- Finn worries about Elly not liking him but Bea reassures him.
- Finn worries about Shaun's role in the baby's life.
- Leo departs.
- David thinks Leo will come home but Amy tells him that he's staying in New York.
- David worries about his brother.
- Paul and Terese get married up in Queensland.
- Shane tells Mackenzie he's got her back.
- Dipi wonders why Shane's so protective of Mackenzie.
- Mackenzie accuses Ollie of writing the transphobic note and he admits it.
- Shane grabs Ollie by the scruff of the neck.
Harold's Café
Dipi follows Shane into the kitchen and berates him for his outburst at Ollie. She can't believe he just threatened a minor, especially considering he's not even related to Mackenzie. She wants an explanation.
DIPI: The way you're reacting; it's too much. What is going on?
Harlow greets Mackenzie and Yashvi who are sitting at some tables in Harold's. She says she got their text and asks how bad Shane's outburst at Ollie was. Mackenzie makes tracks otherwise she's going to miss her last bus. Harlow and Yashvi worry about Mackenzie after she's gone.
Number 28
Bea is writing a new track in the living room and humming to herself. Finn asks her to come and have a look at something he's just found online; a new crib for Elly's baby. She comments on how old it looks but he replies that he was hoping she'd help him do it up. Bea says that Elly will love it and kisses Finn, telling him how thoughtful he is.
Harold's Café
DIPI: You should have told me earlier.
SHANE: I know. I just didn't want you to think less of me.
DIPI: It's awful; but now I understand why you're so protective of Mackenzie.
Whatever Shane's just told Dipi is the reason why he feels so keen to help Mackenzie find her father.
SHANE: Thanks for being so understanding, that's more than I deserve.
DIPI: It's ok. I love you and nothing's going to change that.
Number 32
Aaron tells David he's thinking of opening a bottle of wine but David's busy sorting out boxes of Leo's things. He asks what they're going to do with his room and Aaron replies that maybe they should advertise it soon seeing as they need the money. David receives a phone call from Elly. She asks him about facilities at the hospital for having a water birth. He tells Aaron about it afterwards who says that David can show her round all the facilities or take a video of them for her. David then receives a text from Paul. He was hoping it would be Leo but it's just his father telling him he's just checked into his hotel in London with Terese.
Terese enters the hotel room having just been down at reception. She looks concerned which alarms Paul.
TERESE: We should never have gotten married...We're in London and I just saw Brad in the lobby.
She bursts into laughter. Paul looks relieved and comments on how 'funny' his wife is before giving her a kiss. They then sit on the bed and he asks her to promise that she'll never plot against him like his ex-wives did.
TERESE: Who knows what the future may hold Paul (laughs).
PAUL: Well that's comforting.
TERESE: Anyway in the meantime why don't you take your mind off it and start focusing on keeping your brand new wife satisfied.
They engage in a passionate embrace and fall onto the bed.
Number 30
Shane enters the living room and asks if anyone's heard from Mackenzie. They haven't but Yashvi did text her. Kirsha tells her dad to stop worrying as everyone at school would probably think Ollie had it coming anyway. That doesn't put Shane's mind at ease and he and Dipi tell Kirsha it's not something they want everyone finding out about. There's a knock at the door and it's Colette; Ollie's mother. She instantly questions Shane's character, asking what kind of grown man would be so threatening towards an innocent teenage boy.
SHANE: Hang on, you know what he said, right?
DIPI: Shane...
COLETTE: I want a full explanation before I call the police.
Number 32 (exterior)
Aaron and David arrive home and David's talking about showing Elly the water birthing facilities at the hospital. Aaron can't believe that he showed her over Skype, saying he really went above and beyond for her. They talk about childbirth and Aaron jokes that he's glad that he won't ever have to give birth and he wouldn't want to ruin his waistline for it. He goes to show David something on his phone.
DAVID: What is that?
AARON: It's a crib! Perfect for Elly's room.
DAVID: It's a bit decrepit.
AARON: And that is why you and I are going to restore it. We've got the whole afternoon to pimp the crib!
David seems reluctant at first, wondering if Elly even needs a crib, but Aaron says they can surprise her with it. He says that it's due to be delivered any moment now.
Harold's Café
Mackenzie, Yashvi and Harlow are sitting in Harold's again. They wonder if the police were called about the altercation between Shane and Ollie. Yashvi receives a text from Ned but decides to ignore him causing Harlow to comment that yesterday she wanted him to text her.
YASHVI: Yeah, well that was stupid because some girl followed him back from Sydney and he didn't think to mention it. The boy deserves the silent treatment. Anyway, my dad's really embarrassed about what he did. He just keeps checking if you're ok.
At that moment Shane and Colette walk in. They approach Susan who's sitting at another table.
COLETTE: Susan, we need to talk.
Number 28
Finn laughs as the paint chosen for the baby's crib is apparently the same colour as his old crib. He remarks that Shaun must have found photos from an old photo album. Shaun has also asked if Finn has heard from Elly and he doesn't know what to say. Bea advises him to tell Shaun that Elly will call him when she's in a better head space. Finn finds it frustrating, saying that it might sound stupid but he's got a picture in his head of Shaun and Elly happily raising the child together; not as partners, but as co-parents. Bea says that's what every child deserves.
FINN: And you, you'll be the favourite auntie. And me, I'll be the cool uncle.
BEA: (laughs) It's getting a bit harder to picture!
FINN: Just one big happy family.
BEA: Aw, I like the sound of that.
Finn hugs his girlfriend.
Paul and Terese are sending messages to their family group chat while sitting in their hotel room.
TERESE: Harlow says 'Great dress for an Elvis wedding'.
