- Toadie discovers that Sam is an old friend of Sonya's.
- Hamish falls over on the boat.
- Steph discusses the possibility of using medical marijuana at the wellness centre.
- The West Warratah Star catches photographic evidence of an unfortunate surprise delivery of a box of cannibas to the Wellness Centre/Motel.
Robinsons Motel
Steph is seething over the bad press the unexpected delivery of cannibis will bring to the wellness centre and has no idea where it came from. Amy and Jack try to calm her down to no avail. Jack remembers that the cannibis rep who visited earlier had left her card and suggests ringing her to find out if she organised it.
The Waterhole
Sheila confides in Hamish about the struggles of being a parent when your child is going through a tough time. Gary is hurting a lot but there's not much she can do.
Hamish gets a text from Amy telling him to postpone his arrival for the donation drive at the Wellness Centre and wonders why.
Number 32
Toadie discusses with Shane how much he loves Sonya and how their love has changed over the years. He admits that he'd like to talk to his former therapist Sam again. Shane says he can be the one Toadie confides in but is ironically interrupted straight away by a phone call from Dipi.
Yashvi enters to Shane's surprise and he asks why she isn't at work at the yard. She explains that she's tired but Shane says that is no excuse and sends her away. As exiting she overhears Toadie talking about counselling and nosily suggests he speaks to Jack. Toadie isn't thrilled by the idea.
The Waterhole
Aaron gatecrashes Hamish and Sheila's intimate conversation, asking how he's feeling after his fall. Aaron tries to get Hamish to help mend bridges between the brothers who are at odds at the moment but he says he's not 100% at the moment but thinks it'll pass.
SHEILA: Didn't with Rhonda Monahan.
AARON: Sorry, who's Rhonda Monahan?
SHEILA: Oh, a friend of mine, from Frankston. Actually, not a friend. She was a stuck-up cow, I never liked her.
SHEILA: Well, she donned her head on the Hill's hoist, which was hanging out the second's jumpers for the Frankston fireflies. She was so dedicated to that footy club, I have to give her that.
HAMISH: And what happened?
SHEILA: Well, uh, she got the all-clear. Two days later, a bit of blurred vision. Dropped dead. I'm taking you to the hospital.
Aaron looks pensive as Hamish and Sheila walk out.
The Hospital
David carries out some tests on Hamish at the hospital and suggests an MRI but explains it will be expensive. Hamish agrees.
Robinsons Motel
Steph has spoken to the cannibis rep who says it wasn't her who delivered the drugs. Jack suggests Paul. Steph is doubtful but Amy is soon on the phone to Leo who confirms that Paul has been with him or Courtney all day, hence ruling him out.
Amy suggests calling the police and Steph starts to lose her cool after the stress this has caused, adamant that Hamish will probably withdraw his donation following recent events.
The Hospital
Amy does her best to convince Hamish not to withdraw his donation but he explains that he has no choice at the moment. As a businessman he can't turn a blind eye. He assures her that the offer may not be off the table forever.
Harold's Store (exterior)
Sam gives Toadie the number for another counsellor. Toadie admits how sad he is that his counselling with Sam can't carry on, to which Sam responds that he's also sorry that he couldn't give Toadie any definitive answers over his own feelings for Sonya when Toadie asked him a few days ago.
Toadie looks unsettled as Sam heads into Harold's.
The Hospital (exterior)
An unsavoury looking young guy tells Hamish he's done the job he asked him to do.
YOUNG GUY: I put it in the box like you asked me. So can I have my money?
HAMISH: Look, could I give you half now and half later?
YOUNG GUY: No, I've done the job, I want the lot. And I want it now.
Karl witnesses the awkward exchange and asks David if he recognises the guy in the hoodie as a patient who is receiving treatment. David says he is.
Hamish is on the phone to someone saying he's going to need more money.
The scene cuts to Karl probing David about the liveability campaign. David discusses his plans before advising Hamish that he'll be needed back inside soon. Karl nosily questions Hamish about who the man was that he was speaking to, but Hamish deflects, pretending he'd only asked him about hostels.
Harold's Store
Sam says he's thinking about applying for a role as school counsellor at Erinsborough High which causes Sonya as usual to let her enthusiasm run away with her, saying she'll put in a good word for him. She calls Susan immediately.
The Waterhole
Toadie gives Steph legal advice about Hamish's withdrawal but they concede it's not worth pursuing any legal action. Toadie checks his watch, prompting Steph to ask if he needs to be somewhere. He says he has to check on something.
Harold's Store (exterior)
Toadie is toing and froing over whether to go into Harold's, knowing that Sam and Sonya are together inside. He hears Sam exiting Harold's and crouches down to hide next to a Harold's barrier. Elly and Sam are discussing his interest in the school counsellor position. Elly spots Toadie and calls him out.
ELLY: Is that, Toadie, is that you?
TOADIE: (awkward) Hey there. Hey Sam.
ELLY: What are you doing down there?
TOADIE: Um, I was, I was looking for a cufflink that I dropped earlier. And, er, yeah, I found it. (Toadie touches the cufflink still firmly embedded in his shirt).
Toadie refuses an invitation to join them and Sonya inside for another coffee. Elly tells Toadie about Sam's application which Toadie is begrudgingly supportive of.
The Hospital
Aaron asks David if he thinks Hamish might be dodgy after he recently withdrew his donation for the wellness centre. David admits that Hamish does seem to be playing up his recent fall.
Robinsons Motel
Amy and Steph clash over the fact that they are in hot water financially as far as the Wellness Centre is concerned. Jack suggests they all get some air.
Number 32
Toadie complains to Shane about Sam possibly sticking around. He's terrified he's going to lose Sonya completely.
The Hospital
Hamish arrives back to find Sheila in a waiting room. He is smug about the success of his recent plan and says as much to her, without divulging how underhanded he is and what he did. Caught up in the moment and getting off on the thrill of his bad ways, he tells Sheila he wants to celebrate and starts kissing her. She is worried about getting caught but he doesn't care, excitedly edging her towards the hospital bed.Their silhouettes light up against the hospital curtain.
The Handywoman
Yashvi asks Amy advice about a wallet she's thinking of buying for Ben. She then brings up Amy's friendship with Steph which leaves her feeling uncomfortable. As Yashvi departs, Amy calls Tim Collins asking what she's got to do to stop him running a story about the cannibis delivery.
Number 32
Elly tells Shane how much of a success the book drive has been and if he'd be able to help again in future. He agrees, but soon probes her about the new school counsellor role.
The Hospital
Hamish asks a dishevelled Sheila to join him on the boat. A nurse knocks at the door and Hamish opens it. Louise is there, she says her name is Nurse McLeod and is going to take him for his scan. Hamish looks shocked.
Unmissable Drama
Will Sonya and Toadie finally reunite?