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Neighbours Episode 8192 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8191 - 8193>>
Episode title: 8192
Australian and UK airdate: 17/09/19
Writer: Jo Kasch
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Scarlett Brady: Christie Whelan Browne
Angela Lane: Amanda Harrison
Mackenzie Hargreaves: Georgie Stone
Trevor Nugent: Warwick Sadler
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
- Ned meets a woman in her wedding dress, she introduces herself as Scarlett.
- Scarlett deletes a text on Ned's phone about another flight. She takes a selfie with him.
- Scarlett appears in Erinsborough, watching Ned from afar at night.
- Shane is searching for Mackenzie's father.
- Dipi tells Shane that he can't arrive at work late, other people are relying on him too.
- Yashvi shouts at Richie and accidentally reveals publicly that Mackenzie is trans.
- Yashvi tells Mackenzie that Richie is not a good guy.
- Susan doesn't want Mackenzie to turn into a spectacle.
- A teacher, Cherie, tells Susan the school has had calls from other parents, including Angela Lane.
Harold's Café
Dipi tells Shane, Karl and Susan that the PTA have been fielding calls from parents, Angela Lane in particular. Yashvi guesses the calls are about Mackenzie. Dipi assures Yashvi that there have been calls giving support as well. Yashvi thinks it is her fault that the parents know about Mackenzie. Susan says she has put Yashvi in an unfortunate position, but Richie would have told everyone anyway. Susan says the school position on inclusivity has been clear and in place for years. Susan is ready for Angela Lane. Shane tells Susan her first priority is Mackenzie. Mackenzie can't go through what she went through in her last school. Susan will make sure that Mackenzie gets a fair go.
The Waterhole
Yashvi tells Ned that needs to go to school to support Mackenzie. Yashvi has a free period before lunch so will find Ned then. As they leave, Scarlett emerges from around the corner, watching Ned.
Harold's Café Exterior
Shane makes a few phone calls. He tells Dipi he's had no luck getting in touch with Grant. He rushes off as he's going to be late.
Erinsborough High School
Yashvi asks to sit with Mackenzie in class. Mackenzie says things have been okay for her so far. Yashvi says if anyone is going to be a jerk about it, they would have by now.
MACKENZIE: You're saying I'm yesterday's news already?
YASHVI: Mackenzie who?
Yashvi says everyone is talking about Mr Muggleton, as someone shared his tinder profile. Yashvi shows it to Mackenzie.
MACKENZIE: He wants his vector to intersect with a lady to fill the black hole of his heart. His perfect romantic date would be the large hadron collider.
YASHVI: I don't know about you but that would get my super like.
Harold's Café
Scarlett watches Ned as he gets a drink, while she orders a coffee from Dipi. She talks loud enough for Ned to notice her. She acts surprised to see him, and offers to buy Ned's drink too. Dipi gives a watchful eye as Ned sits down with Scarlett.
Scarlett says she's here because of him, although that sounds creepier than it did in her head. After the train wreck of a non-wedding she went home, but it was humiliating having everyone feel sorry for her. She's decided to have a fresh start, so she's on a national tour and thought she'd start at Erinsborough after he told her about it. She's staying at the backpackers but she can't afford it much longer, so she'll need to get a job soon. She realises he works at the hotel, and says she has plenty of hospitality experience. She suggests they meet up again, as Ned leaves. Dipi still watching over looking concerned.
Erinsborough High School
Angela Lane and two other parents arrive asking to have a private word with Susan. Mackenzie and Yashvi look on concerned, Yashvi doesn't care about Angela, she has a problem with everyone.
Lassiters Exterior
Scarlett watches Ned and another porter, Trevor, taking a lot of luggage up into the hotel. As Trevor goes to collect a set of bags, Scarlett places a suitcase behind him, leading him to trip over it when he turns. He lands on the ground in agony. Ned rushes over, and Scarlett explains he tripped over the suitcase. Ned calls an ambulance.
Erinsborough High School
Angela claims that many students will be feeling unsafe, that girls will feel uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with Mackenzie. She says that someone will get hurt if 'he plays on the girl's team.' Susan looks angry, but composes herself. Susan tells Angela that Mackenzie is a girl, she will play on the girls' team and use the girls' bathroom. Susan knows they are involved in the school community so will be well aware of where the school stands on this issue.
