- Susan and Elly in agreement that Finn is the one behind the report.
- Finn subtly threatening Susan with misconduct report.
- Elly wanting to do some digging on Finn.
- Toadie wanting 50- 50 custody of Nell.
- Brooke trying to track Jessie down and then finding out where she'll be staying in Melbourne.
Number 26
It's Mother's Day in Neighbours today and before Gary heads off to make brekkie for everyone, he and Brooke discuss quickly doing a run-through of their plan to see Jessie. Xanthe prepares to do her traditional Mother's Day activity - painting her mum (and Gran's) nails however Brooke gets all teary and then bolts when Xanthe remarks she is glad to not have had another year apart and is happy to be spending the day with her.
Number 30
Nell (and Steph) bring Sonya breakfast in bed for Mother's Day and Steph comments on how proud she is of how Sonya is managing to stay strong after her recent wobbles.
Number 32
Dipi is enjoying herself relaxing in the backyard but Kirsha is fretting as the teapot for their traditional Mother's Day cuppa hasn't turned up yet. "The tea pot will turn up," Dipi reassures her daughter with and Kirsha decides to go look in the shed in case it's in there.
Terese receives some great news for her Mother's Day - Piper is being released from hospital. She suggests Piper moves home until she recovers but the offer is knocked back as Tyler has promised to find them somewhere to live by the end of the day.
And as they were chatting we heard that its good news for Tyler - it would appear that T-Bone has upped and left the country, and coupled with the statement from Mishti, the charges against him have been dropped.
Lassiters Park
Xanthe has scouted out and found the best location for a secret picnic with her mum (phase 2 of Mother's Day) when she runs into Finn. He's down as he can't celebrate the day with his own mum and then gets very morbid by saying that its good Elly isn't in his life as the less close folk he has, the less they will be upset should something happen. "I would be upset if something happened," Xanthe immediately pipes up as she has been so inspired by him, even down to doing a blog about her dreams however does reassures him that there are no mentions of them in it.
The Waterhole
Susan has been thinking if it's wise Elly and Finn living in the same street and offers to have a word with Terese but Elly is fearful of causing any more issues.
Tim approaches Sonya as she is preparing for the launch of Erinsborough's campaign to win 'Australia's most liveable suburb' to inform her that there will be a photographer covering the event to see if she's fit for duty after he heard about her behaviour at the last council event she attended. He even suggests she stands down as Mayor but steadfastly she replies that it's about the community not her.
TIM: Well I guess we'll see won't we?
"Cheers," is his parting words after picking up a glass of complementary bubbles from the waiter and Sonya quickly selects a glass of orange juice.
Piper is finally out of her bed and is sitting in a wheelchair and her left leg is in a brace rather than a traditional cast. David is sad to be left behind after Piper goes although there is no luck with Tyler finding them somewhere to live. Ben suggests #28 or perhaps Mark might put them up but Piper doesn't think so as he's never been overly keen to help before although David interjects to say that might feel differently under the circumstances.
The Waterhole
"The joys of living with the in-laws," Toadie laments after finishing a call to Kirsha who still can't find the teapot and he doesn't know where it is! Steph praises Toadie for coming to support Sonya and tells him that he is a "good egg," although he feels more like a rotten one of late although adds that he is happy to be here.
Tim interrupts their conversation and takes delight in telling Toadie about Sonya being "a little bit tipsy" at the last council event.
TIM: I think the description off her face was floating around.
Toadie thinks he is just being spiteful to get at Sonya but when Steph does a quick disappearing trip to the toilet with Nell, he asks if there is something he needs to know!
Toad then spots his wife and goes to talk to her, seeking clarification about what Tim was suggesting, but she manages to convince him she wasn't drunk and that it's just Tim up to no good.
The last thing Sonya probably needed before her speech was a text from Mark saying that he is thinking of her today. It has really got to her and very subtly, she pours some champers into a glass of orange juice before then putting one of the bottles of wine into her handbag.
Number 26/Number 22
Gary and Brooke wait until Sheila has left the house before going to do a recce of the hotel, that's if he can find the car keys! While he is hunting for them, Terese calls wanting to chat with him as she's thinking about her kids - Josh, Imogen being so far away and Piper is refusing to move home. "Even the stray cat doesn't want to hang out with me," she jokes.
He eventually finds the keys just as Terese asks him to come over and she doesn't sound too thrilled when he turns her down in favour of going into the city on a quick errand with Brooke, although does agree to go over and see her when they get back.
The Waterhole
Sonya gets everyone's attention so she can begin the launch of the campaign. She struggles badly to read her prepared speech and Tim's best efforts to put her off her stride too, but eventually manages to get back on track and begins reading more coherently.
Elly subtly asks her aunt if "Sonya seems a hundred percent to you?" and Susan replies no, "mind you, I don't think I'd do any better if I'd been through what she's been through," as Sonya finally gets to the end of her speech.
