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Neighbours Episode 8243 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8242 - 8244>>
Episode title: 8243
Australian and UK airdate: 27/11/19
Writer: Libby Butler
Director: Guy Strachan
Guests: Prudence Wallace: Denise Van Outen
Mackenzie Hargreaves: Georgie Stone
- "Im Dangerous" by The Everlove
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Bea, Finn and Yashvi notice bruising on Ned, but Aaron covers for him, blaming a gym accident
- Aaron tells Ned he needs to seek professional help, or he'll be forced to tell David everything
- Kyle tells Paul he can't solve all the world's problems by splashing his cash around; Amy walks off
- Prue promises to keep quiet about Terese's drinking, but says she's in no state to look after Harlow
- Later at the family meeting, Terese says she understands that a young girl needs her mother
- Harlow tells Paul and Terese she'll be moving back to London with Prue
- But we later hear Prue on the phone, saying, 'once she's under your influence, she'll be one of us'
No 22
Paul and Terese are hosting a farewell drinks evening for Harlow at the house, with attendees including Prue, David and Aaron. Roxy's Not In This Episode™ so can't make it, but Harlow jokes that Roxy'll be glad to be rid of her.
DAVID: I'm sure she's secretly crying.
Harlow and Prue's flight is at 5pm tomorrow and David offers them a lift to the airport, but Prue's already booked a hire car. Amy turns up, and apologises for being late; she was waiting for Kyle but he's been caught up at work.
PAUL: Yeah, well, his loss, isn't it?
Amy tells Harlow she's sorry she's leaving; Harlow says it's a chance to have a proper relationship with her mum.
HARLOW: I didn't get that when she was in the Order.
AMY: So she's really over it, then?
HARLOW: Shouldn't be surprised. She got bored of it and left, like she always does. I mean, maybe she's just happy with me.
AMY: Of course she is!
In the kitchen, Paul tells Terese this shouldn't be happening - Harlow moved here for a reason. Terese says it will hurt to lose her, but that Harlow doesn't need them like she did when she first arrived. They just have to make the most of the time they have left with her.
No 32
Toadie and Kyle are working hard on the class action when Amy comes in, with some leftovers from Harlow's farewell meal. Toadie grabs them before she can give them to Kyle! Kyle starts telling Amy about all the hotel guests he's won over to the class action because he's been in the same boat, but Toadie tells him to button it, reminding him about client confidentiality.
Amy suggests they watch a movie at hers when he's finished, but Kyle and Toadie say they'll be a few more hours yet. A frustrated Amy is about to leave, but Kyle asks her if he can borrow her ute tomorrow - he has to go out to Marysville to meet one of the plaintiffs. Amy reluctantly agrees, and he kisses her, before rushing back to Toadie.
No 22
Prue thanks Terese for helping to convince Harlow to go back to London with her.
TERESE: I don't need a recap, Prue. I know what I did.
PRUE: I know this is a sensitive subject.
TERESE: What do you want, Prue?
PRUE: I just want you to know that you're not alone. This is an alternative to AA.
She passes Terese a leaflet from the Restoration Order, specifically geared at addicts. It's headed, 'ten steps to wholeness - the strength is in you', and offers 'betterment through empowerment for victims of alcohol and substance abuse'. 'Do you know someone dealing with the huge weight of drug or alcohol abuse?' it asks. 'We can offer a practical solution.'
PRUE: They don't believe in the higher power. It's about you - empowering yourself to know that you are better than the bottle.
TERESE: ... I'll take a look.
PRUE: You are strong, Terese. I know you can do this.
Rebecchi Law
Karl is in his Lycra and helmet-cam, berating Toadie for having not turned up for Bike Club this morning. Toadie apologises, but says he's snowed under with work and that Hugo woke up three times during the night.
KARL: The reason we started Bike Club again was to help you cope with the stresses of daily life!
TOADIE: No, no - you started Bike Club. And right now, you're the stress I need help coping with.
KARL: You are the one who started on a health kick, for the sake of your kids. And I'm trying to help you stay on track! Now come on, we've got the tour of Anson's Corner coming up! I need my peloton to be road-ready.
A tired-looking Kyle comes in, swigging coffee, as Karl wheels his bike out. Toadie is annoyed that Karl didn't pester Kyle too.
KYLE: He can see I'm in no state to ride lightweight machinery.
TOADIE: You still going to visit that bloke out in the country today?
KYLE: Caffeine solves all problems.
No 22
Harlow joins Paul on the patio; she's noticed he hasn't eaten any of his breakfast, and he admits he's not hungry.
HARLOW: Thank you for letting me stay. I know it wasn't easy between me and Roxy.
PAUL: Oh, darling...
HARLOW: No, I mean it. You've been so welcoming, and you didn't have to.
