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Neighbours Episode 8201 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8200 - 8202>>
Episode title: 8201
Australian and UK airdate: 30/09/19
Writer: Sandy Webster
Director: Declan Eames
Guests: Scarlett Brady: Christie Whelan Browne
Mackenzie Hargreaves: Georgie Stone
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Yashvi curious why Ned didn't let Scarlett know he wasn't single.
- Yashvi agreeing to be friends with Scarlett after she explained she wasn't trying to come between her and Ned.
- Scarlett discovering Bea dated Ned too and that they are still friends now.
- Mackenzie recalling how her dad reacted.
- Dipi urging Shane to come clean with Mackenzie.
- Shane explaining to Mackenzie what he told her dad.
- It dawning on Mackenzie that Shane was the one that outed her to her dad.
Lassiters Park
Mackenzie can't get away from Shane quickly enough, very angry at her trust in him being mis-placed. He hastily follows her, trying to reassure her that he does have her back. "Is this why you did all those things you did for me out of guilt?" she asks him, and he quickly replies no, he wants to find her dad so he can see the mistake he made.
MACKENZIE: It wasn't just his mistake though, was it? You gave him the idea for the fire.
SHANE: I didn't realise what I was doing. I had no idea what it would mean.
MACKENZIE: Would it have mattered if you did?
On Shane's silence, she tells him that she would have eventually told her dad.
MACKENZIE: When I was ready. When I thought it was the right time, but you took that from me.
The Waterhole
Ned is pleased to see Scarlett come into the bar with a coffee so he can take a break from being Bea's personal roadie again. Bea is pleased to hear that they are both going to be coming back later (when they are finished their shift) to hear her sing before heading out of the bar.
Alone with Ned, Scarlett goes on about how good it is that he is still friends with his ex... even though it didn't seem to please Yashvi at Sheila's party, from the vibes she was giving off. Ned reveals that they have had issues in the past over how protective he was of Bea but makes it clear that he's stopped that and Yashvi is the one that gets the priority now. Scarlett is loving all this revelation and plays the part well by asking that he keeps what she said quiet from Yashvi, which he promises to do.
Number 30
Yashvi is freaked out by the silent treatment she is getting from her mum (unlike the bench who is hastily having many layers removed as Dipi cleans vigorously) when she is late back to do her chores, but when the lass asks for an explanation, she's told to wait until Shane comes home.
Just at that, Shane arrives home looking still very shell-shocked and says to Dipi that he "told her everything" but she took off. Yashvi correctly guesses the conversation is about Mackenzie and thinks that Shane has found her dad and that he doesn't want to see his daughter. Shane replies that he hasn't found him but then tells his daughter that they need to talk.
The Waterhole
Scarlett is now quizzing Ned on his definition of 'overprotective' which he explains to her as doing "a lot of stupid things" even though at the time they seem "like life or death" but in reality, it was just him being a bit crazy! She doesn't think he can be as crazy as her bawling her eyes out in an airport dressed in a wedding dress! Ned tells her to "Google Finn Kelly," in reply to her asking what made him protective of Bea but adds that he is relieved Yashvi doesn't need protecting.
NED: In fact, she'd probably kill me if I tried!
SCARLETT: Knight in shining armour can be nice sometimes.
Harold's Café
Yashvi has been brought up to date on what Shane did (to Mackenzie) and she is now re-telling the story over the phone to Harlow as she enters the café.
Power Road
Yashvi finds Mackenzie waiting at the bus stop, but the lass isn't in the mood to talk. "I get that," Yashvi replies as she sits down next to Mackenzie before then saying that she "feels sick about what dad did to you."
YASHVI: I always thought he was open-minded. He taught me to be open minded and... now look. I don't even know who he is. A trans-phobic, a hypocrite. How am I going to look at him, to speak to him, or to be in the same room as him? Like what else is he hiding from me? I totally get what you must be feeling right now.
MACKENZIE: You get it?!!! I trusted Shane. He let me lean on him when he knew my life was wrecked because of what he did. He caused the single worst day of my life. Dad burned everything that made me 'me' and we had to leave. My family, my life, it all changed. Shane destroyed everything.
Nonchalantly, without emotion, Yashvi tells her friend "that sucks."
Lassiters hotel foyer
Scarlett and Ned are talking AFL (she's decided to barrack for the Sydney Swans) when Yashvi arrives looking for Ned. She briefly tells him how it went with Mackenzie and wants them to go somewhere so she can vent, but despite her pleading, he can't get off work however promises to come find her later on, which she reluctantly has to accept.
When he resumes working, Scarlett does her best to reassure him that Yashvi will be okay, that the lass is "stronger than she knows" but a few more things like this, will help her to see it.
Harold's Café
