able to forgive him. I hope in time you can forgive me too.
Elly nods and offers Claudia a small smile.
Ramsay Street
Karl puts the bin out and sees Finn stride purposefully past him. Karl asks if something is winding Finn up and he replies that he's worried about his mum hanging out with Elly alone. Karl thinks it could be a good thing they're spending time together but Finn believes his mum will say something awful to Elly. Finn walks off as Hendrix and Pierce return from their bike ride. Hendrix is gloating about beating his dad but Pierce reckons he let his son win. Karl's pleased to see the two of them getting along so well. Hendrix checks they're still on for lunch then heads inside to change. Pierce thanks Karl for suggesting the bike ride then realises he'll have to cancel lunch with Chloe to hang out with his son. He just wishes they could all spend time together as a family.
Community Centre
Chloe ignores the text message buzz coming from her phone and keeps her concentration on the meeting. She thinks everyone is on board with the concert merging idea but Toadie admits he is very uneasy with using Sonya's name as part of a marketing tool. Chloe doesn't want to sully Sonya's name either but she still thinks they need to cross-promote the events: the hotel's goal is to build good PR. Terese and Paul look on awkwardly as Chloe suggests Toadie take a day to think things over. When Chloe and Paul leave, Toadie tells Terese they can't go ahead with the concert. Terese is confident they can negotiate a good deal.
TERESE: You have to trust me.
TOADIE: Can I? I mean you're basically an extension of Lassiters.
TERESE: Hey, I work for the Foundation now! This is where my loyalties lie.
TOADIE: (sheepish) I'm sorry that was really rude. Of course I can trust you.
But the mood between them remains quite unsettled.
The Waterhole
Pierce shows Hendrix a playlist on his phone he can listen to for their next ride. They're having a good time joking around until Chloe arrives, unaware she wasn't invited to the lunch because she didn't check her text messages. Hendrix looks uncomfy and tells Chloe to stay instead, thanking his dad for lunch before he leaves. Chloe's bummed she ruined lunch for Pierce and Hendrix but Pierce says it's okay: they made some pretty solid progress today.
The City
Elly and Claudia stroll through a shopping complex with a lot of shopping bags between them. They seem like they're getting along a little better. Claudia says she had a nice time and Elly's surprised to realise she did too. Claudia wonders if that means Elly will let bygones be bygones.
ELLY: Only if you promise never to let Finn down again.
CLAUDIA: I won't.
ELLY: I hope you mean that, Claudia. Finn gives a lot of people a lot of love and he deserves to be treated the same.
CLAUDIA: You're very protective of him aren't you?
ELLY: Of course. I care about him a lot and I owe him. He's been incredibly supportive.
CLAUDIA: I get a sense it's a little more than that. You always talk about him so glowingly. Like there's something romantic between you.
ELLY: Are you kidding me? Finn's the uncle to my child.
CLAUDIA: I won't say anything but you really should tell him how you feel.
ELLY: There's nothing to tell him!
CLAUDIA: Are you sure? Look if it's rejection you're worried about don't be. You both feel the same way.
ELLY: What?
CLAUDIA: You must have seen the way he is around you. Finn is in love with you.
Elly stares at Claudia in shock.