- Tom gives Aaron some shoes, say he wants to ask him out. Aaron says he's in a relationship
- Kyle tells Aaron that Nate is back in Australia. Aaron leaves him a message.
- Imogen tells Paige she had a dream about Tyler... which involved kissing him
- Nene finds Georgia's letter to Kyle, which Amy later throws away
- Paige tells Mark to have fun, which he does - with Steph.
- Mark and Steph agree to be just mates
Paige and Mark are awkwardly making small talk about work / uni. She goes to get him a coffee, and Steph comes in and hugs him. She tells him that MyBoy™ is coming over next week, and joint custody is still a possibility.
STEPH: If Lucas hadn't have come today, this wouldn't have happened, and he wouldn't have come if it weren't for you.
Paige is in the background, looking sour.
Tom invites Aaron on a date: shoe shopping. Aaron says he can't afford it, but Tom says it's his treat. Toadie comes in, and Aaron introduces them. Tom tells Toadie the Quill group are excited about working with her over the Lassiter's development. Toadie points out there is opposition, but they agree that Sonya will work it out.
No 26 - garden
Amy and Kyle are in the hot tub, and she asks him whether it's weird she calls him her boyfriend when he's married. He replies that maybe he should start the paperwork. She tells him that she feels the only reason they're together is because Georgia left. He asks her where this is coming from.
AMY: I don't know. But if Georgia was still here, you'd still be together.
He tells her that they're solid, and he kisses her passionately.
Steph tells Mark she's nervous about Charlie coming, and Mark suggests she get him a skateboard or a bike. She's pleased with the idea. Paige, meanwhile, is still watching sulkily. Sheila comes in, and asks if she's OK.
SHEILA: You were planning on walking down the aisle with him a few weeks ago, and don't get me wrong, but that looks awfully like a date.
PAIGE: No, no, no, it's definitely not. She is not his type. And doesn't she prefer the ladies anyway?
Sheila says it might have been a one-off, but then says she doesn't understand these things. Mark and Steph are laughing together, and Paige frowns.
No 26 - garden
Amy apologises for mentioning Georgia before and Kyle says it's fine. She says they act like a family, but they're not. She comments that a while back he said he wasn't ready for marriage, but maybe this is the right time to commit...
KYLE: Are you proposing?
AMY: Kind of. Maybe. Yeah. I am. So, what do you say. Will you marry me?
KYLE: ...
He's puzzled and asks what brought it on. She says it's only natural that she should think about the next step, but asks him not to make it into a big deal.
KYLE: It doesn't get much bigger than a proposal.
She says she wasn't thinking of next week, or even an official engagement. He promises to look into divorce, but says he's not ready for another marriage.
KYLE: It's gonna take me a while to get over the first one.
AMY: It's OK. I understand. Georgia broke your heart.
No 24
Aaron and Tom come in with 6 pairs of shoes. Aaron is thrilled, and Tom comments how good the service is when you have lots of cash. Aaron says he was just noticing Tom. Tom has to go and meet a council rep for Julie, but agrees to come back to dinner with Aaron.
Tyler asks if they're officially dating, and whether Nate knows. Aaron points out that Nate gave up on their relationship - he can't even be bothered to pick the phone. Tom is just what he needs at the moment
Mark has left and Paige comments to Steph that she and Mark hang out a lot. Steph says they've got a fair bit in common.
STEPH: We've both been through a lot. I guess we can relate on many levels.
PAIGE: Are you implying that I put him through a lot? Because I think you really need to get your facts straight.
STEPH: I'm not implying anything like that.
PAIGE: Are you sure about that?
STEPH: Mm-hm. I thought your relationship with Mark ended.
PAIGE: Yeah, it did.
STEPH: I'm sorry that it bother you that we're hanging out.
PAIGE: Is that all you're doing, just hanging out?
STEPH: Actually, I really don't think it's any of your business.
No 24 - garden
Imogen is sitting by the pool, when Tyler comes out to clean the pool. She explains herself by saying she texted Daniel, who had told her he was going to be late again. She tells him he's not cleaning the pool properly, and he decides he's interrupting, and is about to leave. She says she can't concentrate, so he tells her to get the chemicals.
Amy glumly tells Sheila that she has wrecked everything by proposing to Kyle. She will have to move out, find another job... Sheila advises her to forget about the letter, and let things settle. They will be fine.
Mark arrives to find Steph doing paperwork. She tells him she had a conversation with Paige, and they leave together to buy a bike for Charlie. Paige sighs.
No 24
Tom arrives with another pair of shoes, and tells Aaron he has great feet... and eyes. Aaron gets an email (for Sonya). He tells Tom that the approval might be delayed, because Sonya wants to make the right decision. Tom is frustrated, saying they might lose their backing. He says it's his first project, so he's under a lot of pressure. Aaron offers to take his mind off it.
No 24 - garden
Tyler comments that the pool hasn't looked that clean in ages, which means Imogen is more OCD than Mark. She nudges him and says he's welcome. He tells her not to flirt, but she says she's just being friendly. He says she was weird after their bike ride, and she admits she's a "tiny bit attracted" to him.
TYLER: You have a boyfriend.
IMOGEN: I know, who I see once in a blue moon. Not that it's an excuse. Believe me, I don't wanna feel this way.
TYLER: Then don't.
He tells her they are just friends, and shouldn't be having the conversation, and he leaves.
No 24
Tom tells Aaron he isn't hungry because he's stressed about the development. He says his dad dumped his mum when he was 10, and left the company to his step-mum.
TOM: She has high expectations. I'm never good enough for her.
Aaron says he would do anything he could to help, so Tom asks for a list of objectors. Aaron says it's confidential information, so Tom says he'll have to move to other projects. Aaron says he wishes there was something he could do. They kiss.
No 30
Toadie asks how Amy is, and Kyle says he hasn't been home. He says that part of him wanted to say yes, but it's way too soon.
TOADIE: So is the whole reason you're holding back cos of... You've still got feelings for Georgia?
KYLE: I don't know. It doesn't matter. She's not coming back.
TOADIE: So you do still have feelings for her, then?
KYLE: Yes. No. I don't know. I love Amy. I should be jumping for joy at the idea of marrying her.
TOADIE: But you're not.
No 24
Tom and Aaron have "taken things to the next level". Aaron makes a snack while Tom takes a call from Julie. He tells her that he's good friends with Aaron, so she can stop worrying.
TOM: I have a plan.
Unmissable Drama
- Imogen talks to Terese about her crush or whatever it is
- Tyler tells Imogen to forget it
- Tyler asks Daniel if he's thought about moving out
- Aaron takes some photos