- David decides to tell the hospital board about the drugs he stole
- David reveals he can stay on at the hospital, but has been booted off the surgeons' programme
- Elly tells Chloe that she's worried Mel will hurt her again
- Mel tells Chloe that she'd love the chance for them to start again
- Chloe tells Mel about her Huntington's diagnosis; Mel opines that it 'sucks'
- Mel and Chloe kiss, and then TITTNL™, after Chloe tells Mel it's more than a casual thing for her
- Leo proposes to a horrified Terese in public
- Later, Terese tells Leo their relationship is over
- Paul and Terese pash
Paul and Terese are getting carried away with their pashing session as they tug at one another's clothes, lipstick everywhere - but Paul puts the brakes on, saying they can't do this to themselves or Leo. Terese agrees, and leaves hastily.
No 24
Chloe and Mel are lying in bed together, having TITTNL™.
MEL: So this isn't one of your wham-bam-thank-you-ma'ams?
CHLOE: Okay, I deserved that.
MEL: Don't dodge my question.
CHLOE: No, it's not. I want to be with you, okay?
MEL: Okay.
CHLOE: I've just been a little bit wary when it comes to relationships (...) I don't want to be a burden to anyone. So I won't hold it against you if you decide that this isn't for you.
MEL: The word 'burden' will never come into it. Look, if you love someone, it's through the good and bad, not just when the sun's shining.
CHLOE: I want to believe you, but... it's hard, knowing what I know about my condition.
MEL: Well, too bad.
CHLOE: You need to go into this with your eyes open. At some point, I am going to need a lot of help. You will become the giver, and I'll just be the taker.
MEL: You don't know that. Different people give in different ways.
CHLOE: I hope we can make this work.
MEL: We will.
Mel strokes Chloe's face, and they kiss.
No 22
Terese comes in. Piper asks if she's seen Leo - Terese admits she did, and says rather vaguely that the whole night has been a mistake, and mutters something about going back on what she said. Piper asks Terese to explain what she means, but Terese tells her to forget it, and heads up to bed. Piper is confused...
Paul's Penthouse
Paul looks mournfully at a framed photo of himself with David and Leo, from David's wedding.
The next morning, Leo comes in and finds Paul sleeping on the couch. Paul wakes up, and realises he's been there all night. He hastily hides the framed photo under the sofa, and asks Leo how he's doing.
LEO: Surprisingly alright. You know how sometimes you wake up and you feel better about a situation than the night before? (...) That's how I feel today about me and Terese. Maybe breaking up was for the best.
PAUL: Really?
LEO: Yeah, if she didn't see a future with me, it's better to know now than further down the track.
PAUL: You're absolutely sure?
LEO: Yeah. I'm making a conscious decision to be alright with this. I'll always love her and be happy for her. But if that's not with me, I'll just have to accept that and move on.
Paul looks thoughtful as Leo leaves.
No 24
Chloe and Mel emerge from the bedroom, discussing breakfast arrangements. They're about to kiss, when we cut to a wide shot of David, Aaron, Mark and Elly all staring at them!
ALL: Morning!
They kiss anyway, and then Mel heads to work, promising to call Chloe later. Aaron is watching Elly carefully to see how she reacts, and Elly forces a smile. Chloe reveals that she's decided to give a relationship with Mel 'a red hot go'.
Aaron congratulates her, but admits he's surprised at Chloe's newfound romantic streak - getting committed on Valentine's Day. He starts quizzing Chloe for the details, but an uncomfortable Elly tells him to lay off, saying Chloe's just got up!
CHLOE: Look, I know it's weird, given my history with relationships and my history with Mel, but... it feels right. I'd forgotten how strong the connection between us was.
AARON: Right. So you took her to bed, and the rest is history?~
CHLOE: Pretty much.
Elly continues to look uncomfortable - and is even more so when Chloe suggests having Mel over for a family lunch later...
Paul finds Terese in her office. They both admit they've been feeling guilty about their pashing session last night.
TERESE: Can we just agree not to mention it again?
PAUL: Yeah, we can. But there is something I think you should know. I think Leo's gonna be okay.
PAUL: Well, he's being very philosophical about the break-up. No, it's true - he just told me now that he thinks it's for the best.
TERESE: Yeah, but that doesn't change anything for us.
PAUL: Maybe not now. But perhaps some stage in the future. Terese, I love my son - and I've just spent too long being at odds with him. But I've also spent too long being apart from you, as well. Terese, I love you - and if there's a chance we can be happy together, then I'm certainly gonna take it. Aren't you?
Terese looks conflicted.
No 22
Leo comes to collect some of his things, and Piper welcomes him in. When asked, Leo says he's doing okay, but then seeing reminders of Terese makes him emotional.
