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Neighbours Episode 6558 from 2013 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6557 - 6559>>
Episode title: 6558
Australian airdate: 16/01/13
UK airdate: 13/02/13
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Peter Sharp
Guests: Aidan Foster: Bob Morley
Nate Fuller: Ryan Jones
Brian O'Laughlan: Paul Denny
Baby Nell Rebecchi: Scarlett Anderson
- "Georgia Brown" by Kasey Chambers
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Priya has moved back in, but neither Ajay nor Rani have forgiven her for the affair
- Kate realises that Paul is in love with Priya - but she still wants nothing to do with him
- While Sonya rests up, Toadie and Callum realise they'll have to look after Nell
- Aidan helps Chris in the garage, which culminates in another argument about how Aidan never lets Chris help him
Football Pitch
Aidan and Chris turn up for a soccer match; Aidan promises to be more open with Chris in future when he's having problems. Chris is pleased about this and thanks him. Georgia and Kyle are also playing in the match; Georgia reveals Aidan is on her team.
AIDAN: So you've already picked teams?
KYLE: Don't worry. You two lovebirds are on the same side!
Aidan is pleased, until he notices that Nate Fuller has turned up to play. Nate works at the hospital; he overheard Georgia talking about the match and invited himself. Aidan thinks he's a tool, and Georgia, who thinks he's nice, wants to know why; but Aidan doesn't elaborate, and tells Chris everything's fine. Cue intrigue music.
No 30
Toadie is desperately trying to stop baby Nell from crying, while Sonya is asleep in the bedroom. Callum comes in; there is some post for Nell from her Auntie Jade, who has sent her a mix CD in the hope that she won't inherit Toadie's musical tastes! Ajay turns up to drop off some paperwork for a merger they're working on, and finds Toadie still trying to placate Nell. Ajay offers to help stop Nell crying.
Ramsay Street
Ajay and Toadie have brought Nell into Toadie's car and are idling the engine in the driveway - a trick that always helped with Rani when she was a baby. Nell is not impressed, and continues to cry. Ajay suggests Nell might simply want Sonya, but Toadie has promised he will handle her while Sonya sleeps. Ajay's all out of advice and leaves Toadie to it, so he decides to drive around for a bit in the hope that it might shut Nell up. It doesn't.
No 22
Since Paul's birthday falls in January this year (!), Kate asks him what he'd like to do for his birthday dinner. Kate thinks they should go somewhere special but Paul's content just to go to Lassiter's. He's obviously distracted, and eventually admits he's got a school board meeting today. Kate tactfully suggests he give it a miss, but Paul says no- one there will know what happened between him and Priya - and insists on going.
Community Centre
For reasons best known to the school board, today's meeting is being held at the community centre, where Priya instructs board member Brian to move whiteboards, fetch her pens, etc. Paul turns up for some pre- meeting chit- chat; despite him being very friendly with her, Priya makes it crystal clear that she doesn't want to speak to him. He argues that they should at least be civil, and that he's not the only one to blame for their affair. But Priya unwisely insists she has nothing to say to him.
Football Pitch
The match is in full swing, and Aidan blatantly fouls Nate by pushing him while he has the ball - Nate complains, but nobody else appears to notice. Georgia, whose grasp of the rules of soccer is evidently flimsy, also commits a foul by catching the ball in her hands when it flies towards her. Aidan continues to barge Nate, who eventually responds by tripping him over, resulting in a sprained ankle for Aidan. Kyle challenges Nate but he insists it was an accident. Georgia offers to take a look at his ankle, while Chris looks concerned.
Community Centre
The meeting is underway, and Priya talks through various school matters, including the fact that they have lost two teaching positions this year. Paul leaps in and says this is because enrolments have been down 20%, in stark contrast to the five years prior to her becoming principal! Despite Priya's justifications and Brian's attempts to defend her, Paul expands his argument into an all- out attack on her principalship, insisting that standards have dwindled since she took on the role.
Football Pitch
Chris is sponging Aidan's ankle; initially Aidan says he can do it himself but, remembering their previous arguments, he smiles and lets Chris look after him. Chris wants to know who Nate is and why he tripped him; Aidan insists it wasn't personal, and changes the subject, asking Chris to look for a bandage for him. Chris smiles, pleased that Aidan's finally letting him help.
No 30
Toadie arrives back from his drive with Nell, who is still bawling, much to Callum's annoyance. He suggests they wake up Sonya to deal with it, but Toadie is insistent that they let Sonya rest. The crying continues.
Football Pitch
Chris bandages Aidan's ankle; Aidan can no longer play, but wants Chris to get back out there, so that Nate's team doesn't win. Chris says he thought it wasn't personal; Aidan brushes it off, saying he's ultra- competitive and hates losing, even at Scrabble! Nate comes over and asks if they're still playing. Chris says only he is, and Nate gives Aidan a funny look. Back on the pitch, Chris confides in Kyle about how pleased he is that Aidan is finally letting him help him. The game resumes.
Community Centre
Paul is still heckling Priya at every opportunity about the drop in enrolments, as revenge for her giving him the brush- off earlier. He gets increasingly nasty, telling Priya she needs to consider her position as principal. It's not an item on the agenda, Priya says, but Paul says it'll make for an interesting discussion next time. Bemused by Paul's challenges, Brian suggests they close the meeting. As he leaves he tells Priya she has his support. Once the others have all gone, Priya challenges Paul. He blusters on about caring about the school, but Priya's sure he is only punishing her for her refusal to have anything to do with him. Paul leaves, promising to bring up his concerns with the education department.
