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Neighbours Episode 7937 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7936 - 7938>>
Episode title: 7937
Australian and UK airdate: 25/09/18
Writer: Melanie Sano
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Jemima Davies-Smythe: Magda Szubanski
Thomas Hewes-Belton: Greg Parker
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
- Dipi tells Sheila about her tea for "improving performance in the bedroom".
- Shane offers to sell Gary some of Dipi's tea in teabag form.
- Jemima announces to Karl and Susan that she is a millionaire.
- Susan and Jemima emotionally make up.
- Jemima tells Karl and Susan that she wants to look after them for the rest of their lives. They'll never have to worry about money again.
- Xanthe asks Elly and Karl if she could go to a private University.
- Gary tells Xanthe that if she gets the marks, he'll get the money.
- Gary talks to a bloke about a dodgy deal.
- Xanthe tells Gary that he can't say anything to Amy.
Karl tells Jemima that her offer is very generous, but the rest of their lives could be a long time. She assures them that there are no strings and they should be enjoying life at their age. She wants to buy two properties at Paul's development - one for herself and one for Karl and Susan. She asks them to think about it.
JEMIMA: I want the future to be extraordinary for ALL of us!
The Retreat
Gary and Xanthe are talking about Amy. Xanthe doesn't understand why Gary is interested in Amy now. He explains that when he first knew her, she was Kyle's boyfriend and a room-mate at No.26.
XANTHE: Now you're close friends, it's suddenly different?
GARY: We've been hanging out a lot lately and we always have a rippin' time...I finally see how perfect she is. 'Course, I never realised till Doctor Rob came on the scene...I even encouraged her to go out with him.
XANTHE: Maybe you should just...keep some distance.
GARY: No. She'd take it personally.
XANTHE: Well, you could just...come clean about how you feel.
GARY: If I come clean about my feelings, it will ruin our friendship and it's better if I just stay quiet. I'll...get over it soon enough.
He does not look convinced.
Sonya is trying to get Nell ready for their flight to the USA to see Jade and Callum.
Piper comes round to get a file which Toadie has left there. Piper also needs some tea for the office supplies. Sonya has gone into the bedroom to pack by now so she shouts through to Piper to take the box in the kitchen. She picks up the box of "Full Salute" tea and heads off.
Susan and Karl are discussing Jemima's offer. She is worried that Jemima will end up "owning them" but Karl says her offer does has merits and he doesn't think they should just dismiss it out of hand. His perspective has changed a little after his DVT. Life truly is short. Susan looks thoughtful.
KARL: With this offer of Jemima's we could truly live the life we want. I do think it's a once in a lifetime offer.
Legal Office
Toadie and Piper are working and drinking tea. Suddenly Toadie realises that the tea has caused a reaction(!) Piper asks him for a file, but he can't get up (ew)
PIPER: Are you alright?
TOADIE: Something's just come up(!)
He gets on the phone to Sonya and tells her what's happened with the tea.
SONYA: Did it work?
TOADIE: Big time(!)
SONYA: Well, you should come home, then!
TOADIE: I can't walk past Piper looking like this, I'll be up for workplace harassment!
SONYA: OK...maybe I'll give the kids to Dipi and Shane and I'll come and help you, alright?
TOADIE: OK, alright. And hurry, please! Oh, God, it's getting worse!
The Retreat
Business is going well at The Retreat and Amy congratulates Gary. She hugs him. Xanthe comes over and tells Gary that the Uni fees are due...she'll need the money by Friday as the Uni want the money up front. Gary thinks this seems rather unlikely considering Xanthe hasn't even got the grades yet, and so does everyone watching, but OK.
When Xanthe has gone, Gary tells Amy that he can't disappoint Xanthe. She suggests that Gary rings Steph and asks her to fast-track his promotion.
Jemima is off to have another look at the Robinson Height site with Paul. Just then, Jemima's daughter rings and they have a terse conversation about her monthly allowance. Susan thinks it's a shame that they only see Jemima's money.
Sheila is testing Xanthe on her schoolwork when Gary comes in. He's off to see the bank manager because Steph has just given him a permanent work contract and a pay rise. He assures Xanthe that everything will be fine.
Legal Office
Toadie is giving Piper dictation when Sonya rushes in with a large plant. She gives them to Toadie to hold so he can get out of the office, but Piper says that they need to finish their work. Toadie sits back down in despair.
Lassiter's Complex
