- Steph not rating Jack's kissing skills
- Piper's online accounts being hacked
- Evan being arrested for cyberbullying Piper
- Willow receiving an email from her dad, Fergus
- Amy having a strange fluttering of feelings for Toadie
Lassiter's Complex
Willow, Toadie and Amy are on their way to meet Fergus when Willow starts getting nervous. Willow's concerned that Fergus won't like her, or that she won't like him. Amy calms her down by saying that it won't be the worst thing in the world; she'll get through it. Toadie also reminds Willow that no major decisions have to be made today. Amy gets another attack of *feelings* when Toadie caresses her arm in a gesture of gratitude. She makes a hasty excuse to leave under the guise of checking on something at work, but says she'll be back for the meeting. Amy accidentally bumps into Sonya on her way out, making her feel even more awkward.
Lassiter's Day Spa
Piper brings Xanthe up-to-date on the Evan saga. Piper's angry that Evan showed no remorse for his actions, and she's also frustrated that there are more trolls like him out there in the world. Xanthe offers Piper a manicure to cheer her up but Piper says she just wants to head home and hang out with Clementine. Piper promises Xanthe that she's OK, but Xanthe doesn't believe her.
Harold's Café
Elly finds Amy sitting alone and asks if she's OK. Amy wonders if Elly's ever had a moment with a friend that felt like something more. Elly describes it as a "jungle drum" heartbeat moment and Amy's like, 'Yeah! How do I make that stop?' Elly says it happened to her once when she didn't have much going on in her life and over-invested in a friend. Amy considers this and thinks this might be the case with her too.
Number 30
Sonya confesses to Steph that her mind hasn't been 100% focused on the Erinsborough town project because she's been thinking too much about Toadie and Willow. She also tells Steph that she had a chat with Toadie earlier and admitted she's not completely on-board with Willow staying - she just doesn't want Toadie to feel like he's obligated to be Willow's White Knight.
Lassiter's Day Spa
Elly pops in to check on Xanthe and says they miss her at school, but Xanthe says she loves her new job. Xanthe tells Elly she's worried about Piper after the whole Evan ordeal: "You don't understand how much I want to punch this guy in the face!" Xanthe says she's been thinking of ways to cheer Piper up.
XANTHE: The only thing I can think of is getting in touch with Clementine Ford. (off Elly's amused look) What, you don't like the idea?
ELLY: No, I think it's a great idea. It's just; it's not like Clementine Ford's sitting around the feminist hotline waiting for a call. She's a pretty busy woman.
Xanthe says she just wants to help Piper the way she helped her get over Finn. Elly smiles and says she might have an idea.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Steph's trying to corral David, Leo and Jack into posing for photos around the pool table for the liveability project, but David's more interested in texting Aaron. Leo offers to take David to the shed to get him out of Steph's hair.
STEPH: May as well since neither of you are any help.
DAVID: (still staring at his phone) I heard that!
STEPH: (smirking) Yeah you were meant to.
This just leaves Jack and his awkward model posing skills. Steph tells him to drink a beer so he can loosen himself up more. In what looks like a blooper, the beer foams up and spills on the pool table making them both crack up. "Don't tell Leo!" Jack giggles.
The Waterhole
Willow tells Amy and Toadie how sick she's feeling from nerves. They reassure her that everything will be OK.
TOADIE: You sort the work thing out?
AMY: Yeah... crisis averted.
Toadie thanks her again for being there for them and gives her hands a squeeze, telling her she's a good mate. Amy smiles and says, "Well you're a good mate, too, so now we're even." Willow's still nervous that her dad isn't going to show up, but then a man in a wheelchair approaches them and says Willow's name. It's Fergus.
Toadie says that Willow has a list of questions she'd like to ask Fergus, and Willow's first one is about how he and Andrea first met. Fergus says they were young and wild but they had a connection, and then Andrea got pregnant. Toadie looks angry when Fergus admits he bailed on Andrea because he knew he'd be a terrible father.
FERGUS: I was terrified so I left.
TOADIE: Didn't even offer her any money?
FERGUS: I even went so far as to move to the UK to avoid paying.
WILLOW: Things were pretty rough for me and mum. She did things to make sure we had enough.
FERGUS: If I could go back in my life and change one thing, that'd be it.
Willow can't help looking curiously at Fergus's wheelchair and Fergus tells her that ten years ago he was out with mates, drunk, and dove into a river causing him to fracture his T8 and T9 vertebrae.
WILLOW: I'm sorry.
FERGUS: I'm not! That accident saved my life. Made me take a look at who I was, where I was going. And I realised I didn't like any of it. I enrolled in an accounting course, got a good job after graduating and then met my wife Astrid.
WILLOW: I didn't realise you were married. What made you come back to Australia?
FERGUS: When Astrid got pregnant we decided to bring the kids back.
WILLOW: (distressed) You have children?
FERGUS: Twins actually, two daughters. They'll be five years old next month.
Toadie can see that Willow's having trouble absorbing this news and asks if she's OK. Willow says she needs to get some water and Amy follows her to the bar. Toadie throws Fergus an unimpressed look.
