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Neighbours Episode 8102 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8101 - 8103>>
Episode title: 8102
Australian and UK airdate: 14/05/19
Writer: Megan Palinkas
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Harry Sinclair: Paul Dawber
Jet Cassidy: Slavko Zwirn
Clive Gibbons: Geoff Paine
Summary/Images by: Clare/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Kyle suggests to his housemates about him and Chloe getting together
- Finn asks Elly if the baby is Shaun's, she says it is
- Elly wants to know if Finn will blackmail her, Finn offers to deal with Dean
- Elly gets a text saying that Finn has dealt with Dean
- Ned wants Finn to disappear, Gary points out Finn is bound to mess up
- Ned waits around and is worried when the launch is moved to the Community Centre
- People rush out of the Community Centre, Sheila collapses on the floor outside
- Toadie realises Nell is inside the Community Centre and rushes in
Lassiter's Complex
The casualties are being tended to. Susan is bending over an unconscious Sheila as Mark arrives . Susan thinks it's possibly a gas leak as Karl arrives. Mark reports to Karl that it could be chemical related. Susan tells Mark there's more people inside so Mark heads inside the building.
Toadie is looking for Nell. He brings Bea outside who has collapsed (we don't see her in the building) in his arms and Susan rushes over. Toadie goes to head back in and Susan tries to stop him. Mark alerts him to the fact that Aaron and Nell are fine and heading towards the Community Centre. A very relieved Toadie picks up Nell and gives her a great big hug. Aaron explains he saw her running off due to everything going on. Toadie thanks Aaron. Ned is trying to get Bea to respond to him. They call Karl over who helps give turn Bea onto her side.
Erinsborough Hospital
Gary and Amy arrive. Clive comes over to reassure Sheila who is now awake. Sheila is being taken to respiratory. Clive tells them that it's good that Sheila is conscious. Gary wants to follow Sheila. Clive explains that they will examine Sheila which taken about 30 minutes. They suspect it's poisoning, he tells them they've dealt with this situation before. Clive promises to keep them updated but has to head off.
Bea is wheeled in and Clive directs them to a room. Clive tells the team that they have paged the toxicologist. Gary updates Ned and Susan about the suspected poisoning. Susan is unsure who would do this.
Finn is sitting on the sofa when Elly arrives home. Elly asks him if he actually meant to go to the library, he intended to but prioritised sorting out what was happening with Dean. Elly wanted Finn to stay out of it but he wanted to help. The text meant that he had dealt with it but won't say what actually happened. Elly worries what he's done, Finn promises he just talked and convinced Dean to leave Elly alone. Elly was going to deal with it and worries the situation is now worse. Finn promises that Dean will leave her alone in future.
FINN: You have to trust me.
Elly is unsure if she can actually do that. Finn tells her to worry about the baby and herself, he won't reveal her secret. Elly gets a phone call from Susan.
Lassiter's Complex
Kyle and Chloe are walking towards the event. Kyle comments they would have not gone together to the event the week before, Chloe suggests they would have had a secret snog outside. Kyle suggests that they could still do that! Shane stops them as the area has been cordoned off by the police. They are surprised so Shane explains what has happened. He says it's possibly poison gas. Shane isn't sure who has been hurt but knows Gary rushed off to the hospital after getting a text. Kyle thinks Amy has been hurt, Chloe isn't so sure. Kyle is sure though as Amy would definitely be there. He is heading off to the hospital to make sure Amy is ok.
Mark is talking to the rescue services. Mark reports to Karl, Toadie and Aaron that they have now cleared the building. Karl tells them that all the patients have gone to the hospital and is impressed with the speedy response. Mark tells them that there was a tip off.
MARK: Potassium ferricyanide. It's commonly found in photo developing labs. It releases hydrogen cyanide gas.
Toadie thinks it could be Finn but Karl wants to be more sure first. Toadie points out that everyone else will be convinced of the same fact. Mark thinks they should investigate first. Toadie mentions Finn breaking into the Foundation office, Karl explains that Finn wanted to help out. Aaron thinks that Finn was planning things at this stage. Mark will sort out questioning Finn and asks about his whereabouts. Aaron is convinced Finn is long gone.
Harry and Finn walk past each other. Harry notices Finn. Finn turns and looks back at Harry with a puzzled look on his face.
FINN: Harry?
A police officer tells Finn they need a chat.
Erinsborough Hospital
Clive tells Gary and Amy that Sheila is doing ok, her breathing is normal. They are all relieved after the shock of it all. Clive tells them an ECG will check if it has done anything to her heart condition. She will be kept in overnight to monitor her. Gary points out that Sheila's got the best person in charge! Sheila is allowed visitors but Clive advises 1 visitor at a time. Gary follows Clive to Sheila's room.
Kyle arrives and hugs Amy in relief that she's ok, Chloe follows him. Kyle explains he thought Amy had been hurt when he heard that Gary had raced to the hospital. Amy explains that Sheila was hurt and Clive and Gary are with her now. Kyle looks a bit dazed that he hadn't worked that out before. Amy tells them quite a few people were hurt.