SUSAN: Well Angela, this is the reality. Erinsborough High does not discriminate against any student and it won't tolerate discrimination from anyone! Your five minutes are up!
Susan shows them out of her office.
The Waterhole
Shane makes another phone call about Grant, when Sheila comes over.
SHEILA: Are you thinking about doing any actual work, or should we wait for table 14 to clear itself.
SHANE: Yeah, just following up on a lead on Mackenzie's dad.
SHEILA: Which is noble, don't get me wrong, but Roxy is looking like employee of the month compared to you right now.
Shane goes to clear some tables, while Sheila joins Gary who is at the bar. Gary says Mackenzie has gone through a lot. Sheila is glad Shane's in Mackenzie's corner, she just wishes he was doing it on his own time. Gary wonders what its like for Mackenzie, and if she'll have the op. Shane overhears and tells Gary he shouldn't be asking questions like that.
GARY: I didn't mean any disrespect.
SHANE: So you were just asking inappropriate questions respectfully were you?
SHEILA: He didn't mean anything by it.
SHANE: Mackenzie's body is none of your business, in fact Mackenzie is none of your business full stop.
Shane asks how Gary would feel if someone was to talk about Xanthe that way. Gary doesn't think it's the same. Shane says it is exactly the same, and the fact that Gary can't see that is why Mackenzie's life is so much tougher than it should be. Gary apologises.
Lassiters Exterior
The ambulance takes Trevor away. Scarlett tells Ned that given the amount of pain he's in, they're not ruling out a spinal injury. She offers to help carry the luggage up. Ned offers her a job, he'll double check with Chloe but it should be good.
Erinsborough High School
Yashvi heads to the toilet, seeing the words 'Real Only' written around the girl's toilet sign. Yashvi gets some water and a cloth and tries to wipe it off when Mackenzie catches her. Yashvi tries to hide the sign, but eventually shows Mackenzie what it says. Yashvi says to go and find Mrs Kennedy, whoever did this isn't getting away with it.
Lassiters Complex/Lassiters reception
Karl tells Ned that Trevor will be off work for three weeks. Yashvi joins Ned, they both complain about their days. Yashvi arranges to meet with him in half an hour. Ned heads into Lassiters reception and meets Scarlett who shows Ned her new uniform having got the role covering Trevor's shift. Scarlett offers to buy Ned lunch, he agrees to a quick bite.
Lassiters Lake
Mackenzie sits on a bench, upset, trying to make a call, but there is no answer. She walks away.
The Waterhole
Mackenzie tells Shane that her aunt isn't answering her phone and Dipi isn't at Harold's. Shane offers to help. Gary and Sheila watch over from the bar. Mackenzie tells Shane that someone wrote mean things about her on the girl's toilet door, about how she doesn't belong in there. Mackenzie says she's told Susan, but the best thing for her when she's feeling like this is to talk about it. Shane says Mackenzie can talk all she wants.
SHANE: Even at your most talkative you're no match for Vi and Dipi, you have met them, right? I'm serious Mackenzie, you can come to me, I've got your back, okay.
Gary tells Sheila he shouldn't have said anything earlier, she's just a kid. Sheila calls Gary a class act.
Harold's Café
Scarlett summarises that they've covered Ned's tattoos, his family, his time living in Darwin, and wonders if she asks too many questions. She talks about herself, she's from Dubbo, the animal she most relates to is a slow loris, and as a child she wanted to work on cruise ships. Yashvi joins them, Scarlett asking if they can help her. Ned introduces Yashvi as his girlfriend.
SCARLETT: Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought you were selling raffle tickets or something.
Ned introduces Scarlett, telling Yashvi that she's just started at the hotel. Ned and Yashvi leave together, while Scarlett looks thoughtful.
The Waterhole
Mackenzie tells Shane she feels better, but needs to head back to school. Dipi rushes in, hearing that Mackenzie was looking for her. She tells Dipi its okay now. Shane informs Dipi about the graffiti, but they've talked it through. Mackenzie leaves smiling. Shane tells Dipi that someone wrote trash about her on the toilet door, she shouldn't have to deal with this. Dipi tells Shane he has to trust Susan to do her job. Shane decides to get back to work.
Sheila goes over to Dipi to check everything is alright. Sheila's noticed Shane is so committed to Mackenzie, and so protective. Dipi says it will be hard for her without her parents around, but once they find her dad, Shane will be able to relax a bit.
Erinsborough High School