PAUL: Harlow, you don't need to thank me. I should be thanking you. You see, for years, I wished that Robert never existed. He caused so much pain to people that I loved. And yet, the thing is, without him, there wouldn't be you.
HARLOW: Alright, Grandad - you're borderline showing emotions now! That is not the Robinson way.
Clearly upset to see her go, Paul retrieves a watch from his pocket.
PAUL: This was meant to be Rob's. See, I wasn't around for the triplets' tenth birthday, so I bought them a little gift. And Cameron and Elle, they kept theirs - but this one... it was returned to sender.
HARLOW: I'm sorry.
PAUL: No, don't be, don't be. I guess I held onto it for years in the hope that, one of these days, Robert and I might be able to get past all of this, but... wasn't meant to be. So, I think it is more fitting that I pass it onto you.
He gives her the watch.
HARLOW: Thanks. I'll keep it forever.
Paul nods, fighting back tears.
No 26
Prue is saying her goodbyes to Gary, who says that the move back to London will be 'so good' for her and Harlow.
PRUE: Not so good for me and you, though.
GARY: Yeah, but I'm choosing to be happy for you, instead of letting sadness win.
PRUE: Spoken like a true member of the Order.
GARY: That's high praise, coming from you.
PRUE: Well, I'm so pleased with your progress.
GARY: I couldn't have done it without you. I mean, I could've - I'm the master of my own journey, but -
PRUE: And journeys are more fun taken together. This is just our beginning.
GARY: Do you mean that?
PRUE: Well, this isn't goodbye forever - it's just for now. And as the newest initiate of the Order, I gift you this.
She passes him the Restoration Order book she's been memorising quotes from, saying she can get another one back at home. Gary offers to come and wave her off at the airport, but Prue wants to 'remember this as our special moment - pure, positive and full of promise'. They kiss.
GARY: How did Harlow take the fact that you're still a member?
PRUE: Oh, well, umm... she's finally embraced the idea of moving back to London. And the Order will welcome her with open arms into their fold.
GARY: I just... I want to thank you, for everything.
Prue smiles.
Ramsay Street
Prue and Harlow are preparing to drive to the airport. Alongside Paul, Terese, Amy, Aaron and David, Mackenzie has also turned up to say goodbye to Harlow, and gives her a hug.
HARLOW: I'm gonna miss you so much.
MACKENZIE: Well, look on the bright side - at least you won't run into Hendrix again!
HARLOW: Who? (!)
Terese passes on a pink ribbon from Roxy, which she's asked her to give Harlow.
TERESE: She said you'd know what it means.
HARLOW (laughs): Yeah. It was a moment.
Harlow hugs Terese, and Prue thanks her for everything.
PRUE: Trust in the process, Terese.
HARLOW: What was that, Mum?
PRUE: Oh, nothing, Low-Low. Look, we need to get going.
A tearful Paul hugs Harlow goodbye, making her promise to call when she lands. Harlow and Prue get into the car, and drive away. Paul is now very upset, and Terese comforts him.
Rebecchi Law
Amy turns up to drop the keys for the ute with Kyle as requested, but finds him asleep at the desk. Waking him up, Amy tells Kyle this isn't healthy - he's barely sleeping or eating between working here and at The 82. But Kyle says they have to keep bringing clients on board for the lawsuit. Toadie goes to get them some more coffee, and Kyle tells him to make it a double.
AMY: It's great that you're so passionate, but... Gary and Dad fought like crazy when we were together, and now it's you and Dad. And I'm sick of being caught in the middle.
KYLE: You're right. It's not fair.
AMY: I never see you anymore. I miss you. I miss us.
Kyle hugs Amy.
KYLE: I'm sorry. Okay, I promise - once I get back from Marysville, we will spend the whole night together (...) Just you and me. No class action talk. No Toad.
AMY: Let him down easy.
They kiss, and hug again.
The 82
Karl is pestering Gary about his lack of commitment to the Bike Club. Karl's just leaving when Amy turns up, and asks how Gary's doing now Prue is leaving. Gary says he can't complain; he's been lucky to have Prue in his life at all.
GARY: If I hadn't met her, I wouldn't have learned about the Restoration Order!
AMY: How did you know about them?
GARY: Prue told me. Like she told everyone.
AMY: She hasn't told anyone.
GARY: Oh. Well, how do you know?
AMY: Harlow. She said last night that Prue had left them - and that's the only reason she agreed to go to London with her.
GARY: No, but Prue's plan is to bring Harlow into the Order. And she told me this morning that she agreed to go into it!
AMY: There's no way that happened. Harlow would never agree to join the order.
Car park
Prue is parked up outside a milk bar, and Harlow gets back into the car with provisions for the journey.
HARLOW: I had to stock up. They don't sell Twisties in the UK.
Prue's phone starts to ring - it's Gary, but Prue tells Harlow to ignore it.
HARLOW: I thought you were keen on him?
