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Neighbours Episode 6477 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6476 - 6478>>
Episode title: 6477
Australian airdate: 28/08/12
UK airdate: 25/09/12
Writer: Ceinwen Langley
Director: Lucas Testro
Guests: Charlotte McKemmie: Meredith Penman
Ed Lee: Sebastian Gregory
Dr Ursula Byrne: Alison Kingston
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Ajay thinks the online footage of him badmouthing the mayor will cost him votes
- Tash says Ed is really special and kisses him
- Chris is angry at Andrew for not being there for him
- Andrew spaces out while talking to Chris. Chris thinks Andrew doesn't care enough to listen to him
- Andrew is concerned that he's feeling spaced out and dizzy and searches for advice online, but Summer tells him that they're all feeling weird after the crash.
Number 22
Andrew and Kate meet in the middle of the night while getting drinks of water. Kate can't stop thinking about Sophie, and how long it will take for things to go back to normal for her, if it's even possible. Andrew takes some aspirin, he's got a headache. Kate apologises, saying with everything that's going on with Sophie, sometimes she forgets he was in the crash too. They agree to watch TV together, hoping for something so boring that it'll send them to sleep.
Number 28
Tash and Ed return from a club, Tash talks about the guys that tried to chat her up, although tells Ed he has nothing to worry about. She tells him he should have danced more, but he reminds her he has a broken collar bone, and says that he doesn't really like clubbing. They agree to meet up again tomorrow, and it's his turn to choose the activity. They kiss each other good night.
Summer leaves her bedroom and chats to Tash. She hasn't been sleeping well since the crash, Tash hasn't either, hence why she went out clubbing with Ed, but Ed thinks clubs are stupid.
SUMMER: You can't have everything in common Tash
TASH: Why not?
SUMMER: Because then you might as well be single and dating yourself.
TASH: Okay what if everything I do bores him to death. What if he realises how different we are and dumps me for some roleplaying dork with a monobrow.
Summer tells her that she's with Ed because she's a nerd too. Instead of ignoring it, she should embrace it. She might find she has more in common with him than she thinks.
Ajay strolls in, complaining to Kate that he's bored out of his brain. Kate knows what he means, but it turns out today is her last day because she's going back to teaching (surprisingly quickly given that she only made up her mind about it yesterday, who knew you could give up a management job so quickly). But in comes Toadie to show how quickly job changes can happen in Erinsborough. Ajay asks if Simmons and Colbert are looking for new lawyers, and by chance they are. Toadie tells him that he's unofficially in line for a promotion, so Ajay could work as part of Toadie's team. He suggests Ajay come back to the office with him later to meet Charlotte. Ajay seems a little surprised but delighted (as you would if this incredibly unrealistic thing were to happen.)
Ed comes in, yapping away about the magic show they went to. Tash didn't enjoy herself though and was annoyed by Ed's running commentary which kept ruining how they did the tricks, and everyone at the show was annoyed at him too. Ed apologises, and says next time he'll work the trick out in his head and keep it to himself. Tash says he should go to the Magic Olympics by himself, but Ed says it's the World Championship, they then sit in awkward silence.
Number 28
Summer is working, when Tash comes in asking for help. Tash says she and Ed are meant to be in the honeymoon phase but they're already on the rocks. She embraced her few nerd-like tendencies but Ed will always out-nerd her. Summer thinks she's overreacting because she likes him so much. Tash says Ed's the only guy who likes her for who she is. Summer says she's trying too hard to make everything perfect and tells her to chill out.
Andrew and Rhys meet at the counter; Andrew thanks Rhys for his help after the crash. He tells Rhys about his headaches and dizziness. Rhys tells him he has to go back to hospital. It could be concussion, it could be something else, but if he doesn't tell them what's going on, they can't help him.
Erinsborough Hospital
Andrew is filling out an admission form, sitting across from a coughing man. He ticks off headaches as one of his symptoms, just as doctors rush past with an emergency patient, Dr Byrne loudly describing all the things they have to do. Andrew decides to scrunch up his application and bins it as he leaves the hospital.
Andrew returns, passing Rhys who is sitting with his coffee. Andrew decided not to bother at the hospital, it's just a headache, and the doctors could be using their time dealing with patients who actually have problems. Rhys quite rightly says he's being ridiculous, he was in a car accident last week and he should get his head checked out. Rhys says if he still has a headache in the next 24 hours he should go to the hospital. Andrew promises he will.
Number 28
Tash surprises Ed with popcorn and her sofa. She says they should pick a film to watch. Ed picks 'Alien' or 'Seven' but Tash doesn't want to see anything gory. Tash picks 'How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days' but Ed says the premise is stupid, and he doesn't want to see 'A Beautiful Mind' either. Tash says they can't even agree on a movie to watch, they can't agree on anything.
ED: Do you think that's a problem?
TASH: Of course it's a problem. And if we can't even agree that not agreeing is a problem, then we have a problem. I'm sorry Ed, I really like you, but how long are we going to last if we can't find anything to do together?
Priya's thrilled about Ajay's job opportunity (albeit a little confused as to how it happened.) Ajay is worried about working with Toadie as his boss. If he gets the position and he stuffs up then it could put a strain on the friendship, and they won't be able to avoid each other if things don't work out. Priya says he's over thinking it, and the two of them won't let something get in between them, and jokes he might not even get the job. Toadie arrives to take Ajay to the firm. Priya thanks Toadie for giving Ajay this opportunity, Toadie says it'll be great to have Ajay working with him.
Simmons and Colbert Law Firm
Toadie tells Ajay that he's passed Charlotte his resume and she'll be through in a minute. He gives Ajay some advice to have any ringtones on silent, and not adjust any of the chairs in the office, as that is what Toadie did on his first day. He then lists some of the various things that Charlotte has had to put up with from him, but tells Ajay that he's serious about what he does and he hopes the interview goes well as he want Ajay on his team. Charlotte comes in, and Toadie introduces her to Ajay. Charlotte wonders if Ajay has time for a quick chat, as they're always on the lookout for new people, and she's impressed with his experience with local government. Toadie leaves them to chat.
Number 28
Tash and Summer are eating the bowl of popcorn. Tash tells Summer what happened, apparently she and Ed just sat in silence for 5 minutes before Ed got up and left. Tash wonders if she's just been dumped, but Summer says she hasn't. She should just give Ed some space for a while. Ed arrives carrying some Maths textbooks, so Summer leaves the two of them to talk. Studying brought them together, so they should study just now. Tash thinks Maths isn't romantic, but Ed says it was, reminding him that she was the mysterious bar wench who able to solve the problem he couldn't crack.
ED: It's like 'Good Will Hunting' except you're 1000 times hotter than Matt Damon. If he was a girl, which he's not, but forget that. What I'm trying to say is you're hot and smart, you're my dream girl.
Ed says he likes that they don't agree on everything, it's interesting. He likes her and wants to be with her and nothing else matters. They kiss, and note that it's another thing they can do together.
Simmons and Colbert Law Firm
Ajay's interview is going well, Charlotte starts asking him questions about managing a team. Ajay answers but is a little stunned by the question, wondering if Toadie's position is managerial, but it isn't. Ajay realises Charlotte is considering him for her job. She tells Ajay that Toadie's in contention for her job but its not a done deal, and Ajay is now a strong alternative to be her replacement. She tells him if he doesn't want to be in the running, he just has to say so.
Toadie is on the phone outside the meeting room as Charlotte and Ajay leave. Charlotte tells Ajay she'll be in touch, and leaves. Ajay tells Toadie the interview went well. Toadie is thrilled and looking forward to Ajay being on his team. He insists that they go for a drink together.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Ajay tells Priya he's thinking of telling Charlotte to take him out of contention for her job.
- Ajay thinks the job is amazing, but he can't do this to Toadie
- Jade and Kyle say Rhys is driving them nuts because he's hanging around bored.
- Rhys tells Karl he wants to do something useful, so Karl gives Rhys a patient with a sprained ankle
- Sonya excitedly buys girls baby clothes; Jade says she's a pushy girly stereotypy mum.
- Ajay gets the job, but while playing street cricket with Toadie, Ajay accidentally smashes Toadie's windscreen.
<<6476 - 6478>>
Andrew Robinson, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6477
Andrew Robinson, Kate Ramsay

