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Neighbours Episode 7211 from 2015 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7210 - 7212>>
Episode title: 7211
Australian airdate: 14/09/15
UK airdate: 28/09/15
Writer: Megan Palinkas
Director: Julie Money
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Mark/Aaron apologising to Tyler for not being there for him.
- Russell leaving.
- Naomi admitting she doesn't want to get married.
- Terese wanting Susan to be her friend and not Lauren's.
- Amber slipping on a grape.
Erinsborough hospital (exterior)
Karl meets Amber at the front door and starts asking her questions. He tries to reassure her that things will be okay as he take her into the hospital. Brad (who has accompanied Amber to the hospital) asks if she wants him to call Lauren but Amber replies no, she wants the tests done first before worrying her, so says he'll call Josh to let him know.
Number 30
Mark is round to apologise to the Rebecchi's for missing the fundraiser but is pleased to hear how much it's raised. Sonya is fine with that and invites him to stay for lunch and extends the invitation to Paige when Mark initially said he was meeting her for lunch.
Josh meets his dad at the front door and gets a quick update from him on how Amber is before telling him he's got it and that he can head back to school. Brad tells his son that he feels awful over how the accident happened but Josh's priority is to find out how Amber/bubs is doing.
The Waterhole
As they chat about Kyle/Amy, Paul notices that Naomi hasn't get her engagement ring on but turns out she'd it on her right hand. She quickly swaps it over and explains why it was like so (it got snagged on a hairball in the shower!) and reassures him that she is completely on board with their engagement. Paul wants to formally announce their engagement and makes it clear he wants it to happen sooner than later.
Erinsborough hospital (exterior)
Amber has been discharged from the hospital with orders to rest for the next 24 hours and agrees to go home with Josh to #22 since there's nobody home at #32.
Number 24
Paige offers herself as a sounding board if Tyler wants to unload but he explains that he's unloaded on Karl.
Mark enters the house and tells Paige about their lunch invite, which she is up for, and they depart although Tyler looks peeved he wasn't allowed to go along too.
The Waterhole
Paul discusses with Naomi what the plan will be for the day their engagement becomes official and she doesn't look too enthralled especially as they talk about her career and how she should change to be more charity focus.
NAOMI: You want a Stepford wife?!
Paul tries to explain it's simply for the media, it's their "public image," which she reads is him being embarrassed by her. He reminds that she is marrying a public figure, and given her past, wants the announcement handled in the right way because their livelihood depends on public opinion. Naomi is peeved and wants to know if her opinions count for anything!
NAOMI: I will not compromise myself okay, not for you, not for anyone.
Number 30
With the garage sale not going ahead to the Brennan family, Mark has $20k burning a hole in his bank account and is looking for ideas on what to do with it. Paige suggests a holiday but Sonya and Toadie think he should invest in property. Mark is leaning towards travelling before settling down so Toadie suggests a method which he could actually do both even if it's confused Paige!
Number 22
Josh sets Amber up with all she needs for chilling but she wants him to chill too. When she's making something to eat, Josh leaves over and takes the hair out of her face, so she reminds him that she can take care of herself. There is now a bit of a tense atmosphere between them, so Amber decides to recuperate at home instead.
Brad enters Susan's office to apologise for neglecting his duty of care, adding that it was only good luck that Amber wasn't seriously hurt. Susan is relived that Amber/bubs is okay and tells him that he'll need to file an incident report. "I accept there's going to be repercussions," Brad says but Susan explains that's only for the pupils, she's no intention of reprimanding him, she just wants to get to the bottom of why it happened.
SUSAN: I'm worried about you. A few days ago, you told me you were coping well falling asleep in your lunchbreak would indicate otherwise.
Brad admits that he's having trouble sleeping and is missing the kids too especially as he's not sure how it's all going to turn out. Susan asks if he can get through the final week before the holidays and he replies no, so Susan will put in a relief teacher from tomorrow for him and adds before he leaves that he can talk to her if she can be of any help to him. At that, Brad has a request, that she keeps an eye on Terese for him.
Number 30/Number 24
Paige looks like she's uncomfortable about the others talking about planning for the future as they have lunch, while despite being all on his lonesome, Tyler looks like he's enjoying pizza and a movie for one.
Paige decides she's had enough talk about superannuation and secretly texts Tyler to ask him to call her because she needs rescuing! He does just that and when the call finishes, lies to Mark/Toadie/Sonya saying she needs to get down to Harold's to assist with a big urgent order that's just come on, but decline's Mark's offer of help.
Off Air
Josh makes a beeline to chat with Naomi than two young females sitting at another table.
JOSH: The girl I've just been seeing just dumped me, the mother of my baby who I'm not seeing in any way shape or form still wants nothing to do with me, so I don't think I'm going to be the best company right now.
Naomi jokes that he should go see Sue Parker for an ego boost! Josh laughs at her suggestion but points out hooking up someone older than his parents isn't much fun! Both agree not to talk about relationships and instead have a drink and a laugh... and a game of monopoly!
Susan unloads on Karl what Brad's request was but that she didn't have the heart to tell him that they'd fallen out.
SUSAN: This is so weird you know, I feel like I'm entering a whole new territory, I actually feel empathy for all of them.
