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Neighbours Episode 6946 from 2014 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6945 - 6947>>
Episode title: 6946
Australian airdate: 11/08/14
UK airdate: 25/08/14
Writer: Nick King
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Lucy Robinson: Melissa Bell
Aimee Wu: Catherine Larcey
Grant Tao: Damien Harrison
Hayley Hahn: Lucy Barrett
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Naomi after a job with Kathy.
- Susan warning Karl he will be writing more!
- Sheila broadcasting who E.M. Williams is!
- Lucy proposing to Chris that they have a baby together.
Ramsay Street
As they make their way to the street from #26, Chris is telling Kyle about Lucy's proposal. He's as stunned as Chris is about it! Chris admits that he feels too young to be a dad and Kyle reminds him that he's only a few years older and if things hadn't gone wrong, he'd have been a dad by now.
CHRIS: Yes but you never planned that, and that's the thing, ever since I accepted that I was gay I knew that if I wanted kids it wasn't going to be straight forward.
KYLE: But do you want kids?
CHRIS: Yes. Yes I do eventually but I never thought much about how that would happen and I figured that if I met the right guy who wanted them too then we'd work it out.
KYLE: So there's no rush is there!
Chris now begins to wonder what if he doesn't meet someone who feels the same as him and the logistics of making kids happen.
CHRIS: I can't imagine anyone more ready or willing to be a mum more than Lucy. Plus she's super smart; she's caring, successful, healthy, she's kind of the perfect option.
Kyle reminds him that he's just starting to get to know Lucy and he agrees with his friend but then wonders if this is going to be his best moment to be a dad.
CHRIS: I don't want to miss out on that either.
Kyle's advice is for him to seek out someone much older and wiser than him!
Penthouse suite
Lucy is telling Paul of her suggestion to Chris and he can't believe she asked him, someone the same age as Andrew! He thinks she shouldn't rule out meeting someone and having a child conventionally but is told to get real!
LUCY: I'm 41 right. I have no control over finding a partner but I do have control over having a baby.
PAUL: And is that important to you is it?
LUCY: Yes!! Seriously, I don't care if I never have another partner but I do care deeply if I don't have a child.
PAUL: This all sounds great in theory but I'm telling you now being a single parent is not easy.
LUCY: How would you know huh?! You just spread your seed and let your ex's do all the work!
Paul has no comeback for that one and Lucy apologies for the comment but what Paul is trying to get through to her is to think about it because it's not as simple as she might think it will be.
Number 22
Naomi pops round to offer Josh a job opportunity after she was speaking to his mum. While they are talking, Naomi spots that Josh is attempting to do online dating and suggests he uses another site, one that is more simpler/easier to use and tells him she's got a date (through it) that afternoon!
NAMOI: Make sure you use that nice shot of your pecs!
Ramsay Street
With the news out that he is E.M. Williams, Karl is reluctant to leave the house but Susan reminds him they can look but she's the only one touching E.M. Williams and besides folk have got more important things to worry about than him... that is until Sheila winds him up from across the street asking if he needs inspiration for his next novel! Georgia adds in too that she can't wait to spread news of how talented he is at the hospital!
KARL: (to Susan) Hilarious, I'm a laughing stock!
Susan's advice is for him to embrace it before she heads off.
Meanwhile at the other side of the street, Josh leaves a comment on Naomi's profile queering her age - she claims to be 26 but he thought she was in her 30s.
Number 26 backyard
Sheila is trying to work out how things will work with Chris if he does the 'turkey baster' with Lucy. He explains to her (and Kyle/Georgia) that the child will live with Lucy in New York (she'd pay for his flights) and as for raising the child, he could have as much/little involvement in the child as he wants.
CHRIS: But right now I'm just trying to wrap my head around the idea.
Georgia's tuppenceworth is that he should go for it but Sheila says no because he will be related to Paul! They ask for Chris' thoughts and he explains that this could be his only chance to be a dad.
CHRIS: I'd rather be a part time dad than no dad at all.
Kyle pipes up to say he needs to think of the child too, commenting that he grew up without much of a dad and "wouldn't wish that upon anyone." "This is different," Georgia says as Chris wouldn't be walking out on his family like Kyle's dad, he'd just have "a different kind of family." "Things could still get very ugly," Sheila warns and Kyle pleads that she stops being the voice of doom but that isn't Sheila's style, she just wants Chris to consider ever eventuality.
