- Paul tells Terese that he's going away for a while.
- Paul tells Terese that nobody will ever love her the way that he does.
- The assessor tells Terese and Paige that Lassiter's is going down to three stars.
- Sonya has convinced Toadie to see a counsellor.
- Hamish tells Louise that he wants to convince Tyler to come with them on the boat as a mechanic.
- Hamish sets up an accident at the garage, but Amy is injured instead.
The heavy equipment lands on Amy's foot and she screams. Aaron lifts it off with great difficulty and then goes to call an ambulance.
Tyler wakes up after a very good sleep and Hamish brings him a cup of tea. He says he'd better head down to the garage as Aaron is opening up. Just then the phone rings - it's Aaron to tell Tyler about the accident.
Mark and Elly are having breakfast. Susan is heading off the school and then to help Terese and Gary to write their vows.
Elly mentions that a couple at the department have broken up having been married less than a year. Susan is shocked and says it's the third this month - 3 couple she's married as a celebrant have split up. Mark jokingly says that Susan might be cursed and Susan looks worried.
Toadie is reading through Gary's vows which is a poem. He tells him awkwardly that Dee wrote something similar for their own ceremony. Toadie says him counsellor, Sam, is helping him see reminders of Dee as a positive thing.
Hamish is on the phone to Louise saying that nobody was meant to get hurt - Tyler was only meant to lose his job.
David tells Tyler, Aaron and Hamish that there's no permanent damage to Amy. They are relieved but Tyler is very upset about what's happened. Also, his job is gone for sure. Hamish says that isn't the end of the world.
Sheila is buying flowers for Amy but isn't sure what to get. Sam is there and advises her to go with bright colours. He is buying a plant for his office.
Sonya comes in and sees Sam from a distance. She half-recognises him but tells Sheila it couldn't have been him.
Cousellor's Office
TOADIE: I *loved* my life. My then you just get caught up in the routine of things. Thinking about bills. And you don't think about just how great your life really is. Until...
He tails off.
TOADIE: Last time you said that I needed to let go of feeling guilty. Well, I mean, that's always something that I've struggled with. In law, when you stuff up, no matter how badly, there is a judge that tells you what you have to do to repay your debt. And then, once you've done that, you're free to start over. I wish that I had that option. After what I've done to my family. I just, I want someone to tell me what my punishment is.
SAM: Maybe you've been punished enough already. Losing your wife, your family. You have to be able to forgive yourself first.
TOADIE: I don't think that I deserve forgiveness.
SAM: Of course you do. But in order to understand that, you need to tap into the underlying emotions telling you otherwise. It's not always easy. I can help you with that.
TOADIE: I'm in your hands, doc.
Lassiter's Office
Susan has arrived to help Terese and Gary with their vows. Terese says she only has 20 minutes as she has a work meeting. Gary has already got a long list of ideas. Terese gets a text from Jasmine Udagawa and says it can't wait as it's about the day spa. Gary is irritated by Terese's lack of interest in their vows. Susan looks a bit worried too.
Tyler is profusely apologising to Amy for her injuries. She tells him it was an accident. Jack and Yashvi will help out with the business, but Tyler wants to sell the boat to help her out. Hamish isn't too pleased to hear this and puts him off, saying it's a bit drastic. Tyler insists that he's going to sell the boat to look after Amy.
Counsellor's Office
TOADIE: The moment I saw Dee on my doorstep, I...I knew how messy that was going to make things with Sonya. I mean, it was like a dream come true. The accident and Dee's death, that had all just been erased.
SAM: You didn't have to blame yourself anymore.
TOADIE: Yeah. It was like this huge weight had just been lifted. One that I've been carrying around for years. But then, you know, of course that was...that was all a lie. So then, all this guilt just comes crashing back down on me again and I destroyed everything I care about in the meantime.
SAM: That wasn't your intention.
TOADIE: No, no of course not. I loved my wife. My family, my daughter.
SAM: But there were problems in the relationship before Andrea showed up. In our first session you implied that you felt pushed in to the surrogacy?
TOADIE: Mm. That's the thing, um...I didn't want that baby. I never would have said that out loud. But, um...I didn't want it to exist. And then, it didn't.
He starts to cry.
SAM: You didn't make that happen.
TOADIE: Yeah, I did. I destroyed Sonya.
SAM: That baby didn't die because of your mistakes. And despite what you did, you were a victim of what happened too. You were a victim of Andrea.
TOADIE: Come on. You can't let me off the hook that easily.
SAM: I'm not. I'm encouraging you to see that taking responsibility for what you did is constructive, but hanging on to the guilt isn't. The guilt makes you see yourself as a bad person. Someone not worthy of happiness. It isn't true. It's a distorted thought.
Toadie is crying again.
SAM: Our time's up for today. But in our next session, we'll be looking at identifying and eliminating negative thought patterns.
TOADIE: Done already, huh?
SAM: Uh, look, I dod have a spare appointment in an hour...if you'd like to keep working throught this stuff.
TOADIE: Yeah. Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks. I feel like we're starting to get somewhere.
Tyler is ringing Lucas to tell him what's happened at the garage.
Sheila is visiting Amy and bumps into Hamish. They talk about Tyler selling the boat (as Amy's money is tied up in the wellness centre). They talk about the wellness centre and Sheila says that they're currently 200K short - perhaps Hamish could make a donation and then Tyler could keep his boat! Hamish says he's thinking along similar lines.
In Amy's room, Tyler tells her that Lucas has sacked him. Hamish comes in and tells Tyler that he can't let him give up his inheritance. He tells Amy that he wants to make a 200K donation to the wellness centre - he makes a donation to charity once a year anyway. Tyler and Amy are stunned and very pleased.
Lassiter's Office
Gary and Terese are reconvening with Susan to look at their vows. Susan says she'd like them to do a "marriage preparation programme". Terese isn't keen, but Gary thinks it's a good idea, and it might be fun. Susan thinks that after this morning, she thinks there are some things they need to discuss about their relationship. Terese reluctantly agrees.
Cousellor's Office
Toadie and Sam are starting their second session. Toadie says the sessions are really helping him - helping him see what he's keeping inside and not saying to Sonya.
Sonya is looking at bit stressed and has got an old box out. She starts looking through it.
Counsellor's Office
SAM: This is a safe space, Toadie. I'm the only one here. I want you to feel comfortable opening up to me.
TOADIE: Yeah. No, I do. I mean, I had my reservations to begin with, but now I feel like I can actually talk to you about anything.
Sonya takes out a photo and looks at it. It's of her and Sam at least ten years previously. She smiles, then takes out another photo.
Mark asks Tyler what he's going to do for work now. Hamish says he'll finance Tyler in the short term - after all, he has a lot of years to make up. Mark offers to help Tyler update his CV.
When Mark has gone, Tyler explains that Russell was tough at home. And when the others had left home, Tyler copped it pretty bad. Hamish is shocked to hear that Russell used to hit Tyler. Tyler used to skip school until the bruises faded, so he missed a lot of schooling. Hamish is sympathetic and says he wants to be there for Tyler (what a rat)
SUSAN: I don't understand your reluctance! Why is spending a few hours talking to Gary so much to ask?!
Terese says that it's just one more thing to make time for and she sees it as pointless. Susan suspects that Terese is keeping things from Gary but she gets a text and says she has to go. Apparently Courtney is claiming unfair dismissal. She's suing Terese for five million dollars!