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Neighbours Episode 7826 from 2018 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7825 - 7827>>
Episode title: 7826
Australian and UK airdate: 23/04/18
Writer: Stephanie Carter
Director: Tony Osicka
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Elly backing off from pashing Mark.
- Mark admitting that he isn't ready to move on.
- Elly not wishing to be someone's 'rebound girl'.
- Aaron suggesting to David that they don't look back but started something else before pashing.
- Gary wanting Terese to cut ties from Paul.
- Terese threatening to move on without Paul.
- Paul offering to buy Terese out of Lassiters.
Penthouse suite
Amy is hoping to use the fact Paul woke up in a good mood to see if he will mind Jimmy to allow her to go to Aaron's party, to which he is happy to agree to. She then spots the contract Paul had drawn up to buy Terese out lying on the table and he explains that since she wasn't happy working with him, he is providing her with the means to go.
AMY: So, what's the catch?
Paul denies there is any hidden agenda, he is merely doing the honourable thing.
Number 22
Terese quickly hides her copy of the contract when Gary calls round to see how Piper is doing (better) and to offer not just his, but Sheila and Xanthe's services should they be needed.
Number 24
Its Aaron's birthday and his siblings sing 'happy birthday' and present him with a muffin that is doubled up to be his birthday cake. Mark runs by the arrangements for the party at The Waterhole, but they are both overtaken by trying to find out why Aaron is "glowing" and eventually says that he and David kissed last night. His siblings are happy for him although Aaron isn't sure if the kiss means they are back together or not, but David is coming to the party.
Lassiters foyer
And its 'no deal' from Terese as she comes in to return the unsigned contract to Paul because the place means too much to her.
TERESE: My son died in this foyer. Do you honestly think that you can get rid of me that easily?
PAUL: I was merely doing what I thought was in your best interests.
TERESE: The only thing about this that's not in my best interest is having to deal with you every day.
PAUL: Sorry that you feel that way.
TERESE: You can try all you like to upset Gary and I, but you'll never break us, and I will never quit.
Harold's café
Elly tells Amy that she has taken Mark's advice and is back on the dating game, however on the app, all bar one guy she has looked at isn't suitable. There is one guy she sort of likes and wants Amy's thoughts but after the last time, Amy doesn't want to go there and instead suggests that if he seems decent, she should message him.
The Waterhole
As they set up for the party, we further hear that Piper is doing fine but is likely to be having a 'couch day' aka she won't be in this episode!
Paul comes over to chat with Chloe on how she kept her job and she merely replies that she showed Leo how valuable she was! He is then curious about what they are up to and after Chloe replies they are setting up for Aaron's party, he goes over to pass on his wishes and even throws in a free glass of bubbly for the party guests too... except for Xanthe!
XANTHE: No arguments there!
MISHTI: I should hope not!
He leaves them to set up and cannot but help himself from going over to talk to Gary and of course talk to him about the Lassiters buy out contract. Naturally, Gary is oblivious to what Paul is going on about and he can't but gloat about Terese turning the offer down and why!
Harold's café
Elly is forced to tell Mark about her date when she explains that she would be late in attending Aaron's party (Mark asked if she was coming to it). He seems stunned to hear that she is back dating but tries very hard not to let her see that, before wishing her luck as he hurries out of the café.
Number 22
Gary makes his annoyance at how he found the news out known to Terese. "I just didn't want to make a big deal out of it," she tries to explain to him, but he simply can't see it from her perspective.
GARY: It blows my mind, it really does.
She tries to reassure him that her decision was nothing to do with Paul, although when he pushes her, she replies that the offer was just Paul's way of trying to control her, them.
TERESE: He's just trying to cause trouble for us, can't you see that? We can't let him do that!
GARY: It's a bit late now.
TERESE: No, it's not! Listen, I choose you. I always will. I mean for goodness sake I just proposed to you, didn't I?!
To try and remind Gary what he means to her, she suggests a date night at Lassiters where Paul will be the last thing on their minds!
The Waterhole
The guests (with their pressies) are starting to arrive for Aaron's party, but one is missing - David. Aaron is now starting to have doubts if they are back together or not.
Penthouse suite
Chloe decides to investigate why David isn't at the party and turns out there is a good reason for David not being at the party - he is full of the flu! Amy vetoes her brother moving anywhere from the sofa and Chloe has been reassured enough (that David didn't pash and dash) to head back to the party to let Aaron know why he isn't at the party.
The Waterhole
Amy explains to Aaron why David isn't at the party even though it means Aaron is still in limbo over what the kiss meant. Mark interrupts the chat to say its time for birthday cake as he carries it into the bar.
CHLOE: We're singing too right?
MARK: Of course!
While Mark lights the candles, and everyone gathers round, the birthday boy slips out of the bar unnoticed! Mark heads off to the toilet to see if Aaron is there and it allows the newly arrived Elly to tell Amy about her date. Apparently, it went very well indeed, so much so that date #2 has been arranged. "I feel like this could go somewhere," Elly explains while at the same time trying not to let things get away from her.
Penthouse suite
It didn't take a genius to know where Aaron was headed and right enough, he arrives and first thing he does is tell David to lie back down on the couch and plans to ignore his party to play personal nursemaid to David. Aaron admits that he wasn't sure if David was avoiding the party because of the kiss and that he regretted it.