The Summit Adventure Park
Piper is confused when Xanthe takes her on an excursion to a dirt track in the middle of some bushland and presents her with a broken down car. Xanthe explains it's time to get their power back - they're not victims, they're survivors. They're going to write down all the negative stuff that happened to them, put the paper in the broken car... AND THEN RUN IT OVER IN A TANK! Piper breaks out into a massive grin.
The Waterhole
At the bar, Willow admits to Amy that she feels stupid for not even thinking about the possibility of her dad being married with kids. Amy reassures her that it's not stupid; it's just a lot to take in. Meanwhile back at the table, Toadie's still judging Fergus for not even trying to find Willow after he "turned his life around". Fergus says he did try but Andrea was always moving around so much that he kept missing them.
TOADIE: Maybe you didn't try hard enough?
FERGUS: Mate, I deserve everything you're thinking and more. I've let Willow down in a big way. I can't imagine what she went through growing up with the instability like that.
TOADIE: That's why she needs someone solid now. To stick it out with her.
FERGUS: I've got a mortgage, a good job at the airport, my wife's a teacher, I've got two girls starting primary school. I'm not going anywhere! I promise.
Toadie's stuck on the 'airport' mention and looks deflated when Fergus says he always wanted to be a pilot when he was younger, and working in the finance department was the closest he'd get now. Toadie sucks up his hurt and tells him that Willow wants to be a fighter pilot, which is a pleasant surprise for Fergus. Willow and Amy return to the table and Willow resumes her questions with Fergus.
The Summit Adventure Park
Piper and Xanthe compose their letters in notebooks that they're going to demolish later on. The girls' voiceovers are heard as they write.
PIPER: I thought I was strong and smart, but Evan made me question that. He made me doubt myself all because he was bored. He's not going to win. I'm not going to let someone like him define my world. He's not going to stop me from being who I want to be.
XANTHE: I hate that Finn took the fact that I cared for him and turned it into a weapon to hurt people. Worst of all I hate that sometimes I still worry about him, even though he's worthless and selfish. I want to be happy and get on with my life and never think about him again.
The girls put their letters into the glovebox of the car they're going to crush and Xanthe adds in the necklace that Finn gave her.
Erinsborough Backpackers
Steph's trying to direct Jack into posing like a normal tourist looking for something to do in the visitor pamphlets, but Jack just Zoolanders his way through every shot.
The Summit Adventure Park
Piper and Xanthe suit up in their camo gear and helmets and share a hug before they get into the big tanker. Piper says Xanthe's the best friend she's ever had, and vice versa. A guy drives the tank around the course while the girls smile and shriek in the back. Victory and triumph prevails when the tank eventually drives right over the car and crushes it. The girls are pumped.
Afterwards, Piper and Xanthe sit on top of the crushed car, marvelling at how awesome the ride was. They both admit how much more free and happy they feel now.
XANTHE: We are so lucky. We have so many great things in our lives, so many people who love us.
PIPER: Yeah, it's easy to forget that, hey.
XANTHE: Yep, but it means everything.
PIPER: I really am so sorry about those things I said about you to Tyler.
XANTHE: It's fine! Forget about it, it's gone.
PIPER: (hugging Xanthe) Thank you. I love you.
XANTHE: I love you too.
PIPER: We need to remember this, OK? Seriously, next time something bad happens we need to remember this. We need to remember we have so many people who are on our side.
Xanthe smiles and agrees. Piper wonders how Xanthe even found this adventure park in the first place, but Xanthe says Elly put her on to it and organised the whole thing. Piper's amazed.
The Waterhole
Willow and Fergus return from their jaunt around the lake and tell Toadie and Amy that they've had a good chat. Fergus says this might feel a bit rushed but he wanted to bring Willow to Port Macquarie for a visit asap. Toadie's face falls but he can see that Willow's excited about the idea of meeting everyone.
FERGUS: And if things work out we've got a spare room. And it'd be easy enough to get you into the school.
WILLOW: You mean move permanently?
FERGUS: Only if you like it. I've got some pilot friends who'd be happy to take you up? And Astrid runs the advanced physics program at school.
WILLOW: Really? I've been trying to get into one of those! (she glances at Toadie and sees that he's putting on a smile for her) Can I think about it?
FERGUS: Of course.
Harold's Café
Leo wants Elly to come out partying with him, but Elly's taking this principal role seriously and says she has too much work to get through. She also says she has students relying on her and she doesn't want to let them down. Piper finds them and thanks Elly for organising the adventure park outing. She gives her a piece of broken headlight as a souvenir thank you gift and tells her that "you were an OK teacher, but you're a really great principal."
Erinsborough Backpackers
Steph and Jack are up in Jack's loft discussing the photos but then Jack steers the conversation around to their ill-conceived kiss. Steph says that people just sometimes don't click, but Jack's hung up on the fact that Steph thinks he's a bad kisser. Steph grins and says he's just not very experienced so Jack ponders this and asks if he can try again. They're all flirty and smirk-y with one another and end up kissing again, falling back onto the bed.