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Neighbours Episode 7179 from 2015 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7178 - 7180>>
Episode title: 7179
Australian airdate: 30/07/15
UK airdate: 13/08/15
Writer: Margaret Wilson
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Amy Williams: Zoe Cramond
Russell Brennan: Russell Kiefel
Aaron Brennan: Matt Wilson
Trev Barnett: Dan Quigley
Summary/Images by: Sarah/Graham
- Jimmy tells Paul that Sheila has the hots for him
- Sheila says it's nice to think about "what- ifs"
- Amy throws out Captain Fugglesworth and Kyle offers to help bring him home
- Tyler is upset that Mark and Paige are together
- The Brennan patriarch arrives. Aaron isn't happy and Tyler hides behind a shrub
No 24
Mark is having breakfast with Paige, and he is surprised to see his dad with Aaron. His dad points out that Mark invited him. Paige greets him effusively. Mark suggests lunch, but Aaron is "busy", so Paige suggests breakfast while Mark calls Tyler.
RUSSELL: How is he? Still need my help to straighten him out?
MARK: Yeah...
Aaron scowls mutinously.
Meanwhile outside, Tyler is nearly in tears. He doesn't take Mark's call.
No 30
Toadie is looking online for a Captain Fugglesworth replacement. (It doesn't work, even if you find one. I know.) Sonya points out that the teddy he's found looks nothing like the Captain. She says that Nell cried all the way to Judith's.
SONYA: And we need to make a decision about childcare.
TOADIE: Can we just deal with one emotional crisis at a time.
SONYA: No, it's the same crisis.
She decides that Nell is not ready for childcare. Toadie decides they need to find another toy before they deal with it.
Lassiter's complex
Kyle and Amy are waiting for the recycling truck. They meet Paul and she tells him that they are staying on, as Kyle has offered her a job. Kyle gets a text.
KYLE: This is weird. This is the fourth text this morning asking if me and my wife are available for a job.
AMY: Me?
KYLE: Yeah, I guess so.
Amy wonders why anyone would think they were married and Paul is surprised they don't know.
Naomi shows them the cover of Tradie Monthly, which has a picture of them looking couply. Naomi thinks it's great exposure for them, but Kyle says it's not the point.
KYLE: Come on, we've got a date with a truck. Not a date, not a date.
Naomi comments to Sheila that it will be good for Kyle's business, and Sheila says that she couldn't be happier that things are working out for her and Kyle.
NAOMI: Except you said that like someone just died.
Sheila denies that anything's going on, but Naomi's not convinced. Paul arrives, and says that they'll make a fortune. Naomi tells him that Sheila doesn't seem excited, and she's worried. He asks what they're doing for lunch. She says she's serious, and he says Sheila's probably having an off-day.
No 24
Paige chats to Russell, and he says that Mark helped with teaching the others mechanics. Aaron says that his dad blamed him for destroying a lawnmower.
RUSSELL: That's all water under the bridge, isn't it?
Aaron doesn't look too sure, so Paige shows Russell to his room. Aaron is furious that Mark invited their dad over, though Mark says that technically he didn't, and maybe Aaron and his dad can sort out their differences.
AARON: The last time that me and dad spoke was when I came out, and that did not go well. He owes me an apology.
MARK: I wouldn't hold your breath.
AARON: Yeah, well, then we've got a problem, because I don't want a bar of him before he does.
No 30
Toadie tells Sonya the exciting news that he's found a bear exactly like CF on MyStuffForSale, for $20. How exciting! The problem is, it's in Portsea. They decide to go and pick it up, even though it means Sonya will have to work all night.
Lassiter's complex
Kyle gets another call, and tells the caller that Amy is not his wife. He tells Amy he's worried about Georgia. Amy thinks Georgia might find it funny.
KYLE: The first time, yeah. The second time, probably. The 23rd time, maybe not so much.
The truck arrives. Trev gets out and he refuses their request to look for CF. Amy shows him a picture of Nell and says she'll cry herself to sleep night after night.
AMY: Do you really - I mean really - want that on your conscience - for the rest of your life?
TREV: I'll live.
No 28
Ben is not in this episode sulking in his room. Susan says she'll make him a tray, then decides not to. She asks Karl if she's played it wrong, then decides she's overreacted. Mark arrives, looking for Tyler...
Somewhere in a park
...but he's taken off on his bike, and is sitting on a convenient bench, looking miserable.
No 24
Paige asks Aaron to take his dad for a tour of Erinsborough, but he says he's busy. Paige sits down for a chat, saying it must be nice for him to catch up with the boys. He says it's a question of whether Tyler and Aaron want to hang out with him. Paige says she had issues with her adoptive mum, but they've sorted things out, and she assures Russell that the boys will come around.
No 30
Toadie and Sonya have the impostor Fugglesworth.
TOADIE: Just remember that if this doesn't work, we've only wasted about three hours going to get him and we'll never sleep again.
They hand to Nell, who runs off, crying. I knew that would happen. Anyway, Toadie tells Sonya to stick it down her top: perhaps Nell didn't like it because it didn't smell like them.