Scarlett spots Yashvi when she enters the café and of course goes over to check how she is doing given what she overheard. Although it not really a genuine 'let's check how Yashvi is' it is more like her subtly suggesting that this isn't normal circumstances and so Ned should have dropped everything to be with her. "I just needed to talk to him," Yashvi explains and Scarlett empathises with her having had similar issues with her ex-fiancé but "he just didn't care about me the way I thought he did."
SCARLETT: Made me feel like a burden.
YASHVI: Yeah, but Ned's not like that, I mean, not deliberately at least.
Scarlett continues to stir things up by telling Bea that Ned is "awesome" and that he "always shows up for Bea" by being her roadie earlier. Thankfully she shuts up when Ned enters the café to tell Yashvi that he's changed shifts so he can finish work earlier to enable him to be with her. He admits that he should have done this straight away, rather than let her walk off, and they agree to meet at the tram when he finishes.
At the counter (where she was making herself scarce), Scarlett looks very peeved at hearing Ned is now meeting Yashvi.
Butterfly house, Melbourne Zoo
Dipi correctly guessed that Mackenzie wouldn't head home and indeed finds her here as it's the only place that "really calms me down." Dipi admits to Mackenzie how she is fascinated by how butterflies "come into their true selves," and asks the lass for permission to stay.
The Waterhole
Bea looks happy to see Scarlett has arrived for her gig (even if she is way too early). After a fake look around, she comments on the lack of Finn and Bea explains he's with his brother. Scarlett also confesses she's just found out who Finn is and remarks that its "pretty full on."
BEA: Finn is not the same as he used to be.
Scarlett quickly agrees but then is equally quick to get in about Ned being protective of her.
BEA: Ned went overboard, he does that sometimes.
The conversation then on to Bea's gig, where she explains that other than a keyboardist, the only other equipment is a microphone. As soon as Bea heads to the bar, Scarlett starts staring intently at the amp stored ready for the gig.
Meanwhile, an annoyed Yashvi comes into the bar to tell her dad to stop texting her! "You took off before I had a chance to explain," he replies back to her daughter and that is like a red rag to a bull!
YASHVI: Explain what?! That you're a narrow-minded, judgemental bigot?! I know it was a long time ago, but that doesn't change what you did.
Shane looks stunned at how Yashvi has described him, and he acknowledges that he isn't trying to excuse what he said, and after she tells him that she's "ashamed" of him.
SHANE: I'm not that that person anymore Vi. I want to fix this.
YASHVI: Well I don't know if you can.
Butterfly house, Melbourne Zoo
Mackenzie asks Dipi if she knew and she replies only recently but adds that it wasn't her place to say, it had to be Shane. Dipi admits that it is hard for her to think her husband "was ever like that, especially when he was married to me."
DIPI: But I remembered how he grew up, the lack of diversity in the community, the pressure to fit in. Shane, he had a very limited view on the world.
"But you still loved him?" a confused Mackenzie asks and Dipi replies that she "saw through it," as she knows he has "a very big heart," Shane just "needed his mind opened up."
MACKENZIE: Yes, but what he did to me...
DIPI: (interrupting) Was totally inexcusable. And he has to live with that. That's also why he's trying so hard to help you find your dad. He knows he has to face the truth, but he also knows it's his best chance to fix the damage. Look, I know, I know it's a lot on you to understand Shane's failings, and I don't expect you to forgive him.
MACKENZIE: What are you asking?
DIPI: I just want you to know that even though he was driven by guilt, he still genuinely does care.
The Waterhole
Scarlett subtly manages to get her hands on Shane's utility knife when he lays it down on the bar after opening a couple of boxes of wine.
The Waterhole (veranda)
Shane is outside collecting the empties and Amy can see that there is something wrong with him, so eventually persuades him to sit down and tell her because "sometimes it can help to talk to someone who isn't involved."
Butterfly house, Melbourne Zoo
Mackenzie admits she is fearful of meeting her dad again in case he hasn't changed.
MACKENZIE: I don't think I'm ready to deal with that. Not now.
DIPI: Mackenzie, whatever happens, you're still you, but that doesn't change because one person can't accept it. But if you want us to call off the search, we can, that's your choice.
Taking Mackenzie's hands into her own, Dipi reassures the lass that she isn't alone - she has her and her auntie... and Yashvi has her back too, "even though she doesn't always know how to say it."
DIPI: Remember the bathroom protest? Actions speak louder than words.
MACKENZIE: That was very cool and Harlow's a good friend.
Dipi points out that she has so many people on her side, including Shane, even though she might not want to hear that.
DIPI: You don't have to do any of this on your own.
A now determined Mackenzie, asks that Shane continues the search for her dad. "I'll take care of it," Dipi replies and tries to get her to talk to Shane, but that is just a wee bit too far just now for the lass, so Dipi tells her it will happen when she is ready.
