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Neighbours Episode 7936 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7935 - 7937>>
Episode title: 7936
Australian and UK airdate: 24/09/18
Writer: Stephanie Carter
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Jemima Davies-Smyth: Magda Szubanski
Rob Carson: Christopher Farrell
- "Starting Again" by Missy Higgins
- "From Afar" by Vance Joy
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Elly telling Gary Amy turned down a date with Dr Rob to help him.
- Gary replying that he's a little lonely when Xanthe asks him.
- Susan ordering Jemima out of #28.
- Jemima revealing that she is a multi- millionaire.
- Susan trying to make things right with Jemima but told she's got a long way to go!
- Bea finding a keyring in Cassius' car when she is doing some work on it.
- Cassius going irate when Bea shows the keyring that she found in his car before ordering her to stay away from him.
Number 22
Piper is trying to quiz her brother about how much Bea likes him, but he assures her that they are simply friends.
Ned decided to head out for a walk, conveniently taking him past the garage. Bea gets a shock to see him on the other side of the shutters when she opens them and goes on to tell him about her irate customer and that it also freaked her out. Ned pushes her for a name and she eventually replies "Cassius."
Number 28
The tension at #28 is very high between the sisters-in-law - Susan is refusing to let Jemima assist her in her preparation for a forthcoming wedding. She also snubs Jemima's design plans for the house, instead wanting to ask Amy since she did such a good job of #26 and #30. Jemima offers to pass the message onto Amy as she is heading to see Paul - he is after her to buy a property at Robinson Heights! Karl as you can imagine is thrilled... Susan not so thrilled!
The Waterhole
Shane finishes bragging to Gary, Xanthe and Amy how things are progressing quickly with his 'Tinkle' water and Dipi's 'Full salute' tea before heading off to resume his bar duties. Xanthe comments to her dad and Amy that she gets the tea but not the water! Amy plans on buying some tea for Rob and since she keeps singing Gary's praises to Rob, asks if she can take him to see round the retreat. Xanthe vetoes his stalling tactics and Amy comments that she would like his "tick of approval."
Number 32
Susan has volunteered her services to help Dipi (and Mishti) make some tea bags as a way of escaping from Jemima. She admits that she's not enthralled at the idea of Jemima living around the corner from them! Dipi wonders if Susan's attitude has been wrong from day one and suggests that they need to get everything out in the open to move on.
Lassiters Park
Bea reveals to Ned that this wasn't the first time Cassius has blown up at her and goes onto tell him what happened with the backpack and trying to enlist Mark to help too. "I don't like you tackling this alone," Ned admits, so she suggests that they team up! Ned seems in agreement, so he comes up with an action plan - beginning with trying to work out why he has these outbursts. When Bea describes the keyring she found, Ned remembers that Cassius wanted a tattoo removed and thinks it was also a sun.
BEA: That symbol must mean something to him?
The Flametree Retreat (next day)
As promised, Amy has taken Rob to the retreat. He tries bonding with Gary over fishing but that doesn't float very well. Thankfully Dipi and Shane come in with a batch of 'Tinkle' and Rob volunteers to use his Instagram account to help publicise it. Gary doesn't look so happy as Xanthe quickly snaps pics of Rob posing with the bottle, something Amy picks up on.
Number 22
Ned has told Piper what Bea said to him, but she is confused with the claims since she's never even heard Cassius raise his voice before. She wonders if he's reading more into it because of how he feels about Bea.
NED: Even if I did like her, it has nothing to do with this.
PIPER: It just doesn't even sound like him.
"It's not the first time it's happened," he reveals then goes onto tell her about how Cassius snapped at Bea last week over the backpack. Piper looks somewhat confused but does agree to call Cassius to get him to come over and talk about it. Ned volunteers to be there but she is happy to talk to him alone, however he asks to know what is said.
Number 28
Jemima and Karl are singing her song to some plants and don't hear Susan come through to the livingroom from the bedroom. Silently, but reflective she stands watching them.
Number 22
Cassius doesn't deny that he blew up at Bea. He explains that it was down to the shock of seeing again a present from his dad that he lost ages ago. Piper doesn't think that warrants what he did, so he further explains that as a kid, his dad would appear/disappear but when he turned 16, his dad stayed. He taught Cassius to drive and both he and his mum thought that dad had changed, but as soon as Cassius passed his test, dad took off again. Cassius tells her that his tattoo on his leg was a reminder of his dad too (a picture that meant something to him).
CASSIUS: It's pretty stupid.
PIPER: Cass, it's not stupid to believe in someone.
CASSIUS: It is when that person's my dad. He destroyed my mum, she fell into this deep depression. I couldn't even leave her alone in case she hurt herself.
"It all came back," Cassius acknowledges when Bea found the keyring. Piper now brings up the backpack and he puts it down to being still shaken up by Xanthe's seizure since it happened that same day. She acknowledges that they've both been through a lot but adds that their behaviour affects others too, making it clear that it "cannot happen again." Cassius accepts what she has said and plans to go apologise to Bea.
The Flametree Retreat
