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Neighbours Episode 7210 from 2015 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7209 - 7211>>
Episode title: 7210
Australian airdate: 11/09/15
UK airdate: 25/09/15
Writer: Paul Gartside
Director: Julie Money
Guests: Aaron Brennan: Matt Wilson
Ashtyn Harris: Matthew Hayduk
Ben Kirk: Felix Mallard (uncredited)
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Josh and Imogen are upset when Brad decides to move out of No 22
- Josh wants to shack up in the motel with Brad, but his dad tells him that Terese needs his support
- Unsure if Aaron's flirting, Nate enlists body language doyenne Courtney to help him read the signs
- In a moment of desolation, Kyle kisses Amy - and a displeased Paul sees everything
The Waterhole
With Kyle gone, Paul joins Amy at her table and asks her about the kiss. Amy says it was nothing, and all fine. But Paul claims that it's tantamount to sexual harassment given that Kyle's her employer. Amy insists it's nothing like the tradie who was wolf-whistling at her recently, and is not a big deal. Paul wants to talk to Kyle himself, but Amy asks him not to, saying Kyle's just vulnerable right now.
AMY: Don't you have a date or something to go to with Naomi? Your former EA?
PAUL: ...
AMY: Just stay out of it.
But Paul has a look on his face that suggests he has no intention of doing so.
Lassiter's Complex
Sure enough, Paul approaches Kyle, who is sitting outside The Waterhole looking sad. Paul immediately challenges him on the kiss, saying it was totally out of line - and adding that the last time he and Amy had 'a moment', she and Jimmy almost left town. Paul says he doesn't want that to happen again.
KYLE: Neither do I. I just wasn't thinking, that's all. I've been missing Georgia; Amy being was really nice to me; it just happened... It won't ever happen again.
PAUL: Yeah, damn right it won't. Because you're gonna stay well away from her, and Jimmy.
Kyle explains he has to go to Jimmy's 'special picnic thing' tomorrow, but Paul immediately says he'll take his place. Kyle disappointedly agrees, saying he doesn't want things to be awkward.
Lassiter's Lake
Brad is talking to his younger daughter Piper (the one on the indefinite exchange programme in Canada) on the phone, complimenting her on her latest vlog. We gather from their conversation that Imogen has been emailing Piper about the situation between Brad and Terese. Brad admits that Imogen's pretty upset with him, but he says he's struggling being away from the kids.
BRAD: I miss you so much... I love you.
Harold's Store
Jimmy is talking to Amy about how cool it will be to take Kyle to the picnic event.
JIMMY: Maybe he'll bring some power tools?
AMY: I don't think power tools are really appropriate for a school picnic, but I'm sure Kyle knows that. I hope Kyle knows that.
Jimmy asks when Kyle will get here; Amy says any minute now. Meanwhile, Susan asks Amber a favour - she wants her to give a talk at the school about careers options, since her first choice speaker has dropped out at the last minute.
Amber isn't sure she's the best role model, but Susan says she's met all the challenges she's been thrown in life head-on, while also finding fulfilment in her photography career. Amber agrees to do the talk. When Susan asks if it will be uncomfortable, given that it's Brad's class she'll be talking to and that he'll be there, Amber says it won't be a problem.
The Waterhole
Aaron thanks Nate for helping to cheer up Tyler earlier, following Russell's departure. Aaron says his leaving is the best thing for all of them; and Nate correctly guesses that Aaron is feeling guilty for not having helped Tyler earlier. Aaron admits that he is, and says he should've seen Russell's violence coming given how bad-tempered he was when Aaron left.
NATE: Look, I know how you're feeling. I've been in situations where I've got away completely unharmed, but the people I cared about - they weren't so lucky.
AARON: Do you mean in Afghanistan?
NATE: Yeah. I've got no scars to show for it, but the guilt messed me up for a long time.
Aaron asks how he should get over his guilt about Tyler. Nate says he should just accept it and make amends in the present, as he can't go back in time. Nate announces he's going to help Sonya out in the nursery, as she has her hands full with Toadie at the moment. Aaron offers to come and help too, and they leave together.
Erinsborough High School
Ben is in the corridor when he is almost hit by a paper plane. The thrower is none other than Ashtyn, Kyle's accident-prone former apprentice, who is apparently also a student at the school. He explains he's trying to break his record.
ASHTYN: Well, last year I threw a paper plane all the way from my locker to the arts room. One day, I want to get it into the principal's office. It's my dream.
BEN: It's important to have ambitions in life.
They introduce themselves, and Ben remembers Ash as the one who 'hosed down his grandad' at Kyle's yard not so long ago! Ash explains that he's only recently back at school, having 'tried out some other options'. Ben suggests they hang out today, and Ash agrees. Susan and Brad watch them walk off together.
BRAD: I thought we expelled Ashtyn?
SUSAN: Not exactly. We asked him to find some alternative educational arrangements, which he did. But unfortunately they didn't work out.
BRAD: So he got expelled again?
SUSAN: Yep, from two schools! Also he was forced to leave his apprenticeship with Kyle.
Susan suggests Brad keep an eye on Ash, as he's 'harmless' but 'chaotic'. She also tells him about Amber agreeing to talk to his class. Brad says she's a great choice, but seems tired, claiming when Susan notices him yawning that he hasn't had his morning coffee yet.
Harold's Store
Jimmy is getting worried that he's going to be late for the picnic, as Kyle hasn't showed up yet. Amy goes to text him, but Paul then turns up and explains that Kyle 'can't make it' - so he's taking Jimmy to the picnic instead. Jimmy seems OK with this, but Amy is concerned and drags Paul to one side, where he admits that he had a word with Kyle about the kiss.
AMY: After I specifically asked you not to?
PAUL: I had to let him know how I felt about what he did.
AMY: Did that include telling him not to come today?
Paul makes out that it was a mutual agreement between him and Kyle. Amy agrees to Paul taking Jimmy to the picnic, but doesn't seem pleased about it - and goes off to find Kyle.
Lassiter's Complex
Amy finds Kyle sitting in his ute in the car park, and lays into him for making Jimmy wait for him this morning and then not showing up. Kyle backs up Paul's explanation that they both thought it would be a good idea for Kyle to maintain some distance. Amy says Kyle should have called.
KYLE: Paul said he was going to handle it.
AMY: Why would I let my father handle things that aren't his business?
Kyle apologises, and also for 'screwing up majorly' by kissing her. Amy says this has nothing to do with the kiss, but about how he's broken his promise Jimmy, who's been looking forward to doing the picnic with him all week.
AMY: Jimmy doesn't deserve to miss out just because we're awkward with each other. You put your game face on and you show up.
Amy leaves Kyle looking even more forlorn than when she arrived.
