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Neighbours Episode 8103 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8102 - 8104>>
Episode title: 8103
Australian and UK airdate: 15/05/19
Writer: Melanie Sano
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
- "Sorry" by Bonnie Anderson
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Finn's old principal from Sydney, Harry Sinclair, is in town - and amnesiac Finn recognises him
- A poison gas attack at the community centre leaves Sheila and Bea seriously ill
- Toadie assumes Finn's responsible; Karl says they should get the facts before jumping to conclusions
- Ned reveals that the culprit wasn't Finn, but Harry Sinclair - and Ned helped by keeping a lookout
- Harry is arrested by the police, and again sees Finn, asking him, 'you remember me, don't you?'
- Kyle's super- relieved to learn that Amy wasn't hurt in the gas attack - but she reveals Sheila was
- Ned confesses all to a seemingly unconscious Bea at her bedside - but she's heard everything
Erinsborough Hospital
Ned is lingering outside Bea's room when Susan and Elly show up. They're furious that he's even here, and lay into him for his involvement in the poisoning. At this point, Bea shouts for Elly from within the room, and they all rush in, relieved to see she's awake. But Ned's relief is short-lived, as Bea reveals she heard everything he said before.
BEA: All this time, you've warned me about Finn - 'he's dangerous, he can't be trusted, he's gonna hurt you.' You're the one who hurt me. I can't trust you.
NED: Bea, you have to understand, I -
BEA: No, I do understand. You couldn't let it go.
NED: You don't know what you're up against.
BEA: I'm starting to realise.
Susan coldly tells Ned to go, and comforts an upset Bea.
Harold's Café
Chloe and Kyle are at a table. Things are still uncomfortable after Kyle freaked out thinking Amy was hurt in the gas attack.
KYLE: It was just the shock of it all. Not knowing what happened, and how serious things were...
Gary and Amy come in and grab another table. They have good news about Sheila; she's recovering well in hospital and 'on the rampage'.
AMY: Extra pillows, extra jellies - she's throwing Clive's name around like a weapon.
It goes awkwardly quiet, so Amy invites Kyle and Chloe to join them for a bite to eat. Kyle claims they have plans, which is news to Chloe - but she goes along with it. Kyle quietly tells her he just doesn't feel like socialising.
CHLOE: You sure you weren't avoiding Amy? You could hardly look at her.
KYLE: Oh, I'm just tired.
CHLOE: Maybe from obsessing over her earlier.
Kyle claims he was just worried, and suggests he and Chloe get out of here. She follows him out.
Erinsborough Hospital
Ned is waiting outside Bea's room. Karl comes out to talk to him; he confirms that Bea's vitals are normal, but that she'll need to stay overnight. Ned protests his relative innocence.
NED: If I'd known for even a minute he was going to release the gas, I never would've helped him.
KARL: Instead, you teamed up with him.
NED: Yeah, but I didn't know he was the one who tried to run down Susan and Imogen. Or any of that other stuff he confessed to! If you could just tell her that I had nothing to do with that -
KARL: I don't think it'd make any difference. What you've done is bad enough. Look, I get you have this mistrust of Finn. There are times I question the wisdom of letting him into our house myself. But to go after him in such a reckless fashion?
NED: I get it, Karl.
KARL: I mean, by not turning Sinclair in, you've almost killed Bea - and countless others.
Ned wants to go back in to explain himself, but Karl insists Bea doesn't want him here - and neither does he. He tells Ned to go home.
No 22
When Ned gets in, he finds Terese talking to Mark, on police business. Mark tells Ned that Harry Sinclair has been charged with reckless conduct endangering life, 'amongst other things' - and tells Ned that he'll face aiding and abetting charges himself, the details of which will be formalised over the next few days. Ned promises not to leave town, and Mark leaves. Terese lays into Ned.
TERESE: You know, when I thought Paul was responsible for Josh's death, I did some terrible things - illegal. And I wanted him locked up. But you almost killed innocent people!
NED: Maybe I should get amnesia. Then everyone would forgive me (!)
TERESE: Oh, what? Do you think this is a joke, Ned?!
Ned moans that he's getting shut out by Bea while 'that psychopath' is under her roof. But Terese reminds Ned of his promises when he moved in here; no violence, and no trouble with the law. She adds that he should be setting a good example for Roxy.
NED: What am I supposed to do? Just accept Finn? Give him a little wave as he takes out the wheelie bins?
TERESE: Oh, wake up, Ned! This vendetta has gone too far. You're not helping anyone - least of all yourself!
Terese storms out.
Lassiter's Complex
Finn and Karl are having a coffee as they stroll through the courtyard. Karl admits he thought Finn was responsible when he first heard about the poisoning.
