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Neighbours Episode 7140 from 2015 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7139 - 7141>>
Episode title: 7140
Australian airdate: 05/06/15
UK airdate: 19/06/15
Writer: Emma J. Steele
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Forrest Jones: Nicholas Gunn
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Daniel tells Amber they can 'make it work' with the baby if they try
- But Josh tells Daniel he's determined to give Amber and the baby everything they need
- Newcomer Forrest picks out 'clueless' Josh as a prime target for a dodgy job opportunity
- Daniel tells Imogen that he doesn't want to sell Off Air, but has responsibilities now
- Karl tells Susan he's bought a percentage of Off Air
- Terese manufactures a working relationship between Lauren and graphic designer Robin
- Brad warns Robin to back off from Lauren, as she's just lost her husband
Harold's Store
Lauren is telling Toadie about her role helping Robin to design the new Lassiter's logo and related materials. She's showing Toadie some of her preliminary work, when Brad comes in. He tries to creep past them, but Toadie calls him over to check out Lauren's artistry.
TOADIE: Your wife is a genius...
BRAD: ...
TOADIE: ... involving Lauren in this!
Lauren's all fired up, and says she hasn't felt this motivated in ages. However, she then gets a phone call from Robin, telling her he doesn't need her after all. Brad slinks off to the other side of the café again, looking guilty - while Lauren is dejected, assuming Robin dislikes her work.
No 32
In the garden, Amber and Daniel are sitting by the pool when Josh arrives, all shirted up. He reveals he's going part-time at TAFE and starting his new job today - and says he'd like to arrange a time to talk about what his contributions towards the baby are going to be. Josh reveals his new job is with Forrest Jones, the guy who wanted to buy Off Air, selling supplements at the gym.
Daniel makes a dig about Josh having been fired from the gym previously, and Josh makes a dig in turn about Daniel selling the bar. But Daniel reveals that Karl's decided to invest now.
JOSH: Karl owning a bar? That's bizarre!
But Daniel says it means they get to stay in business. Josh leaves, asking them to call him when they want to meet up.
No 28
Karl is rushing his breakfast so he can get over to Off Air and open up. Susan sarcastically teases him about the 'stampede' of customers that will be waiting for him.
KARL: Susan, I don't think you understand what this means.
SUSAN: Well, you've already had several mid-life crises, so it can't be that.
Karl tells Susan they're at a turning point in their lives, and that 'fresh new opportunities' are opening up for them.
SUSAN: In the hospitality industry?!
Karl goes on to compare his professional need to connect with patients, with the barman's duty to connect with punters - except that he says it's much a more personal relationship.
Susan says she'll never see Karl now he's working two jobs, but Karl tries to get her to come down to Off Air with him and be his 'barfly'. Susan seems more than willing to draw the line at doing the books, but Karl persuades her to come down with him - before critiquing what she's wearing as unsuitable for a bar presence. This despite Karl wearing the most horrendous shirt known to man!
Harold's Store
Lauren is telling Terese about Robin's decision not to work with her. Lauren's still surprised at the decision as it was so sudden, and is worried she did something wrong - but Terese is equally surprised, saying Robin told her he was more than happy with Lauren's ideas. Terese promises to go and find out what's going on.
Dingoes' Gym
Josh arrives for his first day on the job. Forrest is already there and selling the 'Elixa Fuel' supplements from a kiosk by the reception desk. He tells Josh that he knows he was fired from the gym, but has spoken to the current manager and that it's not a problem him being here.
Forrest presents Josh with two options - he can man the kiosk for a flat rate per hour, or he can go for a commission-based direct sales approach, which he says earns more if you're prepared to work hard. Josh immediately opts for the latter, and Forrest says he can supplement his income by getting bonuses for signing up new salespeople etc.
The catch, however, is that Forrest requires an 'outlay' of $5,000 from Josh to effectively buy the stock he'll be selling, in order to get started. Josh's smile drops.
Off Air
The bar is pretty much empty except for Susan who is working on the books, so Karl is practicing his cocktail-making skills - and already smashing bottles. Toadie comes in with Nell, who is upset because she saw a bee in the park and was scared after her recent sting. Karl offers to make Nell a babycino with marshmallows to cheer her up, but is fresh out of marshmallows - so rushes off to buy some, despite Toadie's assurance that it isn't necessary. Susan jokes that he should change his shirt before he leaves.
No 22