Amy and Kyle arrive back, and say they failed, despite catching up with the truck. Amy offers to move out, but Toadie and Sonya say no (which is very generous). Toadie says that Nell has lost her best friend so she has to grieve. Kyle has an idea.
Men's Shed
Karl finds Tyler on the couch. He asks Tyler why he hasn't replied to Mark's messages: Tyler says his phone is dead. Karl offers his phone, but Tyler doesn't want to ring Mark right now.
KARL: I don't want to intrude; I just want to make sure you're OK.
Karl invites him for a game of pool, and Tyler agrees if Karl doesn't ask about his family.
Karl and Tyler are playing pool, when Mark and Russell come in. Sheila is very offhand when Russell orders the beers, to Mark's surprise. Karl is concerned that Tyler is very tense. Mark and Russell come over, and Tyler says he's staying at the Men's Shed. Mark says there's plenty of room at his, but Tyler is adamant he's not coming home. Mark and Karl go to get the beers.
No 30 garden
Susan is leading a memorial service for the esteemed captain. Toadie has a photo of Nell and the bear and gives a moving eulogy. They blow lots of bubbles, and Nell wants more mixture.
SUSAN: Fastest grieving period I've ever seen.
SUMMARISER: Rolls eyes.
Toadie and Sonya decide that Nell is more resilient than they though and decide to give childcare a shot. They thank Kyle for his idea.
Lassiter's complex
Karl asks Tyler about his "difficult relationship" with his father. Tyler says he's just surprised to see him.
Waterhole - outside
Naomi dashes up to her mum, wanting to tell her about Russell. Sheila's met him, and says she's not interested.
NAOMI: Oh, Mum, this is a good-looking, age-appropriate single man. They don't exactly grow on trees. I should know.
SHEILA: I am not in the mood to make a fool of myself.
Mark comments to Paige that he didn't think his dad would actually turn up, and he didn't realise how awkward things were between him and Aaron. He says he'll asks him to stay in a hotel or leave early. Paige says he's lonely.
PAIGE: Trust me, if you send him packing, he'll be devastated.
No 30
Kyle and Amy are tidying up the toys in the garden. Amy says he doesn't have to tidy up when he's been chasing the truck all day. She thanks him for coming up with the idea of the memorial service, and hugs him. They have a "moment", then break apart uncomfortably.
Unmissable Drama
- Amber is upset that the amnio could cause a miscarriage, or the diagnosis could be fatal
- Amy tells Kyle and Paul she's not staying
- Paul asks Kyle what happened, and he tells Paul to talk to Amy about it
- Sheila tells Paul someone has been stealing wine, and Nate is prime suspect
- Sheila confronts Nate
<<7178 - 7180>>
Russell Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7179
Russell Brennan, Aaron Brennan, Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7179
Tyler Brennan

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7179
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Amy Williams, Paul Robinson, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7179
Amy Williams, Paul Robinson, Kyle Canning

Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7179
Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

Amy Williams, Kyle Canning, Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7179
Amy Williams, Kyle Canning, Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning

Russell Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7179
Russell Brennan, Paige Smith

Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7179
Mark Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7179
Sonya Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi

Trev Barnett, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7179
Trev Barnett, Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

Mark Brennan, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7179
Mark Brennan, Karl Kennedy

Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7179
Tyler Brennan

Paige Smith, Russell Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7179
Paige Smith, Russell Brennan

Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7179
Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7179
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7179
Karl Kennedy, Tyler Brennan

Tyler Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Russell Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7179
Tyler Brennan, Karl Kennedy, Mark Brennan, Russell Brennan

Susan Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Sonya Rebecchi, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7179
Susan Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Nell Rebecchi, Amy Williams, Sonya Rebecchi, Kyle Canning

Karl Kennedy, Tyler Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7179
Karl Kennedy, Tyler Brennan

Sheila Canning, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 7179
Sheila Canning, Naomi Canning

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7179
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7179
Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

Amy Williams, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 7179
Amy Williams, Kyle Canning

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