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Neighbours Episode 7416 from 2016 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7415 - 7417>>
Episode title: 7416
Australian and UK airdate: 25/07/16
Writer: Megan Herbert
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Elly Conway: Jodi Anasta
Madison Robinson: Sarah Ellen
Tim Collins: Ben Anderson
Courtney Grixti: Emma Lane
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Tyler calling things off with Piper.
- Piper unamused at seeing Elly with Tyler.
- Paige discovering that Jack has chosen the church.
- Paige planning on having a house party.
- Amy telling Aaron about her cleaning job.
- Terese dealing with Ryan.
- Paul wanting to expose Ryan.
As Amy finishes up a job for Paul, she isn't happy to hear that there is going to be a story in the Star about Ryan and comes clean that she used to be one of the women he employed.
Cue titles!
Amy explains to her dad why she took the job with Ryan and isn't amused that the whole world is now going to find out about it. Seeing how upset his daughter is, Paul promises her it will be alright, he will pull the plug on the story.
Number 32
In the backyard, Paige is being the hostess with the mostess to the random extras when Tyler and Elly arrive. He does the intros before going off to help Elly sort the music out. Courtney arrives with plans to reunite with Tyler by the end of the evening!
Number 30
Steph doesn't like the new style of music as she bemoans to Mark and is backed up by Sonya. Mark heads back to work after his cuppa and trades places with Aaron. He's round to show Sonya an article on the Star website that isn't flattering but they seem more concerned that they've printed where she lives. Toadie heads to the office (too noisy at home) to see if he can do something with it, taking Aaron in tow with him.
Number 26
Over cake and coffee in the backyard, Amy expresses her sorry to Jack at the news about Father Vincent, and just as they are about to talk about it more, Xanthe interrupts to bemoan at them texts received from Piper/Ben. She asks if they are going to Paige's party (first Jack has heard about it) and from their reaction she deduces it's a no.
Number 22
In the outdoor summer room, Ben and Piper are having difficulty studying because of the loud music. Paige has vetoed Piper going to her party and after discovering from Madison that Tyler is going, sarcastically comments that it's good he's bounced back quickly! Despite the ban, Piper still plans on sneaking over but Ben tries to stop her because he wants to pass the exam they are studying for. She agrees to stay but they head inside to get away from the loud music.
Number 32
The party is in full swing now although Courtney is worried that she can't see her prey, sorry Tyler and Paige explains he's out on a booze run. Seconds after Paige has said that, he's back and tries to warn her that a bunch of strangers are going to gatecrash but she's not worried one bit.
Rebecchi Law
Paul has gotten nowhere talking to the editor on the phone, so he comes to see Toadie about getting an injunction taken out. Toadie is surprised at how sympathetic Paul is after Aaron shows him the article about Sonya and also about the women cleaners but agrees to see about getting the injunction.
Number 32
It looks like Courtney has won her prey, sorry Tyler as they dance seductively together and Paige takes photographic evidence.
Paige is surprised to see Jack appear but isn't amused at him requesting her to turn the music down because the neighbours are complaining. She also isn't amused at what she perceives to be him judging her, she is having the party to move on although Jack comments that there are other ways to do that!
Elly leads a charge of the random extras to turn the party into a pool party (they jump in she doesn't) and Paige turns round to Jack to tell him this is exactly what she needs!
Number 22
Ben would have been as well to have studied on his own as Piper is glued to her phone reading updates about the party but isn't amused at the picture of Courtney/Tyler together. He gets she's upset at it being all over with Tyler, even though she's desperate to be with him, and removes her phone so they can concentrate instead on Pythagoras!
Number 32
Elly spots Xanthe trying to get into the party and rushes over to tell her to leave, it's for adults only and despite Xanthe trying to sweet-talk her, she is sent packing.
Courtney finds Tyler after he disappeared and when he explains that he was clearing some randoms from Lauren/Brad's room (Paige asked him to), she thinks they can head there instead but his comment is the room can now be locked up!
Paige dances over to Courtney but isn't lending her sympathetic ear when she goes on about wanting Tyler and just as she is about to leave, Courtney gives Paige the heads up that the police are coming (we can hear sirens).
Mark is refusing to say who made the complaint about the noise but agrees to let the party continue as long as the noise is turned down. Paige thinks she knows who complained and stomps off to tell them where to put their noise complaint!
Number 26
Amy backs Jack up that he isn't the person who made the complaint when Paige comes over to have a go at him. Despite it being clear that wasn't him, Paige can't resist having a go at Jack by remarking that it wouldn't have worked them being a couple as she loves to live life to the full rather than living her life by a 'guide book'.
PAIGE: I follow my instincts and my instincts tell me that you are always going to be full of excuses, you just have the outfit to match it now.
Rebecchi Law
Sonya has now joined the men as they try to come up with a solution to their Star woes. Toadie thinks getting some positive PR is the way to go and Aaron shouts out that he's onto it. Paul is more concerned about the victims (women cleaners) and Toadie replies if he knows of anyone then to send them Aaron's way.
They then receive a visitor - Tim Collins the owner of the West Warratah Star! He takes personal delight in his paper, despite it losing him money, dealing in gutter journalism because he likes the enjoyment it gives him and also hopes that it leads to Sonya getting fired! Toadie points out that his wife beat him fair and square and that Tim should just accept it like normal people.
Tim isn't listening and gives them a heads up to check out tomorrow's edition [the photo of Amy will be front cover] before taunting them that legal action is a waste of time as the damage will already have been done and Sonya will be out of her robes.
TIM: A bit like those cleaning ladies eh!
Number 32
The party is over and Elly wants to carry on dancing with Courtney and some of the other random extras. Tyler declines the invitation in favour of helping Paige tidy up, which goes down like a lead balloon with Courtney partially because she thinks Paige is interested in him (she isn't) but her parting shot is that Paige is welcome to him.
With them now having the house to themselves, Paige asks Tyler to stop tidying up and to have a drink as she needs someone to talk to.
Number 22
Ben has decided he's had enough of Piper paying more attention to her phone than the books and decides he's leaving. He tells her the blunt truth that she is acting like a little kid.
BEN: Think about what you're doing. It was behaviour like this that lost you Tyler in the first place wasn't it?
Rebecchi Law
Paul is telling Amy the bad news after the meeting with the Star's owner. Toadie is wondering what he's missing, so Amy explains that she was one of the cleaners. Tim has sent Paul a preview of tomorrow's headlines (all about Amy) and she can't believe what is happening.
Number 32
Paige and Tyler have relocated themselves to the pool of #32 and she comments that around him, she can be her true self and without fear that she is breaking any rules in the bible! "Never read it," Tyler comments and asks what else she told Courtney about him and she replies that he was kind, thoughtful and forgiving. "You are a catch," she finishes with but adds that she didn't tell Courtney of one other quality - that Tyler's an exceptional kisser. Tyler reminds her that she previously only rated him at a 7 and taunts him that he must have improved!
While the pair have been in the pool chatting, they've slowly gravitated towards each other and after that comment from Paige about him improving, he closes the final gap between them and begins kissing Paige.
Number 32 (next day)
Well they did a bit more than kissing because the pair of them wake up [naked under the covers] after spending the night together in a sofa bed, both now rather coy around each other!
- Piper catching Tyler leaving #32.
- Paige asking Tyler if they need to tell Piper.
- Lucy back to organise the sale of Lassiters.
- Terese fearful of her job security.
- Paul planning a meeting.
- Terese commenting to Sheila about their jobs.
<<7415 - 7417>>
Amy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7416
Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7416
Paul Robinson