Police Station
Mark is interviewing Finn. Finn realises they suspect him of the poisoning, Mark insists the interview is preliminary. Finn states his innocence about planting the stuff.
FINN: I didn't even know what it looks like or how I would even get my hands on the stuff.
Mark points out that Finn has done this before. Finn thinks that someone has done it on purpose to set him up. The same happened with the razors and Elly being pushed over at school. Mark tells him that the other suspects aren't logical. Finn suggests Miranda as a possibility. Mark tells him that Miranda was at a retreat in Queensland. She was out of range and returned to Sydney this morning. Her alibi has been checked as well.
There is a knock at the door and Mark goes to talk to someone inaudibly outside the room. Mark comes back in and switches on the tape for the interview. Finn told Mark he was at the library this morning but on the cameras he wasn't shown entering or exiting the library. Mark tells him they can track his location through his phone. Finn tells Mark that his phone was at home. Mark points out that wasn't keeping within his release conditions. Finn tells Mark that he isn't used to having a phone so he sometimes forgets it. Finn tells Mark he went for a walk alone in Anson's Hill Reserve from 8 till 10 AM. After that he changed his clothes, came to the Complex and they brought him in for questioning. Apparently the park was quite quiet and the only person who might have seen him was a dog walker. Mark doubts Finn's story and asks him to start again.
Erinsborough Hospital
Ned and Susan are watching Bea through the window as Karl arrives. He wants to know if Bea is still on oxygen, she's now breathing by herself. Karl thinks that is good news. Susan isn't so convinced as they want Bea to have a cyanide antitode. Elly has just come off the phone from Mark, they are holding Finn for further questioning. Susan wants to know if they have evidence, Elly says they don't believe Finn's alibi. Susan wants to stay with Bea and asks Karl to go and be with Finn, Karl wants to stay here. Elly offers to go and Susan promises to keep her updated about Bea's condition.
Ned wanders off and Gary comes over to him. Gary wants to know how Bea is, Ned says it's still uncertain. Gary updates Ned about Sheila and wants to know if Ned knows who did this. Ned tells Gary that Finn is being held at the station. Gary thinks it was Finn, Ned says it wasn't. Ned knows that Finn is innocent and they haven't got the right person. Gary wants to know how Ned knows this.
NED: It wasn't meant to go down like this ok nobody was meant to get hurt.
GARY: Ned what's going on?
NED: I know Gary. I know who was involved.
Gary wants to know why Ned hasn't gone to the station himself. Ned is convinced Finn will do something bigger sooner or later. Ned tells Gary that the guy who is responsible didn't think anyone would actually be there. Gary reminds Ned that Sheila and Bea got hurt and doesn't think Ned should protect the person.
Police Station
Mark tells Elly that Finn insists he was at the park but no one has been able to back up his story. Elly suggests it actually is true, Mark wants to know why he claimed he was at the library. Elly points out the problems with Finn's memory. Mark is convinced that Finn is reluctant to tell him where he actually was. Elly tells Mark that Finn was with her plus Susan and Bea before Sonya's launch took place. Mark wants to know where Finn was after that, Elly doesn't think the space of time was long enough for Finn to have done this. Mark is determined to find out what Finn is hiding. Ned arrives and requests to talk to Mark. Mark tells Ned he is busy.
NED: It wasn't Finn.
Harold's Café
Chloe has ordered and comes to join Aaron. Aaron tells Chloe that he stopped a panicked Nell from running off. Aaron doesn't know who would be responsible for poisoning children and families. Chloe agrees being at the hospital was full on and explains she went there with Kyle. Chloe reports Sheila is making a good recovery. Aaron thinks it's a lot for Kyle, Chloe explains about the mixup with Amy. Aaron reminds her they are friends. Chloe points out that Kyle really freaked out about it. Kyle is still weird about it even now and didn't say very much to her. Aaron decides it's time for them to share a hug to reassure her! Chloe asks to pass a hug onto Mark without mentioning her name. Chloe wonders if it will become normal for Kyle to obsess over Amy.
Police Station
Mark is interviewing Ned. Mark reports that 6 Officers are searching the area to find Harry Sinclair so hopes Ned is correct.
MARK: How do you know he's the one that planted the chemicals?
NED: Because I was involved.
Ned tells Mark that Harry had the idea in the first place, Ned was the one who helped him. Ned met him this morning, they hadn't met before. Ned was talking to Gary the day before about wanting Finn to disappear. Ned thinks Harry overheard their chat and tried to draw Ned into his plan. Harry left a note at No.22 asking Ned to meet him. Ned went to meet him as he thought Harry realised how dangerous Finn was.
HARRY: (Flashback talking to Ned,) Finn and I have history. He belongs in jail and I know how to get him there.
Harry told Ned he wanted to set Finn up. Harry mentions Finn trying to poison the school and Harry wants to do the same thing at the Community Centre. Ned thinks it's a crazy idea but Harry thinks it will work if they just set it up to look like Finn is the culprit. Harry plans to tip the police off afterwards. Ned is reluctant as people could get hurt. Harry insists it will be fine, the chemicals are fine without being mixed. Finn will take the blame.
