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Neighbours Episode 7432 from 2016 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7431 - 7433>>
Episode title: 7432
Australian and UK airdate: 16/08/16
Writer: Romina Accurso
Director: Chris Langman
Guests: Gary Canning: Damien Richardson
Elly Conway: Jodi Anasta
Clive West: David Bradshaw
Charlie Hoyland: Alexander McGuire
Madison Robinson: Sarah Ellen
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
- Terese says Doug left all his shares in the motel to Matilda.
- Terese tells Paul that Amber made her Matildas proxy.
- Paul asks Terese how he can get rid of her. She says he can start by getting her chef back.
- Aaron tells Jack that hes organising a boxing match for Paige. Jack doesnt think Brad will allow that.
- Jack drunkenly tells Tyler that Paige better not get hurt in this.
- Jack wakes up in the park with a hangover. He has a bruised knuckle and doesnt know how he got it.
Harolds / Lassiters Lake
At Harolds, Amy tells Lauren that Jack is quite the party animal. Just then her phone rings.
AMY: Speak of the devil. Wait, is that a bad thing to say to a priest?
Amy asks Jack how hes holding up. Jack is sitting in the rotunda by the lake and admits he doesnt remember what happened last night. He wonders if he went somewhere else after the pub, he wants to work out what went down.
Cue Titles
Lassiters Lake
Jack runs water over his bruised hand. Mark approaches and asks how Poppy is doing. Jack says shes still beaming, she had a great time. He thanks Mark for helping. Mark says Tyler is gutted he missed it as living out a comic book is at the top of his bucket list. We see Jack having a flashback to last night. He went out around the back of Paiges house and saw her kissing Tyler through the window. Jack clenched his fist at the sight.
Jack asks Mark if hes seen Tyler this morning, he needs to apologise for something he said. Mark says hes probably working.
Number 32
Charlie asks Steph to go snake hunting, all the other kids in school are doing it. Steph says no, shes not putting him at risk.
Meanwhile Sonya doesnt know how shell get through her meeting with Clive today. Toadie says shell be fine. Steph calls him a complete loon for mowing all those bikes down. Sonya says there isnt any proof he threw the bricks or released the snakes. She hopes if she can be fair then they can meet in the middle and have some kind of resolution.
Lassiters Penthouse
Madison is singing to herself when Terese arrives. Madison comments on Tereses shade of lipstick, called burning desire. She asks if there is a special occasion. Terese admits shes going for lunch with Gary, she doesnt think it will lead to anything as they don't have much in common. Madison thinks if sparks fly, let them fly.
The Waterhole
Gary asks Elly if Xanthe would be able to join another group but its too late. Elly says shell need to finish off the assignment without Alison and Cooper otherwise shell fail. Elly collects her coffee from Sheila and leaves. Gary tells Sheila theyll need to convince Xanthe to stay with Alison and Cooper. Sheila comments on Garys nice shirt, its a wrinkle free one as Gary is trying to freshen up his look. Paul arrives.
PAUL: Gary, you and I have to talk.
SHEILA: Oh don't mind me then!
Paul takes Gary aside and wonders how Terese got the ingenious plan to use Matildas vote against him. He wonders what Gary and Terese talked about yesterday. Gary says after he was busted leaving Tereses office he had to think quick so he asked Terese out on a date, and theyre having lunch today. Paul wants Gary to keep Terese busy while he convinces Amber to assign Matildas proxy vote to him. Paul tells Gary to make sure Terese doesnt answer her phone.
Paul asks Lauren for Ambers phone number, telling her about Matildas proxy vote. Paul thinks as Terese is the owner of Lassiters, she would just squander Matildas shares. Paul thinks Amber should decide. Lauren agrees but shell tell Amber to talk to Terese as well.
Jack meanwhile arrives and joins Amy. He asks if shes seen Tyler as he can't find him anywhere. Amy sees his hand and wonders what this about. Jack thinks he hit Tyler, he remembers seeing Tyler and Paige kissing but then he went blank. What if Tyler is in a ditch somewhere?
Community Centre
Sonya, Mark, Toadie and Karl are in the meeting room.
SONYA: Alright I want everyone to remember that this is a community meeting and I want everyone to remain calm no matter what is said.
KARL: Why do I get the feeling that was directed towards me?
SONYA: I just know how passionate you are about the bike lanes Karl, I get it, so am I.
Sonya says this should be very professional. Karl says not to worry, hes about as professional as you can get. Clive arrives for the meeting. Toadie introduces himself as the chair of the meeting.
CLIVE: For your wife? Nepotism and politics. Excellent bedfellows.
Toadie says hes here to mediate, but Clive thinks itll stack the cards against him. Sonya hopes that they can come up with a solution to the bike lane dispute that everyone is happy with. Clive thinks Sonya is using the bike lanes in some whale hugging greeny agenda. He calls her girly and refuses to let her hippy mates destroy this town. Karl angrily interrupts saying Clive has no idea what hes talking about. Sonya says Clive is entitled to his opinion and asks for him to continue.
Terrace Café Bar at Lassiter's
Terese and Gary are sitting for lunch. He says she looks nice, but its been a long time since hes been on a date like this. They look at the menu, Gary can't pronounce most of the things on the menu. They laugh about Italian pronunciations. Terese hears a smash from the kitchen and leaves to check on it. At that moment Amber calls Terese on the phone she has left on the table. Gary rejects the call.
Community Centre
Sonya looks fed up as Clive says either the bike lanes should go or she should. He continues to call for Sonya to step down. Shes disappointed that they can't come to a resolution and ends the meeting. Mark tells Clive that he can't prove that he threw that brick, but he hopes Clive knows nothing can come from intimidation. As Clive leaves, Mark gets a phone call to say theyve found the snake and leaves. Toadie tells Sonya that not backing down took real strength and hes proud of her.
Terrace Café Bar at Lassiter's
Terese and Gary compare notes about parenting teenage girls. Gary toasts to blindly navigating their way through life.
Number 32
Amy visits Paige who is dressed only in a towel. Paige leads her into the kitchen where Tyler is, also wearing only a towel. Amy says shes been looking all over for him, but when he asks why she covers by saying it isnt important right now. Amy asks to talk to Paige in private, but Paige insists Tyler stays. Paige says Jack is worried about her because of her boxing. She asks if shes doing it to get under Jacks skin.
PAIGE: If Jack has a problem with me boxing or who I'm seeing then he has to deal with it.
She tells Amy that shes trying to move on with her life. Amy asks her to be a little bit discrete about it.
Blaze Outreach
Jack gets a call from Amy who has said she found Tyler. Jack says he knows what happened.
Lassiters Penthouse
Terese is on the phone, telling Madison that she had fun on her date with Gary. Paul arrives and asks how Terese's lunch with Gary was. Paul tells her that she no longer has Matildas proxy vote for the hotel. He knows she wouldnt have spoken to Amber about it as Gary kept her busy during the date, hes very good at his job. Paul says he managed to convince Amber that it was best for him and Steph to make all the decisions, and he will be keeping the chef.
Number 32
Mark shows Elly a photo of the snake they captured, but Elly says it had different markings. Charlie arrives and looks at the photos. Mark doesnt think two snakes would have made their way here, so it looks likely that someone let them loose. Charlie suggests Clive did it, but Mark tells Charlie to leave it to them. Charlie says hes off to do his homework, but sneaks out the front door while Mark isnt looking.
Blaze Outreach
Paige tells Jack off for getting his friends to go to her house and tell her how to behave.
PAIGE: How does me training have anything to do with you?
JACK: You know I care about what happens to you.
PAIGE: Well I don't need you to. I don't need anything from you.
JACK: Then why are you here? Why would you come all the way down here to tell me that I mean nothing to you?
Paige sees Jacks bruised hand and asks how it happened. He shows her the wall he punched and says he saw her last night with Tyler. Paige asks him to admit that he made the wrong choice and that the thing between them isnt over. Jack took a vow. Paige says if she wants to box shell box and if she wants to be with someone else she will be.
The Waterhole
Gary tells Sheila about the date with Terese. Sheilas pleased, telling him Terese is a real catch. Sheila goes back to work as Paul arrives and tells Gary he did good work. Gary says that if Paul needs him to take Terese out again hed be happy to do that.
PAUL: I doubt shell go for it anyway.
GARY: I don't know, we had a pretty good time.
PAUL: You and Terese? Never gonna happen. Shes smart, shes classy, shes extremely cunning and not to mention she knows all about you working for me.
Meanwhile Lauren tells Terese that she told Amber to talk to her about it. Terese tells her she was busy. She decides to go home to Piper, seeing Gary with Paul and shares a scathing look. Paul tells Gary he hopes he doesnt have a change of heart, it would just take him one phone call to put Gary back in jail.
Power Street
Charlie is searching for snakes while carrying a big stick. He sees Clive sorting out a pile of wood. He sneaks over to Clive's trailer and lifts up the covering to see a pile of bricks. Clive catches him and asks him what hes doing. He grabs Charlie by the collar and asks why hes going through his stuff while Charlie looks around anxiously.
- Elly says hi to a shirtless Ned and flirts with him.
- Charlie hides from Clive as he looks for him carrying a stick.
- Mark realises Charlie isnt in his room.
- Jack tells his congregation that he fell in love.
- Charlie talks to Clive about the snakes.
- Paige goes to confessional with Jack.
- Elly finds a snake in the street.
<<7431 - 7433>>
Lauren Turner, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7432
Lauren Turner, Amy Williams

Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7432
Jack Callahan

Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7432
Jack Callahan

Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7432
Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7432
Mark Brennan

Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 7432
Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7432
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Madison Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7432
Terese Willis, Madison Robinson

Gary Canning, Elly Conway, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7432
Gary Canning, Elly Conway, Sheila Canning

Paul Robinson, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7432
Paul Robinson, Gary Canning

Lauren Turner, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7432
Lauren Turner, Paul Robinson

Jack Callahan, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7432
Jack Callahan, Amy Williams

Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi, Clive West in Neighbours Episode 7432
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi, Clive West

Clive West in Neighbours Episode 7432
Clive West

Terese Willis, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7432
Terese Willis, Gary Canning

Sonya Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi, Clive West in Neighbours Episode 7432
Sonya Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi, Clive West

Terese Willis, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7432
Terese Willis, Gary Canning

Amy Williams, Tyler Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7432
Amy Williams, Tyler Brennan, Paige Smith

Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7432
Jack Callahan

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7432
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Elly Conway, Mark Brennan, Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 7432
Elly Conway, Mark Brennan, Charlie Hoyland

Jack Callahan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7432
Jack Callahan, Paige Smith

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7432
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Paul Robinson, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7432
Paul Robinson, Gary Canning

Lauren Turner, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7432
Lauren Turner, Terese Willis

Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 7432
Charlie Hoyland

Clive West in Neighbours Episode 7432
Clive West

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