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Neighbours Episode 7367 from 2016 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7366 - 7368>>
Episode title: 7367
Australian and UK airdate: 17/05/16
Writer: Cassandra Barilla
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Walter Mitchell: Greg Stone
Ned Willis: Ben Hall
Detective Chris Santini: Joel Pierce
Summary/Images by: Matt/Graham
- Paul urges the police to find the real explosion culprit on Piper's vlog
- Mark tells Terese that Piper's video could damage the case against Paul
- Terese bribes Cecilia to make a false statement
- Lauren warns Ned not to walk away from Brad
- Walter arrives at No. 30
- Steph informs Toadie and Walter that Sonya has arrived early from her trip
No. 30
Sonya arrives home with Nell, who runs to give Toadie and Steph a hug. Sonya introduces herself to Walter, but before he can stutter a reply, Toadie is quick to introduce him to Sonya as 'Mitch', one of his clients. Walter is delighted to meet Nell, who says hello, and Steph offers to see him out. Sonya, Nell and Toadie have a big family hug, but Toadie looks very guilty.
Cue titles!
No. 30
Sonya apologises to Toadie for leaving on bad terms, and confesses her suspicion that him and Steph were keeping a secret from her. Toadie apologises for making her feel anxious, and promises he's sorted everything with Mitch. Sonya says that her speech went well, and jokes that she won't need Toadie to manage any future engagements as she's an independent woman!
Lassiter's Complex
Terese arrives at work and receives a text from an anonymous number saying 'It's done'. She deletes the text as Paul and Amy approach her. He apologises to Terese for the video and insists that it was Aaron's idea as a means of spreading the truth.
PAUL: Hey, I never meant to take advantage of Piper.
TERESE: That's exactly what you did. You were happy to exploit my daughter's grief by trying to convince people you're innocent.
PAUL: That's because I am innocent!
Paul apologises if the video hurt Terese, but it's already doing good as the police want to see him about a new development in the case. Amy walks him to the station and Terese looks wrought with guilt.
Erinsborough Police Station
Paul's lawyer can't make it to the meeting, and a new detective (Det. Santini) explains that someone has come forward confirming that they were hired by Paul to blow up Lassiter's. The detective won't give their name, but Paul guesses that it was Cecilia Saint. Amy presses the detective for more information. He says that the witness claims that when they refused to sabotage the boiler, Paul sabotaged it himself and then confessed everything to them. The detective can't confirm if the witness will testify, but Paul assumes that whoever framed him with the boiler plans is behind the testimony as well. Paul confesses to having hired Cecilia in the past, and says he's happy to face charges for what he did to Steph, but insists again that he didn't blow up the hotel.
No. 32 Backyard
Lauren is doing a sketch of Brad by the pool. Brad questions Ned about Piper's video, and Ned suggests that he should ask Piper about it before making any assumptions. Brad gets a call from the police and says he has to go to the station as there's new information about the case. Lauren asks Ned if he'll replace Brad as the model for her sketch, and he reluctantly agrees.
Lassiter's Complex
Amy explains to Terese about the new witness, and says she can't understand why Cecilia would lie to the police. Amy starts to worry about what she'll tell Jimmy if Paul goes to prison, and Terese looks guiltier than ever.
No. 32 Backyard
Ned confesses to Lauren that him and Brad get on each other's nerves without even trying, and she tells him that they just need time. She reminds him to look happy for her sketch, and the two share a smile.
The Waterhole
Walter shows Steph a photo of Sonya when she was 8 years old, and tells her stories about how inquisitive Sonya was as a child.
STEPH: It doesn't sound like much has changed.
WALTER: Except it has - everything has changed. She's grown up, got a family of her own, I haven't been part of it. I've missed it all.
STEPH: Why? Why haven't you tried to be part of her life until now?
WALTER: Well, you know, I was never really an ideal role model. I was a muse, and touring with my band, and hitting the bottle pretty hard between gigs. It got worse after I lost my brother and his wife, and I just fell apart. I always told myself that I'd get myself together and track the girls down, but I just took too long.
Steph tells Walter not to give up hope, as from experience she knows that there's always a way back into someone's life.
No. 32 Backyard
Lauren has transformed the drawing of Brad into Ned (definitely a ham-fisted metaphor going on here...). She explains to Ned how she used art as a way of coping with her first pregnancy, and gets him to open up about his tattoo art. Ned explains that his ex introduced him to it, but the relationship ended badly, and he finds it easier to put his thoughts into art instead of words.
LAUREN: You know, you're quite good at putting your thoughts into words when you get going.
NED: Only with you. No one else is this easy to talk to.
No. 22
Terese and Brad discuss Cecilia's statement, and Brad supposes that she must have wanted to tell the police the truth after seeing Paul's video. Terese walks into the kitchen and dissolves into tears. After waxing lyrical about how Josh and Doug will finally get the justice they deserve, Brad eventually realises how upset Terese is.
BRAD: What's wrong?
TERESE: I've done a terrible thing.
The Waterhole
Walter approaches Sonya, and asks if she can suggest a charity he could volunteer for, as he's heard that she is the Mayor. Sonya seems reluctant to help as she's gleaned from Toadie that 'Mitch' is in a bit of trouble, but Walter begs her to help as he has a lot to make up for. Sonya is won over and agrees to make some suggestions.
No. 22
