- Following the non- wedding, Paige's mum Mary invites her to come and stay with her in Singapore
- Mark is upset at how badly he humiliated Paige; Kyle wonders if he may not be ready to let her go
- But when Mark goes to talk to Paige, he finds her gone, and her wedding dress in the bin
- Doug's condition for investing in the Erins Burrow is that Josh is his man on the ground
- Paul promises Steph full transparency from now on as their business partnership forges ahead
- Terese enters the forbidden storeroom and finds an ominous scale model of a new Development™
- Steph is disappointed when she discovers that the Erins Burrow is a bit of a dump
- Julie Quill gleefully explains how her plans for a new tower will crush Paul's business dreams
Erins Burrow
Paul and Steph prepare to enter the motel to get to work, but find a council notice on the door which reads: 'Do not enter - this property is closed until further notice as it is a danger to public health.'
STEPH: What do we do now?
Cue titles.
Paul calls one of his former council cronies, to ask them to look into the fact that someone's reported the motel as a health hazard. While he's on hold, Steph points out some more particulars on the notice - namely, that there have been complaints of insect infestations, scratching noises in the walls, and animal faeces in the rooms.
STEPH: Sounds like we've got possums, too.
When Paul comes off the phone, he reveals to Steph that the complaint made to the council was anonymous - and that the complainant also told the council they were planning on reopening next week, making the building a public liability. Paul also reveals that they're sending out a health inspector this afternoon to check the place over!
PAUL: They could shut us down before we even open!
Harold's Café
Lauren has called a meeting with Terese. Following the success of the recent renovations, Lauren's decided she wants to do more with the space - and takes Terese into the kitchen to describe plans for a new takeaway coffee window. To go ahead with it, though, she needs Terese's approval, since Lassiter's owns the building.
Terese is disturbed when she hears it would take two years for Lauren to pay off the renovations, given that she's just learned Harold's is to be demolished! But since she can't tell Lauren about the plans for the new tower, she's at a loss as to what to do...
Erins Burrow
Paul and Steph are inspecting the motel, room by room. The place is a dump, there's an appalling smell, and they quickly identify possum droppings on the floor.
STEPH: You said cosmetic changes - that's what you said. Didn't you inspect the building before you bought it?
PAUL: Look, I know it's in a state. I just didn't expect the council to get to it before we had a chance to fix it up.
Happily, Doug and Josh arrive to help out - and Paul tells everyone that they need to clear things up as best they can before the inspector arrives. Doug and Josh go off to start on some of the other rooms, while Steph goes to recruit more reinforcements.
No 24
Mark is having an angry phone call with a colleague about a work matter. When he's finished, Aaron tries to arrange a lunch with Mark, but he claims he's too busy.
AARON: We just want to make sure that you're okay.
MARK: Don't put your drink there! They're wedding presents! I don't want them damaged; I've got to take them back.
Mark is also gathering up Paige's possessions that she's left in the house. He gets another phone call, and leaves the house.
Ramsay Street
Outside, Mark is being angry with another colleague on the phone. As he walks down the drive, he sees Brad and Paige unloading the car, Paige fresh from her break in Singapore. Brad leaves them to talk.
MARK: Looks like you had a good time in Singapore?
PAIGE: Yeah. What've you been up to?
MARK: Work.
PAIGE: Cool.
MARK: I've packed up most of your stuff.
PAIGE: What stuff?
MARK: The stuff you left at mine.
PAIGE: ... Yeah, well I've got a bunch of your stuff too, so maybe we could do a swap.
MARK: I'm working all day.
PAIGE: Tomorrow, then?
MARK: I'm working then, too.
PAIGE: Okay, well why don't I come by at Lassiter's Complex, and we can do a swap there.
MARK: Suits me.
PAIGE: Good.
MARK: Good. Text me when you're ready.
He walks away coldly.
Lassiter's Complex
Steph is pestering Amy to help clean up the motel.
AMY: Hang on. I'm still back at the part where you're going into business with Paul.
Steph justifies it as a 'fantastic opportunity', which Amy doesn't appear convinced about - and isn't really comfortable getting involved with Paul's latest scheme. Nonetheless, she grudgingly agrees to come and help.
Meanwhile, Aaron encounters Terese sitting in the courtyard.
AARON: Jeez, you sound as flat as I feel.
Terese admits she's facing a moral dilemma, and Aaron offers to provide a friendly ear.
TERESE: Say you knew something about somebody that would impact them in a negative way, but you can't tell the person what that something is - what do you do?
Aaron helpfully tells her to do whatever makes her feel comfortable.
Harold's Café
Terese is back with Lauren, and breaks the news that she can't give her approval for her new takeaway window. She gives the excuse that the work would be too disruptive since it involves structural changes. Lauren tries to argue the case, but to no avail.
TERESE: Lauren, I'm so sorry. But we can't always get what we want.
LAUREN: Okay, I get it. I get it. And I thought we were all trying to move forward.
