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Neighbours Episode 7736 from 2017 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7735 - 7737>>
Episode title: 7736
Australian and UK airdate: 20/11/17
Writer: Kate Bradley
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Det. Bill Graves: Robert Grubb
Danny Highcazony: Timmy Knowles
Hamish Roche (stunt double): Robert Shook
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Tyler hitting Hamish on the head with a gnome.
- Mark suggesting that Tyler keeps away from the police.
- Leo telling Mishti to let the police investigate not her.
- Mishti making an anonymous call to the police.
- Paul amending the Lassiters hotel database.
- Mishti overhearing the Canning's talk about why the police want a word.
- Rory turning up at the hotel Aaron was staying at in Paris.
- Amy thinking she has a date, but the guy thinks she is Elly thanks to an error.
Number 26
Amy is all dolled up for her date with Danny when David, somewhat reluctantly, tells her that he thinks she is Elly.
The Waterhole
Elly can't but apologise for the error when uploading the photo and tell Amy that she has to go through with the date. She isn't keen on going but David says he and Aaron will tag along and Amy decides she will go... as long as Elly does too! Likewise, she isn't too keen on going but in the end, agrees to go.
Meanwhile, Sheila is unnerved when some police officers come in for food and Gary is quick to remind her that they are safe, they've done nothing wrong.
Ramsay Street
Mark is back from Port Lincoln and brings his brothers up to date with what he found out from the police there - they're taking the allegation that Hamish and Louise could have been involved with Russell's death seriously. Tyler is fearful it makes them look guiltier, but Mark suggests crossing that stone when it happens. The trio go silent when Mishti comes over and don't give too much away when she starts subtly questioning them.
"He has to stop being so jumpy," Aaron tells Mark after Mishti leaves (Tyler left to go get ready for a dinner with Piper) and Mark promises to have a word later on with him.
Aaron then gets a text from Rory saying he is still travelling and asking that they keep in touch. He looks very taken with the pic Rory sent that accompanied the text - a semi-naked pic of him on some beach!
Back Lane Bar
The quartet sit drinking while waiting for Danny to enter the bar and Elly is the first to spot him. Amy is now very nervous, but Elly almost frogmarches her to the bar to go talk to the guy. Naturally Danny says hello to Amy but of course it's really Elly he is saying hello to. Amy explains the mix up and he seems cool with what happened and happy to buy Amy a drink at the bar. However, just as he orders, he turns around to look at Elly and now doesn't seem so happy, which of course Amy happens to notice.
The Waterhole
Piper tells her mum and Tyler that her penultimate exam went well before Terese heads to the bar to place their order.
On the way she runs into Gary and of course its awkward.com before he heads off.
Piper joins her mum at the bar to see how she is and Terese admits it's harder seeing Gary this time as she doesn't know why he called things off.
Number 26
Gary (and Sheila) seem almost relived that its Mishti at the door... that is until she starts questioning them as if she were still in the police force!
GARY: What are you playing at?
MISHTI: If you're covering up that phonecall, it will be on record, the truth will come out. I know you're good people, but a man is dead. Whatever it is you're hiding, you need to come forward.
Gary wants her to leave and opens the door to try and hasten her departure, but she's not finished yet!
MISHTI: Go to the police...or I'll have to!
Commercial break later and Sheila wonders what they are going to do! "We'll be okay," Gary tries to reassure her although wonders how Mishti managed to get hold of the evidence and thinks it could be inadmissible in court. Sheila now wants to confess and say she did it to protect Gary because she thought he killed Hamish and turns out he was thinking it was her who killed him!
GARY: We need to go to the police, right now.
Brick Lane Bar
While Danny nips to the toilet, Elly and David rush over to see how Amy is going. Sounds like it's the date from hell as he keeps looking over towards Elly and so she wants to go home but the pair of them refuse to let that happen and order her to have fun before scarpering as her date comes out of the toilet.
David tells Aaron he's pleased they don't have to play dating games any longer now they are together, "now we just get to be straight forward and honest with each other," he adds before quickly kissing Aaron prior to helping Elly with the drinks at the bar.
While he is away, Aaron gets out his phone and deletes the photo message Rory sent him.
Police station
"Alright, are you really ready to tell us what happened?!" Det. Graves asks the pair. With flashbacks to the night in question, Gary begins by saying at the gala he took a call from Sheila and that was heading home to her, she was upset after discovering Hamish had been cheating on her with Louise. She admits she was furious at Hamish for not having the guts to talk to her, and thought someone knocking on the door was him coming to apologise but because she was fuming, she couldn't answer the door. Just at that, Sheila received a text on her phone saying Hamish was out the back (she assumed he'd gone down the side) and it was at this point she called Gary to ask him to come home. Right enough, Hamish was in the backyard and since she didn't want to see him, left via the front door.
Gary continues by saying he got home about 9.15 to give Hamish a talking to but instead got the shock of his life when he went out into the backyard and found Hamish face down in the spa. He could tell Hamish was dead and so went and tidied up, to make it look like an accident.
