This week on Neighbours
- Kate telling Sheila some home truths.
- Summer's Dear Sally column being changed.
- Lucas explaining his rationale to Vanessa.
Previously on Neighbours
- Sophie telling Kate to lie to the Salvo's.
- The Salvos planning on selling #24.
Ramsay Street
Sophie and Kate watch as a board advertising the auction of #24 is being erected. Andrew comes over to chat to them and on noticing the sign, asks where everyone is going to live. "I don't know," Kate replies just as Lucas drives home and sees the sign too.
KATE: Oh well, probably time we all moved on anyway.
Number 24
Inside the house, Vanessa and Rhys watch the sign being erected before chat turns to what her plans are. She replies that her mate Jackie has a room but reassures him that she will work something out. Lucas enters the house and heads straight to the computer to check out rentals but Rhys has a suggestion for Vanessa - she moves in with him. Vanessa turns his offer down, mainly because she doesn't want to jeopardise them by moving too quickly. Lucas seems relived she's turned him down too because he is intent on getting somewhere for them - end of discussion!!
Harold's Store
Sonya looks through the properties Lucas has on his shortlist and puts the kybosh on them even though they seem better than the ones Kate has picked out.
Paul enters the store looking for Kate but Lucas informs him she's gone for a run. He spots what Lucas/Sonya are looking at and explains why prices are high, and suggests that he should by instead as renting = dead money. Lucas rejects the suggestion as all his capital is tied up in the garage. When Paul leaves, Sonya badgers Lucas about buying and not just any house but #24 and gives him a list of reasons why and at the end of it, it looks like what she is saying is beginning to sink in.
Lucas is chatting to some financial guy and is told he would tick all the boxes the bank is after to be able to get a mortgage although Lucas is still hesitant.
Number 26
"The baby's getting travel sick," Rhys tells Vanessa when she's pacing back and forth in the living room. She's worried about what is going to happen and Rhys jokes that Lucas is onto it adding that she won't have to put up with him (Lucas) soon enough when she gets her new place.
Lucas still doesn't think he can do it but Mr Finance says yes he can!
Number 26
Meanwhile Rhys is convincing Vanessa that it's a great opportunity for her to get out and get something herself especially since she didn't really want to move into #24 in the first place.
Ramsay Street
Kate returns from her jog to find Lucas staring at the sign. "I don't have a backup plan," she confesses and he says that he has and tells her about his plan to try and buy #24. Kate is relieved to hear that and assumes she's going to be staying on until Lucas explains that the house is for him, Vanessa and bubs. She accepts his decision although he does say that she can stay until she gets a new place but he wants it to be his family home.
Paul is having a rant at Zoe for the story on Ajay and his re-election being covered by the paper. She gives him some good news though - his rating is up and now is the best time to take over being editor again if he can persuade Susan to go on a development course (the conference plan for Hong Kong has fallen through) to allow him to re-claim his throne.
Sophie enters the bar to chat to Paul about Kate's situation - she wants her sister to move in with them. He doesn't think Kate will go for it even though Zoe thinks it would be a great idea.
Harold's Store
Sonya gives a thumbs up to Lucas' plan to buy #24 while he waits for Vanessa even though he's still not 100% sure. Vanessa arrives and Lucas explains his plans and she's thrilled at them because she doesn't want to move... however when he explains his rationale I.e. a family home for the three of them, she goes very cool on the idea and tells him that she will get her own place.
Zoe tries to put the spin on Kate's woes - by telling Paul it will help raise his profile. He doesn't seem to be getting it and tells her to butt out of his family life and concentrate only on business - namely a development course for Susan.
Number 24
Paul finally catches up with Kate to see how she's going following the news. He suggests that she moves in with him (but definitely not Lou!) and she initially rejects his offer. Sophie barges in to try and persuade her to move in and the pair of them badgers Kate enough that she agrees to think about it.
Paul leaves and Sophie continues to try and reassure her sister that them living together again will be okay (Kate's main fear for move in) and besides Paul's TV is awesome!
Number 22
Kate drops by to say she'll take up the offer to move in. Sophie is thrilled with the news and convinces Paul that a group hug with the three of them is necessary despite his protestations!
Number 22 exterior
Sophie and Kate begin clearing out her soon to be room by putting things into the garage - including a flight safety card from his flight attendant days!
Andrew joins them and when he hears that Kate plans on moving in, tries to dissuade her until Paul arrives and puts his foot down that Kate is moving in! (It's all done in a jokey manner, not serious at all.)
Paul is surprised to see Zoe arrive with some suitable courses for Susan. The kids then persuade her to stay for dinner (as long as she doesn't mind helping to move some boxes) although when they all head into the house, Paul doesn't seem too happy.
Sonya drops by to chat to Lucas about Vanessa's decision - he's looking on the bright side, its saving him money. She continues to badger him but he's putting up the defences well until she asks if he loves Vanessa. "Don't be stupid!" is his immediate reply and makes it clear that this conversation is over although after Sonya leaves, his face tells a different story.
Number 24
Lucas comes home with some Thai food for himself and Vanessa and spots some house information that she's got. She thanks him for his earlier offer and then shows him the info on a property she is going to look at tomorrow but reassures him that she's only looking at places nearby so he can drop in anytime.
Lucas then heads to the kitchen to sort dinner out and gets those wanted heart pains when he spots the parents book lying on the counter and then looks towards Vanessa sitting in the living room.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Toadie excited about Jellyfish's scan.
- Callum turning up for the ultrasound.
- Paul pleased!
- Susan being handed the course information.
- Lucas/Vanessa chats about the future.