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7416
Amy Williams

Elly Conway, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7416
Elly Conway, Tyler Brennan

Paige Smith, Courtney Grixti in Neighbours Episode 7416
Paige Smith, Courtney Grixti

Aaron Brennan, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7416
Aaron Brennan, Steph Scully, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Jack Callahan, Amy Williams, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7416
Jack Callahan, Amy Williams, Xanthe Canning

Ben Kirk, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7416
Ben Kirk, Piper Willis

Madison Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7416
Madison Robinson

Elly Conway, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7416
Elly Conway, Paige Smith

Tyler Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7416
Tyler Brennan, Paige Smith

Toadie Rebecchi, Aaron Brennan, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7416
Toadie Rebecchi, Aaron Brennan, Paul Robinson

Courtney Grixti, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7416
Courtney Grixti, Tyler Brennan

Jack Callahan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7416
Jack Callahan, Paige Smith

Ben Kirk, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7416
Ben Kirk, Piper Willis

Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7416
Xanthe Canning

Tyler Brennan, Courtney Grixti in Neighbours Episode 7416
Tyler Brennan, Courtney Grixti

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith, Elly Conway, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7416
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith, Elly Conway, Tyler Brennan

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 7416
Steph Scully

Amy Williams, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7416
Amy Williams, Jack Callahan

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7416
Paige Smith

Paul Robinson, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7416
Paul Robinson, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Tim Collins in Neighbours Episode 7416
Tim Collins

Elly Conway, Courtney Grixti in Neighbours Episode 7416
Elly Conway, Courtney Grixti

Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7416
Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan

Ben Kirk, Piper Willis in Neighbours Episode 7416
Ben Kirk, Piper Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7416
Toadie Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7416
Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan

Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7416
Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan

Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7416
Paige Smith, Tyler Brennan

Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7416
Tyler Brennan

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