KARL: But at least now you can sleep easy, knowing that Harry Sinclair won't be targeting you.
FINN: Yeah. I must've done something pretty bad for him to go that far (...) Was he around when I was here before?
KARL: No, no - he still lived in Sydney. I think Elly spoke to him. She said he had a soft spot for you from the time you first met. Maybe you took advantage of that?
FINN: I guess it's lost in the years I can't remember.
Karl heads off to work; and Finn notices Ned leaving Harold's with a bunch of flowers...
Erinsborough Hospital
Yashvi is visiting Bea. Bea is feeling sick at Ned's 'messed up' role in the poisoning, and hopes he knows to stay away from her for a while. At this moment, Ned turns up with the flowers! Yashvi makes herself scarce, so they can talk.
NED: I'm so sorry, Bea. I dunno what I was thinking. It's just, with Finn around, I can't -
BEA: What, you're gonna blame him for this?!
NED: No, no - I'm just trying to explain.
BEA: There's no excuse for what you did.
NED: Well, I did what I did because I care about you.
BEA: Shame you don't respect me. Every time I come up against something, you just take over, like I'm some helpless woman.
NED: Well, that's not how I see you.
BEA: But that's how you treat me. You don't listen to me; you don't trust my opinion. Instead, you just go behind my back. You're out of control.
NED: I can change.
BEA: Can you? Can you change? Ned, I love you.
NED: Yeah, I love you too.
BEA: It's not enough. We're over.
Harold's Café
Finn sees Ned at the counter, and Ned challenges him to say whatever he wants to.
FINN: You tried to get me arrested.
NED: Yeah. And if you're looking for an apology -
FINN: I'm not. I get why you did it. And I'm not into holding a grudge.
NED: Mate, I want you locked up. You should hate me.
FINN: Maybe. But I don't.
Ned is disconcerted, and turns away.
Lassiter's Complex
Chloe and Kyle are walking through the courtyard. Chloe remarks on how early Kyle went to bed last night, and wonders whether it was because he was avoiding her after she grilled him about Amy.
CHLOE: Just to be clear - I'm in this to have fun. And I'm having fun. But ex-girlfriend issues? They ain't no fun.
KYLE: Yeah, I'm enjoying this too. Look, if I'm acting strange, it's just cos my gran's in the hospital.
CHLOE: Maybe I can come with you to visit her later? Bring her some magazines?
KYLE: Yeah, yeah - she'll love that.
But as Kyle walks on, Chloe doesn't look convinced by his explanation.
No 24
Mark comes in, and kisses Elly. He's been thinking about baby names all night - Molly's his first gambit.
MARK: Oh, and the other one I thought of was Karlotta, as a tribute to your uncle.
ELLY: I'm surprised Karl hasn't pitched that one already!
Conversation turns to the poison gas attack; Mark confirms that Finn is no longer officially being investigated after Harry and Ned confessed to everything. However, he says it can't hurt to do a bit more digging given that Finn had no alibi.
ELLY: Is that necessary? He's not being charged any more.
MARK: Something's just not sitting right. I don't wanna take any chances when it comes to Finn Kelly. You and Baby Karlotta have a lovely day.
Mark heads off to work, and Elly turns her attention to her phone. She texts Dean, asking him to call her back, saying, 'I need to know what's happening...'
Erinsborough Hospital
Toadie has joined Susan and Karl in Bea's hospital room.
TOADIE: I still think that Finn's to blame.
SUSAN: No, it was all Harry! He's the one who planted the poison.
TOADIE: Yeah, to get Finn locked up.
KARL: Toadie's got a point here. This only happened because Finn's here.
SUSAN: That doesn't mean you can hold him responsible for this!
KARL: Yeah, but he's got so many enemies. His mere presence puts our family at risk.
TOADIE: No-one can deny that the launch would've gone fine if Finn wasn't in our lives.
BEA: You're being way too harsh. Finn has been a supporter of your foundation right from the beginning.
TOADIE: Don't forget that we caught him trying to break into my office!
BEA: He explained that.
TOADIE: That's the thing, Bea - he's always got an explanation. But I know for sure that Finn has got Sonya's foundation in his sights.
BEA: No, you're wrong.
TOADIE: Really? How can you be so sure?
BEA: Because Finn is the one who gave you the $50,000.
Everyone goes quiet.
No 28
Toadie, Karl and Susan have come to talk to Finn about his donation. He says it was supposed to be anonymous.
SUSAN: I don't understand. A gift that generous - why keep it a secret?
FINN: I didn't donate it to impress anyone. I just wanted to help.
SUSAN: Well, I think that says a lot - don't you? The whole community's against him, and he still found it in himself to try and give back.
KARL: It is a commendable gesture.
TOADIE: One I can't accept.
SUSAN: Oh, Toadie, come on. That money could do so much.
TOADIE: Come on, Susan! What kind of an organisation gets off the ground with finance from a criminal sociopath? And who knows where the money came from?
FINN: It came from my mum. It's legit. And I can stay anonymous. I want to. No-one has to know it came from me.