Amy manages to get Gary alone to ask why he has a problem with Rob. Initially he denies he has one but then quickly agree with Amy when she knows why - its because he thinks Rob is an idiot (he was acting daft posing with the 'Tinkle' bottle). She gets why he'd think that but asks that Gary gives him a chance because the more time she spends with him, the more she likes him. "You've got the wrong end of the stick," Gary tells her, to him Rob seems a decent bloke who thinks she is ace and reckons, that they'll "be really happy together." "That means a lot to me," she tells him before hugging and saying that he's "a good friend."
With Ned and Piper watching on from afar, Cassius apologises to Bea and explains why he blew up. Despite the apology, Ned isn't happy with the guy and points out that she is in the middle of things again.
PIPER: What does that mean?
NED: Ah, a guy that you're seeing, who's got anger issues and problems with his dad. Sound familiar?!
Piper is shocked at what Ned has said and is quick to reply that this "situation is nothing like Tyler!"
NED: Keep telling yourself that!
She wants to know why he is behaving like this and Ned explains that he is worried about her.
PIPER: You know I really thought of all people, you'd be able to sympathise with this. Just because someone's got baggage, doesn't mean you can't fall for them.
Number 28
With Dipi's advice in mind, Susan tells Jemima how hurt she felt when the words to Aaron and David's were changed. "It wasn't personal," she replies but Susan did take it personally and thinks that's coloured what has happened since. Jemima isn't quite sure what to say, other than it was good of Susan to admit this. Susan then apologises for her remarks on hearing about her and Paul before then having a dig at her for the constant criticism.
SUSAN: I don't need to get along with everyone but you're Karl's sister. You matter. But it's like you've built this wall between us and I can't break it down. And now you're talking about moving here permanently and I'm just worried that Karl's going to get stuck in the middle and that won't be good for any of us.
"I don't want that," Jemima acknowledges, and Susan now hopes that they can get past this impasse, "for Karl's sake."
Jemima then totally changes track and wants to help Susan with her wedding speech, she's got an excellent line. Susan rejects the offer, she is going to stick to the sentiment she wrote for Aaron and David.
SUSAN: I'd like someone to benefit from it.
The Flametree Retreat
It looks like Rob's Instagram post has done the trick, 'Tinkle' has been selling loads, but he refuses to plug the tea because of a "conflict of interest," as Xanthe explains when Dipi asked why not. Shane gives Rob his thumbs up to Amy while Gary can't get out of the reception quick enough!
Number 22
Cassius tries to engage Piper in conversation (about the book they're reading) but she fends him off citing that she wants to do her own thing.
The Waterhole
"I can't put my finger on it but there's got to be more to the story," Bea confides in Ned with. Ned points out that the background check Sonya got done came up clean.
Number 22
Piper admits what is getting to her - the comment Ned made about the similarities between him and Tyler. "He thinks that I've a pattern for the type of guys I date." "What do you think?" asks Cassius and Piper admits she isn't sure but "today really scared me," and wants him to get help for his anger. He agrees to see a therapist and to commit to it, so she plans to ask her psych for recommendations.
The Waterhole
Ned and Bea make a pact to watch Cassius, for Piper's sake.
Penthouse suite
Amy thanks Rob for his help with Dipi and Shane, even though he feels somewhat bad about not plugging the tea. "Its probably for the best," Amy tells him... it might cause a wild stampede if its associated with him!
The Flametree Retreat
Xanthe decides to quiz her dad about his behaviour today, in particular with Rob and eventually he admits that he is jealous.
GARY: I like her.
Xanthe gets where he is coming from but warns him off saying anything because she is dating a "really great guy" and doesn't want him to ruin that. "I know," he acknowledges
Number 28
When Karl arrives home, he spots that Jemima is upset and asks if she's had words with Susan? "Words, they can be powerful," she replies with and gives the analogy of speed reading as how you speed though life, but that you can miss things. At this point Susan comes out of the bedroom and listens to what is saying.
JEMIMA: You miss how people really are.
Turns out Jemima has read properly the speech Susan wrote for Aaron and David's wedding.
JEMIMA: What you wrote is right, love is a compass, it shows us the way forward and without love we are lost. And I've lost my way.
Both Susan and Karl sit down at the table with her and Karl and he acknowledges that she's been hurt. "I had love," she says before turning to Susan to say "you haven't" as she's read it in the wedding speech.
JEMIMA: It's here in your words for the boys. And I am very sorry I didn't see that sooner.
SUSAN: Can we be a family now?
JEMIMA: Yes. Please.
She then adds that she wants to share everything she has with them - she wants to look after them for the rest of their lives.
JEMIMA: You can quit your jobs, travel, follow your dreams, do whatever you want. You'll never have to worry about money ever again. All you have to do is say yes.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Xanthe suggesting that her dad keeps his distance.
- Cassius remembering that Piper isn't ready to TITTNL™ yet.
- Jemima making herself known to Leo and Amy dressed in her bathrobe.
- Jemima having a dig at Terese.
<<7935 - 7937>>
Ned Willis, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7936
Ned Willis, Piper Willis