No 30
Toadie and Callum are at the end of their tether with Nell's crying. Callum wonders if playing some music might help, but none of the tracks on Jade's mix CD seem to be helping. Until, that is, they come to some country music. Unfortunately for Toadie, this appears to stop Nell crying.
TOADIE: No! No, that is terrible!
CALLUM: Nell's a fan of country music!
TOADIE: No, you can't be, stop it! Start crying again! Go!
NELL: ...
Ramsay Street
Priya pulls up in her driveway and sees Ajay playing the drums in the garage. Paul pulls up next door, and gives her a scowl. Kate turns up and asks Paul how the meeting was, but can see the answer to that for herself, from the way Priya slams her car door and marches inside. Kate tells Paul things will get better.
Chris supports Aidan as he hobbles into the bar for a post- match drink. While Chris gets some beers, Kyle asks Aidan what the story is with him and Nate. Aidan turns the question back on Kyle, and mentions that he and Georgia seem to be getting on pretty well. Kyle says he's not ready for something like that, and Georgia has a boyfriend anyway. Meanwhile, Georgia talks to Nate at the bar, but Chris interrupts.
CHRIS: Hey, Nate - do you have a problem with my boyfriend?
NATE: Don't think much of him, that's all.
GEORGIA: Aidan's so nice.
NATE: To you, maybe.
GEORGIA: What happened between you two?
NATE: Not much. I tried to help him out when he first started at the hospital, and he practically took my head off. Started going on this rant about being able to look after himself. Don't really see the point in being civil after that.
Georgia says Nate still didn't have to trip him, but Nate says it was Aidan that started with the aggro. Chris looks annoyed.
Later, Kyle, Georgia and Aidan seem to be enjoying themselves, but Chris clearly isn't. As he goes to buy more drinks, Aidan joins him. Chris demands to know why Aidan didn't tell him about the prior acrimony with Nate at the hospital. Nate sidles over and makes some smart remark about Aidan's ankle, and how he won't cover his shift if he's off work because of it. Chris tells Nate to back off.
AIDAN: What the hell was that?
CHRIS: He mouthed off at you. He needs to get a grip.
AIDAN: Yeah, he mouthed off at me. Not you.
CHRIS: Why are you taking this out on me?
AIDAN: Because I don't need my boyfriend standing up for me.
Chris says Aidan should have been upfront about Nate in the first place, and that Aidan hasn't changed his ways. Chris decides to leave, saying he doesn't want another drink.
Lassiter's Complex
Chris sits in the courtyard alone. Aidan comes to join him.
AIDAN: Look I'm sorry. I didn't tell you about Nate because he's just someone who rubs me up the wrong way. And I wanted today to be fun. So can we please just forget this and move on?
CHRIS: What about tomorrow?
AIDAN: What about it?
CHRIS: What about tomorrow when something else is going on? And I don't have any clue what it is, because you won't tell me?
AIDAN: I tell you the important stuff.
CHRIS: No you don't. We're supposed to be together. If you can't trust me enough to tell me what's going on...
Aidan insists he trusts Chris, but Chris isn't convinced. Despite Aidan's pleas, Chris says he has kept things from him time and time again; and that he can't deal with it anymore.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Chris talks things through with Kyle - and is paid a visit by Aidan, who doesn't want to lose him
- Callum enlists Rani's help to look after Nell, but it ends in an argument
- Ajay sees that Paul is calling Priya's mobile, and gets angry with her
- Ajay has a row with a client, and calls someone, asking to meet up
As of today's episode, Jordy Lucas is no longer listed in the closing credits as Summer Hoyland.
<<6557 - 6559>>
Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6558
Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas

Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6558
Georgia Brooks, Kyle Canning

Nell Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6558
Nell Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6558
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi

Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6558
Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6558
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay

Priya Kapoor, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6558
Priya Kapoor, Paul Robinson

Nate Fuller, Aidan Foster in Neighbours Episode 6558
Nate Fuller, Aidan Foster

Priya Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6558
Priya Kapoor

Brian O
Brian O'Laughlan

Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6558
Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6558
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi

Chris Pappas, Aidan Foster in Neighbours Episode 6558
Chris Pappas, Aidan Foster

Priya Kapoor, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6558
Priya Kapoor, Paul Robinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6558
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi

Priya Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6558
Priya Kapoor

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6558
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay

Kyle Canning, Aidan Foster in Neighbours Episode 6558
Kyle Canning, Aidan Foster

Georgia Brooks, Nate Fuller, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6558
Georgia Brooks, Nate Fuller, Chris Pappas

Nate Fuller, Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6558
Nate Fuller, Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas

Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6558
Chris Pappas

Aidan Foster in Neighbours Episode 6558
Aidan Foster

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