AARON: And David, if you just want to be friends, I'll respect that.
DAVID: I don't think we'll be friends ever again.
(Pause for dramatic effect)
DAVID: I love you.
AARON: I love you too.
Flu or no flu, there is nothing going to stop Aaron from kissing David!
Number 26/Lassiters hotel
Via a video call, Gary is calling to check up on Xanthe and Piper, but she reassures him everything is fine and orders him to focus on Terese... but just don't tell her the details!
Lassiters hotel
Call ended, Gary reassures a sexily clad Terese everything is fine at home, so they can concentrate on other matters!
GARY: Here's to an evening to remember.
The Waterhole
Chloe is too busy socialising to lend her brother and Amy a hand tidying up the pressies. As they pack up, Mark takes the opportunity to subtly ask her about Elly's date. "Are you jealous?" Amy asks but he denies that he is and is okay with her dating too.
Paul swaps places with Mark and tries to downplay to Amy the contract stuff with Terese, although according to his mindset, she chose him ahead of Gary!
AMY: So, the contract was nothing but a bluff?
PAUL: ...
AMY: Oh, what are you going to do now? Try and break them up again? What, hope that she comes running back to you?
Paul denies it's his intention to break them up - it's simply his sadistic satisfaction to know that she will always put him first!
Lassiters hotel
Gary wakes up in the middle of the night to find the bed is empty of Terese...
Leo's office
... and finds her (in her dressing gown) sitting round a table Paul who is also in his dressing gown. Naturally, he wants to know what is going on and she replies, "just working." Gary points out the time (1.30am) so she fills him in properly - they've just been having a conference call in New York with Lucy (she doesn't want to deal with Leo the interim manager) and Paul was sitting in because officially she is on holiday.
PAUL: She's telling the truth.
GARY: You, shut up!
Terese decides to put an end to the testosterone competition and herds Gary away back to their room.
Lassiters hotel
Back in their room, Terese is trying to get Gary to come to bed but he doesn't want to do that. She tries apologising for their night not going quite as planned, apparently Lucy called just after he fell asleep and she didn't want to wake him.
GARY: This doesn't feel right any more.
She gets out of bed and tries to suggest something they could do instead to get their night back on track. Turns out that it's not just tonight that is getting too him, he still can't past her telling him that she'd slept with Paul.
GARY: It's like I'm still stuck there every time I see you with him.
TERESE: I thought we'd moved on from this?
GARY: Yeah, I thought so too but I've been kidding myself. That moment changed my life, and it's still happening every day. You can tell me until you're blue in the face that you don't love Paul, but you keep choosing him over me.
TERESE: No. No, I don't. I love you and I would never cheat on you ever again.
GARY: But you are. This need to be in his face, squabbling, one upping each other. That's what you find so attractive and that's cheating. I'll always be second best. I thought I could handle it, but I can't.
Terese promises to fix things, even by going to Paul and now taking the offer but it's too late for Gary.
GARY: Oh, we can't do this anymore.
TERESE: Gary please.
GARY: Terese, I'm sorry. It's over.
Coming up on Neighbours
- Xanthe giving Sheila some advice.
- Paul suggesting to Jane they have a proper drink when he gets back.
- Jimmy not happy at a visitor.
- Amy wanting answers.
<<7825 - 7827>>
Paul Robinson, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7826
Paul Robinson, Amy Williams

Terese Willis, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7826
Terese Willis, Gary Canning

Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7826
Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Chloe Brennan

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7826
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Amy Williams, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7826
Amy Williams, Elly Conway

Aaron Brennan, Xanthe Canning, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7826
Aaron Brennan, Xanthe Canning, Mishti Sharma

Chloe Brennan, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7826
Chloe Brennan, Paul Robinson

Gary Canning, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7826
Gary Canning, Paul Robinson

Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7826
Elly Conway

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7826
Mark Brennan

Gary Canning, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7826
Gary Canning, Terese Willis

Aaron Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7826
Aaron Brennan, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma, Xanthe Canning

Amy Williams, Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7826
Amy Williams, Chloe Brennan, David Tanaka

Amy Williams, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7826
Amy Williams, Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Elly Conway, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7826
Elly Conway, Amy Williams

Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7826
Aaron Brennan, David Tanaka

Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7826
Xanthe Canning

Gary Canning, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7826
Gary Canning, Terese Willis

Mark Brennan, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7826
Mark Brennan, Amy Williams

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7826
Gary Canning

Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7826
Paul Robinson, Terese Willis, Gary Canning

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7826
Gary Canning

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7826
Terese Willis

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