PRUE: This is why I don't want you to answer it. It's... it's too painful. And besides, we should be focusing on us.
Amy then starts ringing Harlow's phone.
PRUE: No, no, don't get that, darling. We're having a moment.
Prue encourages Harlow to put her seatbelt on, but Harlow is now suspicious.
HARLOW: Mum, why did you tell Terese to 'trust in the process'?
PRUE: Oh! Did I say that? I can't remember saying that.
HARLOW: You used to spout out 'process' stuff when you were in the Order (...) If you don't believe in that stuff, then why does Terese need to 'trust in the process'?
PRUE: Because it can help her. That's why.
HARLOW: You haven't left, have you? You're still in the Order.
PRUE: Well, I...
No 22
Gary and Amy are updating Paul and Terese on Prue's plan to have Harlow join the Restoration Order. Gary's surprised they don't know, as Prue didn't seem to be keeping it a secret.
PAUL: She kept it a secret from us!
AMY: Harlow says it's a cult.
TERESE: What?!
PAUL: Are they dangerous?
GARY: No, no, no - Prue reckons they've been great to her!
AMY: But...!
GARY: There's a few troubling things online. But Prue reckons it's just hearsay.
PAUL: Okay, what did Harlow say about it?
AMY: They're all about the journey of life, self-improvement and whatever.
TERESE: That's not so bad, is it?
AMY: They make you rethink your friends, your family, if they're not a part of the Order (...) They cut you off.
PAUL: Oh, we've got to stop her getting on that plane.
GARY: I'll come with you.
PAUL: Gary, don't make this day any worse!
But Gary pleads - he needs closure too. So he heads off with Paul.
Car park
Outside the milk bar...
HARLOW: Why would you think I would ever want to join the Order?!
PRUE: Well, you don't know enough about it to make a rational decision!
HARLOW: Yeah, because the way it gets you to make decisions isn't rational, Mum!! They made you cut off contact with me!
PRUE: Oh. Well, that's simply part of the recalibration! You have to go underground to cleanse your negative energy. It helps pop your true self back into your being.
HARLOW: Which is what? A liar?!
PRUE: I know I haven't been completely truthful. But look how well we're getting along now. And it's thanks to the Order! It's helped me to be my best self - and you'll understand, too, when you go through the process.
HARLOW: I am not going through anything with them.
PRUE: I really feel the Order has given us a gift. I love you - I just want us to be together.
HARLOW: Then prove it! Stay in Erinsborough with me. Just forget about the Order, and be the person that you said you're gonna be. Be the mum that I need.
PRUE: ...
Paul is driving along with Gary in the passenger seat. Paul moans that if Kyle hadn't distracted him with the 'stupid class action'...
GARY: It's not your fault.
PAUL: No. No, it's not. It's yours and Kyle's.
GARY: ...
PAUL: What, nothing? No comeback?
GARY: I'm sorry for causing you strife. I just... I thought Prue was the real deal. I thought... I thought we were real.
PAUL: ... I should've realised she was loopy. From the first time we met her in London, she kept banging on about what type we were.
GARY: What, you're a seven?
PAUL: No, eight, I think.
PAUL: What? What does that mean?!
But before Gary can explain, Harlow calls Paul on the phone...
The Waterhole
David and Aaron are having a drink. David's a bit sad that Harlow has gone, and wished she could've stayed longer - it was nice to have extra family around with Leo gone. Conversation moves on to David's work; he says the emergency room's been rammed lately. There were more patients brought in with bad bruising and fractures last night.
AARON: Yeah, right...
DAVID: It must be from this fight ring.
Milk bar
Harlow is crying outside the front of the shop, her suitcases next to her. Presently, Paul and Gary pull up, and find her there.
HARLOW (crying): Mum's gone. She didn't want to miss her flight.
PAUL: Oh, darling - hey.
No 32
David, Aaron and Amy are on the sofa; Amy's waiting for a call from Kyle, who said he'd meet her here an hour ago. Aaron suggests he probably just isn't getting reception out in the bush.
AMY: This has been happening a lot lately.
AARON: Listen, I know you're frustrated. But the man is doing something that he really believes in. Maybe cut him some slack.
Amy goes to try and call Kyle again.
DAVID: I can't believe Prue would lie to Harlow like that.
AARON: Yeah. Not to mention deserting her own family in favour of a cult.
DAVID: (...) She must've been brainwashed. How else do you explain lying to her own family?
AARON: ... Well, I mean, sometimes it's for their own good.
DAVID: I don't buy that. No matter what, you don't lie to the people you love!
AARON: ... Umm, listen, David - we need to talk (...) Ned's involved in that underground fighting racket (...) The guy you treated the other day was his opponent. I'm so sorry; he asked me not to say anything.
DAVID: That doesn't mean you agree to it.
AARON: Yeah, I know, I know. But you would have had to report him, and Ned would end up going to jail, so... Look, it was all a reaction to what happened with Scarlett. I think it was PTSD. But Ned promised me that he stopped, so you don't have to report him.