TERESE: Look, I assure you that this has got nothing to do with you and Brad. I just have to do what's best for the Complex.
Erins Burrow
Amy arrives at the motel to find Paul unblocking a toilet in one of the rooms. She explains she's come to help, and Paul promises to find a job for her to do.
AMY (muttering): That's cool, no need to thank me (!)
Paul ends up getting toilet water all over himself, and explains that he's never unblocked one before, much to Amy's amusement. She offers to take over while he gets cleaned up.
No 32
Lauren enters the yard to find Brad waxing a surfboard - he explains he's identified a surf school that wants to sponsor his troubled kids' outreach programme. Lauren's quick to move conversation onto the takeaway window, which she claims she's been cruelly deprived of by Terese.
LAUREN: It's power-play, because of us.
BRAD: I'm sorry. I thought we were past all that.
LAUREN: I just have to let it go. If she's still got a problem with us, then there's nothing more I can do about it.
Brad looks annoyed.
Erins Burrow
Paul, Steph, Josh, Amy and Doug are all hard at work cleaning one of the rooms. Paul's just had a call saying that the health inspector will be here in ten minutes. The good news is they've caught the possum, which has been taken away by pest control, while Amy has solved the toilet blockage.
STEPH: We've only done a handful of rooms. What if the inspector wants to see more of them?
Paul has brought some canvas to drape over the other doors, so they can tell the inspector they're being fumigated. Doug and Josh go to sort that out, while Paul encourages Steph to come and meet the inspector with him.
The Waterhole
Mark comes in and sits down with Aaron. He explains he saw Paige in the street this morning. Mark claims that Paige was 'relaxed and happy', suggesting he's not a great reader of body language. He moans about her jetting off for a tropical holiday and forgetting all about him.
No 32
In the garden...
PAIGE: I didn't stop thinking about him for one minute.
She basically moans to Lauren that the whole trip with Mary was just a waste of time, as she was simply fretting about Mark for the entire time.
The Waterhole
Aaron's telling Mark how much it meant to Paige that he scoured the Internet for a mug with bride-and-groom cats on it. (Was Tom handcuffing Tabby on the picture, I wonder?) But Mark says that reliving happy memories isn't helping right now. Aaron keeps at it, reminding Mark how in love he and Paige were.
AARON: There's no way that either of you could have got over this that quickly.
No 32
In the garden...
PAIGE: Meanwhile, Mark's just gotten over me like that.
LAUREN: Oh, darling, I don't think that's true at all.
PAIGE: He packed up all my stuff.
LAUREN: Yeah, but he didn't bring it around while you were gone. He waited till you got back. Maybe that means something, eh?
The Waterhole
Mark explains to Aaron that Paige's stuff being around was a painful reminder, which is why he packed it up.
AARON: So you do miss her?
MARK: More than anything.
AARON: Then, mate, you need to be saying this stuff to her. And you need to do it soon, right? Before you close the door on this relationship for good.
Brad ambles in with his annoyed face on, and confronts Terese about why she refused Lauren's latest renovation plans.
TERESE: It's purely a business decision.
BRAD: Really? Clearly you feel the need to punish her for what's happened.
TERESE: For the last time, that's not what's going on here.
BRAD: The café has just undergone a huge reno, and now one little job is causing a problem.
BRAD: Why?
TERESE: I dunno. It's just the way it is, that's all.
BRAD: You know, I know you well enough to know when you're lying. We really have enough on our plate at the moment. We're dealing with Dad; we're trying to look after Paige...
TERESE: For Pete's sake. You know what? Waste your money on a takeaway window.
Terese scribbles out the authorisation and hands it to Brad!
BRAD: What, so now you're giving your permission?
TERESE: Yep. Build the stupid thing and see if I care.
BRAD: Thank you (!)
Brad leaves, and Terese looks worried.
Erins Burrow
Amy and Doug are making the finishing touches to one of the rooms, while Paul schmoozes the health inspector, Trevor Lucas. Bringing him into the room, he introduces Doug as the fumigator, and tells him he won't be able to access the other rooms as they've just been fumigated.
PAUL: But I can assure you, no cockroaches. And no possums in the ceiling anymore.
The health inspector asks if the bedbugs have been dealt with, which takes everyone by surprise. Doug solves this one by sitting on the bed, saying it's fine, and asking the inspector to come and join him! The inspector politely declines.
AMY (muttering to Doug): You know you're gonna have to burn those clothes now!
Amy and Doug leave Paul and Steph with the inspector as he looks over the rest of the room.
No 22
In the garden, Steph, Paul, Doug and Josh all raise a toast to a job well done - they passed the health inspection, so can open the motel as planned. Steph says she's given Amy and Kyle their own set of keys to the motel, so they can get access any time (presumably to do odd jobs).
DOUG: Why would somebody report the motel to the council? I could lose my 20 grand.