Jemima tells Paul that she's already decided to buy one of his houses, and possibly the one next door for Karl and Susan. She suggests that she and Paul have a drink together. He invites her back to the Penthouse.
Gary is talking to the Bank Manager who has apparently approved his loan. However, it will take two weeks to come through. The shortest time is five days to clear.
Harold's café
Susan and Bea are talking about Jemima and her family. Bea says that she heard Jemima's grandson Jasper talking the other day, and she didn't think he was after cash.
Legal Office
Toadie and Piper are just finishing up their dictation when Sonya comes back. She has called Cassius and organised a lunch for them to thank them both for helping them out. Piper protests that she has lots of work to do, but Toadie just tells her to go.
When Piper and Cassius have gone, Sonya and Toadie get down to business(!)
The Retreat
Gary is desperately trying to think where he can get the money from for Xanthe. He suggests taking it from The Retreat until the loan comes through, but Amy thinks that's a terrible idea.
Jemima and Paul are taking about Jemima's family. Paul advises her not to give up on her family. Jemima thinks Karl and Susan are a second chance at family.
Ramsay Street
Toadie and Sonya are heading off to the airport in a taxi. They asks Susan and Karl to keep an eye on Piper and Cassius while they're away, just so they don't liquidate their businesses(!)
When Karl and Susan have gone, Toadie asks Sonya if she's packed the Full Salute tea(!)
They drive off, and Susan tells Karl that they're lucky to have good relationships with their kids. She tells Karl that Jasper is actually only four years old (Bea told her). Susan thinks Jemima is using her money as a barrier. She thinks she and Karl should say no to Jemima's offer.
The Waterhole
Piper and Cassius are talking after lunch and Piper is getting a bit randy (having also drunk the Full Salute tea). Cassius tells her about the effect of Full Salute and Piper is horrified - she drank three cups!
CASSIUS: You don't have to worry, because I know you're not ready to go there.
PIPER: Yeah, I know, but still, that doesn't mean I can't fool around a bit...
They kiss.
CASSIUS: That sounds good to me.
They head off.
The Retreat
Gary rings Xanthe and tells her that he's got the bank loan. She's very excited. So excited, in fact, that Gary can't tell her the truth. He says that the money will be in his account by the end of the day.
He ends the call, then opens the cupboard with the "hot" $100,000 in it. He takes the money out and looks conflicted.
<<7936 - 7938>>
Karl Kennedy, Jemima Davies-Smythe, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7937
Karl Kennedy, Jemima Davies-Smythe, Susan Kennedy

Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7937
Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning

Nell Rebecchi, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7937
Nell Rebecchi, Piper Willis

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7937
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Piper Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7937
Piper Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7937
Sonya Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi

Gary Canning, Amy Williams, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7937
Gary Canning, Amy Williams, Xanthe Canning

Jemima Davies-Smythe, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7937
Jemima Davies-Smythe, Susan Kennedy

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7937
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning, Xanthe Canning

Piper Willis, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7937
Piper Willis, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Jemima Davies-Smythe, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7937
Jemima Davies-Smythe, Paul Robinson

Gary Canning, Thomas Hewes-Belten in Neighbours Episode 7937
Gary Canning, Thomas Hewes-Belten

Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7937
Susan Kennedy, Bea Nilsson

Piper Willis, Cassius Grady, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7937
Piper Willis, Cassius Grady, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Gary Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7937
Gary Canning, Amy Williams

Jemima Davies-Smythe, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7937
Jemima Davies-Smythe, Paul Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7937
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7937
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Piper Willis, Cassius Grady in Neighbours Episode 7937
Piper Willis, Cassius Grady

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7937
Gary Canning

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