Terese comes in. She's annoyed with Brad, having talked to Robin and found out that he warned her off Lauren. Brad admits he did tell Robin that Lauren was grieving and not to pursue her, but Terese challenges him as to why he thought it was his place to intervene - it should be Lauren's choice whether she wants to spend time with men.
BRAD: You know, anyone would think you were trying to put these two together.
TERESE: Why shouldn't she spend time with Robin? Maybe he makes her feel good about herself; there's no harm in that.
BRAD: She's vulnerable; he'll take advantage of her.
TERESE: Why are you being so overprotective?
BRAD: Why are you making an issue out of this?
Terese tries to claim it's all about helping Lauren, and that Brad's interference has damaged her self-confidence.
TERESE: You know, if she finds out about this, believe me she won't be so grateful.
Off Air
Susan is showing Nell a computer game about bees on her tablet, to help overcome her fear, and gives it her to play with. Nell seems engrossed, and Toadie thanks Susan for the idea. Karl comes back in with the marshmallows (it having taken him ages to find some reasonably-priced ones!) and is disappointed to see that Nell is too distracted with the game to find any interest for the babycino he was about to make. Susan suggests he do it another time.
No 22
Josh is telling Brad about the new job, and the $5,000 he needs for the Elixa Fuel 'starter kit'. Brad suggests it might be better to stay at TAFE full-time so he can get a better job in the future, but Josh is determined to earn enough money for Amber the baby.
Brad tells Josh how, when his older son Ned was born, he took a dead-end job to pay the bills, but regretted it later as he hadn't thought about the future. Josh is dismissive, and says he can get an increase on his credit card to pay for the starter kit. Brad warns him he's saddling himself with a huge debt, and says he won't lend Josh the cash either, as he doesn't agree with the decision. He thinks Josh should stay at TAFE and get his qualifications, and a part-time job to earn money.
Off Air
Daniel arrives to check how Karl's getting on as barman. Karl says there've been no catastrophes, and tells Daniel to have some time for himself while he keeps things ticking over. But Daniel is twitchy about leaving Karl in charge, especially with the charity bingo event coming up - adding that they can't afford Off Air to fail, and he feels responsible for the fact Karl has bailed him out.
Karl insists that Daniel did him a favour by selling him a share, as he was looking for a new challenge. So he tells Daniel to go and spend some time with Amber instead. Daniel kindly tells Karl that he looks 'sharp', and leaves.
Harold's Store
Brad comes in, with a confession for Lauren - he admits that he warned Robin off her, and that's why he changed his mind about Lauren being involved with the new logo designs.
BRAD: I thought he was coming onto you.
LAUREN: Well whether he was or whether he wasn't, how is that any of your business?
BRAD: It's not. It was wrong of me to interfere; I was totally out of line.
LAUREN: Well thank you for the admission, but...
BRAD: Given the situation, I honestly thought I was doing the right thing.
LAUREN: Oh, you mean like, he might have wanted to pounce on a lonely grieving widow and take advantage of me?
BRAD: Matt made me promise to look after you and I take that seriously.
LAUREN: Okay, fine - but I can look after myself as well, you know.
BRAD: It won't happen again.
LAUREN: It better not. I think you should go.
But Brad keeps wittering on, saying he wanted to protect her.
LAUREN: You need to focus on your wife, and your marriage, instead of worrying about my life.
Brad leaves.
Later, Terese comes in, and says she's spoken to Robin - who has said that he'd still like Lauren to help with the designs if she's happy to do so. Lauren's concerned it might be awkward, but Terese insists Robin knows it was a 'misunderstanding'.
LAUREN: Brad told me what he said to Robin. I mean, what must he think of me? That I'm some lonely, grieving widow. There was absolutely nothing flirtatious between us.
TERESE: ... There wasn't?
Terese looks disappointed, but explains that Robin knows the full story, and is keen to utilise Lauren's talents if she still wants to collaborate. Terese then apologises for Brad's behaviour, and Lauren thanks her for clearing the air with Robin. Terese encourages her to call Robin, but Lauren is non-committal.
Off Air
Karl comes in and sees Terese sitting in the bar looking glum. He offers her a drink and a friendly ear, but she explains that Susan is already looking after her. Annoyed that Susan seems to have rendered his services redundant again, Karl stalks off to stock the fridge.
Meanwhile, Terese tells Susan about her concern that Brad is becoming obsessive about protecting Lauren. But Susan is quick to point out that Lauren doesn't even have any graphic design skills - and suggests that Terese might be trying to pair her off with Robin in order to quell her own marital insecurities, so that Lauren won't need to keep turning to Brad for comfort.
