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Neighbours Episode 7007 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7006 - 7008>>
Episode title: 7007
Australian airdate: 04/11/14
UK airdate: 18/11/14
Writer: Sam Carroll
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Rain Taylor: Airlie Dodds
Summary/Images by: Matt/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Paige tells Brennan that their break up is something that just happens
- Rain arrives in Erinsborough
- Daniel tells Amber that Rain cheated on him
- Josh tells his family he won't delay his hearing any further
- Brad steals a piece of paper from Josh's defence file
No. 30
Imogen checks in with Toadie on the progress of Josh's case, and reassures Toadie that she's not sacrificing her studies. Toadie can't find the report on Josh's enzyme levels from his file. Imogen apologises and says she must have left it at home, so heads back to get it.
Outdoor Fitness Area
Josh and Paige are working out. Paige asks if Josh is scared for his hearing taking place tomorrow, but he seems unfazed. Mark jogs over and inquires about the state of Josh's injured shoulder and Pagie's burnt thumb, then carries on running. Josh asks Paige if there's anything still going on between her and Brennan, and she says that recently she's been getting signs from him acting nice around her. She asks Josh's advice as he's a guy.
JOSH: All I'll say is if you want him back, go for it.
PAIGE: What, and make a fool out of myself?
JOSH: But what if you don't. Take Amber and I for example, I blew it with her and now she's moved on. She marrying someone else, she's happy, and she's completely out of reach. And that's the way it's going to stay, forever.
No. 22 Backyard
Imogen is checking through lots of files on the table, and Josh asks if she's lost something. Imogen acts as though it's nothing. As she starts to get wound up, Josh asks if anyone could have taken the missing paper, but Imogen says no. She continues to frantically search, and then has a flashback to her conversation with Brad in which she tells him that if a key piece of evidence goes missing, the hearing could be delayed.
Lassiter's Lake
Brad ignores a phone call from Imogen. Amber and Daniel stroll past, and notice Rain drumming out some beats on a bongo drum. She's gathered a small crowd, and Amber remarks that she loves the attention. They go to get breakfast.
No. 32
Matt and Lauren are all lovey-dovey at the breakfast table. Paige enters in a classy red dress, and explains that she's dressing up as this will be her first Melbourne Cup as a Victorian. Lauren notes that Paige doesn't splash out on clothes for just anything (or anyone). Matt mentions that Sheila is running a sweepstake, and Paige suggests making their own.
The Waterhole
Sheila is panicking to Paul about how much she has to do for the Melbourne Cup festivities at the bar, and bemoans the lack of Georgia and Kyle to help her out. Paul asks why, and Sheila hastily responds that there was a "scheduling conflict". Paul offers up the help of his Lassiter's employees after she becomes desperate, ("Oh Moneybags, please help me") and eventually ropes in Daniel to help out.
PAUL: (smugly) See, wasn't hard at all was it. And I didn't even make you grovel.
Meanwhile Rain heads over to Amber and Daniel's table, and invites Daniel to join in her drumming next time. Although Daniel is going to be too busy to hear Rain's ideas about the new commune, she suggests she'll help out so they can work and talk. She invites Amber to help out too.
No. 30
Sonya tells Toadie that she's feeling a lot better and won't let the poison pen letters intimidate her. She's going to meet Mark for the Melbourne Cup and invites Toadie, but he's too busy with the case. Imogen enters and tells Toadie she still can't find the paper, and apologises.
IMOGEN: I'm really sorry Toadie, I don't know what to say.
TOADIE: You could say that you haven't misplaced it on purpose?
IMOGEN: What? No, of course I didn't, I wouldn't do something like that.
TOADIE: Except in the past you have done something like that.
IMOGEN: And I learnt my lesson. I promise you, I didn't take it.
TOADIE: Then who did?
IMOGEN: I know it looks bad, and you're right, it was in my possession when it went missing, and it was irresponsible of me to lose it. I'm so sorry.
TOADIE: Not half as sorry as I am. Imogen, as my employee you are trusted with important confidential documents, and if I can't trust you with them, clearly you're not the right person for the job. I'm going to have to let you go Imogen.
The Waterhole
Daniel has a large sign for "Sheila's Sweepstake" that is placed on the bar. Sheila asks Paul if he wants to join in, and he says that he'd enter his own horse if he wanted to win money. After a bit of goading, he eventually buys a ticket, and confidently states that he will win.
No. 24 Frontyard
Mark is working out using Paige's punch bag. Paige swings by and Mark asks why she's there - she's offering tickets for the Turner family sweepstake. He buys a ticket, and Paige invites him to the Waterhole.
The Waterhole
Sheila is counting out her tickets, and tells Lauren that she's bought all of the remaining tickets in order to teach Paul a lesson. Lauren points out that Sheila will be winning back her own money, but Sheila insists it's the principle that counts. Lauren and Paige gather for their own sweepstake as Mark enters to hang out with Sonya. She thanks Mark for not judging her on the content of the poison pen letter he received about her. Meanwhile, Paige smiles over at Mark, and Lauren suggests a thaw in their relationship. Paige says he may still have feelings for her, and admits she may still have feelings for him.
No. 22
Brad returns home to Imogen. She tells Brad she knows he has the lab report, but he denies all knowledge and refuses to discuss the matter. Imogen tells Brad it's the strongest piece of evidence that they have and the best chance of keeping Josh out of jail.
BRAD: I don't have it.
IMOGEN: Give it back!
BRAD: If a key piece of evidence goes missing, we have a chance of getting the hearing postponed until Chris gets out of hospital. That will keep Josh out of jail.
IMOGEN: What if the judge doesn't agree? What if the judge thinks that Josh should go to jail, and the only thing we have to stop that had now disappeared? Then we are left in court with nothing to explain why Josh attacked Chris. Nothing to excuse what is pretty much inexcusable behaviour. If that happens, the judge is just going to see Josh as another 'aggressive young man', struggling with impulse control. Is that what you want? This is what happens when you act without thinking. Like father, like son!
Imogen storms out.
No. 30
Brad hands Toadie back the paper, and admits he knows what he did was stupid. Toadie warns Brad how bad it would have made him look if any evidence had been tampered with, and that's why he had to fire Imogen. Brad asks if he'll take her back now Toadie knows it was him, but Toadie doesn't know, he's just furious at Brad as he could have permanently damaged his reputation as a lawyer.
TOADIE: You want to help Josh? Don't interfere. Let me do my job, I'm trying to do you a favour here.
Brad tries to apologise, but Toadie shuts him down and says he has work to do.
Lassiter's Complex
Paul and Amber watch as Daniel and Rain drum away on bongos, whilst cosy on a picnic rug. Amber says she can't pretend not to feel jealous watching her fiancé acting like that around Rain.
She confides to Paul that Daniel gets the same look about Rain and 'New Eden' as he did around her. Paul reassures Amber that Daniel loves her.
PAUL: Well I can tell you one thing, Scott and Charlene didn't like Rain.
AMBER: What did they say?
PAUL: That she had some kind of hold on him. When I see him with her, I notice that too. He changes around her; he turns like that after a comment from her. I don't know of anyone else who has that effect on him.
No. 22 Backyard
Toadie tells Imogen that he knows she didn't take the report, and he's impressed at her loyalty to her dad by taking the fall for him. On the other hand, when she eventually does become a lawyer, he explains that she'll have to take an Oath to Service of the Court, and her loyalty should always remain with the client. Imogen admits she messed up, and Toadie says that if she was a solicitor, that would be the end of her career. But as she's not, reluctantly he reinstates her job. Toadie pushes away an ecstatic Imogen who goes to hug him, and makes her promise to never lie to him again. He reminds her of the big day tomorrow.
The Waterhole
A huge crowd has gathered and are screaming at a television screen as the races are in full swing. Paul cries out with excitement at his win, to the horror of Sheila. She reluctantly tips all of the coins out from the sweepstake, bemoaning the lack of justice in the world. He shrugs off that he'll use the change for parking, and slips a coin down Sheila's top "for coming second", leaving her aghast. Meanwhile Paige and Lauren are sat together, and Sonya questions Mark as he continues to stare over at Paige. He admits that he misses Paige as a friend, and he should have never got together with her in the first place. Paige and Mark have a cross-conversation with different views about Dakota - Paige believes if she hadn't come along, all would have been fine with their relationship; however Mark tells Sonya that the whole incident just showed how immature she was.
MARK: (to Sonya) I've been trying to be nice. I've been trying to make up for what I did. But at the end of the day, the whole thing was a mistake.
PAIGE: (to Lauren) I really think that we're more than just friends. I don't think it's over.
Rain is reading Amber's palm, and tells her she'll have a long and healthy life, filled with love. Rain then laughs and admits she's making it up, and that palm reading is just a con - she can tell just by looking at Amber that she'll have a long, healthy life. She just has a feeling about Amber. There is a brief silence, then;
AMBER: Rain, did you come back for Daniel?
RAIN: Of course I did.
AMBER: We're engaged! You can't just -
RAIN: Oh god! Sorry, not like that! I know you're engaged. You're perfect together, and I'll never want to get in the way of that. All Daniel has ever wanted is what his parents have, that one true perfect love. I can just never give him that, it's not in my nature, but you can and you will.
Amber asks why Rain is really here. She explains that she wants Daniel to help with New Eden. She invites Amber to come along too.
Unmissable drama
- Rain tells Daniel it's beautiful how he'll put aside his dreams to make Amber happy
- Toadie tells the Willis' that Josh may go on remand straight away
- Doug Willis is back! And Chris doesn't look happy.
<<7006 - 7008>>
Toadie Rebecchi, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7007
Toadie Rebecchi, Imogen Willis

