- Terese pulling out of her marriage to Gary and explaining why.
- Xanthe slapping Terese.
- Gary admitting how he feels to Xanthe.
- Paul informing Terese that he is her new backer and she's to answer to him and Courtney.
- Cannabis being sent to the motel.
- Amy asking Tim what she's to do so the cannabis story is killed.
- Toadie asking his wife to meet him on the bridge at sunrise.
- Sonya telling Sam that its Toadie she wants.
- Toadie sitting patiently waiting for Sonya to turn up.
- Sonya falling off a chair and landing heavily on the floor.
Lassiters Lake/Number 30
Toadie impatiently waits for Sonya and decides to call her but the call goes unanswered because she is lying out for the count on the floor.
Number 26 backyard
While Amy is on the phone to Toadie (he's after bolt cutters) she gets a message from Tim saying he is still waiting!
Gary and Xanthe arrive back from their fishing trip and she's come up some coping strategies for her dad as he is due back to work as soon as he's had a shower. Xanthe tells Amy that she is job hunting too, not because of Terese but because of Courtney not being there.
AMY: Yes, I guess she's too busy being a trophy fiancée.
Penthouse suite
Amy arrives as Mishti finishes putting Courtney through a fitness work out. She takes delight in showing Amy the pictures of herself that now adorn the walls!
After Courtney turns down the offer of having breakfast together, Amy instead volunteers to help her do some more brainstorming to fine tune her presentation for the re-launch of the complex - she is now doing that instead of Terese as Amy had initially thought.
Number 22
Terese is determined to ensure that she is the one is doing the re-launch and makes plans with Paige about going into the office.
The stress of it all is getting to Terese (including finding a box of her belongings from #26 that Piper rescued) that she again contemplates resigning but Paige reminds her she's worked too hard to let this be the thing that forces her out.
TERESE: You're right, I'm not going to give Paul or Courtney the satisfaction. I have a star to win back before I'm through.
The Waterhole
Amy isn't exactly onboard with the plans Courtney is dreaming up, like a cupcake Atm! Very subtly, Amy is trying to get information from Courtney about life with Paul but she isn't saying a word other than Paul gets her.
When Terese and Paige appear in the bar, Courtney informs them that she's hired Amy to do some work around the complex (which is news to Amy!) and that she will be mentioning other changes in the re-launch speech! She informs Terese before departing to keep her phone on as she may be required!!!
Lassiters Lake
We now find out why Toadie wanted the bolt cutters - to cut off their padlock from the bridge before its throw into the lake.
Harold's cafe
"There could be a hundred reasons why Sonya didn't show up," Susan tries to reassure Toadie with and even Karl is coming up with a possible explanation too (being with Nell or got held up). Toadie isn't buying any of them and is convinced it's because Sonya has made her decision. He tells them that he's going to go away for a few days and when he returns, will look into getting an Eclipse apartment so he can still be near Nell. Susan pleads with him to go past the house to check but his mindset is that his marriage is over, because it's what Sonya wants.
As the trio were chatting, we cut to #30 where Sonya is still out cold on the kitchen floor.
Lassiters Foyer
Amy is waiting for Courtney in the foyer when Paige runs into her. They start chatting about Courtney just as the lady in question pulls up to the foyer in a (presumably brand new) BMW convertible!
PAIGE: Your dad must be really be into her!
AMY: It seems that way!
"I told you he gets me," Courtney declares as she passes the keys to the concierge before going inside to hug Amy and a request to reschedule.
"I can appreciate her positivity," is how Amy describes her relationship with Courtney after Paige questions them being BFF's.
AMY: And she's marrying my dad.
Tim sends another text to remind Amy that he's still waiting!
Terese's office
"Is this someone's idea of a sick joke?!" Terese asks on entering her office and finding the green sofa back! They wonder who was responsible and Paige promises to take care of it while Terese is at her meeting.
Lassiters Complex
A fellow employee (Justin) tries to empathise with Gary but is told to keep focused on the job and they head off to move some furniture together.
Meanwhile, as they try to peer through the fence blocking the inner courtyard of the complex, Toadie chats with Mishti. He debates whether to go see Sonya or not (to let her know he is going away for a few days) but she suggests not going around as it might not be an easy conversation.
Harold's Cafe
"Oh Karl close your mouth, it's so undignified!" Susan tells her husband after sits open mouthed at the PDA's between Paul and Courtney (she was thanking him for the car). Getting back on topic, the pair discuss what is happening between Toadie and Sonya if they should help or not and somewhat reluctantly decide not to interfere.