CHRIS: Guys look, I really appreciate your thoughts. Maybe I've just got to work this out for myself.
School playground
When Susan makes her way out to the playground she gets some strange looks from fellow members of staff. Susan then tells a pupil (Hayley) to behave and she then make their way over to her to ask if she's cold but Susan replies that she isn't.
HAYLEY: Check my scarf.
SUSAN: Hayley, just go pick up the rubbish please.
HAYLEY: Is there something wrong with it?
Susan looks utterly confused as to what Hayley is on about until she replies back that Susan "prefers the silk ones!" She hasn't a clue about what Hayley is talking about.
HAYLEY: Can you ask your husband a question about Arabella for us? Why does he tie the scarf on her wrist? Seems impractical!
She about turns with a smirk on her face to rejoin her groupies who have been laughing in the background, leaving Susan stunned and rooted to the spot momentarily before she quickly gets her phone out and starts typing!
Lassiters car park
Josh arrives to start shifting the many boxes into Kathy's room before the next delivery arrives. He then asks Naomi why she's not responded to his message (about her age) and she confirms that it's been adjusted for paper!
JOSH: That must make me about 12!
She then gives him some advice on his profile (he needs to change it) to let the world see that he's a sweet, lovely, smart guy.
Sonya's Nursery
Paul/Chris seek each other out at the nursery. Both admit to being shocked at Lucy's proposal and Chris confirms that he hasn't made a decision. Paul is pleased to hear that, commenting that it's a big decision to make, something Chris is in agreement with especially since it involves creating a human life.
CHRIS: I know people do that all the time without thinking but I need to think. So if I do say yes, it will be a fully informed decision. I want you to know that I really do respect your sister.
PAUL: Sounds like you're asking for a hand in marriage.
CHRIS: Well in some ways its bigger Paul. If marriage doesn't work you get divorced but once you have a kid, you have it forever and that's a huge responsibility. And I know Lucy can handle that but I need to make sure that I can too.
Lassiters car park
Naomi is impressed at the work Josh is doing both for Kathy and at his dating profile that he's amended! He asks her if Kathy would mind him resting in Kathy's room during his break before adding that he might get bored without company!!!
NAMOI: No offence, but you know I go for guys that aren't still getting tucked into bed every night.
JOSH: Well you probably couldn't handle me anyway!
Naomi seems happily offended at what Josh has said to her and replies that he's probably right before leaving him to it as she's got a date to prepare for. However, before she leaves she does spend a few moments checking Josh out!!!
Penthouse suite
Paul returns and tells Lucy about his conversation with Chris and replies that he hasn't made a decision yet but he was impressed at how level headed he was.
LUCY: Oh, maybe he is more mature than Andrew.
PAUL: Andrew didn't have a choice; he had me as a father or as you pointed out, didn't have me as a father.
Lucy goes to apologies for what she said earlier but Paul stops her and admits that she was right, he was an absent parent and thinks that she will be a much better parent than he was and (if Chris agrees) Chris too.
LUCY: I know this won't be simple okay but it's something I have to do or at the very least try.
PAUL: In which case, I will help you in whatever way I can.
Lucy is relieved to hear Paul say that and he adds that, "life's too short not to be fulfilled or happy," before going to hug her.
The Waterhole
Sheila informs Susan about Karl's new fan club (he's talking to a group of women) when she enters the bar.
SUSAN: Has The Right Prescription got fans?!
SHEILA: Oh don't be absurd Susan, they've read his silly book!
Susan wanders over and Karl breaks off the chatting to introduce them to his muse before she asks him for a word. In a quiet corner of the bar, she ask what happened to his low profile before telling him about being mocked at school and pleads with him to make it stop!
KARL: I can't, the books got a life of its own, it's a literary juggernaut!
She asks him to pretend he didn't write it because it's not fun anymore when it starts affecting her career.
SUSAN: You need to shut it down.
And the warning look she then gives him says he'd better do just that!!!
Lassiters Complex
Naomi confidently strides through the complex for her date at The Waterhole and has a quick word with Josh in the passing (he's to let her know when he's moved the second delivery).