LEO: Just yesterday I had this whole future with your mum, and now... there's no point in feeling sorry for myself.
PIPER: No, Leo - you're allowed to feel upset.
LEO: Yeah, but it's not really gonna change anything, is it?
Still confused by Terese's vagueness last night, Piper seems to have interpreted it as Terese having changed her mind about dumping Leo. She's reluctant to say this outright to Leo, but he insists she say what's on her mind - and Piper admits that she got the impression Terese might be regretting ending things with Leo. She suggests Leo talk to Terese again...
Terese is looking contemplative in her office, and Paul asks what she's thinking about. She says she's remembering when they first met, after Lucy hired her to run Lassiter's.
TERESE: There was a spark between us, from day one. And the idea of anything more was a million miles away. But there was always something there.
PAUL: Oh, undeniably.
TERESE: But along the way, that spark turned toxic. And we hurt each other. I mean, how would this be any different?
PAUL: Well, we'd make it different. This time, no games, no power-play - and I think we know each other well enough to see through that sort of stuff, anyway.
TERESE: Do you really think we can make this work?
PAUL: Mm. Yeah, I do, if we respect each other. But you have to want it to.
TERESE: All I know is that I love you too.
PAUL: Oh, Terese - you've got no idea how good it feels to hear you say that.
TERESE: But we can't pretend the timing's good. Not for us, or for Leo.
PAUL: Yeah, agreed.
TERESE: And no matter how much he says he's in a better place, we can't act on anything - otherwise it'd be incredibly insensitive.
Paul agrees, but in the next breath suggests they 'agree to explore it' and see where it goes. Terese seems keen.
No 24
Chloe and Elly are in Chloe's room, planning what Chloe will be cooking for the family lunch with Mel.
ELLY: Are you sure she's the right person for you?
CHLOE: Look, I know it's been quick. But yeah... We already know each other so well, and we've been through so much together.
ELLY: I just don't know if nostalgia's the best basis for a relationship?
CHLOE: No, it's more than that. Like, there's just always been something about Mel that completely resonates with me.
ELLY: Even though she's hurt you really badly.
CHLOE: We're both older and wiser and shinier now. I just feel it in my bones that we're gonna work.
ELLY: Yeah. Well, in that case, I'm really happy for both of you.
CHLOE: Thanks. Means a lot.
But Elly doesn't look particularly happy.
They emerge into the living area, where Aaron is setting the table. After making a jokey comment about Elly interrogating her, Chloe leaves; and Aaron correctly guesses that Elly has been quizzing Chloe about Mel. Elly admits she expressed some concern.
ELLY: Doesn't it worry you that they're just jumping back into it again? Especially given how pear-shaped their first relationship went? You can't vouch for Mel.
AARON: No, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, if it's gonna give my sister a chance at happiness.
Elly says she's worried Chloe will get hurt; Aaron says that's just the risk everyone takes with relationships.
AARON: From where I'm standing, you look more and more jealous.
ELLY: That's ridiculous.
AARON: I'm not suggesting you want to be with Chloe -
ELLY: So what are you suggesting, then?!
AARON: That you miss her crushing on you. You miss being the focus of all of her attention.
ELLY: You really think I enjoyed breaking her heart?! Thanks a lot, Aaron!
Elly leaves.
We skip forward in time, and see David, Aaron, Mark, Elly, Chloe and Mel gathered for the family lunch. Chloe is cooking.
MEL: Just remember, chicken can't be cooked medium-rare!
David gets a text from Paul, asking to see him urgently - so he decides to skip lunch and go. Mel has gone over to put some music on, and Elly follows her over, offering her another glass of wine. It's clear that Elly is trying way too hard to be friendly with Mel in 'welcoming her to the family', and Mel doesn't respond particularly well to the fakery. She looks suspicious, and so does Aaron.
Mel makes her excuse to move away from Elly, and Aaron quietly tells Elly that she's overdoing it.
AARON: It's great that you're trying, but you really need to tone it down.
ELLY: Got it.
Paul's Penthouse
Paul makes small-talk with David, asking him how things are at work since he's been back. David is confused, as Paul said he needed to see him urgently. Paul cuts to the chase, and asks David how he thinks Leo is coping with the break-up with Terese, and how long he usually takes to get over break-ups - the subtext being that Paul's wondering how quickly he can leap into bed with Terese.
David sees through this rather quickly.
DAVID: Dad - are you gonna make a move on Terese?
PAUL: Oh, it's not like that.
DAVID: Really? Because it sounds like you're trying to test the waters.
PAUL: Would you just slow down? It's not what you think.
But David persists, and Paul eventually admits that there are mutual feelings between him and Terese. David says they're both on the rebound, but Paul denies this.