David jokes that Terese and Elvis make a nice couple; while Amy asks if Paul and Terese are up for a call. Unfortunately, they've still not heard from Leo. As they call Amy, she and Harlow are back home looking at the wedding photos. Amy tells her dad that she wishes she was there and the conversation soon turns to Leo. Paul's worried about him, especially after he lost ownership of the bar recently. Amy and Harlow look awkward, wondering whether to tell Paul and Terese that Leo has left. Harlow gestures that they should perhaps tell them.
AMY: Ok, we didn't want to ruin your honeymoon but...about Leo...
Number 32
DAVID: A straight cream is classy...
AARON: Pffftt...cream is boring! I'm telling you, babies love patterns.
DAVID: Babies love compliant safety features! We should be focusing on bringing this up to standard...
There's a knock at the door. David shouts to come in. Finn enters, asking if Kyle has a wood planer he can borrow. He looks shocked when he sees the crib.
FINN: Is this uh, is this for Elly?
DAVID: Yeah, we're doing up a crib for her, what do you think?
FINN: Bea and I are doing the same thing.
DAVID: Seriously?
AARON: Sorry, I probably should have checked with you guys first.
David jumps in as his competitive streak has seemingly kicked in. He suggests that they both continue to do up the cribs and Elly can choose which one she likes best when she returns home. Finn agrees and leaves amid an awkward atmosphere. Aaron and David bicker while Finn earwigs.
Harold's Café
Susan tells Shane that he's lucky Ollie's mum was so lenient with him as she could have gone to the police. He remarks that Mackenzie could have too given Ollie admitted he was responsible for the graffiti and the note. Susan assures them that Ollie would be suitably punished by her and his mum while Shane apologises for reacting so badly. She asks if they've heard from Mackenzie but they haven't.
SUSAN: I've gotta say, the maturity and resilience she's shown; it's just incredible.
DIPI: I'd say it's a lesson for all of us.
Shane has to leave.
SUSAN: I hope you don't mind me saying Dipi. I know your family's very protective of Mackenzie, but...I think Shane's lost perspective.
Dipi looks concerned.
Number 28
David winds up Finn about his and Bea's crib. He patronizingly hands Bea a list of specifications so that he and Aaron don't have an unfair advantage over them when Elly chooses which crib she likes best. David then receives a text and it's Elly herself. She tells him she's booked in a water birth which throws Finn as it's the first he's heard about it.
DAVID: Oh, well I spoke to her last night and then I gave her a virtual tour of the hospital this morning.
FINN: So she's talking to you about the birth and not the father?
DAVID: Well I am a doctor and a friend, it makes sense...
Bea senses the tension and tells David and Aaron to check in when they're finished. Finn and Bea then bicker about Elly not involving Shaun in important decisions regarding the baby but she eventually manages to calm him down.
Paul worries about Leo leaving Erinsborough but Terese reassures him, believing that Leo will be in contact eventually. They start discussing Harlow next and wonder why it was so easy for her to up sticks and move to the other side of the world away from her mother. Terese replies that they don't know much about their relationship though.
PAUL: Yeah, in fact we don't know much about her at all. You know the thing that I find odd about Prudence is that she's not on the phone every second day asking how her daughter is.
TERESE: Maybe we should get in touch with her.
PAUL: Well yeah, we're in London. Yeah, we could introduce ourselves properly.
Paul goes to let Harlow know before they contact her mother.
Number 22
Amy and Harlow are talking about Mackenzie and the way kids at school protested on her behalf.
AMY: Things have come a long way.
HARLOW: Hmm...not far enough. Mackenzie still got bullied.
AMY: Sure but she's got a lot of people backing her up.
Harlow gets a text. It's Paul telling her that he's going to contact Prue and she looks worried. Amy asks what's wrong and she tells her what Paul's said. Amy can't understand what the problem is and her probing seems to just upset Harlow.
HARLOW: I just don't want them to meet up.
She goes inside abruptly.
Number 30
Kirsha jokes that Clancy's happy as he's getting loads of walks due to it being the holidays. Yashvi mentions that it must only be 3 weeks until the spring fling.
MACKENZIE: Are you bringing Ned?
YASHVI: If he's out of the freezer by then.
Dipi asks the girls to give her a hand in the kitchen. Shane approaches Mackenzie and apologises for yesterday. She replies that she actually appreciated him sticking up for her; her own dad would never have done that. Shane says he's sure her father would if he saw what a great person she's become.
MACKENZIE: I hope if I find him he's like you.
SHANE: I'm not the man I used to be back in Bourke. I'm still learning obviously. I'm sure Grant can do that too.
Mackenzie smiles.
Number 32
Finn has turned up to see his crib enemies.
FINN: Maybe you should forget about finishing the crib. It's not fair to make Elly choose between them. She doesn't need that kind of stress when she gets home.
DAVID: It's a crib, it's not that big of a deal.
FINN: Then forget about it.
Finn explains that Shaun chose the colour for the crib he's made so he really wants Elly to have that one, especially because it feels like Shaun is being pushed out. Things gradually get more heated between them.
DAVID: Ok Finn, I can see that you're getting upset, why don't you take a breath.
FINN: Look I'm not your patient right now and this isn't one of our sessions!
DAVID: Well maybe that's what you need.
FINN: Or maybe you need to butt out! If you want a baby so bad, have your own. Cause you're nothing to this one.
David looks shocked.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Paul and Terese meet Prudence.
- A creepy man watches them.
- Aaron confronts Finn about his chat with David.
- Hendrix promises Chloe he won't cause any trouble.
- Scarlett tries to manipulate Yashvi.
- Scarlett watches jealously as Ned and Yashvi kiss.