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Neighbours Episode 6611 from 2013 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6610 - 6612>>
Episode title: 6611
Australian airdate: 01/04/13
UK airdate: 29/04/13
Writer: Ceinwen Langley
Director: Fiona Banks
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Toadie telling Ajay that the firm won't let him take on the lawsuit.
- Susan thinking that Rani isn't coping despite the front she is putting on.
- Rani giving her blessing to Susan being the Principal.
- Kyle spotting a naked picture of Vanessa in a lad's magazine.
- Vanessa receiving a $300 cheque.
Chris and Kyle are debating whether or not to look at the magazine to see if it really was Vanessa or not but Lucas' arrival at the garage curtails that, so they throw the magazine into the bin. They are then amazed to discover that Lucas doesn't know about the picture of Vanessa after he starts looking for the magazine (there is an article about Triumphs he wants to read) and leaves the garage to go buy one, and think he's going to flip when he finds out!
Number 28
Susan is nervous about her first day (again) as Principal of EHS and she collects the lunch Karl has made for her before heading off to pick Rani up.
Number 24
Susan comes over for Rani and thinks she is stalling by claiming she has to stack the dishwasher, and tries to reassure her that it will be a good way to return as it's just before the forthcoming holidays. Her words have worked and the pair head off just as Ajay takes a call from Elaine.
Harold's Store
Chris/Kyle try subtly to quiz Vanessa without asking outright if it was her but hit a brick wall with their questions. However, as they sit down, it suddenly dawns on Vanessa what the questions were about.
Lassiters Complex
Hiding in the lane parallel to of Harold's, Vanessa looks through a copy of the magazine and isn't pleased with what she's found.
Rani is getting the goldfish bowl treatment (everyone staring at her) as she enters the locker area. Susan gives her some reassurance as she then finds some friendly faces - Callum and Bailey. The boys ask Susan, or Mrs Kennedy as they are now told to call her at school, about having a memorial for Priya for the kids who couldn't make it to her funeral. Rani says she is happy but as the camera pans back to her while the boys chat to Susan about it; you can see she really isn't happy about it.
Vanessa comes looking for Chris (and Kyle who appears) to confirm why they were asking questions earlier (she has the magazine with her). She confirms that it was a long time ago and that Lucas doesn't know but plans to tell them. They warn her off telling him by saying how he reacted with Emilia but then think that maybe its best she tells him rather than finding out from some sleazy customer.
The kids are all standing around the locker area where the only light is from lit candles. As Cal is talking to the gathered, it all gets too much for Rani and she walks away, so he quickly wraps up and starts looking for her.
He eventually finds her in the only classroom and apologises for making her cry and says they should have done it before she got back to school. Rani now has the happy face on and reassures him that she is fine. Cal thinks she is faking it and cites how he felt when Troy died.
CALLUM: If pretending ever gets too hard, then I'm here. You know we can talk or I can distract you with my hilarious wit you know, whichever you choose.
RANI: You're a really good friend you know.
CALLUM: I do know!
Lucas finds the magazine in the bin when he accidentally drops the phone into it. Just as he is flicking through, Vanessa comes into the garage and tells him to turn to page 127. Lucas doesn't hit the roof and instead teases her on doing more given how big the cheque was!
Kyle/Chris spot Lucas coming back to the garage laden with bags - he's bought up as many copies of the magazine as he could get to save others perving on Vanessa!
Harold's Store
Sonya is pleased to hear how Lucas reacted when Vanessa told him.
Number 28
Susan is telling Karl how her first day went and the memorial service for Priya. She also tells him about how Rani reacted and still doesn't think that things are on the road to recover at #24. Just at that, Ajay drops by to return the casserole dish and to thank Susan for getting Rani back to school. Susan then tells him about the memorial service (Rani didn't tell him) and bluntly tells him that Rani isn't grieving as she should be because Ajay is concentrating more on the law suit than on his daughter.
AJAY: I'm ensuring that my daughters got a future and that the man who killed her mum pays for what he's done.
SUSAN: But she needs her dad, not money and revenge.
Karl tries to back his wife up so Ajay butts in to have a go at Susan for getting Rani back to school before she was ready. The pair of them look at each other as Ajay returns to his daughter.
Number 24
Rani is rabbiting on about what to make for breakfast and Ajay decides to talk to her about the memorial service and her getting upset. She confirms both of that and why - that there were nice things said about Priya
AJAY: You don't have to hold everything inside you know, I'm here for you, you can talk to me.
RANI: You don't need to worry about me okay.
He accepts what she says but does add that if she is struggling with anything then for her to talk to him. "I promise," Rani replies and then decides that she is tired and heads off for an early night.
It's the middle of the night and Rani's woken for something to drink. After she's done that, she heads to the living room and picks up a photo album and begins talking to her mum as if she was in the room. She tells her mum about today really sucking, the goldfish bowl experience and wishes how everything could go back to how it was... and sitting listening to her on the sofa is Priya! Well GhostyPryia obviously!
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Rani getting upset after talking to Alistair.
- Cal having a go at Alistair for upsetting Rani.
- Georgia reassuring Sonya that she is fine!
- Ajay having a go at Paul.
- Elaine telling Vanessa about Paul's proposal.
- Vanessa telling Paul how she feels about him!
- Ajay trying to persuade Elaine.
<<6610 - 6612>>
Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6611
Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald, Kyle Canning

Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6611
Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6611
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Ajay Kapoor, Susan Kennedy, Rani Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6611
Ajay Kapoor, Susan Kennedy, Rani Kapoor

Vanessa Villante, Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6611
Vanessa Villante, Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas

Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6611
Vanessa Villante

Rani Kapoor, Bailey Turner, Callum Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6611
Rani Kapoor, Bailey Turner, Callum Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Chris Pappas, Kyle Canning, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6611
Chris Pappas, Kyle Canning, Vanessa Villante

Susan Kennedy, Bailey Turner, Rani Kapoor, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6611
Susan Kennedy, Bailey Turner, Rani Kapoor, Callum Rebecchi

Bailey Turner, Rani Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6611
Bailey Turner, Rani Kapoor

Callum Rebecchi, Rani Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6611
Callum Rebecchi, Rani Kapoor

Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6611
Vanessa Villante, Lucas Fitzgerald

Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6611
Kyle Canning, Chris Pappas, Lucas Fitzgerald

Vanessa Villante, Sonya Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6611
Vanessa Villante, Sonya Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Ajay Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6611
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Ajay Kapoor

Ajay Kapoor, Rani Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6611
Ajay Kapoor, Rani Kapoor

Priya Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6611
Priya Kapoor

Rani Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6611
Rani Kapoor

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