Ned Willis, Cassius Grady in Neighbours Episode 7936
Ned Willis, Cassius Grady

Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7936
Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis

Jemima Davies-Smythe, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7936
Jemima Davies-Smythe, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7936
Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Shane Rebecchi, Amy Williams

Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7936
Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Susan Kennedy

Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7936
Ned Willis, Bea Nilsson

Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams, Dr Rob Carson, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7936
Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams, Dr Rob Carson, Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi

Gary Canning, Amy Williams, Dr Rob Carson in Neighbours Episode 7936
Gary Canning, Amy Williams, Dr Rob Carson

Piper Willis, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7936
Piper Willis, Ned Willis

Jemima Davies-Smythe, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7936
Jemima Davies-Smythe, Karl Kennedy

Piper Willis, Cassius Grady in Neighbours Episode 7936
Piper Willis, Cassius Grady

Gary Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7936
Gary Canning, Amy Williams

Piper Willis, Bea Nilsson, Cassius Grady, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7936
Piper Willis, Bea Nilsson, Cassius Grady, Ned Willis

Jemima Davies-Smythe, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7936
Jemima Davies-Smythe, Susan Kennedy

Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Dr Rob Carson, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7936
Shane Rebecchi, Dipi Rebecchi, Mishti Sharma, Dr Rob Carson, Amy Williams

Piper Willis, Cassius Grady in Neighbours Episode 7936
Piper Willis, Cassius Grady

Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7936
Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis

Dr Rob Carson, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7936
Dr Rob Carson, Amy Williams

Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7936
Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning

Karl Kennedy, Jemima Davies-Smythe, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7936
Karl Kennedy, Jemima Davies-Smythe, Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7936
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

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