She meets her date (Grant) in the veranda part of The Waterhole and as they chat he admits that he seems to prefer the profile pic than the live person! Naomi can tell the date is going to be a disaster and suggests that they call things off now, which he is only too happy to agree to before getting up and departing.
The Waterhole
Sheila comments on her daughter's appearance when she enters the bar and Naomi keeps quiet about the abandoned date and instead orders a neat whisky. Naomi isn't too enthralled for Sheila's plans for them (a mother/daughter night since the boys are going out) and indeed zones out when she's talking!
Lassiters hotel
Chris meets Lucy in the hotel foyer, and she admits that she is surprised he's meeting her after the conversation with Paul! She reports that big brother was happy at the way he handled himself and adds that he is going to support her whatever happens... well whatever Chris decides.
CHRIS: Firstly, I just want to say that I'm seriously flattered, it's not every day someone asks me to be the father of their child. And not just any someone but you are amazing.
LUCY: This isn't going to end well is it?
CHRIS: No, just hear me out. So, it's been really good for me to think about this, to be forced to work out how I feel, to weigh up the pros and the cons and there are definitely more pros than cons. But I can't say yes and I'm not saying no either.
LUCY: You need more time?
CHRIS: Exactly. Let's just keep talking and see what happens and if in the meantime, you meet someone else or you decide you want to go down a different path, that's fair enough.
LUCY: Well I definitely need an answer by the end of the year. Is that too much to ask?
"No, not at all," Chris replies and Lucy adds that whatever happens, she is really glad to have met him as he's really helped her through a tough time. "You've helped me too," Chris says back to her. He then hands over to her a farewell pressie - some cheese, fully approved by US Customs!
LUCY: You think of everything!
CHRIS: You've given me a lot to think about.
Meanwhile, Josh is loading up the lift with another load of boxes and Naomi is in the lift too, still checking him out!
NAMOI: Going up?
JOSH: Good guess.
Naomi then hits the floor they need and the lift doors close.
Commercial break later and as they go up in the lift, Naomi comments to Josh that he's working up a fair bit of sweat moving those boxes. He agrees with her and uses the singlet to wipe the sweat off his face and while his torso is uncovered, Naomi can't but help check it out! Suddenly, she hits the emergency stop button and with his consent (well his eyes are saying that) pounces her lips onto his and the pair then can't get their clothes off quickly enough!
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Sheila concerned at her daughter being trapped in the lift.
- Naomi wants to be trapped for longer!!!
- Paige wanting to know what Kathy's deal is.
<<6945 - 6947>>
Chris Pappas, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6946
Chris Pappas, Kyle Canning

Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6946
Lucy Robinson, Paul Robinson

Naomi Canning, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6946
Naomi Canning, Josh Willis

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6946
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Georgia Brooks, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6946
Georgia Brooks, Sheila Canning

Chris Pappas, Georgia Brooks, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6946
Chris Pappas, Georgia Brooks, Sheila Canning, Kyle Canning

Hayley Hahn in Neighbours Episode 6946
Hayley Hahn

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6946
Susan Kennedy

Josh Willis, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6946
Josh Willis, Naomi Canning

Paul Robinson, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6946
Paul Robinson, Chris Pappas

Naomi Canning, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6946
Naomi Canning, Josh Willis

Paul Robinson, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6946
Paul Robinson, Lucy Robinson

Aimee Wu, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6946
Aimee Wu, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6946
Naomi Canning

Grant Tao in Neighbours Episode 6946
Grant Tao

Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 6946
Naomi Canning, Sheila Canning

Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6946
Naomi Canning

Lucy Robinson, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6946
Lucy Robinson, Chris Pappas

Josh Willis, Naomi Canning in Neighbours Episode 6946
Josh Willis, Naomi Canning

Naomi Canning, Josh Willis in Neighbours Episode 6946
Naomi Canning, Josh Willis

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