Susan is pleased to see Mackenzie, she was worried that she wouldn't see her back here today. Mackenzie says she thought about going home, but she talked it out and is feeling much calmer now. Susan assures her that the graffiti has been removed and she's looking for the culprit. As Susan leaves, Mackenzie opens her locker finding a piece of paper. Mackenzie shouts Susan back over and shows her the letter. Susan read it and looks appalled by what she reads.
Lassiters Lake
Yashvi lies with Ned on the bench by the lake. They talk about Scarlett, Yashvi hoping that she doesn't want to get friendly with Ned. Ned jokes about Yashvi being jealous. Yashvi says Scarlett was so rude when she interrupted their lunch, calling her territorial when she only met him today. Ned is about to correct Yashvi, when Yashvi interrupts him, saying she's glad Ned gave Scarlett the brush off so she didn't have to. Yashvi wants to change the subject, so starts to fill Ned in on what is going on with Mackenzie.
Harold's Café
Scarlett takes out a scrapbook containing a newspaper clipping with the headline 'Road Toll Tragedy.' The subheading reads 'tragically die in crash leaving eldest daughter...' we then cut to a picture of a young Scarlett captioned 'sole survivor and eldest daughter Scarlett Brady.' We see part of a note written by Scarlett to her mum about how she loves her and misses her. We see the order of service for the funeral, which reads 'In loving memory of Kevin Brady 1959-2005, Elaine Brady 1961-2005, Stella Brady 1992-2005, Samuel Brady 1992-2005, Beloved Father, Mother, Sister, Brother.'
We see a page containing a picture of Scarlett with a man whose face has been scribbled over, next to clippings of love hearts and wedding dresses and what looks like drive-in cinema tickets. She turns the page to the picture she took with Ned last week, above it the following passage. '...happening. I can feel it, finally I've met him. The one! I know I must sound crazy but I just know, you know like in the movies. I was a mess in tatters, and there he was. My handsome knight in shining armour at Sydney Airport. What a great story to tell our kids.' Scarlett draws a loveheart around the picture. She kisses her finger and places it on Ned's face. She smiles to herself.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Scarlett asks Ned how long she and Yashvi have been together.
- Finn sees Scarlett looking at a picture of Yashvi and Ned and assumes she knows Yashvi.
- Yashvi asks Ned if he didn't give Scarlett a sign that he liked her then why is she here.
- Dipi tells Shane there could be serious trouble and asks what is going on.
- Mark asks Shane if he can think of anyone connected to the school who might be anti- Mackenzie.
- We get a shot of the Tower of London.
- Terese tells Paul they made a mistake.
<<8191 - 8193>>
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8192
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8192
Yashvi Rebecchi, Ned Willis

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8192
Scarlett Brady

Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8192
Dipi Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8192
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Yashvi Rebecchi

Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8192
Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis

Angela Lane, Susan Kennedy, Yashvi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8192
Angela Lane, Susan Kennedy, Yashvi Rebecchi, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Trevor Nugent, Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8192
Trevor Nugent, Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Angela Lane in Neighbours Episode 8192
Angela Lane

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8192
Susan Kennedy

Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8192
Shane Rebecchi, Sheila Canning

Shane Rebecchi, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8192
Shane Rebecchi, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8192
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8192
Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8192
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8192
Ned Willis, Scarlett Brady

Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8192
Mackenzie Hargreaves

Mackenzie Hargreaves, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8192
Mackenzie Hargreaves, Shane Rebecchi

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8192
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8192
Scarlett Brady, Ned Willis

Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8192
Dipi Rebecchi, Sheila Canning

Susan Kennedy, Mackenzie Hargreaves in Neighbours Episode 8192
Susan Kennedy, Mackenzie Hargreaves

Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8192
Ned Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

 in Neighbours Episode 8192

Scarlett Brady in Neighbours Episode 8192
Scarlett Brady

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