DET. GRAVES: Are you saying you tampered with the crime scene?
GARY: Yeah. I panicked, and it was stupid, but I did it to protect mum. I hated the idea of her going to jail after what Hamish had done to her.
Gary continues by saying he went to find Sheila where she told him that she went for a walk to calm down. When they find each other, Sheila apologises for dragging him into things. Gary tells her he can't hurt her again because "he's gone." It's at this point, Sheila seem to think that Gary did something especially when he then tells her that they can't talk about it and suggests they head back to the hotel "and forget tonight ever happened."
Sheila now explains that they got to the hotel and checked in and went straight to bed. Gary confirms it was about 10.45 and Sheila adds that she hardly slept because she was thinking about what happened. He then adds that it was him who suggested they stick to their story about what happened that night. Sheila wants it to be known that she went along with it and Det. Graves informs them that they've "both been equally foolish!"
Back Lane Bar
Amy and Danny are on the cocktails to see if that will improve their night but turns out he's sent one (of what they're drinking) to Amy on the sly!
DANNY: You two are quite the pair.
AMY: (confused) Quite the pair?
DANNY: Yes, I like my women like I like my cocktails, two for one!
"How about the three of us get connected," he suggestively adds which is met by the ladies pouring their cocktails over his head!!! While he is cleaning himself up, the quartet hastily exit the bar.
Police station
Det. Graves points out to Sheila and Gary as the exit the interview room that they could have prevented a lot of anguish by telling the truth in the first place about what happened! They acknowledge that, although he warns Gary he could yet face an obstructive charge.
Mishti arrives at this point, happy to hear that they've been to talk to the police and thinks that they will be officially cleared soon (Det. Graves pointed out that they weren't off the suspect list yet). The trio depart along with a couple of officers sent to retrieve the evidence Gary moved.
And overhearing all that has happened has been one Mark Brennan!
Number 24
Mark has come home and brought Tyler up to speed with what happened with the Canning's at the station. He thinks its good news, but Mark isn't so sure as they are now looking for evidence and thus could find the gnome that Tyler hit Hamish over the head with - any DNA or fingerprints on it will put Tyler in the frame until they can track down Louise... if ever!
Tyler now wants to fess up to what he did, but Mark is against that as it will focus attention on him instead of Louise. "I will take care of it," Mark reassures his brother with.
Number 32
And that begins with a trip to see Mishti. He brings up her doing rogue police work by questioning Gary and Sheila and she thinks she is helping Tyler by trying to catch whoever is responsible. He gets she wants to help but then suggests she stops the snooping especially since she isn't a police officer any more. "I assisted in a case," she tries to explain, and the Canning's aren't mad at her. Trying to make it sound a bit more official, Mark explains that he is just warning her "for your own good." Politely she points out that she does know her limitations... or maybe she doesn't because she then gets a call from Snr Sgt Lake asking her to attend the station tomorrow morning!
Number 26
The two silent officers depart with one carrying a bagged-up gnome.
Sheila is looking forward to a decent night's sleep now it's all over. Gary though is still worked up because he broke Terese's heart for nothing and doesn't want to visit her because he isn't sure what to say and doesn't want to use Sheila's suggestion of blaming her.
Ramsay street (next day)
The quartet slowly make their way home after being out bar hoping all night as way of getting over Amy having her crap date. Amy admits that she thinks she is done with dating and Elly's reply is that "we need to break the bad dating cycle," and her first suggestion is no dating for 100 days! "Piece of cake," Amy declares although the boys are somewhat sceptical!
ELLY: Amy and I are strictly off men.
Number 22
Piper is playing around with her breakfast - she is due at the station to make her statement and isn't exactly looking forward to doing that because she doesn't remember too much and what she does, she doesn't want to talk about. "I'm going to be there with you," Terese reassures her daughter with and will make them stop if she gets too uncomfortable.
Piper heads to get dressed just as Sheila arrives to talk to Terese about Gary and why he broke things off.
SHEILA: It was because of Paul Robinson.
TERESE: What, because of the affair?
SHEILA: No. Paul agreed to give me an alibi for the night that Hamish died.
Terese is shocked with the use of "alibi" and Sheila is quick to say that Terese is thinking along the wrong lines, "it was a misunderstanding."
SHEILA: In return for the alibi, Paul demanded Gary break up with you.
SHEILA: I know, it was a horrible thing of Paul to do. But please don't thing badly of Gary, he didn't think he had a choice because he was protecting me. And I know that we have had issues in the past, but the truth is Gary's a complete mess without you. He is so torn up, and I cannot bear to see my boy like this. So please, can you find it in your heart to forgive him?
Unmissable drama
- Terese and Piper toasting to fresh starts.
- Paul lamenting that there are no barriers where true love is concerned.
- Paige talking to Paul about a call they've had from the police.
- Mishti going to the station to talk to Snr Sgt Lake.
- Paige commenting about the police asking lots of questions and they will get a break soon.
<<7735 - 7737>>
Amy Williams, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7736
Amy Williams, David Tanaka