DAVID: Well, what do you want from me?
PAUL: Nothing. Just your confidence. Because if this thing with Terese and I does progress, then... we need to be pretty careful about how we tell Leo.
David looks conflicted and a little annoyed.
Ramsay Street
Elly is leaving No 24, and Mel follows her out.
MEL: What's your problem with me?
ELLY: I don't have a problem.
MEL: I'm a salesperson, Elly. I know when someone's faking - and you were trying way too hard back there.
ELLY: You can't blame me for having reservations around you and Chloe.
MEL: I thought we agreed you'd support us?
ELLY: I'm trying! But you guys are moving so fast.
MEL: Isn't that our decision?
ELLY: Yeah, and Chloe's my friend - so I'm going to protect her.
MEL: This is more than that. You told me you didn't have Feelings™ for her.
ELLY: I don't have Feelings™ for her! Not in that way! Mel, I think you have an agenda.
MEL: My only agenda is to make Chloe happy.
ELLY: That's what you say, but I dunno - tell me about Robinson Pines. Cos you seem to be very focused on scoring points there.
MEL: I'm not gonna apologise for being ambitious. Normally, I wouldn't care about getting on side with someone who doesn't like me, but Chloe values your opinion, and I love her. So you're gonna have to actually support us, like you said you would. Or maybe I'm not gonna keep my end of the bargain.
ELLY: And you go and tell Mark about the kiss? And the only person you'll hurt is Chloe.
MEL: I'm pretty sure your fiancé will have a few feelings about you snogging his sister, and keeping it from him. So I'm telling you, chill out - and let us live our lives.
Mel walks away, and Elly looks worried.
Harold's Café
David joins Leo at a table, and asks how he's feeling. Leo's feeling better; he explains about his chat with Piper, and how she thought Terese might be regretting ending things with him. David doesn't know what to say, having just heard the opposite from Paul - but eventually suggests Leo might be overthinking it.
LEO: Well, I won't know unless I call her on it (...) There's no time like the present.
David tries to stop him, but Leo is already getting up to leave. He says that he loves Terese, and if there's a chance he can win her back, then he has to try. David looks worried, and quickly goes to ring Paul. He gets his voicemail.
DAVID: Dad, Leo's not over Terese. He's gone to see her now - call me back.
No 24
Aaron is vacuuming after the lunch, and Mel is helping to tidy up. Aaron notices that the electrical extension lead that the vacuum is plugged into is sparking and smoking, and quickly turns it off at the wall. He decides he needs to throw it away; Mel grabs a nearby bin-bag and says she's taking it out. Aaron drops the lead into the bag, and Mel takes it outside.
Elly emerges from the hallway.
AARON: Mel's just gone outside if you want to go and suck up to her a little bit more!
ELLY: No point. She saw straight through me.
AARON: Well, I can't say I'm surprised about that!
ELLY: I have been thinking about what you said - and even though you're wrong about me being jealous, I do need to back off. All I can do now is just give them space, I guess; see what happens.
AARON: Good. I think it'll be good for you, and for them.
ELLY: But promise me you'll keep an eye on Mel? I know you both think that she's changed, but it won't hurt - you know, for Chloe's sake.
Aaron promises to do this.
We cut to a shot of Paul's phone on the desk in Terese's office, showing a missed call from David. Paul and Terese are talking; Terese isn't sure it was a good idea for Paul to tell David about them.
TERESE: I just feel like it's already becoming some sort of conspiracy.
Paul says David will be a 'good ally' and that they have agreed to take it slow. Paul tells Terese about a 'moment' he had on the way up here.
PAUL: I just envisaged myself... surprising you at the end of a working day, with a lovely picnic. Maybe a sunset (...) It just made me see a whole flash of the life that we could live.
TERESE: That's the thing. I've seen that flash of life together, too - and then I remember what we're doing, and the idea of us being happy, it just seems so -
But Paul interrupts her.
PAUL: How about we have a rule, hmm? When we're apart, we can torture ourselves as much as we want. But when we're together, we give ourselves a break, hmm? Because right now, right here, it's just us.
TERESE: It's just us.
They kiss again. And predictably, Leo walks in on them, already beginning his speech to try and win back Terese! But he stops in mid-flow, and...
LEO: What the hell is going on?
Coming up on Neighbours
- Leo angrily accuses David of betrayal
- An upset Terese tells Paul that this is a huge mess
- Leo tells someone that he's made a huge mistake
- Sonya tells Toadie that's not fair, and he knows it
- Susan asks Karl how 'he' can possibly blame Karl. Karl admits he could've been more thorough
- Sonya looks emotional as she leafs through the Ramsay Street history book