Natasha Williams, Ed Lee in Neighbours Episode 6477
Natasha Williams, Ed Lee

Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6477
Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams

Ajay Kapoor, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6477
Ajay Kapoor, Kate Ramsay

Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6477
Ajay Kapoor, Toadie Rebecchi

Ed Lee, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6477
Ed Lee, Natasha Williams

Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6477
Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland

Andrew Robinson, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6477
Andrew Robinson, Rhys Lawson

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6477
Andrew Robinson

Dr. Ursula Byrne in Neighbours Episode 6477
Dr. Ursula Byrne

Andrew Robinson, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6477
Andrew Robinson, Rhys Lawson

Ed Lee, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6477
Ed Lee, Natasha Williams

Priya Kapoor, Ajay Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6477
Priya Kapoor, Ajay Kapoor

Charlotte McKemmie, Toadie Rebecchi, Ajay Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6477
Charlotte McKemmie, Toadie Rebecchi, Ajay Kapoor

Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6477
Natasha Williams, Summer Hoyland

Natasha Williams, Ed Lee in Neighbours Episode 6477
Natasha Williams, Ed Lee

Charlotte McKemmie, Ajay Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6477
Charlotte McKemmie, Ajay Kapoor

Toadie Rebecchi, Ajay Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6477
Toadie Rebecchi, Ajay Kapoor

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