Erinsborough High School
Ben and Ashtyn are whacking each other with folders when Susan intervenes and tells them to stop. Susan pulls Ben aside and tells him he ought to think about hanging out with someone else.
BEN: But I like Ashtyn. He doesn't know anything about me and he doesn't care. That's awesome. Plus he's hilarious.
They watch as Ashtyn accidentally tips his pencils all over the floor.
SUSAN: Yeah. Hilarious (!)
Amber turns up, ready for the talk. Susan says Brad will be back from his break any minute so they can begin.
Sonya's Nursery
Aaron is helping out Nate with odd jobs around the nursery as promised.
NATE: Look at you, you're like the Energizer Bunny!
Aaron remarks that it's nice that Nate is doing this to help out Sonya and Toadie, adding that people in Erinsborough really seem to look out for each other. Nate says it's a small-town mentality.
AARON: Yeah, you're from Karratha, right? Was it the same there?
NATE: To be honest, no. But the first place I lived was like that. We lived in a remote community in Pilbara with my mum's side of the family.
AARON: But then you moved away?
NATE: Yeah. My dad got a job in the mine, when I was a teenager in Karratha. And after I finished school I got a job in the mine too. But it wasn't for me.
AARON: I know the feeling!
NATE: Yeah. Then I joined the army. Now that was a community.
AARON: What, you felt at home there?
NATE: Totally. It was like family. But it came at a cost, though, in the end. Hence the therapy.
Aaron says it's funny that they both worked Down The Mines™ but then went in completely different directions.
NATE: Yeah. But a dance troupe's not too different from a military unit.
AARON: You reckon?
NATE: Whatever gives you the sense of belonging, I guess.
Aaron says he still never had what Nate did growing up - but that the people of Erinsborough are really growing on him.
AARON: Some more than others.
Nate smiles and glances at Aaron as he walks past.
Erinsborough High School
Susan has left Amber alone in the classroom with the kids while she waits for Brad to show up - which, since Ashtyn is in the class, is bound to be a recipe for disaster. He's sitting on his desk eating a bag of grapes, and ignores Amber when she tells him he shouldn't be eating in class. Ash goes on to offend Amber by calling one of her former school subjects 'a bludge', then adding...
ASHTYN: You're pretty young to be knocked up. Must have been a surprise.
AMBER: I'm gonna go find a teacher.
But Ash and Ben convince her to stay, insisting they'll 'be good'. Ash encourages her to start her talk on creative careers, but Amber's unwilling to do so before Brad arrives.
ASHTYN: Well if you can't manage us, how are you gonna manage a new baby?
Amber looks uncomfortable.
Lassiter's Lake
Aaron and Nate are out for a walk.
NATE: For ages after I returned from Afghanistan, I just wandered. Seriously, like a zombie, around the whole world.
He says the Kennedys' warm welcome persuaded him to stay in Erinsborough, especially because of the amount Susan has done for him. He goes on to explain that his relationship with Chris Pappas was the first proper one he'd ever had.
NATE: He showed me how to be a person again. Sorry; it's bad form to talk about your ex, isn't it?
AARON: No, I think that rule only applies when you're actually on a date.
NATE: ... Right. Hey, is that Brad?
AARON: That's a weird way to break an awkward silence.
But Nate has indeed spotted Brad, lying fast asleep in DeadKate's Gazebo! They walk up to him and wake him up. Brad checks his watch and realises he's late for Amber's talk, so he hurries back to school.
Nearby at the school picnic, Paul and Jimmy are discussing their strategy for the egg-and-spoon race, when Amy turns up to join them. Amy seems distracted, while Jimmy seems concerned that Paul won't be able to go fast because of his wooden leg.
PAUL: There are other ways to win an egg-and-spoon race. Amazing what a little sticky-tack will do, hey?
Suddenly Kyle turns up after all, and Jimmy orders Paul to give him his egg and spoon, having decided that Kyle has better odds of winning! Paul reluctantly hands them over. Kyle and Jimmy head off to start the race, while Paul looks annoyed.
Sonya's Nursery
Nate thanks Aaron for helping out today, and they flirt a bit while teasing one another. Nate realises they've got through a full day without fighting.
AARON: Turns out you're less annoying when you're not being Colonel Cranky-Pants.
NATE: Yeah, and you're less annoying when you're not bouncing round the walls like a hyperactive rabbit.
There's an awkward moment as they simultaneously ask the other out for a drink. They both laugh, and agree to head out for a meal and a beer.
NATE: It's a date then...?
AARON: I guess it is.
Lassiter's Lake
The egg-and-spoon race is in full swing. Soon, Kyle and Jimmy are victorious, and claim their trophy. Amy claps, but Paul is still looking displeased.
AMY: They won! Can't you be happy?
PAUL: I am happy. This is my happy face.
AMY: Oh, don't tell me you're upset 'cause Jimmy wanted Kyle as his buddy and not you?
PAUL: No, not exactly.
AMY: Come on. Kyle's like a mate. Or an awkward older brother.
PAUL: Yeah, or a dopey puppy.
AMY: The point is, it's not the same as a grandfather.
Paul and Jimmy go off to get a drink, while Amy congratulates Kyle on his win.
KYLE: Listen - thanks for yelling at me before.
AMY: I didn't. I simply shared some concerns.
KYLE: Right. Well remind me never to make you really mad. Honestly, though, I deserved it. And I won't let Jimmy down again; you have my word.
AMY: Glad to hear it.
KYLE: And about last night...
AMY: No, you don't have to say anything.
KYLE: No, I want to. I was a moron. My head's just been all over the place, and I let it get the better of me. So I'm sorry.
AMY: Seriously, Kyle. I've forgotten all about it.
KYLE: Righto. Mates, then?
AMY: For sure.
They smile at each other.
Erinsborough High School
Amber is talking to the class about how freelance photography is going to be a perfect career for her as a single mum, because of the flexibility it allows. Ashtyn is still stuffing his face with grapes and distracting Ben, so Amber tells them to pay attention.
ASHTYN: Oh, we are. We're really GRAPE-ful that you're giving this talk! Get it? Grape-ful?
Amber is bemused, but tries to continue - while Ash repeatedly throws grapes into Ben's and his own mouth and misses, so that they land up on the floor. Amber loses patience and demands that Ash hands over the bag of grapes, walking towards him to confiscate them. But she slips on one of the grapes on the floor and falls backwards. At this point, Brad finally shows his face, and is horrified to see Amber on the floor and apparently suffering stomach pains.
AMBER: Something's not right.
Brad helps her up, but she's clearly in severe discomfort.
Coming Soon
- An angry Naomi tells Paul that she will not compromise herself for him or anyone
- Brad gives Lauren a heads- up that Terese is on the warpath
- Kyle is upset when Amy accuses him of lying and ripping her off
- Imogen is annoyed at Josh for sleeping with someone
- There's a new girl about town, but she's soon found unconscious by Tyler and Ben
<<7209 - 7211>>
Paul Robinson, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7210
Paul Robinson, Amy Williams