Terese denies this was her motivation, but Susan looks sceptical, and the conversation has become awkward as Terese insists she only wants the best for the Lassiter's rebrand.
No 32
In the garden, Amber is on the phone, booking in her next ultrasound. She asks after Josh's job, and he's upbeat - before reminding her that she hasn't called him yet to discuss a time to talk about the baby and its needs. Daniel emerges from the house, looking annoyed to see Josh back again - and Josh looks equally annoyed to see him.
Josh begins talking about all the baby supplies and toys they'll need, saying he's happy to follow Amber's lead. But Daniel retorts that it's too early to be talking about nursery stuff and that in any case, it's not all about how many toys the kid has. Daniel also informs Josh that he'll be taking care of Amber's medical bills, including the ultrasound - despite Josh's offer to contribute. Amber tells Josh there'll be other things he can help with.
JOSH: Okay, well you guys just let me know if there's anything I...
DANIEL: Yeah, we will.
JOSH: ... can help you with.
Josh leaves awkwardly.
Off Air
Karl is loudly clanking around bottles, and Susan, who is trying to do the accounts, concludes that he's annoyed with her for rendering his marshmallow efforts redundant earlier. Karl admits that he was also annoyed about Susan stealing his thunder by serving and advising Terese.
SUSAN: Of course she would rather talk to me; she's my friend!
KARL: You know, you've had a very busy day dishing out advice. Maybe you should go home, put your feet up?
SUSAN: Can I remind you that you were the one who invited me to 'share the experience'?!
KARL: Yeah, but I didn't expect you to take over!
SUSAN: Oh, don't be so childish!
KARL: The only time I've been able to help anyone today, that was with Daniel, was because you weren't here to interfere!
SUSAN: I might just go back and do the books.
KARL: Good. Fine!
Susan walks off, muttering under her breath.
No 22
Brad has set up a surprise candlelit dinner for Terese, who seems unimpressed. She immediately challenges him again over why he had to intervene with Lauren and Robin - and Brad does a full mea culpa, saying he knows he put Terese in a difficult position.
BRAD: Whatever is going on, you are my number one priority. I don't want you to ever think that what I do comes at the expense of us. I want you to be happy.
Terese softens a little, saying she wants that too, for both of them. They clink their wine glasses.
BRAD: I love you.
TERESE: I love you too.
Brad kisses her, and she smiles, but still doesn't look hugely happy.
Dingoes' Gym
Josh meets with Forrest again, confirming that he wants to do the direct sales, and handing over his credit card to pay for the starter kit. Forrest passes him the contract to sign, but reminds him that the job is all commission-based - so if he doesn't get the sales, he won't see the profits. Josh signs the contract.
Unmissable Drama
- Imogen accuses Josh of trying to buy Amber's love
- Amber is surprised to learn the extent of Josh's investment in the baby as part of his future
- Sheila is annoyed to discover she has a new rival in the barmaid stakes - the 'amateur' Susan
- Daniel is keen to get Amy to change her mind about being in Paul's life, and Naomi encourages him
- Amy is surprised when Daniel shows up at her house
<<7139 - 7141>>
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7140
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Josh Willis, Daniel Robinson, Amber Turner in Neighbours Episode 7140
Josh Willis, Daniel Robinson, Amber Turner

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7140
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Lauren Turner, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7140
Lauren Turner, Terese Willis

Forrest Jones, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 7140
Forrest Jones, Josh Willis

Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7140
Nell Rebecchi, Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7140
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7140
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Nell Rebecchi

Josh Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7140
Josh Willis, Brad Willis

Karl Kennedy, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7140
Karl Kennedy, Daniel Robinson

Lauren Turner, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7140
Lauren Turner, Brad Willis

Lauren Turner, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7140
Lauren Turner, Terese Willis

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7140
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis

Josh Willis, Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7140
Josh Willis, Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 7140
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Terese Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7140
Terese Willis, Brad Willis

Josh Willis, Forrest Jones in Neighbours Episode 7140
Josh Willis, Forrest Jones

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