Back to the present, Ned finishes relating this to Mark. Mark asks why the chemicals were released, Ned isn't sure why that happened. Ned wonders if Harry lied to him or a mistake happened. Harry wasn't to know there would be people using the Community Centre. Ned admits to making sure everyone was out of the way. Ned promises if he had known these events would take place he wouldn't have done it it in the first place. Mark confirms that Harry planted the chemicals, Ned tipped off the police. Ned doesn't know why Harry had a grudge against Finn. Ned wants to return to Bea, Mark points out Ned has just made a confession. Ned promises not to run off,
MARK: Ned if this is true there are going to be serious consequences not just for Harry.
Toadie is sitting on the couch and Shane comes in from outside. He tells Toadie that Nell is building a fort in the garden and admits he let her use the clean sheets that were on the line. Toadie is ok as he just wants to take her mind off what happened earlier. They agree Nell is resilient. Toadie wishes he was as resilient. Toadie says deep down he thought Finn was planning something. Shane says that Finn was taken to the Police Station. Mark will charge Finn if he was responsible for this. Toadie points out that the Foundation won't benefit at this point though. Shane reassures him that when things settle down the Foundation will take off. Toadie thinks the Foundation will always be linked to the disaster. Shane thinks people will move on, Toadie won't though. He thinks that this has tainted his tribute. Shane points out that they've already had donations and they will continue to come in with the added sympathy factor. Toadie points out Shane hasn't donated, Shane brushes it off.
Lassiter's Complex
Finn comes out of the Police Station. Elly corners him and wants to know what Finn said to Mark. He reassures her that he kept his promise and didn't say anything. Elly recognises Harry who is being led across the complex by two police Officers. Finn is surprised they know each other, Elly explains that Harry was the Principal and they taught at the same school in Sydney. Elly confirms Harry and Finn were close. Elly excuses herself to return to school.
Harry realises that Finn recognises him before being hauled off to the Police Station.
Police Station
Harry confirms that he's known Harry since 2014 since he was a teaching member of staff. Harry tells Cassidy and Mark that the relationship was more than professional and really close. Mark thinks the relationship went downhill.
HARRY: I'd have done anything for him. In fact I helped him when he was on the run. I dumped his car at Darwin Airport to convince the police that he'd fled the country.
Mark wants to know what Harry's intention was. Harry tells them that he was the one to look out for Finn and support him. Harry was in love with Finn and thought Finn returned those feelings. Finn lied and used Harry which upset Harry. Harry was also upset when Finn got away with what he did after coming out of the coma. Mark mentions the poisoning, Harry had been told by Ned that nobody would be there. Mark says that Ned told them that it wasn't planned to release the gas. Harry tells them that he wanted to make things look at least convincing so that Finn would be locked up. He didn't intend to hurt anyone else including Imogen. Mark realises that Harry tried to run down Imogen and Susan. Harry claims that he just intended to scare them so they wouldn't help Finn anymore. He tried to swerve but more people sympathised with Finn instead.
HARRY: I can't stand the thought of people forgiving him. So I had to come up with ways to stop it.
Mark realises that Harry put the razors in the fruit as well. Harry thought people would see the razors before they were hurt, that didn't happen though. Harry has been watching everyone. What happened with Elly was accidental. Harry intended to leave a note for Susan that was threatening. Mark loses his temper at his point pointing out that Elly is pregnant and there's a chance she could have had a miscarriage. In his hurry to leave Harry knocked Elly over, not realising she was pregnant. Cassidy stops the interview. He tells Harry he will be transferred and charged.
HARRY: I know I went too far.
MARK: You're going away for a very long time.
Erinsborough Hospital
Ned is at Bea's side in her hospital room. He tells Bea how sorry he is and he is responsible. He promises he wouldn't have done this if he'd realise she would be there. He hadn't meant for things to go as far as they went. He watches Bea whose eyes are shut. He tells her he loves her and begs her to wake up. He kisses her hand and leaves the room. Bea opens her eyes.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Leo feels tricked into something, Roxy assures him that's not the case
- Roxy is still vague where the money came from, Leo wants to know the truth
- Amy tells Kyle she knows he has feelings for Amy
- Elly wants reassurance from Kyle that he's no longer investigating Finn, Mark says that things aren't adding up
- Bea tells Ned he is out of control
- Ned loses his temper over Finn staying at No.28
- Finn calmly confronts Ned over attempting to get his arrested
<<8101 - 8103>>
Susan Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8102
Susan Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Sheila Canning, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8102
Toadie Rebecchi

