- Amy overhearing Gary saying he doesn't want more kids.
- Amy accepting that she and Gary won't be having kids.
- Despite the time not being right, Chloe admits to Pierce that she likes him.
- Pierce agreeing to be one of the 'lots' at the Bachelor auction.
- Chloe convinced she can change Pierce's mind about her.
- Susan and Karl commenting about how complicated Toadie's life is about to get.
- Finn coming to Bea's rescue... but snapping.
- Finn admitting he is in love with Bea.
- Bea and Finn pashing.
Number 28
Bea and Finn pull apart after the pashing session and are just about to start chatting when Karl and Susan arrive home, forcing them to act like nothing had happened. "Everything okay with you two?" Susan asks and they both reply "yes" before chatting about the forthcoming auction instead. When Karl and Susan are distracted on another matter, Finn hopes that it was okay not to tell them about the kiss. While initially agreeing that was okay, as they chat and officially decide that they are an 'us', Bea wants to tell them, but it can wait until tomorrow!
Number 26
Amy relays news to the Canning's that Paul is going to be the MC for the auction. Gary thinks Kyle will do good, but he doesn't think so, especially compared to Pierce.
The lad is getting very bothered by the PDA's between Gary and Amy and takes his frustrations out on his Gran when they head off to do some more cleaning. "I can't wait for this tram reno to be done so I can take off," he says to her.
The Waterhole
Paul is surprised to see Sheila in the bar so late and she tells him her woes (about Kyle threatening to leave). He tells her to go home, he has a new plan... one that doesn't require her! "What new plan?!" she demands to know, but Paul isn't spilling and orders her to go home.
Number 28 (next day)
The K's are more interested in the goings on between Dee and Toadie than what is going on underneath their noses.
Number 32
Chloe is all suited in booted in her 'buy Pierce' outfit and David remarks that Pierce would surely do anything given how seductively she is dressed! Aaron is fretting as he can't find the shirt he wants to wear and is debating why he is even taking part given he isn't single, but David promises to buy him... so he can get the chores done!
Ramsay Street
Kyle's mood hasn't improved overnight, but it picks up when he takes the rubbish out to find a pressie waiting for him - a tuxedo! "I didn't get you that," Sheila tells her grandson after coming over to see what he was going on about.
KYLE: So it would appear by magic?!
Despite her protestation, Kyle still thinks Sheila bought it for him (she's now thinking Paul) so he concedes that he will wear it... but not take the tags off!
The Waterhole
Having arrived at the pub, Kyle is all set to strip off and put his tux on, but the talking 'lots' (Pierce and Aaron) tell him to keep his shirt on... the daywear look is up first. However, Kyle is just wearing his board shorts and a t-shirt, so not exactly fully dressed, but Aaron is just itching to get into the speedo's he's brought along just in case!
PIERCE: Guys, this is not Thunder from Down Under alright!
AARON: We're just having a bit of fun!
Number 28
"I do want to be in a relationship, I really do like you," Bea tells Finn, but she doesn't think with all that is going on that the time is right for it to come out that they are a couple. "And I really like you too," he replies and agrees to keeping things secret until she is ready for it to come out.
The Waterhole
Mrs Punt doesn't look too impressed at Aaron in his speedo's (unlike the rest of the crowd!) but she (and the rest of the crowd) love Pierce... although that is probably more to do with the huge build up Paul gave him!
The Waterhole, veranda
Gary, Amy and Sheila are discussing the merits of the (talking) 'lots' when Kyle comes out to join them suited and booted in his tux, complete with a red bow tie. The lad though looks very uncomfortable being around Amy and it seems reciprocated.
Meanwhile, Sheila goes over to seek confirmation from Paul that it was him that bought the tux and to make her displeasure known that it wasn't to bring Kyle and Amy together at the same time! "I thought you wanted Kyle to be happy?" Paul asks and she confirms that is correct.
SHEILA: But my grandson is not a pawn and he shouldn't be cutting his father's grass.
She warns Paul that she will spill all to Amy and Gary, but Paul reminds her that she's got just as much to lose as he has, so "you're not going to say anything."
SHEILA: You just leave Kyle out of this, you hear!
PAUL: I have a plan and you are not invited. Just keep out of it!