TOADIE: I'd know. I can't live with that.
Toadie goes to leave, but Finn shouts after him.
FINN: Toadie - I've heard a lot about Sonya. How kind and selfless she was. And I know I haven't been like that in the past. But I want to now. I can't think of a better way to do that.
SUSAN: I know Finn's hurt a lot of people. But this is a way for him to try and undo some of that.
KARL: A second chance. It's definitely something Sonya believed in.
Erinsborough Hospital
Sheila is making a nuisance of herself at the hospital with the nurses, and Clive is telling her to rein it in a bit. Kyle and Chloe turn up, and they're shortly followed by Amy.
SHEILA: Oh, heavens - what's all this? You didn't have to bring me flowers!
AMY: You asked me to.
Kyle's awkward again now that Amy's here, and volunteers to go and find Gary, who is on the search for biccies for Sheila. But Sheila wants Kyle to stay and tell her all about him and Chloe!
SHEILA: I haven't noticed a change in your Facebook status yet!
CLIVE: Sheila likes to stalk.
Sheila nudges him sharply.
CLIVE: She likes to check up on people.
Chloe says that she and Kyle aren't really into romantic declarations, but Kyle says he thinks making it official on Facebook is 'a ripper idea', so they can 'let the world share in our happiness'.
AMY: Wow, I didn't realise you two were that serious!
CHLOE: Neither did I!
Kyle tries to browbeat her into agreeing with how great things are between them, but an uncomfortable Chloe exits. Kyle has to wait to be told by Sheila to go and check on her! Outside in the corridor, Kyle asks Chloe where she's going.
CHLOE: Thought I might start looking at engagement rings (!)
KYLE: Okay. I know I came on a little strong.
CHLOE: What happened to being real with each other and having fun? I like you, but you're not being straight with me. I know you still care about Amy; please, just admit it.
KYLE: ... I don't just care about Amy. I love her. She's the whole reason I left Georgia.
CHLOE: If you felt that strongly about her, why start something with me?
KYLE: I thought I was getting over Amy. But, when I heard someone was in the hospital, I lost it when I thought it was her (...) I'm sorry I wasn't being honest. But we both came into this thing with Feelings™ for other people. You're still getting over Elly. Come on - can't we keep helping each other get over the people we can't have?
CHLOE: Kyle... we have to end this.
He looks disappointed.
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Toadie has changed his mind about accepting Finn's donation, and Susan is glad. Toadie says he'll use the money to reinstate some of the community centre's programmes, and raise awareness about ovarian cancer.
KARL: Wherever the money goes, I'm sure Sonya would be proud.
Ned turns up; he's brought some of Bea's possessions around that she'd left at his place. Susan says she'll put them in Bea's room for her, and Ned promptly leaves again.
KARL: Hopefully that's the last we see of him for a while!
SUSAN: Oh, come on. He's got enough on his plate without your two bobs' worth.
Things are still awkward between Toadie and Finn, though; and when Susan and Karl invite Toadie to stay for a barbecue, he says he might head home. Finn senses it's because of him, and decides to go and check up on Bea and Sheila at the hospital, so that Toadie can spend some time alone with Karl and Susan.
Erinsborough Hospital
Sheila moans to Clive about the budget biccies Gary's brought her.
CLIVE: Why don't I pop out later, and see if I can buy you something fit for the First Lady of Erinsborough Hospital? (!)
SHEILA: Have I really been that bad?
They're interrupted by Finn, who arrives with a bunch of flowers.
FINN: I know you probably don't want to see me...
CLIVE: So why are you here?
FINN: I can't help feeling responsible. I mightn't have done it this time, but it still happened because of me.
CLIVE: Look, your guilt is no reason to upset Sheila's recovery.
SHEILA: I'm not upset. I really appreciate the apology. Don't really understand the whole amnesia thing, but... I know you're trying to make amends. And Susan told me about the donation... You can leave the flowers there if you like.
Elly has appeared outside, and watches as Finn puts the flowers down, then wishes Sheila a speedy recovery. She gets a text from Dean, saying, 'All good - I'll stop messing with you.'
Meanwhile, Finn is visiting Bea, for whom he's also brought some flowers. She apologises for telling Toadie about his donation as she knows he wanted to remain anonymous.
FINN: It's alright. I know you were just defending me. And I really appreciate that, Bea (...) I guess I just thought I'd never be trusted again. Not after what I did. And especially because people still keep getting hurt cos of me.
BEA: You're a different person now. And what Harry did has nothing to do with you. That must be weird, having him do those things to spite you, when you don't remember anything about him.
Finn looks shifty, then agrees it's weird.
