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Neighbours Episode 6472 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6471 - 6473>>
Episode title: 6472
Australian airdate: 21/08/12
UK airdate: 18/09/12
Writer: Pete McTighe
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Ed Lee: Sebastian Gregory
Bill Grainger: David Rock
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
Previously on Neighbours
- Andrew sells the app to a casino, and says that Tash will be fine once she gets the cheque in her hand.
- Paul bans Sophie from going to a gig, so Sophie sneaks into the boot of Chris's car
- While Sophie sits on Summer's lap, Summer finds the cheques for Andrew and Tash
- Tash and Andrew start arguing
- Chris loses control of the car and it crashes.
Erinsborough Hospital
Rhys is phoning Vanessa, he's going to stop by his mother's at the home before heading to the airport. He ends the call smiling, telling her he'll see her later. Karl walks past
KARL: That's not something you see very often, Rhys Lawson smiling.
RHYS: It's a sad smile Karl, I'm already missing you.
Karl hopes Rhys and Vanessa have a wonderful time. Rhys thanks Karl for covering his shifts.
KARL: You know, Susan and I once went to Japan, in the early days of course... very romantic place
RHYS: I don't need the details Karl
KARL: We had a log cabin in the woods, for a whole week, open fire, fluffy rug on the floor
RHYS: Leaving now Karl
KARL: Bottle of bubbly in the fridge. Huge bed! Sayonara!
Karl laughs as waves Rhys off, then notices one of the nurses staring at him. 'It's going to be a quiet night' he says.
Crash Site
Ed is screaming as Tash tries to pulls him out of the car wreckage. Meanwhile Chris helps Summer out of the car, she's breathing heavily. Tash desperately searches for her phone to call an ambulance but can't find it anywhere. While Chris rushes to Andrew who isn't moving, Tash sees a car approaching and runs onto the road screaming for help.
In an amazing coincidence, the driver Tash has flagged down is Rhys. He runs down towards the car, checking on Summer who is sitting still, looking dazed. He calls an ambulance, telling them about the crash. Tash tells Rhys that Summer's fine, but Ed's in a lot of pain. Rhys runs to Ed who's trapped in the car, while Chris calls to Rhys that Andrew's not waking up. Rhys tells Chris to make sure the others stay warm and stay awake.
Chris takes a blanket over to Tash and Summer who are huddled together. Rhys tries to get Andrew out of the car, but ends up cutting his hand on the wreckage. Chris vomits from the adrenaline. Rhys continues to speak on the phone, describing the situation to the ambulance service, and the state of the five victims. The camera pans across the field, further away Sophie lies on the ground unconscious, while ambulance sirens are heard in the distance.
Number 22
Paul doesn't think he was unreasonable grounding Sophie because she lied to him and she needs to take her schoolwork more seriously, but Kate thinks he was a bit harsh to rip up her concert ticket and to ground her. Kate says that Sophie is likely to not come down for dinner just to make a point. Paul says he'll give Sophie ten more minutes.
Crash Site
The ambulances are here. Summer tells Rhys she wants to see her friends, but they've gone in the first ambulance and she'll be in the next one with Andrew. Andrew is wheeled along to the ambulance in a stretcher. Rhys tells Andrew that he's been in a car accident, and he's being taken to the hospital. Andrew tries to say Sophie's name, only getting the 'S' sound out, Rhys tells him that Summer's fine, she'll be going with him. Meanwhile Sophie lies a few yards away, and still hasn't been spotted by the ambulance crew.
Number 22
Kate shouts upstairs to Sophie, telling her dinner is on the table. Paul says he's going to go upstairs to talk to her.
Crash Site
Rhys calls Vanessa, leaving an answer phone message telling her about the teen's accident.
Number 22
Paul tells Kate that Sophie has done a runner. She must have snuck off to the concert after printing off another ticket. Paul takes out his phone, but Kate says not to call her as she'll know it's him. Kate uses her phone to call Sophie.
Crash Site
Rhys and the police officers hear a phone ringing, and look around for the phone.
Number 22
Paul leaves a voicemail telling her to call him back otherwise she'll be grounded for an extra week.
Crash Site
Rhys finds Sophie's phone in the grass.
Number 22
Paul gets a phone call from the hospital, telling him that Andrew's been in a car accident.
Crash Site
Rhys finds Sophie lying in the grass; she has very shallow breathing and a very weak pulse.
Erinsborough Hospital Reception Area
Kate and Paul look around for Andrew, frustrated that no one is helping them. Just then, Andrew is wheeled past them, Karl tells them that he's being taken to an emergency treatment room. As Karl leaves, Sophie is wheeled past. Kate's shocked to see her. Rhys tells them that Sophie was thrown from the car. They ask him if Sophie's going to be okay, but Rhys doesn't know.
Chris's Hospital Room
Chris is having flashbacks to the crash. Karl tells him he's going to keep him in for a few hours for observation. He asks if Chris's parents have been called, but they're on holiday. Paul and Kate burst in wanting information on Sophie. Paul wants Karl to tell his staff to do their damn job. Karl says he'll get someone to check on Sophie and give them an update. As Karl leaves, Kate and Paul speak to Chris. She asks Chris if he's okay, and wants to know what happened. Chris only has a hazy memory of the events. Paul wants to know why Sophie was in the car, Chris says that Sophie was in the boot, and when they found her they took her to the gig. Chris asks if Sophie is okay, but Kate says no one will tell them anything.
Reception Area
Karl notices Rhys' hand is bandaged up and asks to have a look at it. Rhys insists it's nothing and he doesn't need it looked at but Karl says he won't be any use to anyone if his hand is compromised. Vanessa rushes in with Kyle to check if Rhys is okay. Karl tells them how the others are, and then insists he has a look at Rhys' hand, Vanessa agreeing that Rhys should get it looked at so Rhys goes with Karl.
Andrew's Hospital Room
Andrew is lying in bed, while Paul rushes in. Andrew asks if Sophie's okay, but Paul doesn't know. Andrew says the accident was his fault, telling Paul that they found Sophie in the boot and took her to the gig. He starts crying; apologising to his dad, again saying it's his fault.
