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Neighbours Episode 7846 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7845 - 7847>>
Episode title: 7846
Australian and UK airdate: 21/05/18
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Rita Newland: Lisa Kay (uncredited)
Freya Stone: Adele Wilson (uncredited)
- "Ill Be Waiting" by Pop Talk
- "As The Devil Pleases" by Will Cookson
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Steph telling Gary she plans on leaving.
- Gary applying for the manager's position and Steph agreeing to give him a trial.
- Sheila offering Gary her support.
- Elly thinking that she's recognised someone in the complex.
- Yashvi being told she is only on the footy team because of the colour of her skin.
- Yashvi wanting to keep quiet about the racism.
We have new titles today!
First up is Steph walking alongside Toadie, Sonya and Nell through the Lassiters Complex. Next is Piper and Terese sitting beside the pool in the Complex. Then its Paul, Amy and Jimmy walking through the Complex. In the backyard of #32 Mishti, Elly and Bea are sunbathing while Chloe, Aaron and Mark are sitting by the side of the pool. Leo and David are walking alongside the #32 pool as next we see Shane, Dipi, Yashvi and Kirsha walking up Ramsay Street. Sheila and Gary are washing their car in the street as Xanthe uses her phone. Finally, bringing up the rear are Karl and Susan outside the pergola of #28.
Harold's café
A downbeat Yashvi (and Piper) walk into the store and Dipi seems puzzled why Yashvi isn't on a high (like she still is) after the game. Terese asks about the vlog and Piper says she will do it later as it wasn't right doing it immediately after the game. Dipi is further puzzled when Yashvi heads home, citing that she is tired.
Erinsborough hospital
Elly drops by with some fresh clothes for Karl and hears that he might be getting home in a couple of days. He is after Elly to take Susan home so that she can get some proper food and rest and eventually Susan concedes that she is flagging.
Before they do leave, Elly asks if Susan has heard from her mum lately (no) and tells them that she thought she had seen her sister Bea (who we hear has been SORASed to 20 instead of the 16 she should be!). The trio then talk about when the last time was that they saw her (none of them recent) and Susan remarks that if she was in Erinsborough, she would surely have got in touch?
The Waterhole
Xanthe is on the booze again as the family raise a toast to her being 18! Steph and Toadie come over to pass on their birthday wishes before leaving to go to the airport. Sheila reassures Steph that the retreat will be in safe hands while she heads to Sydney to see Adam.
The Flametree Retreat (next day)
Sheila decides to arrive a tad early for Xanthe's birthday lunch just in case Gary needs some help. Although he has been busy, he does appear to be coping although that doesn't stop her from answering an incoming call... and saying it's The Waterhole before quickly correcting herself!
Meanwhile, both Elly and Susan have managed to get hold of Liz and as far as she knows, Bea is still over in Broome with her dad, however can't be more accurate as apparently, they haven't spoken for months. Susan tries the number Liz gave her for her niece but discovers the number has been disconnected.
Erinsborough hospital
Susan tells Karl about not being able to contact Bea and he suggests calling her dad instead. Their chat is interrupted by Rita stopping by - with Karl out of commission mean time, she tells him that she will keep up the momentum of the MRI programme, even if Susan doesn't seem too keen on that happening!
The Flametree Retreat
Sheila's best intentions to help Gary has gone wrong - she's got the date of a big booking mixed up and had arranged for extra staff to come in as well as buying in extra food. Gary isn't too amused, he wanted to show Steph that she could trust him, but Sheila reassures him that they will fix things!
Number 26 backyard
Elly drops by to drop off a pressie for Xanthe's birthday and is somewhat confused over the reaction, until she explains that Finn also gave her a necklace for her birthday last year. Immediately, Elly takes the pressie back and promises to exchange it for something else, so neither of them are reminded of him! Elly asks what the plans for today are and Xanthe wants to keep things rather low key after what happened at camp, so it's just lunch at home with Piper and Yashvi.
Changing topics, Elly brings up her sister and tells Xanthe that she thought she saw her the other day - which is weird given the last she heard, Bea was living in Broome and neither her nor her mum can get hold of the lass.
The Flametree Retreat
Xanthe (along with Piper and Yashvi) arrive to help save Sheila's bacon - instead of lunching at #26, they've come to the retreat for lunch. Gary doesn't think they really want to be there having healthy food, but Xanthe reassures him that they do and are expecting a few more folk to turn up too.
GARY: I hope they're all hungry
XANTHE: Ravenous!
Lassiters Complex
As they exit Harold's, both Susan and Terese admit to suffering from 'pot calling the kettle black' syndrome after admitting they struggled to not do work when they weren't supposed to.
After they say bye to each other, its Susan's turn to wonder if she's seen Bea or not but unlike Elly, she rushes after the lass calling out "Beatrix".
Seems like the stranger is Bea (Sunday name Beatrix) and Susan embraces her niece and admits she's not seen her for years but equally gives her a reassuring welcome too.
The Flametree Retreat
Sheila seems to think that Freya and her cronies arriving to help celebrate is a good thing! Xanthe leaves the table to put her Gran straight that she isn't exactly friends with them, but Sheila is more seeing $$$'s than common sense, however Xanthe decides she will just put up with them.
To get the 'party' properly starting, Freya wants to dish out her sisters ADHD meds that she has stolen! "This is so not that type of party," Xanthe tells her and demands she puts them away, which Freya does.
Lassiters Complex
Bea explains that since its been a while, she wasn't sure whether to say hello or not. She also confirms that she did see Elly yesterday but didn't talk as she lost her nerve.
BEA: Its been so long and it's not like we're that close.
Susan reassures Bea that Elly has missed her and asks if she wants to see her sister, assuming that is why she is in town? "It was probably stupid," Bea replies and Susan bends over backwards to get the sisters to meet up and somewhat hesitantly Bea agrees to the meeting.
The Flametree Retreat
At least Piper and Xanthe liked the wholesome food but from the looks on Freya (and her cronies) faces I'd suggest they didn't!
Yashvi gets a text from Marisa, and whatever it is (we don't see it), Piper is disgusted and its so bad, she thinks that Marisa could be charged. However, Yashvi wants to bury her head in the sand over it, despite what Piper is saying to her and leaves the party in a hurry, asking Piper to apologise to Xanthe (she's gone to the kitchen to see her dad).
Freya is just full of witty comments and wonders if Yashvi has gone to meet her new fake boyfriend. Piper is ready for her though!
PIPER: You know what, its actually really sad that you come to a party with people who aren't even your friends!
Unseen by Piper or Xanthe, Freya decides the party needs some fun and goes to spikes both their drinks with the ADHD tablets (we don't actually see that but instead we see her going to get her bag where she put the tablets into earlier).
Number 28
The newly arrived Elly is very happy to see her sister and goes immediately to hug her as soon as she is through the door. Elly does apologise for her behaviour the last time she saw her sister and Susan suggests that since they are no longer kids, its time to chat and get to know each other properly! Elly begins by wanting to know why Bea left Broome and the reply is that she wanted to see her sister.
ELLY: I'm so happy you're here. Its going to be better this time, I promise.
Lassiters Complex
Yashvi sits looking at the lake while what Marisa said to her, runs through her head.
Erinsborough hospital
Susan gives the sisters space to catch up by visiting Karl in hospital. He's made it out of bed and into a wheelchair, but perhaps wishes he was back in bed and can pull the covers over his head, when Susan makes her displeasure known at seeing some MRI related papers Rita has send over!
SUSAN: You need to get serious about your health.
He reassures her he is and tries to explain that when you've a "ticking timebomb" inside you that went off, you want to make every minute count. That comment goes down like a lead balloon until he explains that he doesn't want to let her down again (after misjudging Izzy).
SUSAN: Oh Karl, the only way that you could fail me is if I lost you.
The Flametree Retreat
Given how Xanthe is now reacting, I'd say Freya definitely spiked her drink as she stands up to give a thank you birthday speech which is very incoherent and equally she seems very hyperactive!
The newly arrived Gary and Sheila are shocked by her behaviour too and wonder how much she's had to drink. "One or two I think," Sheila replies and Gary's now worried at how Piper is behaving - she thinks the water jug she is holding is her cat!!!
Erinsborough hospital
Rita is back and hears Karl telling her that he needs to pull back from working on the MRI programme until he recovers but doesn't want to put a timescale on it for fear of Susan killing him! He acknowledges that it is his baby and is sure they can get someone as equally dedicated to work on it. Nothing she can say will make him change his mind and somewhat reluctantly, Rita accepts his decision and picks up the paperwork before exiting his room.
The Flametree Retreat
Confirmation if we actually needed it, that indeed Freya did indeed spike the drinks with the ADHD drugs because she and her cronies seem somewhat amused at how Xanthe and Piper have reacted to taking twice the normal dose her sister takes!!! Xanthe overhears and isn't impressed at all, indeed telling her Gran to call the police as the drugs "could have killed me."
Steph arrives back at the retreat just as Freya manages to break free of the catfight Xanthe started (more because she's distracted by the cupcake stand falling from the table and smashing) and rushes out the door followed by her cronies.
Gary comes back in and Piper thinks he is Tyler and rushes towards him, giving him a huge bear hug!!!
STEPH: What the hell's going on?!
Coming up on Neighbours
- Piper in hospital.
- Gary introducing someone called Cassius who is after gardening work to Sheila.
- Paul puzzled by a speeding fine.
- David curious why his brother isn't at the pub.
- Leo and Chloe caught!
<<7845 - 7847>>
Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Piper Willis, Mishti Sharma, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7846
Dipi Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi, Piper Willis, Mishti Sharma, Terese Willis