Downtown Melbourne/Lassiters Park
Gary and Brooke are in the city when she gets a call from Xanthe inviting her mum to a picnic lunch of all her favourite foods, phase 2 of her Mother's Day pamper package. Despite really not wanting to go (she's finding it emotionally hard to say no to Xanthe) Brooke is eventually guilt tripped into rushing back to it.
Xanthe is a bit upset after she finishes the call to her mum when Finn comes by and since her mum is waylaid, invites him to join her picnic, which he does.
Number 32
Thank the lord, Kirsha has found the teapot and pours her mum a cuppa. She explains that she found it in the Doug Out and shows her mum the note that was inside it - an IOU.
Number 22
Terese's day gets immensely better when Ben pushes the wheelchair bound Piper into the backyard, very much surprising her mum! She is thrilled that her daughter is moving home and Piper says to her "happy Mother's Day mum" while sharing a hug.
Lassiters Park
Xanthe brings up what Finn said earlier - that it was better for him not to get close to people, and she thinks it should be the opposite way around. "I think the people you care about, you should hold close to you... like Elly. "Elly doesn't want to know anything about me," he replies but she doesn't think that is true and adds that he should have a full life and "never give up."
Finn decides to head off but not before reassuring Xanthe that despite what he said the other day, he does love talking to her.
XANTHE: Do you?!
FINN: You give me hope.
Number 22
And Terese's day just gets even better - Gary appears!
Lassiters Park
Brooke finally arrives and apologising for being late. After they've hugged, Xanthe also apologises for not realising how hard the day must be too for Brooke without Jessie and encourages her mum to get her back.
XANTHE: She deserves you as a mum as much as I do.
The Waterhole
After seeing his wife return an empty bottle of wine to the table, Toadie tells Sonya that she lied to him. A drunk Sonya then tells him to go away because she doesn't need his judgement.
TOADIE: This isn't judgement, this is... this is heartbreak.
SONYA: You don't actually get to talk to me about heartbreak.
She tries to send him away, saying that he doesn't have any idea what she is going through. "I know I don't want you to go through this alone," he appeals to her with but is told that "it's too late for that."
TOADIE: You lost a child. I wasn't there for you and I'd do anything to change that, okay.
He then says to her that Nell shouldn't see her like this and she tries to tell him that she can look after her daughter.
TOADIE: No, no you can't.
He wants to take Nell home and suggests also that she lays low so that Tim doesn't see her. With Sonya in tears, Toadie walks away to go call her a cab.
Terese comes to the bar to buy a treat to welcome Piper home with and Susan takes the subtle opportunity to ask if Finn is moving out but is told no. Although she's got no proof to back up her suspicions, "I have a feeling that he's up to something," Susan admits and that it could be bad but isn't sure what. Terese agrees to think about chucking Finn out as she re-connects with her daughter.
A smashing sound catches their attention from the other side of the room - its Sonya, she's fallen down drunk and some glasses got smashed. "I'm okay," she drunkenly reassures them with!
Number 30
Toadie isn't pleased that Steph kept quiet as he packs stuff for Nell. Steph tries to explain that Sonya begged her to keep quiet and that she honestly believed Sonya had stopped drinking.
TOADIE: She's an addict Steph, she can't just stop and how was secrecy meant to help her? Was she drinking when she was looking after Nell?
STEPH: I don't know.
TOADIE: Do you have any idea how irresponsible you've been?
STEPH: Toad, I'm really sorry. I truly believed I was doing the best thing for you and Sonn.
Toadie leaves as Dipi is babysitting and perhaps it's good he's just left, as Steph then gets a call from Susan alerting her to Sonya.
Lassiters Complex
Susan meets Steph outside The Waterhole and is relieved that she is there because they've tried calming Sonya down but she's not listening.
The Waterhole
As they enter the bar, Sonya has got herself another chair and has somehow successfully managed to stand on it to address the gathered. The Star's photographer snaps away as Steph tries to get her down.
SONYA: Susan, you're just the most wonderful mother, and I'm never gonna to be able to be like you.
STEPH: Sonn.
SONYA: (to Steph) Neither are you. Neither are you Stephanie because we've had other people raise our kids which is sad but it's funny, it's funny, funny, funny.
As Susan tries to get the Star photographer to stop taking photos, Steph is doing her very best to get Sonya down but it's a battle she isn't winning. "Stop it, just stop," Sonya eventually yells to Steph because she's trying to say something, and then turns her attention onto Tim.
SONYA: Let's celebrate the wives and the girlfriends and the nanny and whoever the hell else raised Tim Collins' spawn because I'm... you're foul.
STEPH: Sonn.
SUSAN: Sonya, come on.
SONYA: (continuing) You're a very disgusting human being.
Steph and Susan finally gets her off the chair but Sonya declares she's not ready go yet!
Unmissable drama
- Toadie telling Steph not to get involved, it's between him and Sonya.
- Tyler still wanting to move in somewhere with Piper.
- Sheila wanting to know what is going on between Gary and Brooke.
- Terese unamused at seeing Brooke and Gary hug each other.