KARL: Well, that's good because taking sides can cause conflict and not just for them!
Karl suggests that they head home and dig out the blue box!
Meanwhile, Naomi has just cleaned Josh out of money and wants to celebrate her win by them going dancing, so they quickly pack the game up.
Number 24
Mark is surprised to see Paige when he arrives home and she quickly explains that she was waiting for him. She then confesses that she got Tyler to get her out of the luncheon because she was so bored. He can't believe she did what she did, even when Paige explains that she'd nothing to contribute to the conversation but Mark points out that if she'd stayed, the chat would eventually have moved onto something which she could participate in.
PAIGE: Yes maybe once you guys stopped talking about economics and real estate!
Mark is speechless to that remark, so she adds he'd have had fun without her anyway but he's still not happy at what she did and doesn't think the Rebecchi's would be happy knowing what she did to get away. "You're not going to tell them are you?" she nervously asks. "What would be the point of that!" he replies and adds that it's probably better that it's just his feelings that are hurt. It's now just dawning on Paige what she's done and she frantically tries to apologise but he's not listening and walks off to his room.
Harold's Store
As she pays for her goods, Susan informs Amber about how she's dealt with the boys and invites her back to finish her talk at the school as lot of the pupils were disappointed to only hear part of it. This somewhat surprises Amber and she agrees to think about it.
Paul interrupted the ladies conversation to get a clean spoon and with their chat finished, Susan goes over to his table to ask what's wrong with him.
PAUL: You know, I thought I knew women, but what is it about. Why are they so sensitive about their image?!
SUSAN: Would you like to qualify that statement?
PAUL: Yes, Naomi! You know I merely suggest that she makes a few changes to her image and she bites my head off.
SUSAN: What's wrong with her image?
PAUL: Susan, I am the Mayor and when she marries me, she is going to become the first lady of Erinsborough and that role has inherent expectations.
After hearing that, she tells him to "hold it" because she didn't know that he and Naomi were engaged! Paul confirms that they are and adds that they're already acting like and old married couple. "Congratulations!" she finally finds the words to say and then asks what he suggested Naomi to do.
PAUL: That she make a few changes to her wardrobe and move her business in a more philanthropic direction which makes perfect sense after the nose dive it's taken. I cannot risk her jeopardising my reputation!
SUSAN: Seriously Paul! If your constituents can accept you with all your past scandals, I'm pretty sure they're going to be okay with Naomi just as she is!
She then delivers him one of her famous glares before getting up from his table and departing but does pat his shoulder as she passes him!
Off Air
Naomi has decided to make her own drink because the barman didn't know how to make a particular cocktail she wanted and hands Josh his mocktail. She's in hysterics (or maybe she's just slightly drunk!) at him showing her one of his dance movements (the milkshake!).
The barman on duty indicates drinking time is up and as the other patrons get up and depart, Naomi asks Josh what they are going to do now... before taking Josh by his lapels and kissing him! Josh doesn't reciprocate and reminds her she's with Paul and can't get up to no good but she's insisting on going back to his place!
JOSH: We can't!
NAOMI: We can, I want to!
Unmissable drama
- Imogen telling Daniel/Paige that Josh brought someone home last night.
- Paige commenting that she didn't think Josh was seeing anyone.
- Imogen finding out who the overnight guest was!
- Daniel asking why Naomi's engagement ring was in the #22 bathroom.
- Naomi walking into the bar where Paul/Sheila are.
"Piper's coming" flashes across the screen and we see Tyler and Ben meeting her outside the garage.
<<7210 - 7212>>
Karl Kennedy, Brad Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7211
Karl Kennedy, Brad Willis, Amber Turner

Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7211
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Toadie Rebecchi

Josh Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7211
Josh Willis, Brad Willis

Paul Robinson, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 7211
Paul Robinson, Naomi Canning

Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7211
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Tyler Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7211
Tyler Brennan, Paige Smith

Paul Robinson, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 7211
Paul Robinson, Naomi Canning

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7211
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith, Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Josh Willis, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7211
Josh Willis, Amber Turner

Susan Kennedy, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7211
Susan Kennedy, Brad Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7211
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7211
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7211
Tyler Brennan

Josh Willis, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 7211
Josh Willis, Naomi Canning

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7211
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Josh Willis, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 7211
Josh Willis, Naomi Canning

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7211
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Amber Turner, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7211
Amber Turner, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7211
Susan Kennedy, Paul Robinson

Naomi Canning, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 7211
Naomi Canning, Josh Willis

Naomi Canning, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 7211
Naomi Canning, Josh Willis

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