- Terese walks in on Ben and Xanthe having slept together for the first time
- David notes that Rory is still in town
- Aaron thanks Rory for not saying anything to David
- Rory tells Amy that he wants to apply for a yoga instructor job
- Ben tells Tyler that he went over his statement with the police
- Piper tells Tyler they have to make the most of their time together
- Toadie tells Tyler that his charge of manslaughter has been upgraded to murder
No. 24
Toadie tells the Brennan brothers and Piper that the prosecution has decided that because Tyler left Hamish and then returned with the garden gnome,he had 'intent' to kill him. Toadie explains that he won't be able to serve as Tyler's criminal barrister but is happy to continue as Tyler's solicitor and help him through the trial. The brothers are left shocked when they realise that a barrister will easily cost them upwards of a six-figure sum. Piper suggests selling Russell's boat and Mark reluctantly agrees, and says he'll check with Chloe.
No. 26
In Xanthe's bedroom, Ben is flustered that Terese walked in on them and suggests escaping out of the window. Xanthe tells him to calm down when suddenly Gary returns home and in the living room Terese attempts to stall him. Gary settles in the kitchen to make Terese a fancy lunch and she tries to get him to leave.
TERESE: But.. what about my pie?! I thought I sent you a text about wanting a pie?
GARY: But I'm about to make you a beautiful vegan lunch. You don't need a pie.
TERESE: But I want a pie!
Gary is taken aback but happily agrees to fetch Terese her pie. Back in the bedroom Xanthe and Ben have a cold goodbye and both reluctantly say 'I love you'. Terese catches Ben leaving and tells him everything will be fine. She finds Xanthe in her room and reassures her that she didn't tell Gary what she saw.
XANTHE: Can I ask you something?
TERESE: Of course.
XANTHE: I love Ben, and he loves me... but I don't know. I was kind of expecting more.
TERESE: I'll put the kettle on.
Gary bumps into Tyler and Piper and tells them about Terese's bemusing request for a pie. Tyler explains to Gary the new charges against him for murder and Piper suggests that maybe Ben's latest statement hasn't helped. They jokingly ask if Gary knows anyone with a spare $400k to buy the Brennan's boat.
No. 26
Xanthe and Terese are sat at the kitchen table, and Xanthe insists that she doesn't regret sleeping with Ben.
XANTHE: The way that everyone talks about it, I thought it would be this amazing, life-changing, fireworksy thing, and it wasn't.
TERESE: The first time never really is that flash. But I can guarantee you that after a while, it does get better and better!
Gary returns home and is delighted to hear that Xanthe has decided to return to school, and she explains that she'll just work part-time doing housekeeping.
GARY: Got your pie!
TERESE: Oh... yes! My pie! Great!
GARY: So, how would you like to buy a boat?
Flametree Retreat
Susan and Dipi have finished a yoga class with Rory and are filled with compliments for him. Aaron arrives and is confused why Rory is now working in Erinsborough. Rory explains that due to his back injury he's had to cancel his dance tour and tells Aaron that he'll be sticking around for a while.
No. 26
Terese tells Gary that she's not convinced of Tyler's innocence, citing his previous episode of violence against T-Bone. Gary insists that Tyler was a victim of Hamish and suggests that they buy a share in the Brennan's boat with the rest of the street to help him afford the legal bills. Terese says she's open to the idea.
Fitzgerald Motors
Whilst Tyler is fixing a car, Ben nervously brings up the subject of his first time with Xanthe.
BEN: Was your first time... I mean, was it good?
TYLER: Are you trying to tell me something?
BEN: Me and Xanthe. I'm just wondering if I've done something wrong. Because I thought the first time is supposed to be amazing, but instead it was just nice.
TYLER: Look, I promise we'll have this conversation one day, but right now it's not what I want to think about.
Ben apologises for bothering Tyler and drops the subject. Tyler explains that the charges against him have been upgraded to murder. Ben blames himself, but Tyler jumps in to insist that his statement wouldn't have made a difference and reassures him that they're still mates.
No. 24
Terese asks Mark if there's a possibility that Tyler deliberately tried to kill Hamish. He jumps to Tyler's defence and explains that Tyler hit Hamish in a moment of anger. Terese promises that they will help Tyler in any way that they can, but expresses her concerns that Piper will get caught in the middle of the legal proceedings.
MARK: He didn't do it Terese. He's a good person!