Paige Smith, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 7007
Paige Smith, Josh Willis

Josh Willis, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7007
Josh Willis, Imogen Willis

Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7007
Brad Willis

Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7007
Amber Turner, Daniel Robinson

Rain Taylor in Neighbours Episode 7007
Rain Taylor

Lauren Turner, Paige Smith, Matt Turner in Neighbours Episode 7007
Lauren Turner, Paige Smith, Matt Turner

Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7007
Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7007
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7007
Toadie Rebecchi, Imogen Willis

Daniel Robinson, Amber Turner, Rain Taylor, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7007
Daniel Robinson, Amber Turner, Rain Taylor, Sheila Canning

Mark Brennan, Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7007
Mark Brennan, Paige Smith

Sheila Canning, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7007
Sheila Canning, Lauren Turner

Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7007
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

Paige Smith, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7007
Paige Smith, Lauren Turner

Imogen Willis, Brad Willis in Neighbours Episode 7007
Imogen Willis, Brad Willis

Brad Willis, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 7007
Brad Willis, Toadie Rebecchi

Amber Turner, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7007
Amber Turner, Paul Robinson

Rain Taylor, Daniel Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7007
Rain Taylor, Daniel Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Imogen Willis in Neighbours Episode 7007
Toadie Rebecchi, Imogen Willis

Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7007
Paul Robinson, Sheila Canning

Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7007
Sonya Rebecchi, Mark Brennan

Paige Smith, Lauren Turner in Neighbours Episode 7007
Paige Smith, Lauren Turner

Rain Taylor in Neighbours Episode 7007
Rain Taylor

Amber Turner, Rain Taylor in Neighbours Episode 7007
Amber Turner, Rain Taylor

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