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Neighbours Episode 8202 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8201 - 8203>>
Episode title: 8202
Australian and UK airdate: 01/10/19
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Jean-Pierre Mignon
Guests: Scarlett Brady: Christie Whelan Browne
Mackenzie Hargreaves: Georgie Stone
Shaun Watkins: Brad Moller
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Shaun looks at the documents he received with a message to get Elly to sign them
- David thinks Shane has an ulterior motive for being in Erinsborough
- Shane admits the truth to Mackenzie, he's the reason that Grant left
- Dipi tells Shane that Mackenzie is refusing to speak to him
- Scarlett tells Ned that Yashvi was jealous of him and Bea at Sheila's party
- Ned and Yashvi agree to meet at the tram later in the day
- Just before her gig, Bea is electrocuted by the amp, Bea is unconscious
The Waterhole
Ned tries to rouse Bea and calls for someone to ring for an ambulance. Scarlett points out it would be quicker if Ned takes her as they're near the hospital. Scarlett urges them to hurry. Ned picks Bea up and heads out with her. Ned has left his phone behind and Scarlett sees Yashvi is calling him on it. Scarlett ignores the call.
Erinsborough Hospital
Finn, Susan and Shaun have arrived. They ask Ned how Bea is. Karl is with her and she's currently having tests. Ned isn't sure if Bea will be ok. Her hand is badly burnt and is struggling to breathe. They are going to perform an ECG to check Bea's heart as well. Ned explains that he left his phone behind and thinks they should contact Elly. Susan has already done that and she will be on the next flight. Finn wants to know what actually happened. Ned is unsure, he thinks it could have been a fault when Bea tried to plug in her mic. Finn wants to see Bea but it's not possible whilst she is having tests. Finn starts getting agitated so Susan and Shaun try to calm him down. They reassure him they will be updated when it's possible.
Ramsay Street
A blue car pulls into the Street. Yashvi is trying to get hold of Ned and is leaving messages on his phone. Shane and Dipi get out of the car and ask if she's ok. Yashvi brushes them off and explains she is busy. She admits that Ned didn't turn up for their date, there's no answer on his phone. Dipi thinks there's a perfectly good explanation, Shane thinks Ned is making a habit of this! Yashvi tells him to stop doing this. Shane heads off to put away the shopping.
Dipi tells Yashvi to not let what's happened with Mackenzie affect everything else going on. Yashvi just wants to find out what's happened to Ned. He was meant to meet her to support her through everything she is going through. Yashvi thinks that Shane is right, it's like the last time this happened.
Erinsborough Hospital
Susan, Shaun, Ned and Finn are waiting. Time passes.
Karl comes out of the hospital. Ned is outside, sees him and asks if things are ok. Karl reassures him that Bea is responsive and stable after coming back from her scans. Susan, Finn and Shaun are now with Bea. The news is mostly good though.
KARL: There's an abnormality on her ECG.
NED: Which means?
KARL: She's got a heart murmur.
Karl tells him the danger isn't immediate but Bea will be monitored. Karl wants to know how Bea is. Karl reports Bea is very tired and experiencing pain. She is very fortunate as the shock could have been more serious. Karl talks about what actually happened. Ned thinks it was a fault and thinks it's best to go and see what took place. He asks Karl to keep him updated.
Bench Somewhere
Mackenzie is reading a book on a bench when Yashvi arrives. They exchange a bit of awkward small talk. Yashvi apologises for being an idiot and making it all about herself after she found out what happened. Yashvi goes to head off but Mackenzie stops her.
MACKENZIE: You might be an idiot but at least you know how to apologise.
YASHVI: I've had a lot of practice.
Yashvi explains she does idiotic things a lot and asks how everything is going. Mackenzie is trying to come to terms with what Shane did. She can't let it pass and talks about how supportive Dipi has been.
Scarlett walks past as Mackenzie is talking and Yashvi asks if Scarlett has bumped into Ned. Scarlett asks if Ned has explained, he hasn't. Scarlett says there was an incident involving Bea and a big crowd. It's possible Bea got scared and collapsed. Scarlett lies she wasn't able to see what was going on! Ned rushed to the rescue. Scarlett says an ambulance wasn't called, Ned took Bea to the hospital himself.