Paul Robinson, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7210
Paul Robinson, Kyle Canning

Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7210
Brad Willis

Amy Williams, Jimmy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7210
Amy Williams, Jimmy Williams

Amber Turner, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7210
Amber Turner, Susan Kennedy

Aaron Brennan, Nate Kinski in Neighbours Episode 7210
Aaron Brennan, Nate Kinski

Ashtyn Harris, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 7210
Ashtyn Harris, Ben Kirk

Brad Willis, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7210
Brad Willis, Susan Kennedy

Amy Williams, Paul Robinson, Jimmy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7210
Amy Williams, Paul Robinson, Jimmy Williams

Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7210
Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

Ben Kirk, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7210
Ben Kirk, Susan Kennedy

Nate Kinski, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7210
Nate Kinski, Aaron Brennan

Ashtyn Harris, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 7210
Ashtyn Harris, Ben Kirk

Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7210
Brad Willis

Kyle Canning, Paul Robinson, Jimmy Williams, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7210
Kyle Canning, Paul Robinson, Jimmy Williams, Amy Williams

Aaron Brennan, Nate Kinski in Neighbours Episode 7210
Aaron Brennan, Nate Kinski

Kyle Canning, Jimmy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7210
Kyle Canning, Jimmy Williams

Amy Williams, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7210
Amy Williams, Paul Robinson

Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7210
Amber Turner

Ashtyn Harris, Ben Kirk in Neighbours Episode 7210
Ashtyn Harris, Ben Kirk

Amber Turner, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7210
Amber Turner, Brad Willis

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