Aaron Brennan, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8102
Aaron Brennan, Nell Rebecchi

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8102
Bea Nilsson

Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 8102
Clive Gibbons, Sheila Canning

Clive Gibbons, Amy Williams, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 8102
Clive Gibbons, Amy Williams, Gary Canning

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8102
Finn Kelly

Elly Brennan, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8102
Elly Brennan, Finn Kelly

Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8102
Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning

Mark Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8102
Mark Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Aaron Brennan

Harry Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 8102
Harry Sinclair

Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8102
Finn Kelly

Amy Williams, Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 8102
Amy Williams, Chloe Brennan, Kyle Canning

Finn Kelly, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8102
Finn Kelly, Mark Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Ned Willis, Elly Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8102
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy, Ned Willis, Elly Brennan

Gary Canning, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8102
Gary Canning, Ned Willis

Elly Brennan, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8102
Elly Brennan, Mark Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8102
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Mark Brennan, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8102
Mark Brennan, Ned Willis

Harry Sinclair, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8102
Harry Sinclair, Ned Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8102
Toadie Rebecchi, Shane Rebecchi

Elly Brennan, Finn Kelly in Neighbours Episode 8102
Elly Brennan, Finn Kelly

Harry Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 8102
Harry Sinclair

Jet Cassidy, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8102
Jet Cassidy, Mark Brennan

Harry Sinclair in Neighbours Episode 8102
Harry Sinclair

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8102
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8102
Bea Nilsson

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