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7846
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7846
Elly Conway

Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7846
Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning, Sheila Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7846
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Sheila Canning, Elly Conway, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7846
Sheila Canning, Elly Conway, Gary Canning

Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7846
Elly Conway, Susan Kennedy

Rita Newland, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7846
Rita Newland, Susan Kennedy

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7846
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Elly Conway, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7846
Elly Conway, Xanthe Canning

Piper Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7846
Piper Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi, Xanthe Canning

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7846
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7846
Bea Nilsson

Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning, Freya Stone in Neighbours Episode 7846
Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning, Freya Stone

Xanthe Canning, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7846
Xanthe Canning, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Freya Stone in Neighbours Episode 7846
Freya Stone

Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7846
Bea Nilsson, Susan Kennedy

Piper Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7846
Piper Willis, Yashvi Rebecchi

Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 7846
Elly Conway, Bea Nilsson

Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7846
Yashvi Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7846
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7846
Xanthe Canning

Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7846
Piper Willis

Rita Newland, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7846
Rita Newland, Karl Kennedy

Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis, Freya Stone in Neighbours Episode 7846
Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis, Freya Stone

Freya Stone in Neighbours Episode 7846
Freya Stone

Sheila Canning, Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7846
Sheila Canning, Xanthe Canning, Piper Willis, Gary Canning

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7846
Steph Scully

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