Paul leaves Courtney to go talk to Terese when he spots her entering the café. He tries to rile her up (about working with Courtney) and then suggest she sells her shares to him, which she flatly refuses to do.
TERESE: Enough with the antagonism Paul, people have been hurt here and you're behaving like a schoolyard bully.
Number 30
Thankfully Susan has decided to go check up on Sonya and immediately spots her lying unconscious. She tries and fails to rouse her, so gets out her phone to call an ambulance.
Lassiters Foyer
"This thing's had more lives than a cat," is how Gary describes the sofa to Justin as they carry it out of the hotel. They run into Paul and Gary can't help making a quick gibe at him about being taken in by a gold digger. Paul gets his revenge though by telling Gary that the sofa he and Justin are carrying is the one they slept on... cue one sofa quickly being dropped to the ground!
"She's got some nerve," Justin remarks after Paul is dragged away by Leo and as he goes to tell Gary what his revenge plan would be, Toadie takes a call from Susan and rushes off.
Toadie arrives just as Karl has finished examining Sonya - he reports that she is breathing on her own and there is no broken bones or internal injuries. However, she is still unconscious and he doesn't know how long that will continue for and she will also need an MRI which will happen soon.
Susan hands over the notebook that was on the floor and the trio piece together how Sonya is unconscious. Toadie enters Sonya's room and taking her hands in his, urges her to wake up and come back to him.
Penthouse suite
Courtney is suffering from writer's block aka she is waiting for inspiration to write her speech. "You really care about impressing him, don't you?" Amy remarks and Courtney confirms that but equally adds in that she wants to be taken seriously too by writing this speech as the great and good will be there. Courtney misconstrues the comments Amy has been making and informs her that what she and Paul have is "real and beautiful so butt out okay!"
Just as Courtney retreats to the bedroom to think, Tim now calls Amy but she's got nothing for him as Courtney hasn't slipped up once. "Maybe they really are in love," she tries to suggest, which obviously goes down like a lead balloon, so she pleads for more time to get the truth.
Despite being unconscious, Toadie tells Sonya that Karl will be along soon to take her for a scan to find out why she isn't waking up and that Steph is returning to take care of Nell. He also tells her that he lied when he said if she didn't turn up it was over.
TOADIE: Because it's never going to be over for me. I'm always going to be here.
The miracle happens and Sonya slowly starts to wake up and as she does, he is quick to tell her that she's had an accident but reassures her she will be fine before rushing off to go and get Karl.
Ramsay Street
Piper spots Gary heading up the street and rushes after him to apologise for what her mum did and to tell him how much she was looking forward to being part of his family.
PIPER: It's hard sometimes not having a dad around but it made a difference knowing that you were there. You looked after me and mum and I'm really going to miss that, so thank you.
Piper then heads back towards #22 and Gary gets out his phone and leaves a voicemail for Terese asking for her to call him back urgently... because he's done something really stupid!
"It seems you've been very lucky," is what Karl tells Sonya along with that she will be kept in for observation.
Once they are alone, Sonya explains what why she went for the notebook (before going to meet him) - to show him how far they've come. "What about Sam?" Toadie hesitantly asks and Sonya replies the truth - that although they lost their way, they still love each other.
SONYA: You're the only one for me Jarrod, there never will be anybody else.
On hearing that, Toadie can't get to her quickly enough (he's been standing at the bottom of the bed) to kiss her firmly on the lips.
TOADIE: I love you so much.
SONYA: I love you too.
Lassiters Complex
The great and the good are gathered awaiting the unveiling, Xanthe approaches Paige to apologise for her behaviour last week. Paige readily accepts the apology given "it was not easy for any of us".
Getting back on track, Courtney gets everyone's attention and just as she is about to start her speech, Paige whispers in Terese's ear "you're not going to let her steal your thunder?" Terese then goes to the stage and interrupts Courtney to say that she "will take it from here".
After introducing herself, Terese explains the inspiration behind the renovations and as the screens are removed we discover why Gary was trying to get hold of Terese urgently - there, in the middle of the complex is the green sofa with 'CHEATER' written in capital letters over it!
Cue gasps of breath being taken in by everyone as well as horrified looks on faces!!! It's a pity Gary hadn't sent his text message about 10 seconds earlier, as it says Stop the ceremony. URGENT!
Unmissable Neighbours
- Gary offering to clear out his locker.
- Tim warning Amy that the wellness centre will be tomorrow's front page.
- Paul warning Tim to stay away from Amy.
- Paige and Mark at an impasse.