The Waterhole
Finn and Bea quickly spring apart when Sheila comes into the office to put a moneybox into the safe. She tries to tempt Bea into bidding for one of the 'lots' but she is content to stay in the office and help Finn with the admin.
Meanwhile back outside, after interviewing Kyle (his ambition is to have kids and buy a house that he can do up, which causes Amy to smile), Paul starts the bidding for him. The amount is slowly going up and then all of a sudden, some woman offers $500!
Lassiters Complex
Chloe is in a panic after seeing how much Kyle went for, so she is begging David for money to enable her to buy Pierce. "How much more?" David asks and is stunned when she replies $600, double what he was planning on bidding for Aaron. She tries to reassure him that he won't need to bid that much because everyone knows he is married... "and extremely gay!" "You're the best!" Chloe declares after David hands over all the money in his wallet!!
The Waterhole
The bidding for Pierce is fierce, after Mrs Punt begins with a $100 bid. Chloe begs the women who have bid (Susan, Sheila and Mrs Punt) to stop bidding... so Mrs Punt ups her bid to $500! With a bit of help from Susan and Sheila, Chloe conjures up $1248.65... and a hair tie to win Pierce although he doesn't exactly look happy!
"Reckon I got myself a bargain," Chloe tells Pierce. His reply is "nice one" but said with a look of utter disdain on his face before he then walks out of the pub.
Lassiters Complex
Chloe rushes out of the pub to catch up with Pierce, who is still spitting feathers over what happened.
PIERCE: I get the joke Chloe. I used to pay for your company, and you've just bought mine. Hilarious.
"That's not it at all," she tries to tell him, trying to explain that she genuinely wanted to spend time with him... plus given he's just about cut her off, this was the only way she could talk to him. She still thinks he blames her for Ebony leaving, but he explains that isn't the reason he is avoiding her, its because he does like her!
PIERCE: I always have.
He then admits that he hooked up with Ebony because he couldn't have Chloe! "Is that still how you feel?" she nervously asks, and he admits that he doesn't know because he isn't sure he could trust himself just now! "That's something you need to figure out," she reassures him with and asks in the meantime, could they "at least be friends?" Pierce doesn't reply but instead gives her a look before walking away.
The Waterhole
Finn is happy to take Bea's offer to count the takings once everyone has left, confident that Toadie will be wrapped at how much money has been raised.
Meanwhile, Sheila can't but help gloat to Paul that his plan didn't work because someone other than Amy bought Kyle! "You underestimate yet me again," Paul takes great delight in informing her! It would appear he was the one that gave Macayde (the winning bidder) the $500, however the spiel Kyle was ratting off about wanting kids and a house to do up should have made Amy realise that he is indeed, "the man of her dreams" but only to watch him slip away with someone else.
SHEILA: But it still didn't work, didn't it? Because Amy doesn't care!
"Oh really," Paul replies and indicates that Sheila should look where he is looking towards - which is Gary and Amy trying to make awkward small talk with Kyle and Macayde about their date.
The more the quartet chat, the more uncomfortable Amy is getting and eventually she feigns being queasy to get out of the bar. As Gary gets her a glass of water, Kyle apologises to Macayde and after saying he'll be "right back," follows Amy out of the pub.
Paul secretly winks to Macayde for a job well done and Sheila looks gobsmacked that his plan appears to have worked!
The auction resumes and next up is Aaron but it's not David who wins him but Mrs Punt with a bid of $275!
DAVID: I'm going to be paying for this for a long time!
Lassiters Lake
Kyle catches up with Amy as she stands beside the lake. After skirting round why both have left the bar, Amy eventually cracks and admits it wasn't good seeing him on the stage all booted and suited. Kyle begs to know what they are doing here, because he knows she's already chosen Gary.
AMY: Standing in there while all those women went crazy over you, and you stood up there and said you know what you want out of life. That's exactly, exactly what I want. It's not fun for me 'cos I still love you.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Kyle fearful!
- Kyle wanting to explain a few things to Amy.
- Amy begging Gary not to do anything stupid.
- Roxy threatening to become an arsonist!
- Toadie reassuring Dee that they can stop now.
- The conclusive DNA results are in!