JOSH: It was me. I made that call.
DOUG: Why would you do something like that?
JOSH: I was trying to protect you. I thought if I could shut down the business before it got up and running, you wouldn't get in over your head.
DOUG: I told you how important it was to me.
JOSH: I know you did. But I'd already made the call; it was too late.
PAUL: Your complaint expedited the health inspection!
JOSH: I don't know what to tell you. I really am sorry.
Josh promises to make it up to them all, by working at the motel. Paul isn't eager to trust Josh, but Steph and Doug think differently. Paul and Doug agree to talk it through, and they head back to the motel to finish their work on the other rooms.
Lassiter's Complex
A faux-Western underscore plays as Mark and Paige approach one another in the courtyard, to swap the belongings they've each left at the other's house.
MARK: Doesn't look like there's much in there.
PAIGE: Well it's everything that I could find. Can we just get this over with?
Paige hands Mark a bag, while he gives her a box with her name on it.
PAIGE: I guess this is it, then.
MARK: Look, I don't know about you, but this last week has been really tough...
PAIGE: Where's my Bon Jovi CD? I definitely lent it to you.
MARK: I didn't think you'd want it back. You don't even have a CD player.
PAIGE: Well that doesn't mean that you can keep it! That was the first CD I ever bought. It has sentimental value.
MARK: ...
PAIGE: Where's my blue belt?
MARK: I dunno. It must be at yours.
PAIGE: I left it at yours.
MARK: Well it's not there now. I searched the whole place - everything is in that box.
PAIGE: Wow, I'm glad you were so thorough in clearing me out of your life (!)
MARK: Well I can't say the same for you. There is no way that everything is in this bag. See, I definitely left shirts at yours.
Mark rummages around in the bag, and finds the (chipped) bride-and-groom-cats mug!
MARK: You're returning this?
PAIGE: Well since you ruined the wedding, I didn't think there was any point in me keeping it.
MARK: And you've damaged it already.
PAIGE: It was an accident.
MARK: Where's my shirt you wore as a dress?
PAIGE: The pink one?
MARK: It's apricot! And it's mine; I want it back!
PAIGE: I dunno. I must've lost it.
MARK: You sure you didn't chuck it in the charity bin? That's what you do with other people's stuff, right?
Some passing police extras look bemused, as Paige grabs the bag of Mark's things, and tips them all over the courtyard! She stares at Mark icily.
Erins Burrow
Steph takes the council health notices off the door, and she and Paul look pleased with themselves.
STEPH: I never thought I'd be saying this to you, Paul, but you should be proud of yourself. I was in a little bit of a panic this morning, but you kept your head and led the team, and you saved us.
PAUL: All in a day's work. I've spent years putting out those sorts of fires at Lassiter's. Which is why I wanted to ask - how do you feel about calling this place Robinson's?
STEPH: ...
Lassiter's Complex
As Mark packs his possessions back into the bag, Paige examines a pair of earrings in her box.
PAIGE: These aren't mine.
MARK: Well they're not mine!
PAIGE: Ah, these are Naomi's! Mark, that is so creepy - why do you still have those?
She throws them at him!
MARK: How was I meant to know that?
PAIGE: Yuck!
MARK: It's not like they've got her name on them.
He finds a DVD in his bag.
MARK: Doctor Who: The Legacy Collection. I didn't say you could borrow this!
PAIGE: You said that I should watch it and educate myself, remember?!
MARK: Yeah, and you left it in the sun. The cover's all faded!
PAIGE: The disc still works! I don't even know why you watch that - it's so B-grade!
MARK: That's the point - it's part of its charm!
The nearby police officers are looking increasingly worried about the stand-off, as are some passing civilian extras.
MARK: Clearly, you don't get it.
PAIGE: Oh, why? Because I'm so immature?
MARK: What is wrong with you?!
PAIGE: I am so sick of you treating me like a child.
MARK: Then stop acting like a spoilt brat!
Finally, a policeman with a speaking role comes out of the station to break things up. Constable McKay tells Mark that the sergeant wants to see him inside, so Mark follows him in.
Some time later, Mark and McKay come back out of the station. We learn that Mark has been told to take some leave, having arrested his fiancée and now having had a domestic with her right outside the station!
Mark says work is the only thing keeping him sane right now, and asks McKay to have a word with the sarge on his behalf. But McKay tells him to come back when he's ready to be a cop again. Paige, who's overheard this, looks sad as Mark walks away forlornly with his bag of possessions.
Unmissable Drama
- Sonya tells Toadie she's unsure if she can compete with Tim Collins for the mayoralty
- TYLER: You want me to ask Sonya about her addictions? TIM COLLINS: Hashtag 'I'm an ex- junkie'.
- Paige admits to Imogen that she feels sorry for Mark; Imogen says Paige still cares for him
- Mark admits to Susan that he misses Paige and still wants to be with her
- Paige asks Mark for a hug, and he obliges