MACKENZIE: I don't think I'll ever be ready.
The Waterhole (veranda)
Shane has come clean with Amy over what kind of person he was, and she remarks that its hard to see given the man he is now. She asks him what changed, and he immediately replies "meeting Dipi."
SHANE: She challenged me to see the world through other people's eyes.
He then clams up somewhat by admitting that he met Mackenzie after he married Dipi.
SHANE: So, what does that say?
AMY: You're a product of your upbringing?
SHANE: Back in the day, I would've thought a bloke could do your job better than you.
Amy reassures him that she knows he doesn't think like that now, and "everyone does things they regret."
AMY: Yours had some serious consequences.
Shane decides to leave work early and Amy comments that "it sounds like you need it."
The Waterhole
Scarlett is standing beside the amp and jumps when Kyle surprises, so we can't tell if she has been up to no good with Shane's knife or not! As they head to a table, Kyle comments that the bar (during Bea's gigs) is a good place to pick someone up but she replies that nobody has, she is off dating for the moment after what her ex did to her.
Kyle has to suddenly head off to the tram to sort an issue out, so Scarlett gets out her phone to call Ned to inform him that there is an issue over who is covering his shift and asks if he can come to see her.
The 82
Yashvi is all dressed up waiting for Ned to arrive when Amy spots her from her yard and heads over to chat. While she may be dressed up for her "hot date", Yashvi isn't exactly feeling "hot" telling Amy that she's had "better days." Amy acknowledges that she's heard what is going on and volunteers to be the one Yashvi can chat to, but Yashvi replies that is Ned's job and explains he is finishing work early to allow that to happen.
AMY: He is a good egg.
"How are you two?" Amy asks and Yashvi replies "great" and that they know what their differences are and when to move on. "That's a good place to be," Amy remarks before leaving her to it and saying goodbye.
Number 30
Dipi returns home and tells Shane that she found Mackenzie and after he asks, tells him that she was understandably upset after what happened before adding that the lass is "made of tough stuff" and is going to be okay. She also tells him that she's spoken to Yashvi and Shane explains that their daughter could barely look at him.
SHANE: I can't say I blame her.
DIPI: She'll come around.
Dipi then breaks it that Mackenzie doesn't want to see him and reaches over to grab his hand to empathise that she knows it is hurting him. "It's not about me," he replies back to her.
The Waterhole
Bea is all set to sing but there is a "technical difficulty" with the microphone and sets about sorting it after apologising to the gathered for the delay.
Just at that, Ned comes in to chat with Scarlett who is very apologetic at not getting back to him to say the work issue has been sorted out. As way of an apology, she offers to shout him a drink since he is at the bar (and to keep him there while Bea sings) but he is immediately out with his phone to send a text to Yashvi.
Having checked the connection at the mic end, Bea then goes to plug the other end into the amp but as soon as she does, that sparks fly, and she gets electrocuted! Ned immediately springs into action, grabbing one of the wooden stools to get Bea away from the electricity source. The episode ends with an unconscious Bea lying on the ground as Scarlett tries at least to look shocked (pardon the pun!!!).
Coming up on Neighbours
- Aaron after an update on how Bea is.
- Roxy standing on a table much to Sheila's annoyance!
- Karl nervous ahead of the wine tasting.
- Shaun consoling Elly.
- David suspicious of Shaun.
- Shaun wanting a chat with Elly.
<<8200 - 8202>>
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Shane Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8201
Bea Nilsson, Scarlett Brady

Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8201
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Yashvi Rebecchi

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8201
Scarlett Brady

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8201
Bea Nilsson, Scarlett Brady

Yashvi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Yashvi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Dipi Rebecchi

Scarlett Brady, Shandi Bouchard in Neighbours Episode 8201
Scarlett Brady, Shandi Bouchard

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 8201
Amy Williams

Dipi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8201
Dipi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Shane Rebecchi, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 8201
Shane Rebecchi, Amy Williams

Bea Nilsson, Kyle Canning, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8201
Bea Nilsson, Kyle Canning, Scarlett Brady

Amy Williams, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Amy Williams, Yashvi Rebecchi

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8201
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8201
Bea Nilsson

Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8201
Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8201
Bea Nilsson

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