Terese tries to justify herself to Brad, explaining that she could see the community's opinion turning in favour of Paul. Brad can't believe that Terese would bribe Cecilia to lie to the police, and she says that she covered herself by using a dummy sub-contractor.
BRAD: Have you thought about how much trouble that's going to cause, how wrong that is?
TERESE: I'm not proud of it. I just want him to feel that we've felt since we lost Josh!
BRAD: And what if you're wrong? What if Paul really is innocent?
TERESE: Don't tell me that damned interview has changed your mind too!
BRAD: Well he has made a pretty compelling argument, and he's never once wavered from saying that he's innocent.
TERESE: Yeah, because he'll do anything to make sure he gets away with it! And I can't let that happen. Look, I know what I did was wrong, but I have to go through with it. Please, please don't turn me in.
Robinson's Motel
Amy visits Paul in one of the rooms, who explains that the lawyer will see them both the next day. As he explains that they can still find their feet, Amy cuts Paul off and says that she won't be able to attend the meeting as it's too much to deal with. She promises to provide emotional support and full access to Jimmy, and she'll even visit him in jail.
PAUL: You think I've already lost?
AMY: I'm sorry. But let's face it, this new testimony is going to be damaging. And I think you should consider dropping this story that you've been framed.
PAUL: It is not a story, for goodness sakes!
Amy suggests instead that Paul tells the court that it was an accident that got out of hand, as then he'll get a lighter sentence.
AMY: I'm being realistic here.
PAUL: No, no you're not! You're giving up on me.
Brad sits at Josh's graveside and places a single red rose on his grave.
The Waterhole
Ned and Lauren continue to chat about tattoos, and Lauren gets a text from Brad saying that he won't make it to drinks with them. Ned tells Lauren that she can see the good in everyone, and she says that she can see the good in him - he just needs to give Brad a chance. At another table, Sonya is showing Walter a list of the organisations that he could volunteer for. She sees the time and apologises that she has to leave for an AA meeting, and Walter sheepishly asks if he can tag along. He confesses that he's been sober for less than a month, and Sonya opens up about her own addiction.
Robinson's Motel
Steph takes a phone call from Aaron, but Paul looks completely dejected and tell her to ignore it. Paul tells her that if he can't convince Terese and Amy of his innocence, there's no point fighting the charges any more, so Steph tries to give him a pep-talk.
STEPH: Paul, come on, you can't give up now, just when the tide is starting to turn!
PAUL: Two counts of manslaughter, thirty-one counts of reckless conduct endangering life. Those are the charges against me! Now when the evidence was circumstantial, yes, I had a chance of beating them. But Cecilia's testimony, that's going to sink me.
Paul tells Steph that there's no way to prove that the testimony is a lie, and that he's consigned to prison.
Lassiter's Complex
Brad tells Terese that even though what she did was wrong, he still believes that Paul is guilty. Terese urges him to keep quiet, and that Cecilia would be in huge legal trouble if she confessed to lying.
BRAD: Stop, okay? Nothing you say can convince me that you did the right thing. But this family has been through hell, Piper and Imogen have lost their grandfather, their brother, I won't let them lose their mother too. I won't tell them what you did.
Brad places an arm on Terese's should, just as Ned exits The Waterhole and sees them hugging. He looks incredibly suspicious.
No. 32 Backyard
Ned and Brad take a look at Lauren's (pretty average) drawing. Brad explains that he went to Josh's grave, and Ned gently probes him for information, but he doesn't mention Terese. Ned looks very concerned.
- Ned tells Brad that he saw him with Terese
- Lauren takes Ned's arm
- In a voiceover, John begins to recall the Lassiter's explosion as we are treated to another rendition of the tattoo promo from Episode 7347, with added flame effect.
<<7366 - 7368>>
Walter Mitchell, Steph Scully, Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7367
Walter Mitchell, Steph Scully, Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7367
Nell Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7367
Terese Willis, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Detective Chris Santini, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7367
Detective Chris Santini, Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Ned Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Ned Willis, Brad Willis

Amy Williams, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Amy Williams, Terese Willis

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Ned Willis

Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7367
Lauren Turner

Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7367
Sonya Rebecchi

Steph Scully, Walter Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 7367
Steph Scully, Walter Mitchell

Lauren Turner, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Lauren Turner, Ned Willis

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Walter Mitchell, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7367
Walter Mitchell, Sonya Rebecchi

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Amy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7367
Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Brad Willis

Ned Willis, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7367
Ned Willis, Lauren Turner

Walter Mitchell, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7367
Walter Mitchell, Sonya Rebecchi

Steph Scully, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7367
Steph Scully, Paul Robinson

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Ned Willis

Ned Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Ned Willis, Brad Willis

Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 7367
Ned Willis

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