TERESE: I really want to believe that.
The Waterhole
Aaron expresses his guilt to Elly about Rory injuring his back under his supervision. He explains that back in his dancing days a crazed fan called Mick became obsessed with him and eventually Rory dumped him because of it. Aaron explains that he still feels guilty about leaving the troupe in the lurch and Elly urges him to tell David that Rory is planning to stay in Erinsborough. David appears and offers to get some more drinks so that they can have a chat and Aaron promises Elly that he'll say something. At the bar, Toadie and Sonya tell David that they're going to buy 10% of the boat to help Tyler, and Lucas and Vanessa have agreed to pay in 20%. They ask David if he's interested in the remaining share, and although he can't afford it himself, he thinks there's somebody he could ask...
PAUL: No, absolutely not! You know, I'd rather cut off my other leg than own something with an imbecile like Gary Canning!
David points out that Paul will be the majority share holder of the boat and they can spend more quality time together as a family on it. Paul slowly warms to the idea and agrees to buy the rest of the share. David spots Rory and wishes him a speedy recovery. Rory explains that he won't be performing with Rough Trade for a while and David is bemused that Rory doesn't know of Aaron.
PAUL: When I used to go clubbing in the 80s, 'rough trade' meant something different altogether, let me assure you!
David searches for Rough Trade on his mobile and discovers a photo of Aaron and Rory together from 2013.
The Waterhole
Gary asks Susan if she'd like a share in the boat, although she's unsure Karl will agree when he's refusing to pay for the tube in London! David returns looking for Aaron, and explains that Paul has agreed to pay the rest of the share. Gary warns David that him and Paul don't get along but David reassures him that Paul just wants to spend more time with his family.
No. 22 - Backyard
Piper explains to Xanthe that her first time with Angus was 'average at best' and tells her that she shouldn't be worried as things get much better with practice. As Xanthe leaves, Terese joins the girls and Xanthe tells her that she's decided not to tell Gary about what happened. Terese sits down with Piper and admits that she's not convinced of Tyler's innocence. She warns Piper that she may regret having blind faith in Tyler in a few year's time, but Piper insists that she loves him and will always stick by him. Terese tells Piper that she's proud of who she is growing up to be but says she'll always be concerned as a mother.
David thrusts the photo of Rory he found into Aaron's hands and asks him to explain.
DAVID: Why didn't you tell me you know him?
AARON: I was going to tell you before, alright. I promise. But you ran off to sort out the boat.
DAVID: You should have told me straight away! That day at the hospital. What are you hiding?
AARON: He was my first boyfriend. I know I should have told you David but I was shocked to see him. And then I thought he was going to leave, and I thought we wouldn't have to worry about it.
DAVID: How long were you together?
AARON: About a year and a half.
DAVID: Did you love him?
DAVID: Is he the reason you said no to my proposal?
AARON: No, David, No. But when you were doing it, he walked past and it did throw me.
Aaron tries to explain that he would have been thrown by the proposal anyway, and that he's had a lot going on with Tyler, and Gabe's disappearance. Aaron breaks the news that Rory is going to be sticking around to be a yoga instructor. David looks heartbroken but says that at least he knows the truth.
Toadie and Sonya are in the throes of passion below deck when somebody shocks them by clearing their throat. Paul is sat on one of the bunks in a captain's hat and dressing gown! He explains that he's booked out the boat on the share calendar for the afternoon - and he's got it every weekend until the end of summer.
Fitzgerald Motors
Gary confronts Ben at the garage and says that he's heard about his stressful experience.
GARY: It's alright, I'm not judging you. I'm proud of you, actually.
BEN: Really?
GARY: Yeah, it sounds like it was a really awkward position.
BEN: Okay, this is a little bit weird.
GARY: From what I hear, you handled yourself pretty well, which is what being a man is about.
BEN: I really do love Xanthe. I can promise you we were safe.
GARY: Xanthe?
BEN: Yeah, isn't that what we're talking about?
GARY: No, I'm talking about you being re-interviewed. Tyler's murder charge. What are you talking about? What did you do with my daughter?
Ben stumbles over his words and angers Gary by saying that Terese knew as well.
- Gary tells Xanthe they need to lay some groundrules
- Elly warns Gary that he can't put restrictions on Ben and Xanthe
- Aaron gives Rory a massage
- Rory drops in on a shirtless Aaron