SCARLETT: I'm sure you would know by now if it was something serious.
Yashvi wonders why Ned hasn't been in touch. Mackenzie thinks Ned just got so involved at the time. Yashvi isn't impressed Ned came to the rescue so quickly when Bea got stage fright. Scarlett suggests Yashvi is honest with Ned about how she feels about this, Yashvi is determined to do this. Scarlett offers to help look for Ned. Yashvi promises to get in touch with Mackenzie later on as they head off.
The Waterhole
The keyboard area is cordoned off and Kyle is packing up. Ned comes in. Kyle explains it had got chaotic by the time he returned. Ned is trying to work out what actually happened. Kyle thinks he's found out what has happened as the wires on the mic are exposed. Bea touched these when she plugged the mike in. Ned wonders how it was damaged, Kyle thinks it's damaged due to wear and tear. Kyle mentions that Susan told him Ned left his phone behind.
Yashvi arrives, Ned realises and apologises for not turning up for their date. He explains he was helping Bea out. Yashvi has heard this but doesn't mention Scarlett's name. Ned explains he left his phone behind. Yashvi kept trying to contact him. Yashvi keeps cutting him off and doesn't think Bea collapsing excuses this. Ned doesn't agree and Yashvi keeps getting more louder and agitated. He didn't put her first and just wanted to be the rescuer. Ned is fed up and walks off. Yashvi keeps yelling at him so Ned comes back.
NED: Grow up Yashvi ok. This is more important than some stupid date we missed out on.
Ned walks off. Scarlett watches in the background looking from one to the other.
Lassiter's Complex
Scarlett runs after Ned with his phone. Scarlett thinks that Yashvi might be more understanding if she knew the whole story. Ned doesn't agree, he thinks Yashvi wasn't concerned about Bea. Scarlett hopes she didn't make things worse! Scarlett explains she thought when explaining she told Yashvi it was serious. Ned thinks it's Yashvi's fault for not listening. Scarlett thinks it's due to maturity.
Erinsborough Hospital
Finn, Shaun and Susan are by Bea who's awake in bed. Susan says she'll find some magazines but thinks Bea will be able to have a good sleep tonight. Bea agrees as long as her heart behaves! Shaun reassures her not to fret, they know from Karl it's a murmur. Bea is grateful to be alive.
Ned arrives and Bea tells him she's very grateful he saved her life. Ned shrugs it off by suggesting she buys him a beer. She is foggy about what took place and asks if the set went wrong. Ned explains what happened and the wires were exposed. Bea says she always checks her stuff, she gets paranoid about this. Ned doesn't know why this happened. Susan points out Ned got her to the hospital in quick time.
Elly arrives straight from the airport and hugs Bea. Bea claims she's ok, Elly is doubtful as Bea is currently in hospital! Bea points out she's got a lot of people to look out for her. Elly greets Shaun, Ned is going to head off. Finn knows they've had their differences but is grateful for all he's done. Ned wishes Yashvi was as grateful!
Lassiter's Complex
Yashvi and Mackenzie are sitting at a table outside The Waterhole. Yashvi isn't impressed, Mackenzie agrees that Ned didn't seem to take what Yashvi said into account. Yashvi thinks they've gone backwards to how things were between Ned and Bea. Mackenzie doesn't think that is good but still thinks Ned is a nice guy.
Shane and Dipi arrive. Dipi mentions Bea and points out that Ned had a good excuse. They heard as someone from work called Shane. Yashvi can't believe this as it was stage fright. Dipi explains that Bea was electrocuted which stuns Yashvi. Yashvi hadn't realised it was that bad and asks after Bea. Dipi tells Yashvi that Bea is being monitored but is very fortunate. Ned was responsible for saving Bea's life.
Erinsborough Hospital
Finn thinks Shaun might find it strange seeing Elly again. Shaun agrees they've been in contact by phone. There are more things to discuss but Shaun thought he had more time. Claudia has been in touch with Finn and wants Shaun to sort out what's going on. Shaun isn't impressed that Claudia is putting pressure on him!
Elly arrives to get water for Bea, Finn offers to go and get it. Elly is glad Shaun has been here to support Finn, Shaun agrees times have been tough. Elly hasn't had any health issues. Elly offers for Shaun to say hi to the baby. He puts his hand on her stomach and is amazed.
Lassiter's Complex