David Tanaka, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7736
David Tanaka, Elly Conway

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7736
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Tyler Brennan, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7736
Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Tyler Brennan, Mishti Sharma

Amy Williams, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 7736
Amy Williams, Elly Conway

Danny Highcazony in Neighbours Episode 7736
Danny Highcazony

Terese Willis, Gary Canning, Piper Willis, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7736
Terese Willis, Gary Canning, Piper Willis, Tyler Brennan

Mishti Sharma, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7736
Mishti Sharma, Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7736
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

Elly Conway, Amy Williams, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7736
Elly Conway, Amy Williams, David Tanaka

Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7736
Aaron Brennan

Det. Bill Graves in Neighbours Episode 7736
Det. Bill Graves

Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7736
Sheila Canning

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7736
Gary Canning

Hamish Roche in Neighbours Episode 7736
Hamish Roche

Det. Bill Graves, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7736
Det. Bill Graves, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Amy Williams, Elly Conway, Danny Highcazony in Neighbours Episode 7736
Amy Williams, Elly Conway, Danny Highcazony

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Mishti Sharma, Det. Bill Graves in Neighbours Episode 7736
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Mishti Sharma, Det. Bill Graves

Mark Brennan, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7736
Mark Brennan, Tyler Brennan

Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma in Neighbours Episode 7736
Mark Brennan, Mishti Sharma

Gary Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7736
Gary Canning, Sheila Canning

David Tanaka, Amy Williams, Elly Conway, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7736
David Tanaka, Amy Williams, Elly Conway, Aaron Brennan

Terese Willis, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7736
Terese Willis, Piper Willis

Terese Willis, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7736
Terese Willis, Sheila Canning

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7736
Terese Willis

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