Erinsborough Hospital Corridors
Tash is pestering Karl as she's desperate to see Ed. She says that Ed's parents are in Sydney, and he has no one else. Karl agrees to let Tash see Ed as long as she promises not to disturb him.
Karl takes her into the room Ed is in. Ed's lying in bed, his arm in a sling as he fractured his collar bone. Karl leaves Tash alone to sit with Ed. Tash speaks to him while he's unconscious, telling him that Sophie's in surgery but everyone else should be okay.
TASH: My hair's a mess. It's probably best that you're asleep, or you'd get the fright of your life.
Tash starts crying while she tells Ed that she promises not to be shallow anymore with him, he's really special, he's smart and funny and she wants him to be okay. She doesn't deserve him because she acted like she was ashamed of him, but if he gets better she promises never to do that again.
Waiting Room
Rhys joins Vanessa, and tells him that his hand is fine but it needs time to heal. This means their trip to Japan is off. Vanessa says that they can go to Japan anytime, and she'd pick her hot hero-boyfriend over three months of eating Sushi anytime. She tells him she's really proud of him. Vanessa takes Rhys away to look after him. Rhys passes Paul, telling him that Sophie's in good hands.
(Next morning)
Paul wakes up in the waiting room, Karl passes him a coffee and sits down beside him. Sophie will be out of surgery soon and Karl's checked in on Andrew, and he's doing okay. Paul keeps thinking about how angry he was the last time he spoke to Sophie. Paul starts crying, but Karl says he has to be strong, for Kate, who is sitting on the other side of the waiting room. She's lost a lot of people recently and she needs Paul's reassurance. Karl leaves to check on Sophie. Paul goes over to Kate, handing her the coffee. Kate starts crying, worried she'll lose Sophie, but Paul puts his arm around her and says she won't.
Ed's Hospital Room
Ed wakes up, Tash asleep at his side. She tells him he's in the hospital, and passes Ed his glasses. Tash says she waited with him all night because she wanted to be here when he woke up as she had things to tell him. Ed asks what things, and Tash gives him a kiss. He says his heart rate went through the roof, and they kiss again.
Sophie's Hospital Room
Sophie is on a heart monitor. Paul and Kate look on from outside, while Chris stands further away, watching them. Karl tells Chris to go home and get some rest. Chris says he will once he knows Sophie will be all clear, but Karl says it might be some time. Karl goes to talk with Kate and Paul. Sophie has a fractured pelvis which caused internal bleeding, and they need to X-Ray her for possible spinal injuries. Just then Sophie's heart monitor flatlines. Karl and nurses rush in to check on her, closing the blinds so Paul and Kate can't see. Paul says Sophie will be fine, but Kate bursts into tears, saying that she won't be fine and he shouldn't say that if he doesn't believe it. Chris watches on.
Andrew joins Kate and Paul, asking how Sophie is, but Paul wants Andrew to go back to bed. Karl leaves Sophie's ward and tells them that Sophie is stable for now, but her internal injuries were worse than they expected. He tells them to prepare themselves for the worse. Kate bursts into tears, struggling to stand, while Karl and Paul help her to a seat.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Karl says Sophie may need to learn to walk again, and may experience pain from these injuries for the rest of her life.
- Karl tells Paul that Sophie wasn't wearing a seat belt, she was thrown from the car.
- Paul furiously questions Chris about what happened
- Tash says the accident was all Andrew's fault
- Paul blames Chris for what's happened to Sophie and sues him for negligence.
<<6471 - 6473>>
Karl Kennedy, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6472
Karl Kennedy, Rhys Lawson

Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6472
Summer Hoyland

Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6472
Chris Pappas

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6472
Andrew Robinson

Chris Pappas, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6472
Chris Pappas, Rhys Lawson

Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6472
Chris Pappas, Summer Hoyland, Natasha Williams

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6472
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay

Summer Hoyland, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6472
Summer Hoyland, Rhys Lawson

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6472
Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6472
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay

Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6472
Sophie Ramsay

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6472
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6472
Karl Kennedy, Chris Pappas

Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante, Kyle Canning, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6472
Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante, Kyle Canning, Karl Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6472
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Karl Kennedy, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6472
Karl Kennedy, Natasha Williams

Ed Lee, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6472
Ed Lee, Natasha Williams

Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante in Neighbours Episode 6472
Rhys Lawson, Vanessa Villante

Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6472
Paul Robinson, Karl Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6472
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay

Ed Lee, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 6472
Ed Lee, Natasha Williams

Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6472
Sophie Ramsay

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay, Chris Pappas, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6472
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay, Chris Pappas, Karl Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6472
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6472
Paul Robinson, Kate Ramsay, Karl Kennedy

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6472
Andrew Robinson

Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6472
Chris Pappas

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