Ned is sitting at a table when Yashvi arrives. Scarlett watches from a distance. Yashvi thanks him for coming after she texted him, she hadn't realised what actually happened to Bea. Ned points out he tried to tell her. She wishes she had listened to him and got the wrong end of the stick. After Scarlett told her she didn't think it was serious. After Scarlett told her she didn't think it was serious!
NED: Maybe that's because you only heard what you wanted to hear.
Ned thinks that Yashvi didn't seem to worry about Bea though she is her best friend. Yashvi points out it was an error. Ned tells her she does this over and over again and overreacts to things. The same thing happened with Shane and Mackenzie plus Ned and Scarlett. Yashvi says she understands but Ned isn't so sure and she is 18. He loves her but thinks they have different levels of maturity.
NED: Maybe I am too old for you. It shouldn't be this hard. I think we need a break.
Yashvi wants to work this out. Ned needs her to give him space and leaves.
Erinsborough Hospital
Elly is sitting beside Bea's bed. Bea is grateful to have Elly here, Elly would want to be here. Bea apologises for their argument but Elly brushes it off. Bea disagrees so Elly points out that other things have put it into perspective! Bea tells her things have been crazy, Elly got the same impression from Shaun. Elly hasn't had a chance to have a proper chat with him yet.
Susan arrives with Bea's things from home. Susan hasn't brought Bea's mic though. Bea points out it was impossible it could have got damaged before she did her set. Elly reminds her that errors happen. Bea reminds them she would have spotted it the last time or the time before that. It doesn't happen at a quick rate. Bea frets about the possibilities if this happened again. Her monitor is beeping, Elly and Susan reassures her. They're going to get her a herbal tea and tell her she needs to rest.
Elly asks Susan's advice. Susan thinks it's due to it's only just happened, Bea is sure though that there wasn't a fault with the equipment. Susan wonders if there is more to this than they originally thought.
Harold's Café
Dipi brings over Mackenzie's drink and asks if wants any food. Mackenzie has everything she needs but doubts whether she should come here in the future. Dipi says she shouldn't stop coming here, Shane has promised to keep his distance as well. Shane arrives and is looking for milk. Dipi lets him go and get it. Dipi apologises and Mackenzie decides to leave.
Dipi tells Shane he could have timed it better, Shane tells her he will be ok. Yashvi arrives and tells them that Ned has ended things with her. Ned told her they were taking a break but Yashvi knows it's over between them. Shane is heading off. Yashvi tells Dipi what happened. Dipi mentions what's happened with Bea, Yashvi admits she hasn't tried contacting Bea. Yashvi feels she is a bad friend. Yashvi heads off to sort things out with Bea.
Car Somewhere
Susan is driving and Karl is in the passenger seat. Karl is pleased Elly is back, Susan agrees that Bea is pleased. Karl points out Elly is in her third trimester, Bea is in hospital. Susan comments that the accident is unusual, Karl thinks it was probably a fault. Susan points out Bea is very good at checking these things, Karl things letting a lead wear out is careless. Susan thinks there could be another explanation but isn't sure what that could be. Susan suggests that an expert investigates this. Karl agrees as the mic will need to be replaced anyway.
Erinsborough Hospital
Finn tells Shaun that he definitely needs to sort things out with Elly. Shaun tells Finn he needs to find the right moment. Finn tells him it will get harder the longer he leaves it. They go into Bea's room. Shaun has offered to go and get supplies but Bea is ok, Elly is doing that. Finn offers to make her comfortable but she's ok.
Yashvi arrives and Shaun decides to head off.
BEA: I guess you heard about the shock I gave everyone today.
Finn doesn't think it's a funny comment but Bea thinks it is. Yashvi wants to make a huge apology but can come back if it's better later. Bea reassures her the timing is good and invites her to sit down. Yashvi knows she is a bad friend, Bea disagrees. Yashvi tells Bea she's just been making it all about herself, Bea doesn't know what's going on. Yashvi insists she's ok, Bea wants to know the truth. Yashvi admits that Ned wants to take a break which surprises Bea. Yashvi doesn't want to make a big thing of it. They were ok this morning but Yashvi isn't sure what happened. Yashvi feels like her life is collapsing. Bea draws her in for a hug.