FINN: Anyway, I'm just glad you're alright. Let me know if you need anything as a friend... Sorry. I know we're not friends.
BEA: I was probably a little bit harsh.
FINN: Good to know. Anyway, I'll stop bugging you. You rest up.
He leaves, putting his headphones in as he goes, to listen to Bea's song 'Sorry' again...
No 22
Ned comes downstairs with freshly-packed bags, evidently about to move out. Terese comes in, and immediately sees what he's planning. Ned says he's moving in with a mate until he sorts things out with the police - and then he'll leave Erinsborough.
TERESE: And you weren't going to bother to say goodbye?
NED: It's just easier this way, Terese. I know you don't want me around at the moment.
TERESE: That's not true, Ned.
NED: You said it yourself. I'm a bad influence on Rox; I'm the last thing she needs in her life right now.
TERESE: Look, what you did was incredibly stupid. But I'm not going to turn my back on you. You're family.
NED: Doesn't mean you owe me.
TERESE: No, but it means I'll stick by you.
NED: Bea broke up with me - and I'm not welcome anywhere. I can't see my way through this.
Ned goes to leave, but...
TERESE: No - hey - we'll figure it out. Come here.
She takes Ned's bag off him, and gives him a big hug.
The Waterhole
Chloe is sitting alone at the bar, looking downbeat. Gary comes in, and remarks that he's heard Chloe 'gave Kyle the flick'. She says their relationship wasn't serious, but Gary replies that it will still be a blow to him, after 'a string of dud relationships'.
CHLOE: Yeah. Must be hard for him to be around loved-up couples, then - like you and Amy.
GARY: Yeah, which is what I figured. That's why I've come up with a way for him to be part of our love story. I've decided to ask Kyle to be my best man.
Chloe looks worried, and immediately tells Gary he can't make Kyle part of the wedding, claiming his best man should be a friend. She starts making suggestions of other RSRs who could fit the bill; but Gary comes back to the idea of Kyle being the best choice. Chloe continues to object.
GARY: Why? Why's Kyle such a bad idea?
CHLOE: ... Because he's still in love with Amy.
Gary's face falls.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Terese is surprised by something in her back garden, but Paul seems less concerned
- Toadie becomes emotional at Sonya's Nursery, and tells Shane he can't go in
- Leo tells an unknown man that he used to date Terese, but that she chose his dad over him
- The man declares that 'Auntie T' is a 'pretty interesting dish'
- Roxy tells the man that that he's going to meet Auntie T today
<<8102 - 8104>>
Susan Kennedy, Ned Willis, Elly Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8103
Susan Kennedy, Ned Willis, Elly Brennan

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8103
Bea Nilsson

Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning, Gary Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 8103
Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning, Gary Canning, Amy Williams

Karl Kennedy, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8103
Karl Kennedy, Ned Willis

Terese Willis, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8103
Terese Willis, Mark Brennan

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8103
Ned Willis

Karl Kennedy, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8103
Karl Kennedy, Finn Kelly

Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8103
Bea Nilsson, Yashvi Rebecchi

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8103
Finn Kelly

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8103
Ned Willis

Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8103
Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning

Mark Brennan, Elly Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8103
Mark Brennan, Elly Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8103
Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8103
Toadie Rebecchi

Finn Kelly, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8103
Finn Kelly, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8103
Toadie Rebecchi

Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons in Neighbours Episode 8103
Sheila Canning, Clive Gibbons

Amy Williams, Kyle Canning, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8103
Amy Williams, Kyle Canning, Chloe Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8103
Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning

Ned Willis, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8103
Ned Willis, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8103
Finn Kelly

Elly Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8103
Elly Brennan

Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8103
Bea Nilsson, Finn Kelly

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8103
Finn Kelly

Ned Willis, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8103
Ned Willis, Terese Willis

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8103
Chloe Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8103
Chloe Brennan, Gary Canning

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