DAVID: I can't believe you're doing this to me again!
AARON: What? Hold on, I was doing the right thing here!
DAVID: The right thing is to be on my side. I'm your husband!
AARON: I know, I know! And I'm so sorry, but if you -
DAVID: You were sorry last time, yet here we are again!
David decides he's going for a bike ride, and storms out despite Aaron's protestations.
No 22
Terese is drinking wine in the kitchen, when Paul calls from the other room - she quickly hides the bottle in her bag. Paul reports that Harlow is exhausted, and asks if Terese is okay. She's a bit worse for wear from the wine, but Paul doesn't notice.
TERESE: I'm just angry with myself that I didn't protect her better.
PAUL: Yeah, makes two of us. Anyway, she's home safe and sound now, so that's good.
Paul says he's going to bed; Terese says she'll be up after she's had a cup of tea. But once Paul's left the room, she goes back to her bag and finishes off the last of the bottle of wine. She then grabs her phone and car keys, puts them in her bag with the bottle, and creeps out of the house...
Power Road
It's dark, and David is out on his angry bike ride. As he turns the corner past the tram and garage, he mounts the kerb to stop and check his phone. There's a text from Aaron, saying, 'I'm always on your team. I love you.' David begins to reply with a love heart emoji, as a vehicle approaches behind him. He turns to the headlights as it roars towards him, but it's too late. The vehicle slams into him.
As the vehicle speeds away without stopping, we hear the clicking of David's bike spokes as its wheels spin. The bike is horizontal in the road, and David is lying next to it, unconscious...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Shane and Dipi shout: he doesn't know what she wants; she wants him to be on her side
- David unconscious and convulsing in a hospital bed
- Paul and Aaron are frantic with worry waiting for news; 'this can't happen,' says Aaron
- The doctors work to help David
- Terese and Susan worry for David's condition
- Amy and Kyle looking horrified by a realisation
<<8242 - 8244>>
Harlow Robinson, Prue Wallace, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8243
Harlow Robinson, Prue Wallace, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8243
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8243
Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

Prue Wallace, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8243
Prue Wallace, Terese Willis

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8243
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8243
Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson

Prue Wallace, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8243
Prue Wallace, Gary Canning

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8243
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Harlow Robinson

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8243
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson

David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Amy Williams, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8243
David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Amy Williams, Terese Willis, Paul Robinson, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Kyle Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 8243
Kyle Canning, Amy Williams

Karl Kennedy, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8243
Karl Kennedy, Gary Canning

Amy Williams, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8243
Amy Williams, Gary Canning

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8243
Harlow Robinson

Prue Wallace in Neighbours Episode 8243
Prue Wallace

Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8243
Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8243
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Harlow Robinson, Prue Wallace in Neighbours Episode 8243
Harlow Robinson, Prue Wallace

Paul Robinson, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8243
Paul Robinson, Gary Canning

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8243
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8243
Harlow Robinson

Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8243
Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson, Gary Canning

Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8243
Amy Williams, Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8243
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8243
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8243
Terese Willis

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8243
David Tanaka

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8243
David Tanaka

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8243
David Tanaka

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8243
David Tanaka

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