Susan has arrived and Kyle introduces her to Scarlett. Scarlett is wiping down the surfaces, Susan comments she's already on kitchen duty! Scarlett tells her an hour ago she was surrounded by a pile of Fill-Glo! Kyle thinks they're being harsh but Susan thinks Scarlett is telling the truth! Susan tells them that Bea is now resting. It's fortunate Ned rescued her. Susan wants to look at the mic lead, The Waterhole staff told her Kyle took it home with him. Kyle gets the box, Susan will ask Karl to collect it. Susan rummages through the box and can't see the mic. Kyle is sure he put it in there but can't find it either. When Aaron comes back with the car Kyle will check in there in case it fell out. Susan heads off and Kyle goes out of the room.
Ned arrives and tells Scarlett he made a huge error, he wasn't sure if there was anyone else he could chat to. Scarlett is happy to listen.
Erinsborough Hospital
Bea thinks Ned wanted to let off steam but will cool down. Finn agrees, they make a good couple and Ned knows it as well. Bea thinks it was only an argument. Bea thinks as Yashvi doesn't know what is going through Ned's head, she will feel worse. Yashvi thinks that Ned was clear about what he wanted. Bea points out that he didn't break up with her, he just wanted a break. Bea is sure Yashvi is on Ned's mind, Yashvi isn't so sure.
Ned doubts whether a break is what he wants, he said it before he'd realised he was going to say it. Scarlett thinks he did the right thing if that's what he felt deep down. He took the option as he needed space from Yashvi. Scarlett thinks they will sort things out if they are meant to be together. These things can't be forced. Ned thinks that might be the case and thanks her for being a good friend. She knows that! She offers him a drink, he needs more than that!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Scarlett says she gathered from Ned that Yashvi would be ok
- Roxy gets up on the table and Sheila orders her down, Mark isn't impressed
- Karl is excited about something happening at the tram and wants everyone to give their best
- Shaun hugs Elly at the hospital
- David is suspicious of Shaun and thinks he might be hiding something
- Shaun wants to talk to Elly about something
<<8201 - 8203>>
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8202
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8202
Scarlett Brady

Finn Kelly, Susan Kennedy, Finn Kelly, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8202
Finn Kelly, Susan Kennedy, Finn Kelly, Ned Willis

Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8202
Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8202
Ned Willis, Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins

Ned Willis, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8202
Ned Willis, Karl Kennedy

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8202
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi

Yashvi Rebecchi, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8202
Yashvi Rebecchi, Scarlett Brady

Kyle Canning, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8202
Kyle Canning, Ned Willis

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8202
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady, Yashvi Rebecchi

Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8202
Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis

Ned Willis, Shaun Watkins, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8202
Ned Willis, Shaun Watkins, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8202
Yashvi Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8202
Finn Kelly, Shaun Watkins

Elly Conway, Shaun Watkins in Neighbours Episode 8202
Elly Conway, Shaun Watkins

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8202
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8202
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8202
Scarlett Brady

Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8202
Bea Nilsson, Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8202
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8202
Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8202
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8202
Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8202
Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8202
Susan Kennedy, Kyle Canning, Scarlett Brady

Yashvi Rebecchi, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8202
Yashvi Rebecchi, Finn Kelly, Bea Nilsson

Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8202
Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8202
Scarlett Brady

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